Who Will Be Sting's Partner?

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The reason nobody has mentioned Brock Lesnar is because he has signed with UFC. and i don't think he will be able to wrestle for tna when he has to start training for his mma debut. and lesnar seems to be putting down wrestling because he has been saying that wrestling is all fake and that he loves mma and is excited to be apart of the ufc and all that stuff. it's either Booker T or Big Show the way things look now.

I'm aware Brock just signed with UFC, but I thought that shortly after Angle signed with TNA that he was in talks with UFC as well, I could be wrong about all of this, but could Brock be getting a big payday from TNA to do a couple of appearances and matches for them?, it's a possibility, and also TNA did have Tito Ortiz ref for them a couple times while he was signed to UFC, Brock being Stings partner could be a way to promote his debut in UFC, especially since TNA and UFC both air on Spike TV, this is my thoughts on why it could be Brock, Now as I said before all signs do seem to be pointing to Booker, and/or possibly Big Show
i know its not but how sick would it be if it was Randy Couture..... I mean hes not with any organization of any kinda and could prob sell moves and have met Dixie in the past with Spike connections. Plus I would really enjoy watching him and angle just doing Greco throws and trading submissions, if jarrett thought he could train pacman in a month don't you think it would only take Randy like a week tops to pick up how to sell a fake punch. Once again I know its not but i think it would be interesting to see and it could be sold as the american hero v captain america
I think it might be Hall. Dont get me wrong, it could be Booker, but i just dont see him in TNA quite yet.
Hall is a big draw, and Nash has been gunning to get him back in the company for a while. I could maybe see Nash accepting a smaller contract if it means TNA higher Scott Hall. Also, i think it would be a good match to bring him in with Nash in the match as well. He just seems a more suitable partner with there history than Booker.
Also, i think they would keep a debut like Booker/RVD as a ppv selling point (much like they did with Angle) as they are still big names in the wrestling world (even Halls most adamant fan will admit his star has faded).
I also agree it might be someone like Jarret. They (TNA) havent said once its a new star, we are just presuming it is with there description. I could easily see it being someone on the current roster like JJ or hell, even Raven (i wouldnt put it past TNA's booking team at the minuite).
Or, as a long shot it might not even be a wrestler. It wouldnt suprise me if TNA booked a world champ for another sport (most likely mma) and put him in the match, possibly Shamrock/Ortiz. Nothing can be put past TNA's booking at the minuite.

I think the likely thing is Booker though, but i could deafinately see it being Hall, with the match being even before Hall turns on Sting and sides with Nash/Angle, with Angle getting the pin, before revealing a new faction (Outsiders/Angle).
Booker T was working without a contract the last couple months with WWE. They were working on a new contract when he was suspended so technically, he wasn't reall fired and it has been 3 mo since he was last with WWE making his no-compete clause invalid. I think he will be Sting's partner.
I think people are dismissing Justinsayne's take a little to quickly, because Brock was the first guy to come to mind when I read this.

UFC and TNA have a partnership of sorts by being connected through Spike TV. I would much rather see a cross promotion with Brock in TNA rather then Dr. Steve O on Raw, just my opinion.

Brock would be my first choice, as he certainly fits the bill on being a champion everywhere he has gone. It certainly would make people take a real look at TNA, plus it's genius. You might get some UFC fans to take a look at TNA as well to see what this guy is all about. Plus, the similarities between Angles debut and TNA and this situation with Brock are eerily alike.

Booker T would be my second chance. The guy already uses TNA wrestlers in his own promotion. As far as WCW/WWF talent, he may have the most gold out of anyone in either of those companies. Booker is a winner wherever he goes, and he knows people in TNA. I wouldn't be shocked at off if it was the Book Man. Why Not? I know "WWE Reject", ::yawn:: that argument is so damn old and stale. The WWE thought enough of him to make him a world champion and King of the Ring within the last year and a half, so I don't need to hear any bullshit on being a washup.

RVD: He won the ECW title, under the WWE name. He has won a ton of gold in WWE. I don't think it'll be RVD, because it sounds like he's pretty content right now with semi-retirement.

