Who Has The Coolest Entrance in WWE Today?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Simply put, who, in your opinion, has the coolest/best entrance in WWE today? Please read the rules below!

1. It cannot be Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, or HHH.
2. All brands and shows apply
3. Current WWE roster ONLY!
4. Explain why you think it's the best

Some of you might burn me for this, but I'm going to say Brodus Clay. When I hear that music before he comes out, I get pumped. Then they girls come out and shake their bootays and dance with Brodus. Then they do that little dance in the ring, and the pyro at the end! It's all pretty exciting, and I believe it can get anybody in the crowd involved.
Dolph Ziggler vickie is so hot when she introduces him lol in all seriousness probably Daniel Bryan always loved his theme song and I think the verison he has now is even better and of course he makes it some much better with YES YES YES YES and also punks from the noise before the song and "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME" gets me really excited for a punk match
Gonna have to go with CM Punk as the favorite. As soon as I hear the static, I get pretty pumped. Second runner up would have to be Daniel Bryan (I think he really makes that entrance, even if it is just sheer character)
Easily Punk's for me. Dunno what it is but its so awesome.
Although I also liked Rhodes one when he was undashing. Every time he came down he just looked like such a dangerous creep. It was pretty cool.
Would say Edge, but I dunno if we're counting him. I think it may have to be John Cena for me. I like that it's always different, I enjoy his little remarks to the camera...and let's face it, his music's cool.
I'll go with Usos, it'd unique right now to any other, no music, the Maori Samoan type dance is pretty cool too.

I'm not sure about the Usos. I like everything up until the bit after the pyro when the generic hip-hop music kicks in. I'd prefer a more Umaga style song.
I have to go with brodus clay also. Thats the only thing I like about him is his entrance and of course Niomi and cameron. Love them. I really hope the disco ball, niomi, cameron and the dancing is apart of wwe '13
I would say Chris Jericho has the best entrance. The lights go out with a cool sound booming sound effect. He comes out and poses with his latest "Lite Brite" jacket flashing. Fireworks go off and his entrance theme hits. Jericho walks cockily towards the ring.
For sure the Uso. The Samoan Chant at the beginning, followed by some pyro with a cool song to top it off. They have the best right now. Its pretty entertaining.

Ryder's WWWYKI at the beginning, and then him carrying the Flash Video Camera is nice too.

Sin Cara's is a bit different. He has the color scheme and trampoline jump.
Punk for sure, the static at the beggining reminds me of the glass breaking during Stone Cold's entrace, can really lift the crowd.

Also gonna say Brock Lesnar, you hear his theme and you know asses are gonna get kicked.
Right now, I've been liking The Miz's entrance. When his music hits, he comes out with this cockiness that gets you. I think it can be better with some pyro or cheerleaders ;)

Brock Lesnar's entrance is also another good one. His music hits and you know shit's gonna go down. The Rock's current entrance is good as well.
Why has nobody mentioned... Santino... The powerwalk LOL. Seriously Y2J, Kane or Brodus have the best entrances- They are all unique.
I think Punk's old entrance music was better. It suited his edgy (no pun intended) character far better than the mainstream (which is what he has become) "Cult of Personality."

Santino's is definitely the most comical. I enjoy Daniel Bryan's simply because of his gimmick/character. Lesnar's is probably my current favorite, because, as an earlier post stated, you just know asses are about to be kicked. I love the little skip he does before making his way down the ramp. They need to bring back the fireworks when he jumps up onto the apron.
Punk's old music was sweet as hell. The new version just doesnt get me as pumped as Killswitch did. The Usos entrance would be alot more bad ass if they won. They dont get me pumped because i know that more often then not they gonna get squashed. When Miz was the champ his entrance was great, Love the music I Came too Play. I still shout that shit out when I am playing a pickup game of basketball.
Drew McIntyre's entrance with the intro video and music is perfect. The Usos' Samoan Dance entrance is one of the coolest in WWE even though it's biting what Samoa Joe would do in his PPV entrances.
Kane because when you see him emerging from the smoke with that creepy mask you already know its gonna go down. its enough to give little kids nightmares.
I'm going to go with CM Punk, just because he has the best intro music, today. Living Color was a great, under-appreciated 80's metal band, and Cult of Personality is a truly kick ass track.

Still, I love the theme because CM Punk proves why intro music can be so great; it fits his character, perfectly.
Some people seem a little confused about this topic. The question is, best entrance, not entrance theme. Brock's entrance is nothing special, he just has a cool theme song. Anyway...

My pick is definitely Chris Jericho. Love it when you hear that click sound, the lights go out, then you see the jacket light up with Jericho posing on the ramp, then the music kicks in. I love it. :)
Coolest entrance eh? Rey and Trips barely do anything out of the ordinary, so them being excluded as a rule seems excessive. Taker's is fucking sweet so probably a good idea to exclude that.

For me it comes down to two entrances.

First without a doubt is Brodus Clay. The Funkadactyls , at least I think that's what they are called, are awesome at his side with their dancing, the music rocks, and Brodus doing the dinosaur claw down to the ring is always fun. Then the dancing in the ring finished by the pyro. It's different, it gets the crowd going, and it's fun.

Second I'll go with the Usos. The Samoan chanting and dancing is sweet. You can hate all you want. It's freaking sweet. A nice end to that with the pyro.

Santino's is sweet, but it's music and his walk. It doesn't scream cool, but it does scream hilarious. Punk doesn't do much in his entrance other than checking an imaginary watch and yelling "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!". Oh and him going to the top rope as he gets in the ring. I love his entrance but come on. Kane's is solid, but other than the pyro spot in the ring it is rather weak.
I would say Taker but he only really does it once a year....

To me, it's CM Punk...the combination of the music and his charisma just works to perfection.
I would say Taker but he only really does it once a year....

To me, it's CM Punk...the combination of the music and his charisma just works to perfection.
I think I have to agree with this. He has the best entrance music in the company, and the entrance itself is simple yet injected with just enough personality to get the fans on their feet every time. As silly as it is, I love the "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!!!" and then the way he turns around so we can see the "Best in the World" on the back of his t-shirt. Simple stuff that I just dig.

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