Who Will Be Sting's Partner?

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The NWO will only work if it has all three memebrs Hogan Hall & Nash. That is the only chance it may have of working. Other then that it will not work. I like the idea of thinking if it is Scott Hall he may win the world title for the first time in his career.
I think Booker T winning the Title would be fantastic.....i would love to see Kurt Angle and Booker T go at it for a few months....that would be cool....im a big outsiders fan, so you know im digging all this stuff with Nash and Hall. I would like the outsiders to face the steiners, just like old times, and beat their asses....
the nwo only needs hall/nash/xpac.......and it would be cool to see some of the tna stars in that group before long, like aj styles, tomko...etc...
I think Booker T winning the Title would be fantastic.....i would love to see Kurt Angle and Booker T go at it for a few months....that would be cool....im a big outsiders fan, so you know im digging all this stuff with Nash and Hall. I would like the outsiders to face the steiners, just like old times, and beat their asses....

Booker T & Kurt Angle going at it would be cool since they have not gone at it in such a long time. I was kind of hoping Booker T would turn on Sting because they have not wrestled in years and I am hoping it will lead to a one on one match in the coming months.

I think it is fair to say it is Scott Hall & Booker T.
yeah....Sting/Booker T would be pretty neat too.....I just want booker T to be a face, and to be the old booker, instead of that king bookah bullshit....he has all the tools to be a very dominant champ....he deserves that chance...he could have so much bigger in the wwe....and wcw for that matter.....I have a feeling Angle is gonna still win, even though booker t is coming..Angle is a great heel....i love the way he talks to his wife...lol...its hilarious.
Seeing Booker T as the new Champ would be great...i think tna fans would really love that, and i also think it would help a boost in the ratings for them...i think tna has potential to really take off...and i think they will....a lot of the guys working for tna, used to work for wcw, and they understand the mistakes they made before, I think wwe will be in deep shit in about a year or two....not that the wwe isn't already struggling....I just like the concept of tna....I don't really care to see newer wrestlers...i like the older dudes....Nash, Sting, Booker T, Scott Hall, Xpac....these are guys were the reasons I started watching pro wrestling in the first place, I don't care about the new generation...i support these guys all way, despite what a lot of fans say about them....especially Nash, he doesn't get any respect at all..
well samoa joe still has MANY years left in him, nash, hall, sting, booker, etc they are close to the end, i say let them have some deserved runs!, well sting has won the belt twice, even though both were short runs, he himslef doesnt wanna be champ cuz its more tours and crap like that, but anyway, back to my point, i dont mind seeing nash, hall or booker as champs 1 more time cuz they derserve it, i respect them all and even though nash and hall can barley move it would be just great to see them with the belt again... joe will get his shot, geez fans be patient.....
I don't really care to see newer wrestlers...i like the older dudes....Nash, Sting, Booker T, Scott Hall, Xpac....these are guys were the reasons I started watching pro wrestling in the first place, I don't care about the new generation...i support these guys all way, despite what a lot of fans say about them....especially Nash, he doesn't get any respect at all..

Dude seriously???, You are aware these guys are nowhere near what they were in their primes right?, My question to you is what happens when these guys arn't around anymore, then what, you'll stop watching?, if the older generation doesn't help put over the newer generation then their may not be a future in the wrestling industry, and all of these guys get respect, even Nash, Nash is given loads of credit for giving so many guys in the X-division some personality, the bottom line is that Nash just shouldn't wrestle anymore, he's had so many injuries and it seems like every time he gets in the ring he ends up going down with another major injury that sidelines the guy, and wasn't he hospitalized a few years back cause of some heart issues, their comes a time when every wrestler needs to hang it up and now is that time for Nash, hell one could argue that Halls time has passed as well

I for one am not looking forward to this match, Angle and Sting are the only ones that seem to be able to still move around in the ring, last time I saw a pic of Hall, he was horribly out of shape, so who knows what condition he'll be in for this match, and Nash, well he has trouble getting in the ring, let alone wrestling, I gotta believe that Hall and Nash won't be doing much in this one

