Who Will Be Sting's Partner?

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SmackDown! is MY Show
From TNA.com
Later, with an enraged Kevin Nash demanding revenge against Angle, Cornette announced that the Olympic gold medalist was indeed the new champion since Nash never touched Sting – but he also dropped a bombshell by announcing the main event of “Genesis” would be Angle teaming with Nash to take on Sting and a partner of his choice! Whoever scores the pinfall in the bout will be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

Now originally I thought that the winner of the fight for the right tourny would be Stings partner but I guess not. They say on TNA today that his partner is former world champion in every company he has been in so this raises the question who is it then? I mean there are some possablities but anyone think that this could be Booker coming to TNA? As of right now there few guys that I could see TNA bringing in i mean RVD a choice and what not. So I say it prolly say its Booker.
Not sure. Wont Booker have a no copete clause? And if so aren't they for 90 days? It certainly won't be RVD. I've read loads of interviews for the past few days and I don't expect to see him for a good few years. I couldn't care less to be honest. The other tag match is the one that will be worth seeing, not this one. Nash can barley walk, let alone wrestle.

Really though. This stipulation. AGAIN. It's stupid. Can't we please just have a one-on-one match between two main eventers without added elements. PLEASE.
I assume its going to be Booker, It can't be RVD or scott Hall since RVD was never a champion when he wrestled in WCW and hall was never a champion when he wrestled in Japan
It could be a former TNA (NWA) champion that has been with tna his hole career such as Abyss, so it isnt neccesarily a new guy that has been in multiple companies such as booker t. I was originally thinking jarrett could return but though he held the title in wcw and tna he was only ic and europian champion in wwe (wwf).
Yes but this is wrestling and they could have the best laid plans ever for booker t or RVD and they may fall through and they will try and ween there way out on a technicality and announce someone like...Xpac and say well he held WORLD tag gold...and WORLD cruiserweight gold...it happens all the time.

If they pull it off i am guessing BOOKER or RVD, but aside from that i would say maybe HALL, maybe Jarrett, maybe i dunno, TNA has history of not dissapointing us with major announcements and big mystery partners....
They say on TNA today that his partner is former world champion in every company he has been in

Honestly, I was completely thinking Jeff Jarrett, until I read that. Jeff Jarrett HAS been a W.C.W. World Heavyweight Champion, but he wasn't ever a W.W.F. Champion. I'd also throw Sid Vicious' name in the hat, but he had a very small run (albeit, a run) in E.C.W. & never became Champion. So if the catch is EVERY company, it couldn't be him either.

Booker T has to be the logical choice, as he's been a World Champion in both W.C.W. & W.W.E. -- & as far as I know, Jake, he did NOT have a no-wrestle clause in his contract. He was given his release much the same way Christian & Kurt Angle were.. which is also funny, since both of them upon their instant release showed up in T.N.A.

One final thought.. its a very far reach, but could it be someone like Ric Flair, or Hulk Hogan? I mean, Flair is still under contract with W.W.E. I thought.. BUT, I can't see a storyline with Sting bringing in Booker T., yet I can very much so see him bringing in Ric Flair or even Hulk Hogan.

My overall guess would be Booker T. -- but I wouldn't be surprised for it to be anyone else. I still question it being a swerve with Jeff Jarrett being the guy, or even Sid Vicious. (especially since a lot of people forget he was in E.C.W.)
I think there's every possibility we've got another "Rikishi" situation here, with a similar sort of letdown. If it is, I don't see why TNA would want to hype it that much, surely they realise that just makes it all the more disappointingly when it's finally revealed to be, I dunno, Mark Henry, for argument's sake.

That being said, I'd put my money on Booker T. I think that perhaps he's outlived his no compete clause, or found a way to get out of it. After all, hasn't he already been competing for his own promotion? I haven't really been keeping up to date with it but I'm sure it's the case.

Still, the big question is: will Sting's partner win the title? I don't see it happening, really, especially if it's not Booker. Then again, if it is Booker, I could see it happening. It would definitely surprise everyone and bring even more attention to him joining, which TNA probably think would lead to ratings.
Now if it's a new signing I would probably bet on Booker T to show up which would be a bad move in my opinion. If it stays in the company I would go with Jarrett which is what I hope they do as TNA should not be wasting money on bringing in old people who will cost a lot of money.
IMHO i think it will be Booker T, if i remember he had a 1 week no complete clause after he left so he would be ok to come and from the qoutes of interviews he has said how he isnt done with wrestling and expect to see him soon. TNA is really the only place he could really mean, i mean he has his PWA(?) but he made it seem like a bigger deal so i doubt it.
I have to say even though i think TNA has enough people as it is i would welcome Booker because he has always been a good wrestler who i feel never really got the best deal in WWE other than when he became King. I just hope that if they do bring him in they tell Rikishi to piss off!
Chris Jericho it is true so not true lol sorry guys but it has to be King Booker,
But it is Hulk Hogan he has held all titles but not the ECW but NWA Old Tna WWe WCW so it is Hulk
Booker T sounds like the best option, although it could be RVD. RVD does love to keep fans guessing, and there were plans to bring him in as a complete shock.
I really doubt it will be Booker. Sure, TNA has a reputation to do whatever is possible to try to stir what WCW pulled in the past by signing WWE's ex-stars, but to think of it... if it really is Booker, then I would think Booker's TNA debut would be hyped much more. I mean come on, not too long ago he was the World champion and not too long ago he was appearing regularly on Monday Night RAW in a feud with the WWE's top name, Triple H.

