Who Do You Tune In For??

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
We all know that one person doesn't make a show,
But who do you tune in too see?
Say I'm running late for one reason or another and i'm not going to be able to catch wrestling tonight:shrug:
For me,
It'll go a little something like this:
"Damn it!, I'm gonna miss.."

John Morrison - I really, really, want more for him, but i know it's not gonna happen until he gets his MIC game up. But for the time being, he's still awesome. I just love to watch him wrestle, he always manages to entertain and put on a great match when given the real oppertunity
Melina(Gasp!) - My favorite diva never fails me, she always gives me the best she can with or without creative help. She can take a pissy 2 minute time block and work it out, She's so awesome
Randy Orton - The Viper is just phenomenal, I am a firm beliver that he makes a better contender than champion, but that doesn't change the fact that he is one of the best in the business and dares you not to watch him. IDK what I wonder more, Who' getting the RKO tonight, or When is the RKO going to be given tonight!
Gail Kim - Though I rarely see her on RAW in serious action, this gal is just phenomenal. She has got to be one of the greatest womens in-ring preformers that has ever set foot in the WWE Ring.

CM Punk (Shocker, Right) - He's just an all around Superstar. He can cut the best promo of the week, tell you how bad you suck!, and entertain you in the ring all in the same 20 minutes. What more can you ask for?? (Besides his damn hair)
Layla El - She has really worked hard since she was given the strap due to Beth.P's injury. She's becomming a better wrestler every time she steps in the ring and the girls just plain hilarious. She has really improved, and the best part is, with how WWE is running things currently, she really didn't have too

Who do you tune in to see?,
i tune in to see the miz on raw, because lately he has just been pure money on the mic, and his matches are improving by the week.

i tune in to see cm punk on smackdown, like the miz he is absolute gold as a speaker, he can carry a fued without touching a ring. and at that, given the right opponent and he can main event wrestlemania with his in ring ability

Daniel Bryan- the number one guy I tune into see on RAW. His style is so amazing and unlike most guys on the RAW or Smackdown roster. He's probably my favorite on RAW now that Jericho's gone.
John Cena- over the pass fewmonths I've grown to liking this man. I've always respected him but maybe about six months or so ago I started to enjoy him. His mic work is amazing and he's hilarious on the mic.
The Nexus- if you don't tune in to RAW to see these guys then I don't know why you're watching it. This storyline is very interesting especially since Cena has joined. It refreshened RAW's top storyline.


Edge- my favorite wrestler. Now that he's a tweener he's gain my attention even more. His feud with Swagger is getting good, not to mention the war on stupidity.
Kaval- great style and worker. I'm interested to see where he's headed. One of my favorite wrestlers aswell.
CM Punk- another great worker. I tune in to hear him talk and his wrestling isn't to bad. Lol
Christain- I know he's injured right now, but he's stll one of my favorites. He's a great in ring performer and can put on some great matches.
Layla-really no need to explain. She's fucking hot, great in the ring and a hilarious addition to LayCool. The best diva in the WWE imo.

There's more guys I tune into see like Sheamus, Triple H, Undertaker, Kane but the ones I've listed are the ones that stand out.
On Raw I tune in to see Cena in Nexus, Natyla, Melina, Eve Torres, Randy Orton, The Miz and Sheamus.

On SD I tune in to see the Rated R Superstar Edge, I absoulty love this guy and I'm glad he is on SD becuase that is truly were he belongs. I also watch sd for C.M. Punk and to see Laycool get their butts kicked but mainly for Edge. Oh also I love the Vickie, Dolph and Katylin storyline very intertaing.

I watch NXT for A.J. Lee hope she wins I think she is the best and also for Katylin if A.J doesn't win then she deserves it.
Here are my personal favorites:


John Cena - I'm not a Cena mark, but the whole Nexus thing has made him interesting again and he really did a great job of pulling it all off on Raw last week.
The Nexus - With the addition of Cena, it's really made them interesting again. Now I just want them to ditch Slater.
Chris Jericho - Jericho has always been an entertainer, heel or face.
Sheamus - Breath of fresh air in the wrestling business, always liked him for some reason.