Ok now onto the NWO thing, alot of people are talking about the NWO getting another run in TNA, but doesn't WWE own the rights to the NWO name?, so they can't really be the NWO can they?
Okay. I think we're in agreement that it's gonna be Booker T and if it's not, that will shock the hell out of me. Booker T needs to be the Booker T of old. The one that we know can wrestle. I miss that Booker T, and have no desire to see this King Booker BS. As far as whether or not Angle will win, let's keep in mind that "Fight for the Right" tournament between Christian Cage and Kazarian. Problem here is not the match because I think it will be a good match. The problem is that Kazarian is not ready for the main event/world title picture and more than likely it's gonna be Christian Cage becoming the no. 1 contender and getting the title shot. So if that's the case, I can't see Cage and Kurt Angle. All I know is that I don't want Angle with the belt. I sure as hell don't want Nash with it. And while I like and respect Sting, I don't want him with the belt either. I'd like some fresh faces to get the belt for a change. Hell, I'm still mad that Samoa Joe has yet to hold the belt but that's another issue. By the way, anyone else notice that the belt always changes hands at Bound For Glory within a month after it whether it be on Impact or the next PPV Genesis.
Oh c'mon people WTF???, they annouced last week that it was Scott Hall, and you guys still keeping saying it'll be Booker, I won't cause it's Scott Hall, they arn't going to have it be some stupid surprise, Booker ain't coming just give it up , it's Scot Hall, and that sucks cause both Hall and Nash are so fart past their primes it a fucking joke to even think they can still wrestle a good match, More than likely Cage will become the #1 contender and that means that the Champion will more than likely be a face, so you gotta beleive that means that Sting is going to win the title back at Genesis
It's got to be the big show. him and kurt angle never gotten alone, plus the big show held the wwe, wcw, and ecw title even if its under the wwe. The only title he haven't gotten is the tna world heavyweight championship.
I am going to laugh so hard when it turns out that it really is Scott Hall, and all you start getting all bent of of shape about it and go off bitching about TNA and How they really fucked up this time, it'll almost be as funny as everyone thinking they know when Jericho is coming back and then being wrong about it, funny stuff, LOL
It will not be scott hall. he said at the next taping that he is not stings partner. Looks like booker t or even a stretch the ultimate warrior.
I noticed something strange. On Impact, they said that the four men competing (Angle, Nash, Sting and a mystery partner) have held 40 world titles combined. I had a look on Wikipedia:
Angle - 8 (2 TNA, 6 WWE)
Nash - 6 (5 WCW, 1 WWE)
Sting - 11 (9 WCW, 2 TNA)
That is 25 world titles combined. But somehow, TNA says Angle has 11 world title wins. I don't know where they got 11 from, but if you accept that, you get a total of 28 world title wins. So any mystery partner, would need 12 world title wins to make it 40. Booker T has 6 world title wins (5 WCW, 1 WWE), so he doesn't bring the total to 40. What about the other candidates:
Goldberg - 2 (1 WWE, 1 WCW)
Sid Vicious - 4 (2 WWE, 2 WCW)
Hulk Hogan - 12 (6 WWE, 6 WCW)
Randy Savage - 6 (4 WCW, 2 WWE)
Big Show - 5 (2 WCW, 2 WWE, 1 ECW)
Chris Jericho - 3 (3 WWE)
The only one with enough title wins to make it to 40, is i'm sorry to say, Hulk Hogan....
I hope to god it isn't him. Maybe if TNA gives Angle more title wins than he actually held, they would do the same for the other guys. Then it could still be Booker T.
Interesting point but could they be counting "World Tag Team Titles" or "World Television Titles"? That would give Booker enough to be put over the top I think.
I think it is very likely to be Booker. He's held titles in WWE & WCW like Sting said, and we've just about 40 titles in his career - thats more than qualified.

But then again, if the WWE/Jericho speculation is just a humungous stitch up, Jericho could be his partner as he held titles in WCW, ECW and he was the 1st ever Undisputed WWE Champ.

Nevertheless, it will be interested to see who it is. But i strongly lean towards it being Booker, He should be on TNA iMPACT! this upcoming thursday along with Scott Hall.
Hall would not make sense as him and Nash are good friends in real life and that is known by almost everyone who watches wrestling so i don't see why putting Hall and Nash against each other would make sense and Hall and Angle never had any altercations that I can think of to play off the Sting's partner rnot liking Kurt.
i think its booker because of the fact that sting and booker worked together for a long time in wcw and i know its not the hulkster
Picture this....

Your sat there on sunday night...you in front your tv/laptop or whatever, youve just ordered your TNA Genesis PPV, You have popcorn, Some Beer or Coffee to keep you going, Your sat all comfy and ready for the PPV, Its all going well, Good matches..etc etc...and then the main event comes and its speculation to who the Mystery Partner is....What if...Jericho back in WWE was just a rumour gone wrong...what if he signed with TNA and came out....i can honestly say that would be one of the biggest moments in wrestling in the last decade...it would rank up there in the top 20 biggest moments in wrestling i think.

Now i know i know....its very unlikely and it seems all but Confirmed that Raw will once again be Jericho! But while everyone is pretty certain to jericho return will be survivor series not Genesis, i havent seen a confirmed Jericho has signed on the dotted line report anywhere yet???
The last time I saw Booker T as King Booker was Friday on Familiy Feud, and within the same week he debuts on TNA. Does that still count as being on tv for two different companies like in the old days? Let's give it up for the WWE and Family Feud who made it all possible. Especially after WWE tried so hard for it not to happen.
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