Who has/had the boring Entrance in Wrestling History?



Who do you think has/had the boring entrance in wrestling history, i would have to say The Undertaker in the ministry story... i like the music, i love the music from that time, but ihave to say, i just fell asleep whenever i'd watch his matches from that time, granted, i was barely 7 when that was happening...but when i watch them today, his entrance is just boring...
You hit the nail right on the head his entrances are boring as hell in my eyes.

Yokozuna is another one that comes to mind.
I'd have to say almost anyone without theme music in general. Andre the Giant comes to mind, as he had no theme music & just kinda lumbered to the ring. Due to his size, it took him a bit to get there too.

Also, I know a lot of people loved Hulk Hogan, but his entrance (& exit, for that matter) always took WAY to long. His matches were shorter than his entrance/exit combined.
Yokozuna is another one that comes to mind.

Yoko's entrance wasn't "exciting" per se, but it was appropriate. It told a story and left people in awe of this Japanese behemoth.

The most BORING entrance of all time was I.R.S. Not only did he enter with no music, but he didn't smile, he wore a suit, carried a briefcase, and cut a repetitive promo about tax cheats in the arena in his monotone voice. Snore.

Not far off were The Natural Disasters. They had the sound of rumbling and a drum pounding behind them. Then, two enormous fat guys walked to the ring and tried to get in it. Blah.
I don't even LIKE John Cena but it's a damn lie to say his entrance, the way the likkle kiddies and women scream when his music come on and his jumping up and down like an idiot could NEVER be boring..funny more like.

I'd have to go with the Undertaker too, he just takes so damn LONG to get to the ring ( I know it's part of his intimidation shit- ma best friend's is a huge fan) BUT IT'S JUST BORING.
I think its unfair to include some of the old timers in this because back then music and pyros weren't as easily available to the guys. I figure only the guys from from the Hart/Michaels era, and beyond, should be included here. that being said, there are 3 that come to mind:

Right to Censor:
their music was an alram for god sake, talk about annoying, and that stable got huge, and i rememeber they almost had every title, which i thought was complete madness.

JBL: his music was borring and weird, he also took forever to get to the ring cuz he did the whole limo thing. i never saw JBL as champion material, and yet he had the title for a year. i feel the same about cena. go figure

King Booker: now depsite the repetetive music, when he first got his gimmick, he had either regal or sharmell say all hail king booker over and over again. i mean, what the hell? is that really necessary?

all in all, thank god for DVR >>
The person that comes to my mind is (the now suspended, lol) Chris Masters. His whole entrance/gimmick is based on his "incredible" body, but since their are guys with much more "incredible" bodies, its just boring to see him show off.
Yoko's entrance wasn't "exciting" per se, but it was appropriate.

I think that applies to most entrances. They have the one that suites them. Yokozuna coming down to something like Regal's Real Mans Man whilst doing a Jimmy Yang step over would be stupid. More entertaining, but stupid.

I wouldn't say any wrestler has/had a boring entrance. If you find it boring maybe that has more to do with your opinion on the wrestler. Everyone goes on about how good Takers entrance is. It's long and he walks. I'm missing how thats the best entrance ever. But it's a ''good'' entrance because people like Taker and it suits his gimmick.
i dont know if this is considered the most "boring" but i remember back in the day when Flair and Steamboat fueded, Steamboat came down to the ring with his little son riding a pony...i was maybe 12 or 13 at the time, but even back then i thought it was gay
I will have to say The Great Khali. It's so long because he can barely move and the music is really annoying. I was at SNME/RAW in Toronto earlier this year and Khali screwed up his entrence twice (once at SNME and once at RAW). His entrance is almost as boring as his matches witch is saying something.

But of all time I would have to say The Undertaker. I know it suits his gimmick, but it's a bit much. Most of the time his entrence is longer than his match.
That is ridiculous, the Undertaker has one of the best entrances in the history of the WWE, especially at WM with the druids and the firebolts coming out of the rafters....

