Who the fuck are you?

I suppose your right. I'm still not quite sure how I can market my talents though.

Well what are some of your talents, or career options you are looking into? All I can really say on it is find what you can see yourself doing for many years, and what makes you happy at the same time. Personally I loved my career choice, but was taken out of it due to an injury that can not be recovered from fully. Now I'm back to the drawing board, and it's really a place you dont want to be at
While it may not help much all I can say is figure out what you want to do, then find someone who has already done, with great success, what it is you would like to do. Then as best you can, emulate their successes and avoid repeating their failures. Basically, find a teacher/mentor.

I would really like to do something in the entertainment industry,because I feel like I'm not living if I'm not entertaining,which is why I picked a liberal arts major so I could have free time to see what I can get into. Right now I'm a teacher's assistant at an elementary school and I'm enjoying the absolute hell out of those kids.

About 150 posts in less than two hours.

Said many times: the old guys still draw around here, even in areas where we aren't regulars.

Well,KB just like there's bad posters, there's good posters. You've got that fancy font for a reason :worship:
I would really like to do something in the entertainment industry,because I feel like I'm not living if I'm not entertaining,which is why I picked a liberal arts major so I could have free time to see what I can get into. Right now I'm a teacher's assistant at an elementary school and I'm enjoying the absolute hell out of those kids.

Well,KB just like there's bad posters, there's good posters. You've got that fancy font for a reason :worship:
That would also be because I have a lot of time on my hands and watch a lot of wrestling.
Do what you love, love what you do.

Say,did you ever want to be a wrestler?

EDIT: In hindsight,that's a stupid question, but answer it anyway

Nope. No desire to have my head bashed in while traveling all the time for pay that isn't worth it and living out of a suitcase. Never wanted to be one in the slightest actually.
Do what you love, love what you do.

Say,did you ever want to be a wrestler?

EDIT: In hindsight,that's a stupid question, but answer it anyway

Oh shit, I didn't know WZ forums had an e-harmony section where men could meat other men!

This just blew the lid off my hard-gay-ometer!
Nope. No desire to have my head bashed in while traveling all the time for pay that isn't worth it and living out of a suitcase. Never wanted to be one in the slightest actually.

Wow,never thought of it that way. I always looked a wrestling through rose colored glasses and fell in love with the entertainment aspect of it. I always told myself that even if it was just on the indy circuit, I would fulfill my dream of being able to excite a crowd like the more charismatic wrestlers can.
Wow,never thought of it that way. I always looked a wrestling through rose colored glasses and fell in love with the entertainment aspect of it. I always told myself that even if it was just on the indy circuit, I would fulfill my dream of being able to excite a crowd like the more charismatic wrestlers can.

And if that's what you want to do then you should go for it as hard as you can. I hate being in front of people and can barely speak in front of my family let alone a crowd. I'd be awful at it.
And if that's what you want to do then you should go for it as hard as you can. I hate being in front of people and can barely speak in front of my family let alone a crowd. I'd be awful at it.

Haha, I love being in front of crowds. I was a cheerleader for a while in high school, then I became the mascot.
What in the fuck is up with all these John Cena avatars!

Dude, that shit is hard gay


John Cena draws, i respect his work, He has a lot of different shirts which therefore allow me to have a multi coloured sig, and most people over the age of 12 don't think he's gay unless they're immature, and i think you might have missed the point of the thread, its all good to disagree with something like a sig, or an opinion that another poster has, but get all raged and such about it is pointless, the same as calling them out.

And once again KB and Sly draw.
I would really like to do something in the entertainment industry,because I feel like I'm not living if I'm not entertaining,which is why I picked a liberal arts major so I could have free time to see what I can get into. Right now I'm a teacher's assistant at an elementary school and I'm enjoying the absolute hell out of those kids.
Entertainment can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Have you ever taken any classes or workshops in theater or acting? Improvisational comedy (something I found to be particularly challenging). Or perhaps join up with a public speaking organization like Toastmasters? Or even just tried to make your own entertaining videos/perform in front of others, etc? You have to start somewhere right?
It wouldn't be that surprising if churches used mascots, most Christian churches are named after Saints, so by having a mascot of whatever the Saint is know for wouldn't be a bad idea to a) make church more fun, and b) reach out to kids, who really don't do that well with the whole church thing
Degree in poli sci. The writing is more of a hobby.

Oh well that's cool. I do a bit of it here and there as well. Did a piece for the paper one day on "Religion vs Science". Of course it was met with a mixed reaction, but didn't put either one down in any way at all. It's a good hobby though.

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