Who do you "secretly" miss?

I like the people mentioning Punk, AJ and the like. Because that's along the spirit of this thread... :rolleyes:

Scott Steiner was always one of my favorites. His promos were like a train wreck.

And I'll throw one out there that I'll probably be the only one to ever mention, because this was way before I started looking at wrestling differently: The Highlanders. I just thought their gimmick was different and goofy enough I enjoyed it.
I miss 3MB as well. Those guys were a lot of fun and it is a shame when acts like them are under utilised.

I think they were mis-utilized rather than under-utilized.

They didn't actually start out as a comedy team, and why WWE quickly decided to portray them as such still puzzles me.

Still, when you have Drew McIntyre.....and then Jinder Mahal.....losing one-on-one matches to El Pequeno Bullshit (the dwarf from Los Matadores) you had to know their WWE days were coming to an end.

I wish they had been given a chance to get over as a serious team.
don't be mad on me. I really missed one and only Goldberg. There are lot of people who don't like him because they say he can't wrestle or he has shitty ego. But, I don't know why I like him. May be whenever his entrance theme song was played , I used to get goose bumps. His character was like a furious lion, who was coming to rip the opponent. His style, persona, etc was really awesome. I think I waited so many years for his return. few times in a week, I usually used to check news about bill Goldberg, whether he has said something about return. Now he is getting older. maybe he can have one or two good matches in him. This time, I am pretty sure about his return. May be some involvement in Roman reigns story against the authority. As he has some problems with Hunter. It would be awesome if at TLC or any other ppv, hunter comes out to distract roman, and there comes Bill Goldberg and spears hunter. Then the roman and bill spear combination would be awesome. I am saying this because I am waiting for Goldbergs return with an awesome story.
On a lighter note I wish WWE hired Jeff Farmer to work with Roman Reigns on his promos as he gets ready to transcend into the face of WWE at Wrestlemania. With Jeff's help he can go FULL FORCE.
Sean O'Haire - I know he's passed away, but I still think he was let go from WWE way too soon. His vignettes were still some of the most interesting ones the WWE has ever done as he was a character who just said things like they were. Things got a little off track with him when they made Piper his manager, which was forced and not a match at all.

Nathan Jones - I WANTED him to be good because he seemed so badass coming in. Nothing ever clicked with him in the ring.

Heidenreich - I couldn't possibly explain why

Maryse - I just always liked the French accent

Steve Blackman - Those kendo stick skills were on fleek
don't be mad on me. I really missed one and only Goldberg. There are lot of people who don't like him because they say he can't wrestle or he has shitty ego. But, I don't know why I like him. May be whenever his entrance theme song was played , I used to get goose bumps. His character was like a furious lion, who was coming to rip the opponent. His style, persona, etc was really awesome. I think I waited so many years for his return. few times in a week, I usually used to check news about bill Goldberg, whether he has said something about return. Now he is getting older. maybe he can have one or two good matches in him. This time, I am pretty sure about his return. May be some involvement in Roman reigns story against the authority. As he has some problems with Hunter. It would be awesome if at TLC or any other ppv, hunter comes out to distract roman, and there comes Bill Goldberg and spears hunter. Then the roman and bill spear combination would be awesome. I am saying this because I am waiting for Goldbergs return with an awesome story.

Same pinch buddy..... I too am waiting for Goldberg's return with an awesome story but most likely its not gonna happen especially because Goldberg hated his time in WWE.... :shrug:
and Yes! He was Awesome!
I think they were mis-utilized rather than under-utilized.

They didn't actually start out as a comedy team, and why WWE quickly decided to portray them as such still puzzles me.

Still, when you have Drew McIntyre.....and then Jinder Mahal.....losing one-on-one matches to El Pequeno Bullshit (the dwarf from Los Matadores) you had to know their WWE days were coming to an end.

I wish they had been given a chance to get over as a serious team.

I am doubtful about Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater but fully sure about Drew McIntyre....But If they had taken him seriously even as a leader of 3MB, he would have had success.... And obviously Drew's loss to El-Torito sucks lot :(
By the way, I hope he becomes TNA World Champ and prove that WWE lost a potential star just like EC-III proved! Cheers!
Santino - for the lols, just hated the 'cobra' finisher but y'all remember that elimination chamber match when he reminded us how good a wrestler we were missing out on.

