One Last Run

because he doesnt want it!

You're basing the fact that he "doesn't want it" of the fact that he decided he didn't want to carry a large metal belt through airports and security constantly? Look, the magic wears off after your first title win and Shawn has clearly been around a long long time, he probably just decided not to bother carrying it and messing with the security, taking up room in his luggage, etc, etc. I don't see how that's any foundation for such an argument.

besides edge, Orton, Triple h or cena dont need to be built up any farther

Erm, who said anything about building them up? I'm talking about putting on main event matches and feuds for the world championship...not putting someone over.
You're basing the fact that he "doesn't want it" of the fact that he decided he didn't want to carry a large metal belt through airports and security constantly? Look, the magic wears off after your first title win and Shawn has clearly been around a long long time, he probably just decided not to bother carrying it and messing with the security, taking up room in his luggage, etc, etc. I don't see how that's any foundation for such an argument.

Erm, who said anything about building them up? I'm talking about putting on main event matches and feuds for the world championship...not putting someone over.
no im actually basing on the fact that hes turned the belt down numerous times! vince has tryed to give it to him repeatedly since 2005 and he refused every time. he literally prefers putting over younger people which is great for the company. thats exactly why hes my favorite ever he knows when to step out of the spotlight and let others shine unlike Hogan. i mean would you rather him be like triple h and still be holding the belt for seven or eight months at a time? not only tyhat the reason hes part time is so he can spend time with his family which at his age he should be doing, so why wold he ruin that just for the title/ hes already been to the top of every mountain there is to climb in the WWE so its worth it anymore. exactly why feud with an already big time supertar in the business when he could build up the younger talent, if you prepare today than that makes for a greater tomorrow. so building them up now will help them for when they are the faces of the company. he doesnt need any more huge feuds cwith already big guys when he can single handly just of his name alone make young talent super stars why not exploit that oppertunity?
Shawn has said that he doesn't want to be champion - him becoming champion would require him working a full schedule doing house shows etc. and with him getting older he wants to do everything he can to make sure he stays on TV for as long as possible, and he also wants to make sure he can spend time with his family. Flying out somewhere different every day would hardly be the best thing for him and he knows that.
no im actually basing on the fact that hes turned the belt down numerous times! vince has tryed to give it to him repeatedly since 2005 and he refused every time.

You've spoken to Shawn or Vince themselves and asked them, have you? Because otherwise you're going off internet conjecture which could as easily be truth as it could be a a steaming pile of horseshit.

he literally prefers putting over younger people which is great for the company.

Oh, that's why Shawn is out jobbing to young guys every weak, not having PPV matches with established main eventers. Silly me.

thats exactly why hes my favorite ever he knows when to step out of the spotlight and let others shine unlike Hogan.

It could be that Hogan was just 100 times better than Shawn could ever hope to be, so maybe he deserved the spotlight.

i mean would you rather him be like triple h and still be holding the belt for seven or eight months at a time?

Well, firstly, there's the fact that Triple H has always been far better than Shawn in just about everything, and then there's the fact that he's still at the age and shape where he should be a consistent main eventer, and a reliable champion. I never said anything about Shawn being a regular champion - all I suggested was a four or five month title reign.

not only tyhat the reason hes part time

He's part time? So why is he on Raw every week, and doing house shows?

is so he can spend time with his family which at his age he should be doing,

He can bother with his family when he retires.

so why wold he ruin that just for the title/ hes already been to the top of every mountain there is to climb in the WWE so its worth it anymore

Because he'd:

A) Have damn fine matches

B) Work great feuds

C) Draw well

Remind me how those factors don't make a great champion, will you?
You've spoken to Shawn or Vince themselves and asked them, have you? Because otherwise you're going off internet conjecture which could as easily be truth as it could be a a steaming pile of horseshit.

Oh, that's why Shawn is out jobbing to young guys every weak, not having PPV matches with established main eventers. Silly me.

It could be that Hogan was just 100 times better than Shawn could ever hope to be, so maybe he deserved the spotlight.

Well, firstly, there's the fact that Triple H has always been far better than Shawn in just about everything, and then there's the fact that he's still at the age and shape where he should be a consistent main eventer, and a reliable champion. I never said anything about Shawn being a regular champion - all I suggested was a four or five month title reign.

He's part time? So why is he on Raw every week, and doing house shows?

He can bother with his family when he retires.

Because he'd:

A) Have damn fine matches

B) Work great feuds

C) Draw well

Remind me how those factors don't make a great champion, will you?

first Hogan may be a bigger name or a bigger draw but he isn't even in the same category of wrestling capability as michaels. as far as Triple h goes in my opinion hes the greatest champion of all time and i never said that he wasn't in shape or wasn't a good performer, in fact if you have ever saw my post about wm25 you would see that i actually prefer him as the champion heading into mania every year because hes the definition of the champion and him giving the belt to somebody at mania solidifies them as a true champion. but if you honestly think that Triple H is a better wrestler than hbk your insane. thats why Triple H has has so many match of the year matches right?or why hes known as Mr wrestlemania, the showstopper oh no wait thats HBK. Triple h called HBK the greatest performer of all time, im pretty sure that was including himself.
and he rarely does house shows. i have actually been to several and he was only at one of those, and are you the only person who knows that he clearly doesn't work a full schedule? of course he does raw every week. hes consistently in the other feud that isnt involving the belt doesn't that kind of warrant him been there? Also i never said he wouldnt be a good champion. i always thought he was a great champion because the quality of his inbring performing has always been a cut above most champs, further more why would i idolize a gut that i didn't think was a good champion? i simply stated that he is at a time and place where spending time with his family is more important and i understand that, hell i respect that so why ruin what he feels is the perfect setup by throwing the belt on him?
i dont think shawn needs it, and don't think the wwe needs him to have it...but if it happened, i wouldn't be mad. as long as it was a legit run...even for only like 4 or 5 months. i do however, like the idea of him being IC champ. he was a damn good one back when it used to mean something. as far as him being won't happen! he could blur the line for a bit, but his personal beliefs won't allow him to be a straight heel.
Me being a Michaels fan since a wee age (check the username, junior) I'm a bit biased in saying that I wouldn't mind seeing him as champ, but him not being champ isn't a huge deal. Just like many other people have posted, he's so over with the fanbase that it wouldn't matter if he was the champ. He'd still be the man. Add to that, that he's not insecure about his position within the company, and that he's more than willing to give back to the company and help put over talent....there's no real need to make him champ just out of courtesy.
Undertaker won the belt two more times because it was a vital part of the storyline.

I just don't think HBK should carry it again because he doesn't put on the same caliber of matches as the rest of the (top) main eventers. He was excellent 10 years ago, but now he's just bland.. again that's just my opinion.

fun to think that Hogan won the title in 2002 as well, but it usually involved him getting beat up for most of the match and just coming back with a finger gesture and punching the guy, then getting beat up again, then while the guy is running towards him, he hits a big boot from "out of nowhere" and does a leg drop then wins..

hell no! if Hogan can win it in 2002 and the fact that he was just bland/stale
I think there is no reason for HBK to win it (not that I'd want him to)
he is technically on the same level with Kane, only flying a lot higher since he loses to main eventers and Kane loses to midcarders..

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