Who will Hogan give the ring to?

First off! when has any one said the WWE Hall Of Fame ring? Um...No one.There is more than one wrestling HOF.So quit assuming that they're wearing a WWE HOF ring.About the Question my guess is Jay Lethal.It makes the most sense because hes Macho Man's lost in the shuffle son.By the way the ring thing is kind of lame!
I'm kind of hoping that this will result in Hogan turning heel on Monday and giving the ring to one of the young heels in the company. I think it would work out just fine if Hogan were to give it to either Ken Anderson or Desmond Wolfe. I'd prefer Wolfe as he looked to be on the fast track towards the TNA main event scene prior to the arrival of Hulk Hogan.

Since Hogan's arrival, Wolfe's push has pretty much stalled and I think Hogan would score points with TNA fans, but a lot of fans in general if Wolfe were to get the ring. TNA has an opportunity here to start something off on the right foot and run with it if the ring goes to the right person. However, as with most things that TNA does, I won't be the least bit surprised if the actual result of this proves to be quite underwhelming.

Based on what Hogan's been doing with Abyss for the past several months, I wouldn't be surprised either if he gave the ring to someone like Jay Lethal or Shark Boy and decided to form some sort of alliance between them and Abyss.

There are ultimately more shitty outcomes for this than there are great ones I think.
I agree with a lot of you when you say that the ring angle is taking away from the overall show. TNA has done a lot of good things over the last couple weeks, but this angle just hurts the show. I watch and I get the Hogan vs the Dungeon of Doom feeling and then the urge to either fast forward it or change the channel. TNA has the chance to make things more edgey and in spots they do, but this angle just blasts the whole show with cheese.

Now what would be the best way to bury this angle without making it look like you are burying the angle? I dunno, maybe a guy like Wolfe or Young getting the ring and then giving it back to Flair and simplying saying can we get back to what is really important around here and that's the TNA world title? They can even tell Abyss to give back the stupid ring and focus up. It might not be the flashiest way to end it, but at least it would end this silliness. Any other ideas?
What happend with The Pope? loosing his title shot at lockdown, getting destroyed every single impact, jobber completley? He was pushed alot latley and yet loosing every match vs AJ. Would be expected if he would get the ring. No idea actually, quite interesting! =D looking forward for Impact at Monday!
I think its going too be Kurt Angle. Out of all the people in TNA Kurt Angle should be the one too get the 2nd ring. If TNA does it they could make a good story line and gimmick change with Angle on this.
I agree with the whole, giving the ring to an original, but more or less making a heel turn and giving the ring back to Flair..someone like oh i dont know Jay Lethal? i can see him getting the ring, and then turning on Hogan and joining Flair, it would give him a boost, and hopefully can that sorry gimmick of his...just a thought..but its reasonable, Jay Lethal is a really good wrestler, and deserves a bit of a push in my eyes, and after the heel turn, getting a shot at the TNA World Title, would do wonders for him.
For the people saying they're not the WWE HOF rings I think someone correctly stated that Flair got his in front of 18,000 people, which pretty much locks them as the WWE rings. It's like when Hall & Nash went to WCW, they implied they were invading from the WWF (to the point where WWF sued WCW) but never stated it, as people could easily work out what they were implying.

As for the ring? Knowing how Vince Russo loves to steal his ideas from movies, and they like taking little shots at the WWE, it really wouldn't surprise me if they hired a midget, called him Hobbitswoggle, and gave him the ring and his own little midget gang of wrestlers to defend "The One Ring" against the forces of Flair-dor! The cool thing is they're at Disney so they can easily find a volcano set to destroy it in!

You can all say that sounds stupid but, come on, I wouldn't put it past Russo and it would kinda make me laugh a bit too!
I say give it to O.J. Have Hogan give it to him 1 week, and next week have Hogan ask him where its at,,and have O.J. say he had to have it inlarged but he is wearing it, and have him look down at his new WWE HOF cockring!!!! Good diss and make O.J. freakier.
I agree with a LOT of the WZ members who have already said Jay Lethal is their pick for the recipient of the ring. Lethal is my pick here too...

I would hope that if Hogan does give it to Black Machismo that it will somehow end his Macho-Man gimmick. I think most of you will agree that the gimmick has run it's course, and it's time to give Jay Lethal a complete overhaul of his on-screen character.

Hulkamaniac mentioned the mega-powers idea with Abyss & Lethal, and Hogan might ultimately decide on that just to stroke his own ego (not that the program Hulk's got Abyss in now isn't total figurative "Hulk Hogan ego-*********ion").