Remember when TNA sent out in their mobile thingys that they were in talks with a "former champion" and everyone got very hyped and was expecting this "former champion" to make his debut as the special announcement along with the expansion of 2 hours for iMPACT! but it was none other than Rikishi that appeared later on?

I'm sure if it's really a BIG name, TNA would hype his debut and have another claim "OH MY GOD, THIS WILL CHANGE THE INDUSTRY FOREVER! OMFG!!!". It's most likely just a indy star or someone from Mexico or Japan some international former-world champion.

Nothing new. News sites were nearly confirming names such as Hogan, Chris Jericho, Paul Heyman, Big Show, Sabu and RVD would make their TNA debuts very soon, but never happened.
all Hail King Booka.. Thats my guess and from what im reading all of yours as well. RVD would be F'n Great but hes in no rush to come back anytime soon and im cool wit that, he deserves a break and plus if you really want to split hairs he didnt win the ecw title when it was its own company just and extention of wwe so the world champ thing kinda dont fit. Booker would be a great add to the TNA roster. If im not mistaken back in pre Nwo wcw wasnt sting bookers mystery partner for a match at one time?? or vise virsa?? if anybody remembers what im talking bout holla..
I think it would be great if it was Booker. He's a well known name and showing him in commercials would show more familiar faces. Booker and Angle are NOW face from WWE who can/should bring over fans (I would say good to more wrestling instead of this ridiculous so and so sucks split we have for some reason) where as Nash and Sting are old names who probably wont bring fans.

Anyway. Odds are that it wont be Booker but someone not very important like 2 Cold Scorpio. Yes he "held world title gold" that could be any title in any organization. I also don't think it will be Jarrett (though that would make sense I guess from his last return). It will be someone we know, but probably a let down. Though I hope I'm wrong.
I really think it is going to be Paul Wight(The Big Show). In his last days with the WWE they were hyping him up has the only man in the WWE to hold the WCW World title, the ECW title, and the WWE title. He has gotten into better shape these days and he is strongly against going back to the WWE so he is a very possible candidate for Sting's partner. He also has a history with both Angle and Nash so that makes the storyline come together well as opposed to having somebody that probably never had a match with Angle or Nash in his whole career.
It is Paul Wright=The Giant/The Big Show:robvandam: .
Why him WrestleZone states that he has held every World Title in every company he has worked for Paul Wright/The Giant/The Big Show has held almost every WCW World Title and every WWF/WWE World Title including the ECW Title.
He has not appeared on any wrestling show since he has left WWE's ECW Paul Wright must be the one.
True Booker T has held WWF/WWE and WCW World Titles too but he has not held all like Paul Wright has.
It could also be Hulk Hogan too he has held most WCW & WWF/WWE World Titles too.
These are guesses but I'm stating facts I know from watching alot of WCW,WWF/WWE, & ECW over the years.
My vote is for Paul Wight as well, he fits the bill by all accounts. Former champion everywhere he's been. Definitely not returning to WWE. Wants to work a lighter schedule like TNA offers. Has a history with all of the other participants.

I don't think it will be Booker, I think there'd be more hype about it if it were him. I don't think it's RVD as I fully expect to see him back in the WWE when he's good and ready to return. If it's not Show, it will be someone disappointing such as the Rikishi situation.

And let's not overly analyze the wording of the description of the mystery man, I expect he's someone who has been some form of champion somewhere else, nothing more, nothing less. I wouldn't rule out someone like Sid (although I don't believe it's him either) just because a detailed analysis of his history would appear to rule him out, pro wrestling these days is not that concerned with that degree of detail.

Won't be Hogan, won't be Flair. How about Goldberg as a possibility? Scott Hall? X-Pac? Shamrock? It could be anyone, but I still say Show.
Does Paul Wight has the rights about "The Big Show" name? If he doesn't can he use the name: "The Giant", like the old days on WCW?