Alberto Del Rio - This guy has been an amazing heel since his debut. I cannot wait for him to be crowned champion.
Kane - Kane has been the most impressive that I've ever seen him, cutting some incredibly powerful promos.
CM Punk - Punk is probably the 2nd best mic worker in the business, after Jericho. I only wish the Straight Edge Society had lasted longer and grown as a stable.

Randy Orton- He has been one of my favorites since Evolution....HEEL or FACE i love his work and espicially now as this whole crazy can hit you at any time viper. He the best at what he does.

The Miz- Ever since he did his promos on John Cena he became an instant favorite of mine...his promos are always great and his in ring work is really good...he could easily be the top heel or face i think if he wanted to be.

Edge - I've been an edge head since his days with Christian....he is quite funny actually (i still remember there five second pose in indiana of Bobby Knight lol) his work with Kurt Angle....then he can be the slimmest man ever (i know he had to get checked after lita and vickie even if he just kissed vickie lol) to now his fight against stupidity

Christian - I had always liked edge more but when he started rap against Cena classic promos (which he is vastly underrated) he a good ring worker as well...just too bad he doesn't get pushed more.
Nobody. Sorry to say but I feel like the WWE has clipped the wings of virtually every talent. A few years ago it would have been Chris Benoit, but we all know what happened there. It's so sad to see how mechanical and inorganic the WWE has become.

Chris Jericho - Greatest wrestler of all time. In my eyes he always will be. It makes me sad to know his days are drawing near, despite what he says. Ever since his legendary WCW feud with Rey Mysterio, this guy has been my favorite. As long as he wrestles, I will always tune it.

The Nexus - Now, I really don't like The Nexus or anyone in it. It does however keep me entertained to see what will happen next. I'm interested to see where they go with this John Cena stint.

The Miz - He's awesome. Not much else to say there. You can really see him improving each and every week he wrestlers or just gabs on the microphone. He has really been impressing me each time he is in the ring, and I can't wait to see how he does once he gains a world title.

The RAW GM - I could care less about the story, or what happens with it (unless it ends up being someone unexpected). I'm just really interested to see who it is. I know it will ultimately end up disappointing, but I would like to know who it is live.


Kane - He's always been my favorite big red machine. I'm so happy to see him with a world title and actually getting a push. No matter how watered down he is by now, I'm always happy to see him wrestle.

CM Punk - Great wrestler, always amazing on the microphone, awesome gimmick. If you followed him in his independent wrestling era, he would put on much more of a "dirty" gimmick, but was always one of my favorites. I always tune in to see him, and I can't wait for his next title run.

Dolph Ziggler - I don't know why. I like the guy. Most may call him mediocre in what he does, but I like him.

Edge - It hurts me to see what his career is being washed down into, but he is always my second favorite. You wouldn't believe how many times I've marked to him winning a world title. Doesn't matter when he lost it, his title runs always were enjoyable. Now you can tell he's nearing his end, but I will always remember every year of his WWF/WWE career.
raw- John Morrison
The man kicks ass need i say more, his style is the future of the wwe
Smackdown- Kofi Kingston another very athletic wrestler who breaks out of the duldrums of cena vs. orton vs. hhh

Triple H - Without him & Cena, Raw would've been nothing this past decade. Cant wait for him to come back

Cena & Orton - The faces of Raw for the past few years & today. The Austin & Rock of this generation but less talented of course.

Daniel Bryan - I'm interested in seeing what WWE do with their next star.

Sheamus - Natural talent for being a good heel.

John Morrison - It doesnt matter what you put him in, he's always gonna do summit amazing.

The Miz - He's the man of the mic these days and how Michael Cole always praises him cracks me up.

Chris Jericho & Edge - They have great chemistry with anybody on Raw than Smackdown. They're more entertaining on the A show.

Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler - Michael Cole is more entertaining than Jerry Lawler cause Cole's the heel and is a funny basher, Cole bust me up. But Lawler's one half of the traditional Raw commentary team, so it's always good to hear him commentate no matter what role.


The Undertaker - Smackdown is a crappy ass show but Taker is the glue holding it together cause he's the legend everybody loves. Without him, this past decade of Smackdown would've been nothing.

Kane - Kane is pushed to the stars now which is great to see, he has a natural talent for being entertaining in the main event scene. Dunno why WWE waited so long to put him in the main events.

