Who Needs a Title Run?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have to say I really hate edge having the WWE title I mean I like edge as a wrestler and his charecter is cool but he just seems to not be ready for the Title I mean he is a 2-time WWE Champ aand he's still on the mid-card every RAW so the question is who do you think should have or at least is due a title run. I have to say on RAW it's gotta be Kane his title oppurtunity os way past due and he can be a convincing champ. Smackdown I can't really complain with Booker T he's a good champ and his soryline with Batista is great...well good at least and ECW I like the Big Show so no complaints there either
[I agree Jeff Hardy needs an IC run Randy Orton needs a WWE Champ Run The company screwed him over with his first run Orton is definitely more than a Transitional Champion
shelton benjamin he needs to get off heat and start goin for ic
Undertaker, for the US championship would be pretty cool. Or edge and Jeff Hardy feuding over the IC belt.
kane for the wwe championship and really i think that jeff hardy should get the ic title and the wwe title, not at the same time but he really does deserve it. as for randy orton, i think that he's doing fine without having to go for the wwe title and i like it that way because that will let the people who have worked there for way longer than cena and orton put together get their spot in the spotlight. and that's the way it should be
taker kane and orton all those title rusn

Taker world heavy champ
orton wwe champ
kane ecw champ
Even though I love the title on Edge, I think the WWE Championship would also be great on Kane, who really does deserve it for being such a great wrestler and going along with all the crazy storylines they put him in. Carlito should probablybe IC Champion, not Jeff Hardy- it would be too fast.

Flames Out
jeff hardy will never b wwe or world heavyweight champoin! and thats that! lol hes overrated nw!
Orton seems to be a favorite amongst all I have to say though i agree that Orton and Cena should go without the title and let the estaslished wrestlers get their shine first but I would also like to add I think ECW needs a Television Champ and it should be Test.....oh yeah and Tag Titles on RAW who knows maybe they should split up the Spirit Squad and have them face each other...?
anyone but Cena he needs to get his ass on heat or velocity and stay there til he is ready for midcard status then maybe just maybe when he finally paid his dues and has new wrestling moves and does more than 5 moves a match then he maybe ready for a title shot
Randy Orton with the WWE Championship
Batista with the Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy with the ic championship
Matt Hardy with the US championship
The Highlanders with the tag team titles
I say they need to re-establish Test as a credible heel and give him the title and run with it for awhile.. On Raw, I say they introduce one more wrestler into the title hunt Edge, Cena, and, ok, Test.. I'm not too keen on the idea to give the belt up to every single person on the roster at one time. I say Edge should hold on to the belt for awhile and establish new wrestlers into the mix...
Edge should remain as the champ, but give him some serious defenses to bring back credibility to the belt. He needs to get bloody with some wrestlers who can work his speed, and not guys like Cena. I'd love to see him feud with Michaels (even though Michaels is in the twilight of his career). The Hardy Boyz need to re-unite to help re-elevate the tag team division on Smackdown as Hardy isn't ready for a singles title yet, and may never be as he still can't last a match past fifteen minutes while holding the attention span of a crowd. His match against Edge had a few blown spots that were obviously Hardy's blunder, and he gets stuck too much to maintain any momentum they build. Booker needs to drop his gimmick he stole from Macho Man circa 1991 and turn back into the original gangster from Harlem like in the old days of the Heat. Sharmell also needs to keep her ass in the back...OFF CAMERA. She's so annoying. She's like Debra McMichael. Booker also needs to be matched against workers who can run with his speed and power (Chris Benoit come back soon!), and Batista is definitely not one of those guys. Old Dave also needs to be placed into a tag team forever, because his attempts at "wrestling" are as exciting as watching two turtles hump.
Kane needs to hold a world championship again before he retires, and I agree that and Edge v. Michaels feud would be cool. Also throw Orton in there and you have an exciting WWE Championship picture. Umaga needs to stay far far away from the title picture. On the WHC side of things, there really isn't much to choose from sadly. I would say Taker but he wouldn't be able to defend it too much. King Booker is an ok champ, but Booker T needs to come back. And of course there's Batista......he's not too high on my list, but he'll probably have more runs in his future.
^i agree with most of that but if taker wins it, what would b stoppin him from bein on SD! more regulary, at the moment there isnt 2 much motivation 4 him, but if he had the title.....and besides, like whoever said it the other day, most title matches end in a DQ or no contest on SD! and RAW nw....its usually the PPV where the title switches hands....

*edit* and they had an Edge-Michaels feud in early 2005...that was pretty good esp. their street fight on raw
Randy Orton should have a shot at the world heavyweight championship, beacause i thought that as world champion he was pretty good, of course i think they would have to turn him face first, he was really good as a face and having a face world champ would bring him alot of fans, but i guess since his suspension that idea goes out of the window, but it defintly be a good idea
for starters edge sucks as champion, i would like to see triple h or shawn michaels as WWE champion and sabu as ECW champion as the big show is just a fat lug who can't wrestle
WWE RAW Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Carlito Carribean Cool
WWE Woman`s Champion: Mickie James
WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: The Highlanders

WWE SMACKDOWN WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Undertaker (After Booker T has a good, long title reign)

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