Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood

Mark Henry - If anyone even considers him over. 2006 was a rough year for me.

Goldust - I've always hated the character and his wrestling ability. I quit watching wrestling in 1996 for nine years after Goldust's initial big push.

Bobby Lashley - Besides being a big guy, he had nothing else going for him. I had no interest in watching him wrestle.

Cody Rhodes - Without kneepads, I cannot take him seriously. He looks ridiculous.
Mark Henry - If anyone even considers him over. 2006 was a rough year for me.

I think Henry is more over now than he ever has been, and he is just as awful in the ring as ever.

It really annoys me that WWE have kept this man around for over a decade when he has never had a single good match, or been in the slightest bit entertaining, while binning other much more talented wrestlers for the slightest reason.

Maybe Henry knows something about Vince that noone else does....or whenever Vince see's Mark he feels a little.....funny :suspic:
I'd have to say Paul London. I understand he was an okay tag team wrestler and the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champion in history along with Brian Kendrick but I could never get into him. He was just a flashy guy doing high flying moves. I never understood him. I did enjoy his match with Chris Jericho before he got released though. That was the only real good match I remember him being in.
Goldust - I've always hated the character and his wrestling ability. I quit watching wrestling in 1996 for nine years after Goldust's initial big push.

Cody Rhodes - Without kneepads, I cannot take him seriously. He looks ridiculous.

It seems as though you are extemely homophobic if you gave up wrestling for 9 years because a good worker that showed some homosexual characteristics got a push.

and his brother
wow you don't like a guy because of no knee pads.
Just wow

You better watch out because I heard goldust is about to go knee padless as well. And then hes gonna getcha.
I'm going to say Goldberg and Lesnar. I just can't understand or like either of them. From their debuts to this day, I am incapable of comprehending the attraction to either of them. I only recently gave Lesnar some leeway (of toleration) after him having better interviews that were less douchy than his infamous celebration blip after beating Mir.

Maybe it's because Lesnar looks like The Thing and a frog had a baby. Or Goldberg had to always make his bulge bigger to look more dominant? I dunno. That's besides the personality or abilities that either possess. They don't *click* with me and I just don't find them appealing. :icon_neutral:

The Miz is one of my favorites. If you hate seeing and hearing The Miz and don't get the craze, then multiply that by 10 to get how I feel about Goldberg and Lesnar. lol~ I never watched The Real World, but when he debuted as an interviewer, I saw something there and hoped he would make it. He had a lot of growing to do, but if you compare him then to now, you can see a definite evolution and maturity in personality and style. I really do believe he's the next Jericho in the making. :icon_razz:
I was a big Orton mark prior to his face turn.But when little kids started to also chant "Punt, Punt" I couldn't understand what the hell was going on.I'm not hating,but its just weird that this psycho who RKO'd & indecently assaulted another man's wife on national television is a kids role model.
Matt Hardy for definate. I just dont know what this guy brings to Wrestling? His personality is turd, he whines, bitches, cries on the internet. I found his matches really boring aswell.

The only time I enjoyed seeing him was 2005 when he came back to fight Edge. That was epic stuff. I am so glad he is now gone. He was stale.
I understand why Orton is so over, because it's just like Stone Cold Steve Austin, being the neutral character and being in it for himself to be the best. Hmmm sounds to me like the crowd is seeking attitude era like behavior. Kicking someone in the skull is FAAAAR from PG material to me. Also, these kids are growing up and even though they are Cenation clad, they are deep down seeking more excitement from the superstars...Orton brings that excitement, that bad-assity to the table. Cena does not..........................................unless he goes heel.

I never understood how Eugene got over with that teddy bear cuddling, handicapped child gimmick. I also never understood how Hurricane got over, he was just plain annoying! He should've been Gregory Helms from the get-go, NOT ever transforming into that joke with a badass name.
I never quite understood the appeal of The Miz. When he first popped onto the wrestling scene I was almost positive Daniel Puder would win Tough Enough based on his wrestling skill and pretty boy attitude and him go on to be a name in WWE. I was half right.

He was the lanky, forgettable one with the catchphrase "Hoorah!" I mean he went from being your typical MTV douche into a true WWE megastar that will be a champion eventually.

