Who the fuck are you?

(Example of typical "Cage" post response.)

Wow, just wow! It's spelled LOL ( as in "laugh out loud' ) not "Lulz!"

What grade are you in? I only ask because you don't know proper english grammar, in which my family fought the germans for in the war of 1776, but not really b/c my family didn't immigrate too the United States ( or as we in London like too call "the states" or "land of the fatties") until 1997.

Mighty, you might want too get 14,000 non-spam posts like Klunderbunker before you even think of posting in "the cage." Try and become somebody on the forum before you get all judgemental and "Lulz"(can you believe the idiot spells it that way :lmao:) at anyone else.

You sound like a black kid from the streets when you talk like that, homie.

Well I think this kid just committed Suicide..

But Sly, I know I was included in your OP, and I deserved it as well. While I have only created 2 threads in the cage, my first one.. Well I would rather like to forget about that, due to taking out all my personal troubles on you, and the rest of the WZ staff.. There was a retraction thread created (If you didn't see, please do). Grammar is something that I do have to get use to again. Being so fresh out of the military, I'm still use to the horrible grammar, and abbreviation for basically everything that we used on a daily basis. But this is something I would like to work on.

How the fuck?
Just now saw this. I had two scholarships. One which paid for all of my schooling, and another for performing well on the ACT test. The second one was where I got my money, since the first paid for everything else. And I got things mixed up in my mind, I had it right the first time, I made $1500 a year, not $3000.
Just now saw this. I had two scholarships. One which paid for all of my schooling, and another for performing well on the ACT test. The second one was where I got my money, since the first paid for everything else. And I got things mixed up in my mind, I had it right the first time, I made $1500 a year, not $3000.

Buddy of mine did the same. Full academic and athletic rides.
Buddy of mine did the same. Full academic and athletic rides.

No athletic scholarship. I could have gotten a basketball scholarship to a couple of schools (not good ones, we're talking NAIA or Div 3...and yes, I know they don't give athletic scholarships, but c'mon...we all know how it works) but for the career I wanted, the school in town was great and I made money.

So I took my two academic scholarships and went on my merry way.
No athletic scholarship. I could have gotten a basketball scholarship to a couple of schools (not good ones, we're talking NAIA or Div 3...and yes, I know they don't give athletic scholarships, but c'mon...we all know how it works) but for the career I wanted, the school in town was great and I made money.

So I took my two academic scholarships and went on my merry way.
As my advisor told me in high school, other than a select group of schools (Ivy League, Stanford, Vandy, MIT etc), college is college. Rather true I'd think.

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