Big Show: The only man to hold all three of the major titles from the mid-90's. Sure, the ECW title isn't the real one, but the WWE doesn't notice if you don't notice. Again, this is a guy that I think is pretty content being out of the business, but money talks.

Sid: For some reason, this just seems like a TNA move. Maybe I can watch him grow a third kneecap as soon as he steps in the ring.

I wouldn't be shocked if it was Brock, but the Booka Man seems to be the one with the most to prove at this point. I think this is going to be another mistake of "What the Fuck was the WWE thinking of letting him go?"
What about Stings original tag team partner The Ultimate Warrior, They could reunite the Blade Runners. I know its highly unlikely but I would definitely mark out if it happened.
It's probably not going to be Warrior, I see it as being Booker T(hope not) or Jarrett(hope so). Also RVD as a long shot because he's the only guy I really want to se be brought in to TNA right now but still I'll hope its Double J.
i doubt it will be hall, not cuz i dont think he'll go to TNA some day, but not for this PPV, though i will be excited to see him in the ring again with nash, call them has beens or whatever but it will be a great moment to see both of them together, for me at least, but the main reason why i dont think it will be him is because nash has made it clear they are still ''friends'' and why would sting want a partner that will screw him??

anyways, im still pretty high on booker, but now that u guys mentioned the connections between UFC and TNA through spike i guess its not that much of a long shot brock coming to TNA but only for a couple of matches and not a actual contract, it would be a good way for brock to have even more media time right? but brock just started talking shit about wrestling.. doesnt seem wise to bad mouth wrestling then go into a wrestling ring the next day

but it would make sense if it was brock because hes kurt's long time rival, he would give 110% to stop kurt's reign, and thats what sting wants

but like i said, is a slim choice, though between brock, big show, and RVD, i think brock has more of a chance, even though its like 1 in a million

i still think its booker and hope it is... he deserves a better push then what WWE was giving him at the moment, and he wont have that dumbass gimmick
Due to the extreme nature of this post and the fact that it has not been reported elsewhere, please do not take this as complete fact. We feel the source we received this information from is legit and thus are willing to post it, but please take it with a grain of salt.

A current employee within Universal Studios park, without knowing the extent of the news he was sharing, passed along that Ric Flair is signing with TNA.

The employee simply thought it was a cool announcement and more than likely isn't much of a wrestling fan. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have shared this information so easily (or at least without some sort of credit or reward being granted).

I have contacted as many of my TNA sources as I could and none were able to release any information. Understandably, the company is keeping this more than "hush hush" if it is indeed true.

Due to the source being innocent and completely unaware of the extremity of this tip, we feel we are justified in posting it. There is always that possibility he could be mistaken or confused, but he did promise that he knew he saw Ric Flair and heard that he was there signing with the company.

With the attention right now being on Booker T and him being Sting's partner at Genesis, it will be interesting to see the turn of events as this story breaks. For storyline purposes, Ric Flair would be a perfect fit as Sting's partner, but this story is definitely not confirmed.

I will do everything I can to follow up on this story and find out whatever I can to validate this claim. I have a feeling that it may be tough task, however.

The Report states it is a rumor with no concrete support, so take it with a grain of salt at this point.

It's interesting, i'll say that. Even though Flair is over the hill as can be, I'm sure some old schoolers wouldn't mind seeing him hook up with Sting one last time. I never thought of this as being a possibility, and still don't, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is the direction they go. Flair is 58 or so, but he is a name, and it would be a "TNA Move". I still think it's Booker, but this is what TNA needs, the rumor mill to be burning at this point. It generates interest.
ric flair? i really doubt it, he always showed how loyal he was to WWE despite the fights and everything else, though i suppose it is possible...

