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Who would you give a title run to?

lol @ Jerry Lawler. if he did go to TNA it might not be that surprising. wasn't it Russo who gave the title to David Arquette in WCW?
please no other champions unless they have legitimately earned it.
For me I would have to say Amazing Red, as his potential as a big time player hasn't even been tapped yet. he is, arguably, the best athlete TNA has that has been overlooked throughout his stay in TNA. His in-ring work is great, his moves are sick, and the only thing he doesn't have is promo cutting skills, but imo, he doesn't need them...he can tell his story in the ring, not on the mic. My second choice would be Robert Roode, because like someone else said that he is a combination of Rick Rude and Curt Hennig, and I definitely can see that with his in-ring work and promo skills.

I'm only going to comment on your decision to put the title on Amazing Red as I agree with you that Roode is deserving. I'll just say this and Mark Madden said it best. Nobody wants to see the paper boy wrestle. Red just doesn't work especially in a role where he is supposed to be the top guy in the company. How does that make Matt Morgan, Abyss, and much larger individuals look if the smallest guy in the company is the TNA Champion? It was stupid when WWE put the title on Rey Mysterio and it would be stupid if TNA did it with Amazing Red. The difference is WWE can afford to make dumb decisions. They have the money and the longevity to stick around after ward. TNA does not have this luxury.

Jay Lethal is brilliant, I'd love to see him get a serious main event run PERIOD.

Personally, though, I'd like to see them put the title on Angle for a LONG run where he defends the title week in and week out Bret Hart style. Bring some legitimacy to the World Title by making it a big f'n deal. Angle is great and putting guys over while still winning the match. He's also by FAR the best wrestler and most legitimate athlete in TNA right now. He can let you make the wrestling about THE WRESTLING instead of lame ass stories.

Love the idea but Angle's body couldn't handle that kind of schedule. He doesn't wrestle every week as it is let along a grueling title match every week. Plus you hurt the credibility of the title having it defended every week and you bury the whole roster if he beats everyone on it. If that were to happen why watch? Noone can beat Angle so he has noone left to challenge him and thus the title and the purpose of the show are mute.

Now for my pick..."Cowboy" James Storm. If everyone remembers correctly back in 2008 prior to the formation of Beer Money, Storm and Roode were both having very successful singles careers. Roode was in the midst of a very personal rivalry with new TNA aquisition Booker T and got a couple victories over him. Storm was in a personal rivalry with Rhyno as well I believe he got a pinfall victory over Sting at one point. Then TNA decided to take the two better parts of AMW and Team Canada and form a super team in Beer Money. This is the equivalent of say Edge and Jeff Hardy forming a tag team in WWE it's a big deal. Why did they do this? Well Beer Money has become arguably the most successful tag team in TNA history but at what expense. I truly believe Storm and Roode would both be champion at least once by now had Beer Money never came to pass. Maybe it is better for both of their careers to break off Beer Money and go on to what they were destined to do. In Storm's case he never wanted to be a tag team wrestler in the first place but that's all they had for him and he rolled with it. He is the only guy who has been there since the beginning who hasn't been World Champion. AJ Styles and Abyss are the other two and they have both been champion at least once. Storm deserves it, maybe ever more than Christopher Daniels did before he left.
Maybe Matt Morgan. I see the man as a versatile kevin nash. he fits the typical rpofile of being a big guy and in one a one man army-esque figure. This means he could hold the belt for a long time which is good for business if someone looks like they are capable of actually doing it. He fits in well with fortune especially with ric and looks dead set in place there, but eventually he will break out from that, and when he does I would like him to have a run. I really think he could do good things with that belt.

I agree with you. Matt Morgan has the body, the look, the wrestling moves, the mic skills, etc to be the CHAMP.

I think TNA dropped the ball with him. He could have been Golberg II. A big guy, with the potential to be a destroyer... with a strong voice, etc. He could have been HUGE!!! A real monster... a real threat...

