Who the fuck are you?

And yet it keeps fucking reappearing, like Mr. Kennedy/Anderson promo.

"Mr. Kenneddy....asshole...blah blah...asshole...Mr. Anderson"...and repeat.

Seriously, someone get that shit out of here. And take Mr. Kennedy/Anderson with you.

I call him Mr. Kenderson.
It's because according to the masses around here the best posters are the ones that have an attitude or something. Then on the other side you have people that go about their business and just post. Those people, such as Kenny Powers or Jack-Hammer are some of my favorites here, and they're about as well known on here as most rookies which is a shame because either of them have ten times the ability and knowledge and most of the cage combined.

Honestly when I first came here, I thought guys like Jack-Hammer were talked about more and more highly regarded, but then I spent time in the Bar Room (rip) and such, only to find out that wasn't the case. Which is a shame because when I'm in the wrestling sections I always stop to read posts from guys like him, whereas I would pass up a post by someone who may be funny here in the cage but offers little to now actual posting value.

I try to have an equal balance of both.
Sly is very welcoming tonight... i guess the newcomers should just sit and post about how John Cena blows or how the Miz is overrated like 90% of the other fucking threads
Honestly when I first came here, I thought guys like Jack-Hammer were talked about more and more highly regarded, but then I spent time in the Bar Room (rip) and such, only to find out that wasn't the case. Which is a shame because when I'm in the wrestling sections I always stop to read posts from guys like him, whereas I would pass up a post by someone who may be funny here in the cage but offers little to now actual posting value.

I try to have an equal balance of both.
Once I started posting regularly, I didn't come into the bar room for 6 months. I built up a reputation first and then came in there. Worked pretty well I'd think.
Sly, I'm not trying to be funny.
Or interesting either, and you're succeeding at both.

You have been here a while and have gotten use to what the cage "should be."
I created the fucking Cage, I know exactly what it is.

I've been a member here since January but only recently came too the cage, how am I suppose to know how things are going?
By not posting like an idiot?

It's kind of like the guys here awhile are TNA young talent, and you guys don't like new comers. It's not like we're breaking any rules.
It has nothing to do with being here, it has to do with being an idiot and someone unworthy of criticizing someone else.

Now I'm not trying to piss off a mod
I'm not a mod, I'm an Admin, if you weren't trying to piss me off, you're certainly doing a terrible job at it.

but from what you said in your post ... its completely hypocritical too what the cage is suppose to be about.
Asking that complete nobodies whose IQ is smaller than their shoe size to not call out other posters is hypocritical? In what way?

If I were to listen to what you say, I would leave the cage and post in the regular sections, b/c w/o issues between people ... WHAT THE FUCK GOOD IF THE CAGE ANYWAY?
I don't give a fuck if you have an issue with someone, but when you make a thread trashing another poster and no one has a clue who you are, then you just look like a dumbass.
Sly is very welcoming tonight... i guess the newcomers should just sit and post about how John Cena blows or how the Miz is overrated like 90% of the other fucking threads

You can discuss how image is an underrated aspect in wrestling today,or there's several threads about the greatest movie of all time in the NWS section. There's always a good TNA debate somewhere and if all else fails, Razor keeps the Cigar Lounge hopping with good stuff. Don't just look at the new posts,use the forum jump link.
It's just how I speak in my everyday life. I could speak a lot more proper, but it isn't as fun. People can come at me how they want about it. I think it shows personality, even though some might say ignorance as well.
You enjoy speaking like an idiot? Wonderful.

My ancestors didn't fight the British so you can make Americans sound like fucking idiots. Pick up a 3rd grade Grammar book and start studying.
I call him Mr. Kenderson.

I call him shit.
Sly is very welcoming tonight... i guess the newcomers should just sit and post about how John Cena blows or how the Miz is overrated like 90% of the other fucking threads
Or post with proper grammar, not call out posters, and not sound like an idiot.

Either way would be fine with me.
Once I started posting regularly, I didn't come into the bar room for 6 months. I built up a reputation first and then came in there. Worked pretty well I'd think.

In all honesty, I think you're a better poster than me. And I'm a cocky bastard so for me to say that, it means something. I figured that if I could get over in the bar room, it would get people to stop and read my posts rather than the other way around. Figured it would work quicker for me that way.
Sly is very welcoming tonight... i guess the newcomers should just sit and post about how John Cena blows or how the Miz is overrated like 90% of the other fucking threads

Or you could stop using the same crutch of "Oh well there's nothing interesting out there so I'm just going to go and hang out in the cage because I'm too awful to do anything else."
You enjoy speaking like an idiot? Wonderful.

My ancestors didn't fight the British so you can make Americans sound like fucking idiots. Pick up a 3rd grade Grammar book and start studying.
Okay, I should apologize for this post.

My ancestors didn't the British, they didn't actually move here until the late 1800s. All the rest I meant, though.
Irish,you've got enough non-spam posts to make your own threads. If there's no discussion,make some. I promise if I know anythng about the subject,I'll post.
In all honesty, I think you're a better poster than me. And I'm a cocky bastard so for me to say that, it means something. I figured that if I could get over in the bar room, it would get people to stop and read my posts rather than the other way around. Figured it would work quicker for me that way.

People (more or less universally the staff included) are going to notice good posting in places other than the bar room. That's going to trump almost anything in the bar room just about every time.
People (more or less universally the staff included) are going to notice good posting in places other than the bar room. That's going to trump almost anything in the bar room just about every time.

Agreed, I just meant I felt it would be easier to get recognized for my posting elsewhere if I had become a recognizable name in the spam sections first.

It should be evident by the fact there are members who have been here for like 3 years and yet I have more rep power then, simply because they only post here and the GDS. Or they could just be shit I suppose.
Agreed, I just meant I felt it would be easier to get recognized for my posting elsewhere if I had become a recognizable name in the spam sections first.

It should be evident by the fact there are members who have been here for like 3 years and yet I have more rep power then, simply because they only post here and the GDS. Or they could just be shit I suppose.

Rep means nothing. It never has and it never will.

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