Shelton Benjamin - 'Gold Standard' pre-Kofi RR/MITB one man spotfest who could wrestle with the best of them.

Legacy - (I know RKO and Cody are still there) but with DiBiase Jr when Cody turned on Holly they were a young cocky stable that didn't get to really go the distance.

Edge - for years I hated him. Really really hated him. Then I realized how good a heel he was to elicit such a strong reaction for so long, they miss his star power more than they know.
Singles Competitors

1.Shelton Benjamin: Byfar this is the guy I miss the most. IMO He is the best "Wrestler" never to win the WWE Championship. If only He could have found a permanent believeble gimmick there is no doubt in My mind that He would have found unrivaled singles success and a reign a top the company.

2.Tazz: During His run in EC3 He was byfar My favorite wrestler and that was at the apex of the Attitude Era. Their are very few wrestlers that could legitimately get over as the tough guy at His size. The WWE really dropped the ball and failed to capitalize on someone who could have been a huge star for Them.

3.Drew McIntyre: I absolutely loved His first run in WWE as "The Chosen One". I thought He did everything He could do to makeep His character work and for the most part I thought He was largely successful. I don't know when WWE started to lose faith in Him but His fall was fast and hard. Loved His theme and character hope He gets another chance to shine with the biggest company in the world.

4.Elijah Burke: I loved this guy thought He was destined for greatness, excellent on the mic and very good in the ring I was sure He would be a Mega star. I have to look at this as yet another huge opportunity lost for WWE.

5.John Morrison: He was truly capable of having show stealing performances every single night. I believe if He had a better attitude backstage maybe just maybe He would have lived up to His full potential. Maybe He still can...

6.Kaval: I don't know if He would have ever become as huge a star as He has in other promotions but this guy can flat out wrestle. His no nonsense streightfoward character could have gotten over with fans if used properly but let's face facts the WWE didn't even give Him a real chance. IMO He is a drastically improved version of current WWE sensation Finn Bàlor.

7.Carlito: Loved Him from day one, sometimes You just like a guy for no good or particular reason. Thought He was good in the ring and had a good character. Not a lot of guys are as good being a face as they are being a heel but IMO Carlito was the exception. Between He, Shelton, Morrison, Miz, Rhodes, Jericho, RVD and many many more I thought this was the best mid-card division the WWE ever had.

8.Evan Bourne: Really knew how to bring the excitement to any and every contest He was in it's just to bad He had that major drug problem... could have emerged as huge star.

9.Gregory Helms: I put Him right up there with Shelton as one on the greatest WWE wrestlers to never hold the WWE Championship. He had the personality and the in-ring talent to be a huge draw for the WWE. If His career stated now I believe He would have everything it takes to be the top star in the sport.

10.MVP/Mr.Kennedy: IMO both of these guys was WAY over and I believe that the WWE missed out on creating two new main event stars. Imagine the shake up at the top of the cards if these guys broke through.


1.A.J Lee: I don't care what No one thinks of Her, She single handedly carried the horrible pre-revolution Diva's Division. She always found a way to keep Me interested in what She was doing inspite of who She was facing. Only Paige was a worthy competitor, as the revolution moves forward I can't help but to wonder how much better it would be with Her involved. Best Female Character since Trish, Lita, Chyna and Stephanie McMahon.

2.Beth Phoenix: One of My favorite Diva's of all-time loved to see Her compete in the ring. Perfect mix of talent beauty and power.

3.Molly Holly: I consider Her the most technically sound Diva of all-time. She was far and beyond one of My favorite Diva's to watch, it's to bad the WWE was focused on the looks a little too much otherwise She could have had a hall of fame career.

4.Jazz: Jazz was a serious Female competitor, she was very aggressive and very talented. I was glad WWE gave Her a chance to showcase Her talents even though She was not the prototypical Diva.