I know many have mentioned the similarities to Captain Planet here, but I'm thinking that it would end up coming across more like the Wonder Twins. They could even use the catch-phrase "Mega-Powers: ACTIVATE!". Now if that isn't the best tag-team gimmick of all time, I don't know what is. Bravo, TNA...this whole ring idea is a ratings GOLDMINE, and will definitely put a strangle-hold (or a cobra-clutch) on the 14-35 year-old demographic you're so desperate to cater to.

Who knows, it could end up for entertaining television; similar to the way WWE teamed Goldust with Booker T in the early 2000s...although I still think Cebeards nailed it when he said:

I think someone already said it, but I can see Hogan jumping at the chance of a waterhead version of the superpowers.

Cebeards also made me chuckle (and I am in agreement) when he said:
Even though the whole Captain Planet gimmick makes me want to pierce my taint...

had a good point too...TNA creative will probably use Flair's former ring to make Abyss jealous of whomever gets to wear it, triggering a heel-turn. Although an Abyss heel-turn wouldn't make much sense right now...what would he do, turn around and join Team-Flair? Wouldn't that make the whole point of Flair trying to get Hogan's ring off of Abyss completely pointless? I suppose that Abyss wouldn't have to align himself with Flair if he turned heel, but that would be the ultimate (kayfabe) "slap in the face" to Hogan - I mean if Abyss was to make the jump to being the bad-guy.

I really have been enjoying TNA a lot more lately, but this whole HoF ring idea was complete garbage. Maybe it's just so bad because we can all sense how desperate Hogan is to stay relevant. Hogan just needs to realize that he can be relevant without force-feeding the audience this stupid angle (and also shoving his old gimmick on another wrestler, simply because he's too old to do it himself). I know this is slightly off-topic, but Hogan should really let Bischoff be more of the on-screen "McMahon" character (or GM character, or whatever), and not write himself into every other segment on Impact. Hogan's a great asset for TV and all, but not in such large doses.
Woah, easy there rockstar. The HOF rings they're using in TNA are from the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame not the WWE Hall of Fame. Just think, a two minute google search would've kept all of you clowncars from looking like 1st class morons. DIS SUCKZ U GUISE WHY THEY BE USIN WWE HALL OF FAME RINGS LAMELAME! Idiots.

Yeah to be frank, I was thinking it might be the Pro Wrestling HOF ring. However, I could not bring myself to actually look into this, or pay enough attention to this abortion of an angle to find it out. And to be honest, it doesn't really make much of a difference. The angle is still really really bad.

So he doesn't get the power from the ring the COMPETING ORGANISATION gave him, but he still gets the power from "channeling" the fan support Hulk Hogan has gathered throughout the years through a ring he was awarded by a non-promotion-linked organisation for - oh wait, he got it for working for AWA, WCW, Japanese wrestling companies etc, and of course, also for winning the world title a couple o' times in THE STILL COMPETING ORGANISATION WWE. The difference is miniscule, I'd be inclined to say.

Also, I'd say there is no need to get personal or toss around pointless insults over this. I wonder who is making himself look like a "first class *insert random insult*" here by doing so. Just sayin'.
I agree that using a WWE staple to help promote your wrestlers does make TNA look bush league. Still, it's not a bad way to get some young guys after it. That said, AJ Styles putting on Flair's ring is just like dress up. If they want to use it as motivation, (not the Abyss way), to be great one day, ok fine, otherwise let this thing go.
If Hogan turns heel, then where does that leave Sting? His heel turn was basically because of his hatred for Hogan. Both of them being heels wouldn't make any sense at this point. Pope and Anderson are starting a feud, so I don't see those two getting it. I think having either Hardy, or even Kaz getting the ring would be cool. Abyss go do the jealousy heel turn, and go snap back into the unstoppable monster from a few years ago.
I honestly think that the ring will be given to Jay Lethal. I could really see him mark out for the ring, and as previously mentioned, Lethal is kind of already in a storyline with Hogan.

I don't see how some of the other users think that the ring will be given to a heel. This would in turn make Hogan look heelish, which is a direction I think TNA is steering clear of for now.

My 2nd choice would be Eric Young, simply because he is not doing anything right now. I find this frustrating because I think he has a lot of potential. I thought the pairing with RVD and Hardy was a step in the right direction, but it seems to have already fizzled out.
^^^I like the Eric Young idea. He's re-invented himself to go along with his great wrestling skills and they still can't find anything for him to do except job to Nash on ppv out of necessity.

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