Is it too late for TNA to do something like this with Matt Morgan?
ALOT of Robert Roode fan's here, I'm not exactly a fan but I woudn't mind seeing roode have a long run with the title, but my choice is maybe Pope, Or more likely Samoa Joe

I've been watching TNA since 2005, and Joe has always impressed me, until like 2007, I was a huge Joe fan (when I started to mark for AJ and Kaz) and I know he has had some title runs before but he deserves another run, He puts on good matches at the very least every time he steps in the TNA ring and I don't think He's held the TNA World Heavyweight Title since 2008 where he won it at Lockdown from Angle (Tell me if I'm wrong) So I would love for him to be the one to take down the Immortals and get a lengthy Title run behind him maybe 6 - 8 months taking us in to Lockdown or Sacrifice.

As for Pope I've been a huge fan of him since his WWE days as Elijah Burke and always saw great talent and charisma in him but WWE just jobbed him in 2008 all though he did do pretty good on ECW in 2007 leading the new breed, TNA have been using him right and I hope they put him in a good uppercard storyline and then put the title on him.
I agree with you. Matt Morgan has the body, the look, the wrestling moves, the mic skills, etc to be the CHAMP.

I think TNA dropped the ball with him. He could have been Golberg II. A big guy, with the potential to be a destroyer... with a strong voice, etc. He could have been HUGE!!! A real monster... a real threat...

Is it too late for TNA to do something like this with Matt Morgan?

Matt Morgan has a VERY bright future ahead of him. I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually turned on Fourtune whenever their inevitable split with Immortal comes and emerged as the main event superstar we all know he SHOULD be.

Morgan is the best big man in wrestling today.
a lot of Roode fans.
since in order to give Roode a TNA title run, he has to split with James Storm. how does that happen? does Roode turn on Storm? or does Storm turn on Roode? would Roode be heel or face? even if/when Roode does split with Storm, how long before he would reach the level to get a championship match?
I would think it would be awhile before Roode would be champion.
I agree that Matt Morgan should be given a title run, but I also agree that for right now, his role is pretty much a perfect setup. He, AJ and Kazarian all really belong in Fortune, but IMO they should cut out Doug Williams first, then Beer Money, but make a bigger deal about Beer Money's departure, to help the storyline later.
Now, I don't want TNA to just copy Evolution or anything, but I think after a while of Morgan being an enforcer, he'll get that itch for the spotlight and turn on Fortune. Then with AJ and Kazarian left, Kazarian gets sort of a little brother complex and feuds with Styles for Flair's favor or something, and Kazarian leaves. Then Kazarian gets a singles push himself.
So, naturally, AJ is left, and he starts opening his eyes, seeing he's become a jerk, turns face on Flair, and gets a title push.

So basically, I think Fortune can and should be used as a platform to elevate Morgan, Kazarian and Styles all into the title picture. At that point, either Flair hangs it up, or if he still can't just retire, have him fall back on a reunion with Beer Money and they can be the New Fortune(kind of like Gangrel and the Hardys).

Roode is the combination of Henning and Rude. But he is too much like those two guys to the point where there is really no originality to the guy. Between that and his average mike skills, I can't see him with the belt for a long period of time because I think that the buyrates would go down instead of up with Roode as the champion. He's in the best place right now in the tag division.

I love Lethal and think he would be a cool guy to meet in real life, but he comes across more as a transitional champion right now like WWE's Edge was early in his beginning title runs. Even though I like the potential of Lethal vs. Robbie E. & Cookie for the battle of Jersey and an ending giving Lethal a push, I think the buyrate with Lethal as a world champion would be like Roode, decrease.

In summary, I would give a good title run to Matt Morgan and Pope. I think they got the charisma, original gimmick, mic skills, and mat skills to pull it off for a significant amount of time.

TNA needs a champion with it's own original gimmick that can sell and increase buyrates and besides Angle, and Styles, Morgan and Pope are the two guys that can be decent champions.

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