Don't get me wrong; I don't mind the character he portrays and he can carry himself around in the ring. But I would have never seen it coming a few years ago-just based on first impression here.
I'm going to go with Cena, I CAN'T STAND HIM!!!!!!! I'd rather gargle with antifreeze, rub a cheesegrater across my manly area, pop off all my fingernails with a rusty screwdriver, all while getting leechs attached to my eyeballs than rather watch John Cena wrestle a match. It's like chewwing glass ffs. I DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't going to win me any friends here, but it's Kofi Kingston for me...

Nothing about him interests me at all. He's decent in the ring, but I don't rate his mic skills and I don't care much for his entrance music. I really don't understand the appeal of Kofi, but perhaps those of you who like him can debate this with me? I feel that WWE gave him a chance to shine against Orton, but he really failed to seize the moment, for whatever reason.

Ahmen to that.

I imagine its because he gets over with the kids with his flips and junk, but I find as a wrestler he shows little ability and virtually no ability on a mic, plus I heard hes prone to bounching his so called high flying moves and injures other wrestlers. his push with legacy was ill timed and only hurt them instead of putting him over.
Matt Hardy. He's proven himself over and over to be the proverbial "Jannetty" of his brother tag team with Jeff, but for some reason, he's always been extremely over with the fans. Even during his final days with WWE, as he had no business being in the ring, he came out to massive pops from the fans. I could never quite understand the logic. I suppose people could associate or remember him from his earlier days when he was actually talented, but it's most likely due to people hearing the name "Hardy" and popping automatically. But a man so throughly devoid of mic skills, charisma, and overall in-ring ability should never have gotten as over as he did, with the crowd.
I agree that it is quite hard to see why Randy Orton's gimmick works but it just appeals for no particular reason. The person I don't understand most though is Kaval. He hardly ever wins, I personally think there are way better people on the mic and his wrestling skills are just average. I don't know how the hell he won NXT and WWE hasn't even done anything with him other than make him lose a title match.:confused:
Plus his whole deal with leaving the WWE in 97 makes me like him less. Wasn't being a good employee, refused to listen to his boss, and then it took him a decade to forgive a remorseful HBK. Just seemed really classless to me. And that won't make me a fan

Not to sound bitter here, but you applaud HBK who, on more than one occasion didn't want to "listen to his boss" and ran off from the WWF/E more times than any other superstar to date. Bret didn't want to drop the belt in Canada, but the next night on Raw, which is understandable being a hometown hero and all. Can't recollect if HBK ever lost in his precious San Antonio, but I'm betting no. And even if he was scheduled to, he probably "lost his smile" and refused to job before the event.
As far as a "remorseful" HBK, you're talking about the same guy that has repeated over and over that he'd do it over again and again? The same guy, that even during Bret's comeback and their "burying the hatchet" he still had to take that little poke at telling Bret he was wrong? (Which was totally unnecessary and b.s., to which Bret just smiled and motioned to the audience that was chanting "You Screwed Bret" :icon_mrgreen:) I guess we're talking about two different HBKs here...

As to the thread, I've heard some good ones. My pick when I first read the topic was Orton. I've disliked his character from day one, he'd mediocre in the ring, and devoid of all personality. His character sucks, and how anybody can rally behind a character that's supposed to be such a dick is beyond me. I hate everything from the generic Stunner/Diamond Cutter to his little baby tantrum pounding his fists on the mat. He just sucks, period.

My other picks?
Hardy (both Matt AND Jeff). Never understood their popularity even when they were new and popular.

Daniel Bryan. I was waiting to see this "superhuman" talent when he was being lauded for heading to WWE. When he arrived? Blah. I don't see anything as impressive as the hype that led up to his arrival. No personality, decent in the ring but not stellar. I still look at him when he comes out like :wtf:

Kevin Nash. Again, even when Shawn's bodyguard Diesel, this guy never impressed me. He was better in TMNT and the Longest Yard. In the movies I could actually tolerate him, but in the ring? Ugh. Never saw how he was so over with his 2 move set.

Somebody mentioned the Bushwackers and I have to agree. I could see from a comedy/little kid standpoint that they'd be kind of interesting, but I couldn't watch them without cringing. At least when they were the Sheepherders they were taken seriously.

I can also see the Lashley thing. He was just kind of blah and just big. I was more of a fan of his when he went over to MMA and actually went undefeated for a while, though. Both him and Brock were basically laughed at when they said they were going over there, but ended up kicking some ass. Thought it was kind of unprofessional of the whole MMA community for bashing somebody just because of their former profession.

I'm also going to throw two out there that I haven't seen yet, first one would be Lex Luger. Even his earlier career, I was never fond of the guy. Don't know what it was, I just always thought his matches and personality were boring and forced.