Anyway my guess it's Booker but I don't think they are hyping it like they should if he its Wight or Booker.

Btw, TNA iMPACT tapings were already done? If they weren't when it's gonna happen?
Everybody is saying Booker T, and even i'm thinking the same thing. but another possibility it could be The Big Show. he was a WCW and WWE champion. also he was a former ECW Champion. as a matter of fact he was the first and only wrestler to hold all three WWE, ECW, and WCW Championships. so i think it could either be Booker T or The Big Show as Stings partner.
I hate to say it, but it's not going to be Booker T or Paul Wight or RVD. Think about how many times in the history of pro wrestling a company has advertised a mystery person, and think about how many times those mystery people were a disappointment.

Look at it from TNA's (or any company's) point of view. They want as many people to buy their PPV as possible, right? Well ask yourselves this question, will more people buy the PPV to see (fill in the blank) debut or to find out who a mystery person is? Anybody who would get more buys than a mystery person can automatically be ruled out as the possible mystery person. That means it's not Booker T, Big Show, RVD, Flair, Hogan, etc. They would be hyping the hell out of them. That's why Kurt Angle gets weeks of hype and Rikishi is a mystery person.
More Hints That Booker T Is Sting’s Mystery Partner
10/26/2007 by Tim Brown

On today’s edition of TNA Today brought to you by YouTube and TNAWrestling.com, Don West reveals new details on Sting’s mystery partner for his tag team match against Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash at TNA Genesis.

“This man has been a world champion in every federation he has ever been in,” West said of Sting’s partner. “He is more than capable of being there at Gensis.”

This further backs up rumors that Booker T may be joining TNA as Sting’s partner at the Genesis PPV. We hope to have more on this leading up to the event, keep checking back for the latest.

I'm actually hoping it is the Big Show more than Booka. I think the Big Show would add more big time feeling than Booker would. If Show has really lost weight and got himself back into shape, I could see him doing pretty well for himself in TNA. I was watching Monday Night Nitro the other day, and if Show looks close like that now, then I really hope it is him as Sting's mystery partner. Plus, I can't stand Sharmell, and I have a feeling that if Booker goes to TNA, she will follow
Here's my thoughts IF this mystery guy is Booker T.

It seriously makes me realize how desperate and how irresponsible Dixie Carter is for hiring names that were released due to drug issues, especially when the industry is under attack but good thing King Booker was released before November first otherwise the WWE would publicly announce King Booker's issues and with the fact majority of the casual fans and "smarks" including others would know Booker's problems courtesy of WWE.com, it would make TNA look bad to hire him (oh yeah, they're trying to hire Joey Mercury too).

But if I just forget all of that ironic BS or if I wouldn't be tuning into news sites, I would say Booker to TNA would make a great edition. I feel TNA more suits Booker T than the WWE. There's alot of battles Booker can be apart of in TNA that would be new to the fans. But with the roster nearly over-flooding, hopefully after awhile TNA would still use Booker T properly.
Well it looks like the top two runners for this seem to be Booker or Big Show, and both seem like they would be likely choices and could happen, but nobody has yet to mention Brock Lesner yet(I don't think he's been mentioned anyway), and I think that this might be a possibility as well, after all he is a former WWE champion, and I believe that he also held the world titles in the Japanese promotions that he worked in, and I think I remember hearing awhile back that Angle was trying to get TNA to sign him, so I think there is a possibility that it is Lesnar, but right now it looks like all signs are pointing towards Booker, with Show being another strong possibility
Well it looks like the top two runners for this seem to be Booker or Big Show, and both seem like they would be likely choices and could happen, but nobody has yet to mention Brock Lesner yet(I don't think he's been mentioned anyway), and I think that this might be a possibility as well, after all he is a former WWE champion, and I believe that he also held the world titles in the Japanese promotions that he worked in, and I think I remember hearing awhile back that Angle was trying to get TNA to sign him, so I think there is a possibility that it is Lesnar, but right now it looks like all signs are pointing towards Booker, with Show being another strong possibility

The reason nobody has mentioned Brock Lesnar is because he has signed with UFC. and i don't think he will be able to wrestle for tna when he has to start training for his mma debut. and lesnar seems to be putting down wrestling because he has been saying that wrestling is all fake in interviews and that he loves mma and is excited to be apart of the ufc and all that stuff. it's either Booker T or Big Show the way things look now.
4get about lesnar, hes done with wrestling, hes in the UFC now and very determined dedicated to it

as 4 the big show id say 4get about him to, the guy has made it clear he wants nothing to do with wrestling right now and we probably wont see him in a ring for a pretty long time, and when or IF he does come back im guessing it would be WWE, they love the big show they wouldnt let TNA get him..
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