Who inspires you the most?


Like, who do you look up to in life?

I must say it would be my father. He's taught me about everything that I know. He's a very strong person, battling Cancer. He's helped me through just about every one of my problems. Same goes for my mom.
Definitely not a media figure. Like you, the people around me are who inspire me. Who inspires me the most? That's a hard one.
Daniel Benoit. Dude wouldn't tap. That was shades of WrestleMania 13 if something as silly as a wrestling angle could do it justice.
aia have a shed load of inspirations, my kids whom without them and my wife i wouldnt be in uni battling to get my career off the ground, my mother and father whom bestilled on me everything that makes me who i am.

My older brother who started me on my acting career, my friend and mentor sukhdeep sanghera who helped me become a better actor, these people kept me going through life and i still strive to be the best, there will be more to come IMO because their will always be people who lead me to do bigger and better things as long as i keep going through life striving for sucess the list will become longer and longer.
No one that's alive, to be honest (Che Guevara and Ghandi definitely inspired me, though). Well, there are a few people that give me hope for humanity, but no one famous (e.g., my supervisor from my old job at Best Buy). There's no famous American that inspires me, I can tell you that for damn sure.
I would say Will Smith. He was minding his own business playing b-ball when a couple of guys who were up to no good, started making trouble in his neighbor hood. He got in one little fight which made his mom scared and she made him move with his Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air.
He got through some tough times being raised in Philly and having to move to Bel Air but the inspirational stories that were told through him are what inspire me.
Now he's the Prince of Bel Air.
I feel bad about this, but not my parents. The only person I find remotely "inspiring" from my family is my grandfather that fought in World War II. I have one specific story amongst many others that I remember him telling me. He fought with the Broken Arrow Division in the Japanese Theatre, the 22nd I think. They were a pretty kickass division from what I understand.

Then he went and died from Parkinson's Disease and Dementia. It was sad. :(

The only person alive today that I find inspiring would have to be Stephen King. Not as a person or anything, but as a writer. He's very blunt and almost refuses to flower up his writing with useless allegories or descriptions. That's the type of writer I want to be. It's the type of writer I hope I am.
You know that kid who was trapped in a cave and could only see a shadow-puppet play from the outside world for a good portion of his youth?

Yeah. That kid.
Maggie Gyllenhaal. It must have been tough growing up after what was obviously a tragic shovel-to-the-face accident as a child.


You know what... she actually looked decent in 40 Days and 40 Nights. I don't know what happened between that movie and The Dark Knight though...
My mom and my paternal grandfather.

My mom has horrible knees and works as hard as anyone I know to keep things together.

My grandfather was more or less an alcoholic and lost almost everything but he got sober, remarried, and wound up living in a nice house completely out of debt and had a nice retirement.
Honestly, nobody. If anybody would've inspired me, I wouldn't be such a crummy excuse for a person.
Usuallly, I'd be prone to make some sort of smart ass answer, like saying "Me". But, I don't think that would do justice to the one person who helped shape me into the man I am today. That being my father. He set the bar so high, in terms of being an asshole, I knew I couldn't acheive that goal, so I took the high road. Because of him, and his constant ass baggery, I've turned into a classy, moral, caring person. And, a slight alcoholic.

For that, he's my biggest inspiration, just because I never wanna wind up like him.

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