Rey Mysterio - He's like the face of Smackdown for me.

Alberto Del Rio - Same reason as Daniel Bryan

Matt Striker - His intelligence & knowledge make him the next best commentator in the biz.
John Cena: I like this guy. Like it or not, he's the best entertainer on RAW.
The Nexus: Nexus r d prime guys I'm looking 4. I always look forward to what they'll do next

LayCool Michelle's my fav and they are too good.

Randy Orton - It has been a given for me to look forward to what he does each week on Raw. This goes years back as well. He has always had my interest because of the type of character he is, and also who he does what he does to. Plus, I have always been a big fan of The RKO.

The Miz - I think he will be a bonafide star. His promos are great and I like watching him talk shit. I also like his matches. Always curious as to when he will cash in MITB!

The Nexus - It's been a good storyline overall. When they first attacked, I was way into it. I think they were, for lack of a better term, a breath of fresh air.

John Morrison - I am waiting for him to do something big. I think he is sick in the ring and is a spot machine. Always on the watch for a classic match, or even something like a Heel Turn.

Those are the few main reasons I look forward to Raw.

Truth be told though...

I tune in to Raw because it is Raw. PG Rating or not.

Daniel Bryan - I'm hoping for the best for him. I'm anticipating some good matches from him in the WWE, if that's capable of happening in the midcard.

Zack Ryder - I don't know why, I'm just a fan of him. He's kinda funny and I always thought he'd be a pretty neat mid-carder.

Justin Gabriel - high hopes too. Love his top-rope moonsault. I hope he gets released one day and he works the indies, but he's above average at best in the ring. Also cuz I got a mancrush on him. =D


Kaval - the little guy is interesting, and I cringe (in a gewd way) every time I see his stomp. We both kick a lot, so that's another thing.

Cody Rhodes - love the gimmick, though I chuckle every time I notice that wart-like thing above his right eye, next to his eyebrow -- dashing, huh?

CM Punk - do I really need to explain this? He's just awesome and I'm dying for him to grow his hair again. Haven't seen any memorable matches of his lately, but I'll give it time.


AJ Lee - she's just soooooooooooooooo adorable! Her height adds to her cuteness too! And she's pretty effin' hawt too, especially during that dance contest in the first or second week of the third NXT season. And my signature!
Chris Jericho-I know he's taking a break :( but Damn IT! He's still the BEST IN THE WORLD AT WHAT HE DOES! Nough Said.
JOMO-I've always been a fan of him and this recent little push with Parkour stuff its been really cool.
Nexus(mostly Slater and Barrett)-I've liked Nexus when they first came it was something new I loved it and Now since Slater is getting more mic time and ring time Im loving it more.
Maryse- cause shes so damn HOT!!!!!!!!

Christian-He's my FAVORITE of all time the most Under-used wrestler in WWE and when he was ECW he was THE ONLY reason I tuned in every Tuesday. and now he's one of the main reasons I watch SD!.
Kelly Kelly-Shes so Damn Beautiful Nough Said.
Edge-While I always liked Christian alittle better Im still a HUGE fan of Edge too
Undertaker-The living Legend The Deadman Himself UNDERTAKER do I really need an explation
Cm Punk-this guys GOLD on the Mic and in the ring
Kane-Kane's been Very interesting and seems like he's up his game recently with the storyline

NXT-Naomi Night she's good in the ring and plus I get to see Kelly on NXT too

The Miz - This guy is absolute gold on the mic. I respect how he clawed himself up in the business from "Reality TV has been" to "Mr. Money in the Bank". He's definately earned his push, I just can't wait till he elevates to the main event.

The Nexus - I'm not a big fan of any of the members particularly, but as a unit, I love the way they always beat up John Cena. Wade Barett's mic work has been great and his character is easy to hate, however I can't hate on someone who hurts Cena so much.

Maryse - My favourite diva. Shes so hot, shes Canadian, and I love that "your repulsive" look and hand gesture. She was slowly getting better in the ring. Too bad shes just Dibiase arm candy now.

Honourable Mentions due to injuries whether real or kayfabe.

Triple H The King of Kings. Can't wait till the sledgehammer falls on Shamus.

Chris Jericho - The King of the World. Great wrestler, Great mic work, Great acting.