Second would have to be "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. I get it, he was the patriotic "everyman", the blue collar "not afraid to get his hands dirty" kind of guy, kind of guy you could see working in a lumber mill or a coal mine and bullshitting w/you at the local bar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But even as a kid I got tired of hearing "Hooooooooooo!", "USA, USA" every 4 seconds, and seeing that damn 2x4.
BRYAN DANIEL!!!!!!!!! this guy is so god damn boring to watch, this guy has no style, no attitude, no swagger, just so damn lame. I dont give a fuck about how good of a wrestlers he is or how great he was in the indy and how hard he has worked to make it where he is.. THIS IS WWE, THE E STANDS FOR ENTERTAINMENT, if i wanna watch real wrestling ill watch that gay shit they have in the olympics!!!
The person I don't understand most though is Kaval. He hardly ever wins, I personally think there are way better people on the mic and his wrestling skills are just average. I don't know how the hell he won NXT and WWE hasn't even done anything with him other than make him lose a title match.:confused:

Just because he hasnt won many matches doesnt mean he isnt talented and shouldnt be over. Daniel Bryan was incredibly over when he had never won a match on WWE TV and was just losing week after week on NXT because people knew he was good from his work prior to joining WWE, the losing streak didnt matter.

People know Kaval from his ROH and TNA days as "Low-Ki" and "Senshi". They know he is a very good wrestler, with a very realistic, unique style. Just because the WWE arent doing much with him right now wont stop him getting over and the fans getting behind him. Once Kaval is given a decent push and able to show what he can do in the ring, I think you will understand why he is popular.

Look at Goldust, people still like him and always have, even though he hasnt accomplished much in years. Or Mikey Whipwreck in the original ECW. He became incredibly over despite never landing an offensive move. People appreciated he was doing well in the role he was given and was a pretty talented guy.

Your win/loss record doesnt really matter in a pro-wrestling as long as people appreciate that you are good in the ring, which Kaval and Bryan are
The person I don't understand most though is Kaval. He hardly ever wins, I personally think there are way better people on the mic and his wrestling skills are just average. I don't know how the hell he won NXT and WWE hasn't even done anything with him other than make him lose a title match.:confused:

WTF?! You're kidding right?! Kaval has more wrestling skill than most of the roster. He's an indy verteran and that's enough to get over then on top of that, he made it. So he walked the path and reached his destination, how is that not worthy of getting over? Reason he looses is because of the angle, he's making the hard transition from indy to the big time. You really think some of the guys that beat him are actually better? Think again. Funny how you like Morgan, but not a guy with tremendous ability.

Jerry Lawler as a commentator. He's rubbish, it's like he tries his hardest to stay off subject. I'll admit, he makes me laugh every now and again with his diva jokes but he needs to get serious or get replaced.
One guy that I have NEVER understood getting over, anywhere, is Jeff Jarret. What makes JJ so over? He doesn't do much, he just runs his mouth.

Another guy would have to be Finley. Yeah I know he loves to fight. Big freakin deal. What does he ever do? Go out and hit people over the head with whatever the hell you spell that word.
I used to feel the same about Kofi Kingston... but his recent matches against the likes of Swagger and Ziggler have made me tolerate him a lot more and I feel like he should have won the TLC Ladder Match. But the person I feel is being overrated... Jerry "The King" Lawler. I'm not taking away his veteran ring savvy which he apparently still has. But at the announce table he talks about the Miz's heel antics as if he was a face in the 90s! As if he wasn't boo'd and hated. He wasn't face THIS decade. And since J.R. retired from the announce table King has been boring, with tons of moments of awkward silences, and then getting physically involved with the WWE Champion I think is just stupid, as if there isn't someone else that would benefit from the ring time Lawler is getting. WHY???
One guy that I have NEVER understood getting over, anywhere, is Jeff Jarret. What makes JJ so over? He doesn't do much, he just runs his mouth.

I dont know if Jarrett has ever really been "Over" to the level of some of the top stars. While he was ruling the TNA title scene, alot of his heat was simply people being sick of him holding the title. His guitar shots, wrestling style and attire was realllllly outdated and was the same shit he had been doing since the mid 90s. They knew he ran the company and was keeping himself in the title scene, not others deciding if he was worthy or not. At that time he was getting X-Pac heat, not just heel heat.

