Kurt Angle: TNA World Champion again?


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Okay, so he is a 9-time world champion, he has held the TNA world title twice since it came into TNA in 2007 and I was thinking he could have had atleast one more good run as champion.

Since Hogan and Bischoff took over, they said its time for the young wrestlers to be atthe top. Does this mean Kurt Angle won't win the title again?

Would any of you like him to have one last reign?

If yes, why? and when would you like him to have that last reign?
Angle's regarded as the best in TNA, and IMO he is. He should get another title run before he leaves fro good, but he doesn't need it. Right now the title scene is for the young guys (excluding Abyss, but I'll never understand why he got the Hogan rub as apposed to some of the other guys, well whatev) and Angle's building guys for that spot, ie. Anderson, Wolfe. I'd like Angle to get one more run, but not if it's just transitional, which it probably will be, and this is all from just respect. Angle puts on great matches and draws without the title so it's unnecessary to give it to him. I don't see him stepping back into the title hunt unless Pope or someone wins it and Angles "testing" them to see if they really are championship material. Simple questions, long drawn out answer, my bad
I would like to see Kurt Angle get at least one more title reign. I would like to see him win the title in the near future, before the end of 2010. AJ Styles is a great wrestler, but I don't think TNA's audience will grow during his reign.

Kurt Angle may not have been a huge draw as TNA's world champion. But for wrestling fans switching between Raw and Impact, it would probably draw the interest of some fans to see Kurt Angle holding the world title.

I understand that TNA would like to see younger stars competing for the world title. But their first priority should be to increase their ratings. I feel the best way to do that is to put established main event veterans at the top for the next year. I believe it would help with their visibility. Kurt Angle is the perfect wrestler to hold the title.

I also believe that having Scott Hall and Mr. Anderson challenge Angle for the world title would generate a lot of interest in the wrestling world. I know I would switch the channel from Raw to Impact if Scott Hall was challenging Angle for the TNA world title.

Regardless, Angle should get one more reign. It should happen as soon as possible, and at least before the end of this year.
I appreciate your view, but I feel that Scott Hall in a title match would make most of the wrestling community turn to Larry King or something if Raw wasn't on at the same time. I watch some of TNA but when I see the "Band" whose combined age is 140 coming out thinking they are still cool and drawing crowds, in the Kliq and still running the company, I turn the channel.

WCW tried the Scott Hall/World title sceen thing before when he won World War 3 and it never drew a buck.
I think they're building to Scott Hall being a title contender as the highlight of The Band trying to take over the show from Hogan and I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up winning it in a few months.

But then you could have Angle come back to 'save' TNA and beat Hall for the title. That would be great TV.
I think Angle can pretty much take the title whenever he wants it. He's good, albeit annoying, on the mic, but he can have 5-star matches at will, and with just about anyone. He's probably going to get at least one or two more runs at some point.
Kurt Angle is not only the best TNA has, he's one of the best in the world -- still -- regardless of promotion. In my mind, he should undoubtedly be very strongly in the World Title hunt right now, especially as TNA attempts to go head-to-head (and I'm sad to say is losing miserably) against WWE.

For years, people have touted A.J. Styles as the second-coming of something, but I honestly don't see it. Yes, the guy is amazing in the ring, but he has the charisma of Mr. Socko. OK, OK, I'm sure Mr. Socko is offended by the comparison.

Seriously, without Ric Flair at his side, Styles offers nothing but great wrestling. He has no personality, still sounds somewhat like a hillbilly when he speaks, and in my eyes has been strapped with a Flair wanna-be gimmick that's not working so well for him. What he HAD to offer is now getting lost in the shuffle, and I just don't think he's the guy to carry TNA right now.

Angle is. Period.

For the record, the best thing Styles can hope for while trapped in this angle where he's emulating Flair is that Flair gives the conglomerate of talent he's collecting the Horsemen name. Styles, Wolfe and Beer Money as The New Four Horsemen, I think, could generate some interest from long-time fans. Those people aren't the 18-35 demos TNA would like to pull, but at this point, ANY added viewers are better than the 0.8 rating they're mustering right now.

If TNA decides to go this route, I think Angle would be the perfect Dusty Rhodes type of foil for the group, chasing the champ for the belt and getting continuously beat-down along the way. Of course, inevitably to make this work, Angle would HAVE to win the belt again.

But it won't come a moment too soon, in my book.
I'm a fan of Kurt Angle's, have been since his first match in the WWE. There's no doubt that he's a great wrestler and just an overall amazing wrestling talent. Overall, he's the best pro wrestler in TNA today. But, the truth is, I'm sick to death of Kurt Angle in the TNA World Championship scene.

Kurt Angle has held the TNA World Heavyweight Championship for a total of about 390 days and has remained consistently within the title scene while he's been in TNA. I'm just kind of burned out on him quite frankly much the same way as I'm burned out on seeing Triple H in the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship scene. I understand that Kurt Angle's great and you'll get no arguments from me, but I'm just tired of him in the main event. I much prefer him being where he is right now in helping other guys like Desmond Wolfe and Ken Anderson get over.
In my opinion Angle should be champion now as TNA tries to build their audience. He's by far the biggest name of the active full time wrestlers. Some will say that he didn't draw big as champion before and that is correct. However TNA never has advertised and done as much promotion as they have recently. Having a face people know and remember from WWE advertised as champion could spark interest from people that don't normally watch TNA.

I don't know if he'll ever be TNA champion again. Unless he resigned lately he only has less than 6 months left on his contract. You never know he may end up back in WWE or just doing movies.
Angle should have the TNA world title again but TNA should put him in a fued with the world champion then have him fued with Mr Anderson or have Anderson win the title then have Angle fued with Anderson. Angle is putting Anderon over big in TNA and having them fued for the title would be great.
Thats just my opinion
Angle will definitlely win the title again, it's not like they will keep him for a few more years and not give him the title, he will get it later this year EVEN THOUGH he can't have another title shot this year, I see him winning it when he returns, as he said he would
Well I guess Kurt asnwered my own question for me, thank you Kurt, isn't it weird, they said he couldn't have another title mach this year, which is different from the last chance match where you can't challenge the champion as long as he is the champion.

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