Undertaker - The dead man's days are numbered, and I will always be a creature of the night. I want to see how his career ends.

Kane - The Devil's favourite Demon has been getting in some good work lately. Glad to see that he's becoming relevant again.

CM Punk - One of my favourite wrestlers of the new generation. Great move set and even better on the mic.

Kelly Kelly - Great eye candy, ohh how I miss Extreme Expose and pre PG WWE.

Cena: He is focal point of the show and even though he takes alot of heat he does his job well.

Orton: He is on fire right now and i try to see what he's gonna do next and how he's gonna RKO his way to victory.

Jericho: I don't know if he stayin or not but this dude is great on the mic and in the ring, he is the best at what he does.


Kofi: I love this dude i feel like he just one epic fued or promo away from being a legit maineventer. Some ppl say he wouldn't be a realistic champ, but what's not realistic about an athletic black dude dominating?

Kane/Taker: Theses 2 and Y2J all i really got linking me to the golden age of wrestling in my eyes the attitude era. Mark Henry don't count he always sucked and Goldust was/is always underused.

Cody Rhodes: I don't know why but i've always liked the kid and his new gimmick is perfect for him.

Albert Del Rio: I think he bringing out another side to rey-rey, the match they had tonight was great to me.

Drew: I think this guy is gonna be huge but you can tell he green as fuck right now, all he needs is confidence and he will be fine.

John Morrison - I find him very entertaining in the ring and the Starship Pain has grown on me even though I used to criticize it a lot.

Zack Ryder - I like his backstage segments. He is pretty funny. I still think they should have teamed him up with Percy Wattson in NXT.

John Cena - There is moments when I could care less what he is doing, but right now I really like the storyline he is in.

Shaemus - The guy has grown on me. I used to like him since he began because of his unique look and build, but now I actually want to see him more.

Randy Orton - Pretty simple, he is the best on Raw and his RKO is badass.


Undertaker - Need I say more than my username?

CM Punk - I started liking this guy since the feud with Jeff Hardy and now I can't stand that they are jobbing him to Rey or the Big Show. It's a shame that such a talent is being wasted right now.

Edge - I used to hate this guy, but now I really like what he is doing. His tweener/face thing is really working for him and I think he could give some good matches and a good feud with Swagger.

Alberto Del Rio aka Dos Caras Jr. - He is Mexican and so am I. No more needs to be said about that.

Cena in Nexus - Just wanna see how they play it out. Not to mention, if they're serious about turning Cena heel, this is the perfect opportunity.

Miz - His promos are pretty funny usually. Plus it's just a matter of time befor he starts moving up the ladder, and I wanna watch it happen.

John Morrison - He's awesome to watch in the ring. I wish he'd get his mic work up so he'd be featured more.


Cody Rhodes - his promos are absolutely hilarious to me. His matches are ok. But I can't help but watch when I hear his music hit. Too bad he's teamed with Drew McIntyre.

Edge - He's always been my favorite as a tweener/face. Plus it helps that I like anyone who's beating up on Jack Swagger.

Layla - She's hot as hell, even in those awful outfits they make her wear sometimes. Plus she's funny. A nice compliment to McCool who's boring.

1. The Miz, the best for me if you can count jericho out atm, there is something different about this guy, his mic skills has alot of intensity, and in the ring espcially in the past 2 months he got alot better.

2. Jericho, Still I dk if he's out or no. But he doesn't lie when he says "Im the best in the world at what I do" enough said

3. Randy Orton, I actually dig his matches, some find him slow poke and boring but he isn't. Just for the fact that 90% of the time he does the DDT from the rope, watching him wait while doing it makes it seem more entertaining.

4. Maryse , She is just very hot, and watching her weekly is a delight :blush:


1. CM punk, in addition to the miz on mic just a different feel, he has wrestling when he talkes in his blood, he makes us belive that he is better. His wrestling aren't bad unless he faces a "scared" wreslter, that just can't take Punk's moves especially his finisher.

2. Dolph Ziggler, a weird name to throw in the mix, huh? He is very good for me, with and without vickie, and as JOMO, he can wrestle but falls short on the mic work. If you can't belive me, watch his match against Rey where he lost for IC champion, can you count how many grapple moves did he perform? I guessed so

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