i still think its booker t, but it would be fun to see ric flair and sting together again, im sure 99% of the TNA fans will hate this, but i think it will be a fun PPV even though flair can barley move, im guessing that IF it is flair he wont wrestle but he'll be some1 manager or have a nash kind of roll, i wouldnt mind seeing him help out TNA with his star power, but id prefer if this partner was some1 who could wrestle so i still hope its booker...
I dont know much about this situation, but from what ive read it says this person has been a champion in all of the companies theyve been in, and no body has mentioned Brock Lesnar, i know hes just singed with the UFC, but Kurt Angle did want Brock to sign with Tna, and it Brock has been a champion in both of the companies hes been involved with, so it could quite possibly be him, but i still think it will be Booker T
I dont know much about this situation, but from what ive read it says this person has been a champion in all of the companies theyve been in, and no body has mentioned Brock Lesnar, i know hes just singed with the UFC, but Kurt Angle did want Brock to sign with Tna, and it Brock has been a champion in both of the companies hes been involved with, so it could quite possibly be him, but i still think it will be Booker T

Brock actally has been mention before, by me, and for pretty much the exact same reasons as you posted, though as soon as I posted it 2-3 posters jumped on me and basically told me it won't happen, I certainly hope it does, I'm not much of a Booker fan or that big of a Big Show fan, but I've always found Brock to be pretty interesting whether he's heel or face he's always gotten my attention, besides I don't think he'll last that long in UFC, just doesn't seem like the type of guy that would excel in MMA, I would love to see Brock come in and then at the end of the match hit the Verdict/F-5 on everybody in the ring, that would fucking sick, that who wuldn't want to see a Lesnar/Joe feud sometime down the road
Brock actally has been mention before, by me, and for pretty much the exact same reasons as you posted, though as soon as I posted it 2-3 posters jumped on me and basically told me it won't happen, I certainly hope it does, I'm not much of a Booker fan or that big of a Big Show fan, but I've always found Brock to be pretty interesting whether he's heel or face he's always gotten my attention, besides I don't think he'll last that long in UFC, just doesn't seem like the type of guy that would excel in MMA, I would love to see Brock come in and then at the end of the match hit the Verdict/F-5 on everybody in the ring, that would fucking sick, that who wuldn't want to see a Lesnar/Joe feud sometime down the road

sorry, I didn't see you mentioned Brock
well in my opinion it could be Booker-t but the thing is how would he fit in and remember when rhyno first came in and became champ and loss in 2 days. I don't want that to happen to booker. Tna's main event rivalrys tend to only last maybe a month or 2 two and the title changes hands so easily it's unpredictable but sometimes boring
If you remember what Sting said, the partner he chose has held titles in every major organization that he wrestled for. Now as most of us know, the major ones in the US at one time were WWE, WCW and ECW (before WWE took over). Thus it could only be one man - The Big Show Paul Wright.

I have to agree with something that someone else posted, Booker T probably has a no compete clause in his contract, and if that is the case how can he possibly appear on TNA television.
yeah it does come down to ECW being a major company i sincercly hope its big show not booker i doubt will be big show everyone knows its booker but i really hope itrs not i jutst aint ready to see him back in the ring yet i would rather see big show even though i belive hes gone in boxing but non the less we shall see come genesis!
My immediate reaction watching iMPACT was Jeff Jarrett. Sting said something about having a partner who would make sure that Sting became champion, which reminded me of Lethal Lockdown where Jeff Jarrett gave the TNA World Title shot to Sting. Not so sure about the whole champion in every company thing, since I didn't watch WWE/F back when Jarrett was with them and have no idea what he's done there (other than knowing that he was an IC Champion), but Double J was my immediate thought.
ok, i've got 2 words for everyone,



imagine it, i know its not going to happen, buth e fits the bill, in all seriousness, though, i was thinking Savage, bring him in to be Sting's partner, and then have him feud with Lethal, since Savage is an egomaniac, have him beat Lethal, but be all cool with him, but in all reality, its probably Booker or Jarrett
According to PWI, only a few names would work with the stip of having the title in all the company's worked for.

Flair, Hogan, Hart, Sting, Angle, Nash, Savage, The Rock, Jericho, Booker, Big Show, Sid Vicious, and... wait for this folks.... Goldberg baby!!! Benoit was on that list as well but yeah.

We can effectively rule Sting, Nash, and Angle out (don't ask me how I know).

Flair is still under contract with WWE and has said emphatically he wasn't going to ever go to TNA.