Worst entrance ever in my opinion is Jimmy Wang Yang, now his entrance is ridiculous...Also Disco Inferno if anyone remembers him, that was just stupid!!!
i would hav 2 say finlay.. with dat damn music.. oh god. its so damn dumb
I honestly think a lot of people are misunderstanding the purpose behind this discussion. While obviously, opinions are welcome.. people are claiming selective entrances (Takers, King Booker's, etc) to be boring.. when they aren't.

What do you expect for their character type? Would you rather Taker came out to the gong music, & walked normally without dark lighting & smoke. Imagine Taker just walking out from the back, similar to the way Steve Austin, or The Rock just walked out with a determined step.. that wouldn't fit Taker at all.

His entrance DOES drag on a bit, but its all in his character. Same with Hogan, to a degree. Now if you want to discuss truly horrible entrances, on an unbias (sp?) point of view.. look at Steve Austin. Yes, he had decent music (had better music when it was the Disturbed song, then the remix) but the part of his intro that sucks, is he goes to all 4 corners & does the same double finger, arm raise, salute thing.

Yes, thats his gimmick, but do they have to show him doing it on each f'n corner? They could cut off his music & begin introducing his opponent while he continues to showboat to the live crowd. (after all, thats one of the reasons on what being there live is suppose to be for, anyways)

King Booker's entrance was awesome. He did that king style pinky pose, you never seen Jerry Lawler doing that, why? Because Lawler didn't have the guts to do something so kingly. lol Booker T added that extra element to his character, whereas Lawler has just become the type that walks out, holds up the crown, continues walking, enters the ring, then awaits to hit 3 moves before losing.
i think that one of the most boring entrances is probably randy orton. his music is cool but his entrance is just boring. once he won the title he stopped even doing his taunt.
i think that one of the most boring entrances is probably randy orton. his music is cool but his entrance is just boring. once he won the title he stopped even doing his taunt.

On that, i love his Entrance when he comes out, with the Pyro coming down from the tron, and the pose with the panning camera. Much better and suits his "cockyness"

To me, the most boring is/was Chris Benoit.
He would come to the ring, crack his neck a few times, stretch, and await the opponent. Yes it suited him, but there was no feeling there, justa formality.

Undertaker, while so similar, is that much different. When he comes to the ring, you literally FEEL his presence. When he comes to the ring, you look on in awe, whereas the likes of Benoit, was different..
Randy Orton. He has done the same damn thing since he left Evolution. His crappy music and his slow walk to the ring.

He's the World Champion for crying out loud, he should have some energy, some pyro, or some flare (a robe or even a t-shirt), just something to give some excitment to his entrance.
Cody Rhodes entrance is boring and his music sucks. He is a great wrestler but come on. Also DH Smith's new music sucks, he should go back to his dad's entrance.
Cody Rhodes entrance is boring and his music sucks. He is a great wrestler but come on. Also DH Smith's new music sucks, he should go back to his dad's entrance.

I couldn't agree more about Cody Rhodes. His music is so terrible that I actually feel bad for him. Entrance music is important to the character and his is just...well...boring as hell. A change in music would give him a little boost.
Most Boring would have been Chris Benoit. I loved this matches, but his entrances were appropriate but boriing. Bend the neck, pause, look, rub the wrist tape, walk.

Good music though... our lady peace rocks
yes i finally agree with someone Dtroy hit it on the head linda mcmahon, shes the most boring of the whole mcmahon family, she mad lance storm promos seem exciting, seriously she had a boring entrance even when she kicked foley in the nuts boring.

The only entrance that had no purpose, and was least exciting is hers, she sucked ass
Do you expect Linda McMahon to have pyro's and a pose? How is she supposed to look good? She doesn't wrestle for christ sakes.

Most boring = Finlay or Khali
To me, boring would have to be The Undertaker's. Now, many if you will call me an idiot for saying that, but when Taker doesn't have the special return entrance with the lightning bolts and all that jazz, it can be extremely boring. It's the same stuff over and over, and it's also really long. The length would probably have to be the worst part about it.'

But like Vince11 said, Khali's is also really boring.
Masters, when he used to do that stupid pose for like 30 seconds with the cape. Was just a big waste of time and the music sucked too.

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