Who Means More To WWE: Hogan or Austin

Very nice question. Love it. As for the answer, it has been said best that it's debatable for as long as pro wrestling is around and that's entirely true.
When I first heard the question, I immediately thought Hogan. Like many have said, he brought it into the mainstream. But then I started reading other posts, and it got me thinking more about it.
WWF/E was already looking to take over the global pro wrestling scene before they snagged Hogan and got the propulsion they needed. Would it have worked with another guy, would it have happened if Hulk was there or not? I would have to say it would have, even if it took a little more time. Like people have said, Vince was already setting things in motion and systematically picking away at the territories. Even if it took a little longer, and somebody else became that "All American Hero", I'm sure they could have pulled it out. There would have been somebody else in that superhero role, minus the Hulkamania part, and still would have gotten them to where they were already heading.
Would it have been as memorable? Who knows? Would it have been as big? Possibly. The wheels were already set in motion to phase out the territories and go national. I think it would have happened with somebody else at the helm, that's just the way business works.
But when Austin hit the scene you had a successful business that could have wound up going the route many other businesses have when faced with competition. It could have folded. If not for the "breath of fresh air", we could have seen a whole different professional wrestling scene than we do today. WWF/E would have gotten it's national recognition in the 80's one way or another because that was the natural progression and was new and exciting. Gaining momentum when you're already on a roll isn't that hard. When those wheels stop, however, and you have to get them in motion again is a little more tricky. So that's why, when I stop and think, I have to give the nudge to Austin even though my initial reaction was the opposite.
"Hulk Hogan should have of importance in the history of WWE."

why we keep seen these type of comment? i agree on that but the question is Who Means More to WWE? if WWF went banktupt there's no WWE and we never going to see World Wildlife Fund sue World Wrestling Federation over the name in 2002. but for Wrestling industry what Hogan-Austin as a whole is another topic to discuss. if you can point out why Austin is not the guy who save WWF/E business then your point is valid about Hogan means more to WWE how he put WWF into mainstream media. even in Eric Bischoff books he said Austin is the guy who save WWF/E and became a fear factor for Eric Bischoff after Mike Tyson and WM14..that whole year is Austin show and WWF alive agian. back in 80's it's all about good guy vs bad guys but in 90's it's different whole business is changing thats why Hogan join NWO became heel which is one of most shocking heel turn in history due to the fact that Hogan was top baby face for many years in wrestling industry.
Hogan meant more to the WWE overall. Without Hogan, there wouldn't be a WWE. WWE became a global phenomenon with Hogan as their big name star. We wouldn't have The Rock, Austin, or many other superstars without Hulk Hogan. WWE had some great talent in the 80's, but Hogan stole the show and sold the tickets by his presence alone. I'm not taking anything away from the other talent or Steve Austin. Regardless of how we feel about Hogan now personally, he was of huge importance to WWE. Hogan is to wrestling and WWE what Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson is to the NBA. There hasn't been a bigger name in wrestling or the WWE.
The way I see it -

WWF ------> On it's way to huge success
Picks up Hulk Hogan
Becomes a huge success

Whether or not Hulk Hogan contributed to that is almost moot, they were on there way to success anyways.

WWF ------> On it's way to the crapper due to WCW
Picks up Steve Austin
Steve Austin single handedly wins the ratings war and bankrupts WCW.

This was also while Hulk Hogan was apart of WCW. When it came down to it, when WWF was on the brink of termination and Hulk Hogan was at the forefront of the competition, ANOTHER man saved the WWF.

It is absolutely arguable that there would be no WWE today without Hulk Hogan being with WWF in the begining, but it is absolute fact that there would be no WWE today without Stone Cold being with the WWF when it counted.
Well, Hogan made the business, and Austin made the business the best its ever been, so it really just depends on what the WWE thinks is more important. Austin also saved the business during the Monday Night War. So, it's a very close call, but I have to go with Austin.
Hogan only carry his name from the movie Rocky with Stallone and with Celebrity like Mr T but but alot of us forget about one guy in wrestling world Andre the Giant went undefeated for over 2+ years but some say 10+ years (i need correction on this) and one of biggest draws in 80's which pass torch to hogan to carry. without Vince and guys laid down for Hogan he's nothing and he became a cancer, one evidence is the moment Hogan with WCW alot of guys got buried either got fired or left WCW. WWF business still doing ok not until Hall/Nash left and the NWO happening WWE is struggling to survive. look at when TNA sign Hogan, it only get people talking and negativity. Hogan is a lucky star with one of most massive charisma in wrestling.

one thing that save WWF is Austin fued with Mcmahon and from Eric Bischoff mouth along with Jim Ross-Foley said nobody able to pull it off other than Steve Austin. if you said The rock, please go back watch WWF agian in Austin vs Rock fued for IC title in 97 which Austin really put rock over and elevate him. The Rock, i should say Dwayne Johnson not is worthy and ready for main event yet. without Austin who make an impact on backstage WWF would not survive. in 1998 is Austin show that save WWF business. please keep in mind that Shawn and HHH playing politics in backstage where Shawn is trying to put HHH.
Haven't read through the responses that came before my post, so forgive me if this seems redundant.

This is a really, really tough question if you want to give a black and white answer (meaning you cannot stay in the grey area). Obviously Hogan is the popular, and maybe most truthful answer. Hogan made WWF/E, and there is no question about that. He took it from wrestling to Sports Entertainment, by actually making it entertaining.

But it really isn't as cut and dry as that. Hogan also took part in nearly destroying WWF/E. Looking back, Hogan was Vince's biggest asset, but was also his most dangerous of enemies.

While Hogan was busy in his attempt to destroy the WWF (not in a malicious sense, he was just trying to make WCW the clear champion), Austin was saving it. Austin became the face of wrestling, taking that title out of Hogan's hands.

Hogan gave WWF mainstream credibility, but he also came close to killing it. I would still say his overall contribution to the WWF/E helped more than hurt, but there is no denying how much his presence in WCW wounded the World Wrestling Federation.

So I'm going to say Hogan probably means more, but it's much closer than some are willing to admit.
talk about the success and mainstream media, Steve Austin not only save WWF but he also help WWF became WWE turn private into public company on stock market and World Wide phenomenon which every body knows about WWF/E products. Austin got kids talked at school and tune ino see him. Hogan only play small part to hurt WWF, NWO hurt WWF which nearly killed WWF.
Nothing against Austin but I would have to go with Hulk Hogan. Hogan is the one who helped bring the WWE into the mainstream and make the company a huge monster then went to WCW and did the same thing for that company. Without Hogan there would have never been an Austin or a Monday Night War. Hogan has one thing over Austin too and that is longevity. Austin did help save the company from going under but it was Hogan who made that company. Without Hogan there would be no Wrestlemania or other ppv for the WWF/WWE.
ustin was great but Hogan will be the "Face" of wrestling as well as the WWE without Hogan most wrestlers including Austin would have stayed in the indy's for a long period of time before reaching the WWE/F.
Hogan was and is "Mainstream" so while Austin was the man during his run overall HOGAN get's the nod.

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