I think he is more accepted by the fans right now than he has been in a while because at least he is doing something different with his MMA gimmick, which I am actually enjoying. Until recently I have never enjoyed Jeff Jarrett's work. He is a good talker though, I will give him that and you can get over with words, not just in ring action. There are very few better heels than Jarrett. He does make you want to hate him, and although its old, his guitar shots piss you off and make you hate him even more, so I suppose thats why he got over as a heel.
I understand why Orton is so over, because it's just like Stone Cold Steve Austin, being the neutral character and being in it for himself to be the best. Hmmm sounds to me like the crowd is seeking attitude era like behavior. Kicking someone in the skull is FAAAAR from PG material to me. Also, these kids are growing up and even though they are Cenation clad, they are deep down seeking more excitement from the superstars...Orton brings that excitement, that bad-assity to the table. Cena does not..........................................unless he goes heel.

But Austin had great charisma and genuine character and was awesome on the mic, he was not acting, it was an extension of his personality. Orton is just a pretty boy, with zero charisma currently, who just walks around slowly, posing, and squinting his eyes, staring a lot. Why would you cheer that? It comes across as very contrived to me, and lame.





So many kids (especially here) just want the Miz to cream all over their face. This guy is nothing special whatsoever. I understand he's getting this push because he "works hard" and "mcamahon loves him" but PLEASE? His name sucks, his in-ring ability is hardly "improving" his obsessers just say that to hide the fact that he is boring in the ring and can't tell a story, his look is terrible (the haircut, seriously? the size as well...), his mic skills are overrated. People OBSESS over his mic skills. Give me a break. This guy is just flat out 100% boring and yet he's getting pushed to the main event.

I did enjoy his match with Morrison and Daniel Bryan but the other 2 did carry the match at times.

I really think when people post here ranting about how great the Miz is they forget about CM Punk. CM Punk is basically what people say the Miz is only he actually IS what they say whereas the Miz just has blindless hype.

I do not look forward to this guys future. He is going to be a WWE Champion. Vince has fucking lost his mind.

I agree. Miz is generic in every way. His face, his haircut, his size, everything is average and it says a lot about the current product that he was the champ.
Hmm......I don't see how Alberto Del Rio got so over. I mean I like his in ring talent, mic skills, and gimmick but personally he doesn't interest me. I just see him as a Mexican J.B.L.
I agree. Miz is generic in every way. His face, his haircut, his size, everything is average and it says a lot about the current product that he was the champ.

How is the Miz average? Beating one of the top faces in the company is average? Being able to headline multiple PPVs wearing the WWE Championship? Miz isn't average. If you follow close enough, you'll see the Miz has been incredibly over as a heel. Probably one of the greatest in years. He's an asshole, cocky, know it all, young punk--and that got him over as a major heel. If Miz was so "average" WWE wouldn't never have put the championship on him. WWE wouldn't be sending him all over the U.S. on TV shows and what not, to promote their company. How could you not understand how he is over?

Hmm......I don't see how Alberto Del Rio got so over. I mean I like his in ring talent, mic skills, and gimmick but personally he doesn't interest me. I just see him as a Mexican J.B.L.

First of all, I'm tired of that comparisson. JBL was rich, Del Rio is rich, they both drive nice cars to the ring...that's it. Del Rio comes from a family of royalty. A line of kings. Alberto is rich, cocky, good looking mexican who insists he's better than everyone else. Besides, you said it yourself, you like his in ring talent, mic skills and gimmick, how could you not understand how he got over?

Another one would be Simon Dean, a wrestler carrying some sort of bike into the ring and wearing jogging suits...

Well first of all, the title of the thread says "Who's someone in the WWE that got over but you never understood", tell me, was Simon Dean over at all? They tried to build him, but eventually he was reduced to jobbing because he couldn't get over. Simon Dean was never over with anyone.
R f'n Truth!

He's horrible in the ring and worse on the mic! I honestly thought the brought him in cuz of his rants on Cena over the net. Figured they pay him to get his attitude adjusted and then future endevar him, but he's still here! I just dont get it.
Daniel Bryan. Here is another guy that is so hyped by IWC, you would think he is God or something. I posted in a thread about him that I find NOTHING special or talented with him. I did take some advice and watch what I could find online of his indy stuff, and it was nothing short of.........well I dont know he put me to sleep. His WWE career is pretty much the same. Boring. Now I know I am going to be attaced for this, but remember it is my opinion. I know he has a loyal fanbase, and I am cool with that. But to me, the guy is about as entertaining as paint drying.

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