5.Michelle McCool: I respect any Woman that trains until them become great. Much like Trish Stratus Michelle came in as eye candy and became the best competitor in the Women's Division of Her time. I didn't think She had the greatest competitors to display Her talent against but there is no doubt in My mind that She was very good in the ring and is probably one on the most hated Diva's of all-time which is actually more of a complement then it sounds.

6.Kharma: I thought She was going to change the game as the most dominant Diva of all-time but I guess it wasn't meant to be, still would thoroughly enjoy see Her and Beth go at it... so many missed opportunities.

7.Gail Kim: It's too bad the WWE drops the ball with talent so much as Gail is one of the best Female workers in the business. WWE sold have capitalize on her unique skills She could have been the female equivalent of Rey Mysterio.

8.Chyna: One of the most popular Diva's of all-time. I would have loved to see Her compete against other hard hitting competitors like Jazz, Victoria, Beth, Natalya, ect...

9.Victoria: One of the best WWE produced Women ever, She was absolutely brilliant in the ring and had a great character it's too bad the WWE didn't choose to take Women seriously until now otherwise She, Natalya and Beth would have been huge stars and not made out to be jokes.

10.Mickie James: One of the best Female wrestlers anywhere, had it all the looks, the character and the ring talent to have a hall of fame WWE career. It's just too bad backstage politics ruined what was a great career.

Tag Teams:

1.The Hart Dynasty: Great Tag Team, I thought They had all the tools to be a long running dominant Tag Team that would go on to eventual singles success for both.

2.Cryme Tyme: I thought They were a better version of The Prime Time Player's, I thought there was plenty of opportunities to take a chance and put Them over as champions. They were over with the crowd and very entertaining outside the ring and decent in the ring.

3.The World's Greatest Tag Team: Simply outstanding in the ring one of the best Tag Teams ever.

4.MNM: thought They worked really well together and we're very fluid and entertaining in and out the ring.

5.The Major Brothers: Forget that laughable excuse of a Tag Team The Hype Bros, Ryder was much better with His Brother from another Mother Curt Hawkins.

6.London and Kendrick: Loved these guys They were awe inspiring in the ring one of the best Tag Teams ever.

7.The Basham Brothers: I liked these guys a lot expectually their run when They were aligned with JBL in The Cabinet.

8.Duece and Domino: I thought I was alone in liking these guys. Glad someone else saw past their gimmick and recognized They were a solid Tag Team.

9.Three Minute Warning: thought They could have been huge together if used properly but I was glad both found a niche for Themselves either way. Could have been one of the greatest Tag Teams ever.

10.Billy and Chuck/Miz and Morrison/The Legacy/The New Age Outlawz/Los Guerreros/ Angle and Beniot/Edge and Christian/Team Hell No!/La Resistancè: I know I cheated a little but their has truly been some great Tag Teams that were vastly under appreciated.
Tazz didn't have the 'look'. Great worker and could've been a great upper tier mid carder. The initial hype led to a letdown as WWE dropped the ball with him.
Carlito - Dude always cracked me up and was good in ring
Mr. Kennedy - Great worker and has his moments on the Mic.
Dave Otunga - Great heel mic worker/manager
I miss

Hogan loved his promos about eating prayers and saying vitamins

koko b ware was awesome with that dog yeah the dog man

and also miss luke and butch and the Beverly sister
Sean O'Haire - I know he's passed away, but I still think he was let go from WWE way too soon. His vignettes were still some of the most interesting ones the WWE has ever done as he was a character who just said things like they were. Things got a little off track with him when they made Piper his manager, which was forced and not a match at all.

such a great talent, which also reminded me about TEST like and Lance Cade like if there is Wrestling stable in heaven O'Hare,Test and Lance Cade are there.
I'd go with

Lashely: we never got to see his full potential unfold in WWE but looked like he'd be a Lesnar/Batista type character going forward! I'd love to see Lesnar V Lashley at a Mania sometime as Lashley has an MMA career too he could easily be made to look like Lesnar's equal.
John Morrison: Loved this guy and he seemed so close to breaking fully into the main event scene. Bring him back and put him on NXT for a while then team with Tyler Breeze maybe.
MVP: always enjoyed his work on the mic and in the ring.
Kozlov: I loved this guy when he first burst on the scene as the silent Russian who destroyed everyone.

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