Hogan would probably not mind helping TNA out at this point, but I believe that WWE Hall of Famers and WWE Legend contract holders, of which Hogan is both, have to have all appearances approved. Don't think Vinny's going to approve that one.

As much as it pains me to see my hero in the state that he is, Bret just can't go. That kick to the face ended his career for real. We're not talking HBK/Charles Barkley/Roger Clemens type of retirements, but the real deal. He's done forever as a wrestler which is sad really.

Rock or Jericho would instantly sit me in front of my TV every thursday night, but I am sure Jericho is behind the cryptic save_us videos meaning he is back under contract and Rock just really truly seems done.

That leaves us with Savage, Booker, Big Show, Sid Vicious, and Goldberg.

Randy is a psycho and though a Poffo-Lethal feud or tag-team would be sweet, I doubt they want to deal with the headache Mach brings to a company, though they might for the "draw" even if he isn't that much of one anymore.

Everyone has outlined Book and Show so I'll leave that one alone, though either would be interesting, just not going to be sure to draw me every thursday with either of these guys.

I recently was surprised at an indy event when they announced the main event was a local vs Psycho Sid himself. Sid looked REALLY good and could still get it done in the ring. In fact, it was one of the better matches I've seen in a long time. I'm sure he'd want to get back on the big stage, just as Jericho said. I would love to see Sid on television though.

That leaves us with the name of the hour in this post... Mr. Goldberg would be sa-weet! I would be plopped on my couch instantly... I mean I DVR all the shows anyway, but they just might pull me in live if Goldylocks showed up, as long as he goes all old-school, just saying who's next so I can mark out like a twelve year old Cena fan.

True story. Long post but I thought I'd throw in my fifteen cents worth.
it has to be booker because they said its someone who hates angle's guts its not gonna be hall cause nash is gonna say it is him this week on impact so its not gonna be him i wouldnt be surprised if it is goldberg but i would put my money on booker they set the storyline up so they could bring him in , in dramatic fashion
A couple of quick questions here:

1. Not to over-analyze the comment, but they said the mystery partner was someone who really hates Angle. Is there any history in particular between Angle and Booker, because I don't recall anything in particular. Sure, they were both on Smackdown together for a long time, so I'm sure their paths crossed, and I'm sure they have faced each other, but is there any animosity (storyline or real) between the two? Or for that matter, I pose the same question for any of the other names being thrown around.

2. Did they specifically say the mystery partner was someone not currently in TNA, ie, did they specifically say that the mystery partner would be someone debuting in TNA?

Because I posted here earlier that I don't think it's Booker T, and I still don't. I guessed it would be the Big Show, so I guess I should stick with my gut on that one. But the more I think about it, and the more posts I read here, all indications are the mystery partner will be Jeff Jarrett. Now we do have someone who supposedly hates Angle (possibly storyline, possibly real).

So I stick with my guess of Paul Wight, but I certainly won't be shocked if it turns out to be Jeff Jarrett.
I would be okay with them staying within the company, but I need to hear the actual comment. Did Sting say it was a man who had won championships in every company he'd ever worked for, or did he say it was a former WCW and WWE champion?? If he said it was a WWE/WCW champ, that leaves Jarrett out. If he said he has a championship from every company he's worked for, that opens up all kinds of new possibilities. People will start talking Samoa Joe except that Joe debuted in WWF and never went anywhere. He was even called Samoa Joe.. nice stuff there.

I can't think of a real heated rivalry between Book and Angle. This is a better mystery than Save_us is at this point, imho.
My guess would have to be King Booker because he held both of the WWE/WCW titles.I know it isn't RVD because I have read that he will not be returning for a couple of years.But,if it is King Booker I doubt he will return as the King Booker gimmick maybe the Booker T gimmick.Furthermore,TNA didn't hype Booker T's return that much in my opinion.
Booker T is the guy tthat's going to be Sting's partner. Jarrett is practically retired, and is not a World champion in every promotion he was in because he was never WWE champion.
did Scott Hall ever win the title back in WWE when he was Razor Ramon? Because think of this Sting gets Hall as tag partner and some how some way Sting and Hall and Nash all team against Angle and form some kind of reunion thing of NWO that would be kool but to be honest probs is long shot so!
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