Who is "Miss Angle"?

Why are you people so close minded? Rhaka Khan? Isis The Amazon? Serena Deeb? Miss Tesscantspellhername? What about Orlando Jordan? She likes pain, right?

Don't write this off - given the way Angle says Miss (Mizz) and his jokey demeanour, OJ could be a possibility. Isis is also likely but while Serena is, by many accounts, good in ring - she is hardly intimidating. Karen might not be a wrestler but she is quite tall (5'10" - she towered over nearly every KO on iMPACT last week, which is why I'd rule them out), so whoever it is, will need some gimmick if she is to believably be concerned. As such, other possibilities I might see are Raisha Saeed (unlikely, see reason two against Rhaka Khan below) or "The Voodoo Queen" Roxxi Laveaux who could be gimmickly intimidating (both girls have worked for TNA recently). Winter and Angelina Love are out there at the moment, but given they are definite heels at the moment, the dynamic wouldn't fit. As she is taller than both Alyssa Flash and ODB, like Serena, I don't see any fear here. Chyna? Please... God... NO! I suppose the current Women's Champion, Mickie, would have some degree of imposing nature due to her position - can't see it though. One final possible name (unlikely, but :shrug:), how about Matt's ex Lita - maybe she's peeved about the fake her that ADR brought out on SD:lmao: and the light TNA schedule would suit.

Daphne is a non starter due to the fact she's suing TNA at present (unless an agreement has been made that has been kept very quiet and, even then, it'd be highly unlikely). Rhaka Khan is unlikely for several reasons - past history with Angle, bringing back memories of being Awesome Kong's underling (inferior) or the fact she just isn't any good. Rosie? She's the main reason for Daphne's case - no chance.

All things being equal, Isis would be favourite but given TNA's penchant for second guessing I can see Karen's recent bridesmaid OJ as a close second.
Maybe it will be Sharmell, after all Angle loves Glam (or is it glitter, I can't remember) girls.

I think it will be the Amazon. They could easily hide her lack of wrestling skills (from what I have heard, she sucks) by having her and Angle vs The Jarretts. That way, Angle can finally get that win over Jarrett, Amazon can destroy Karen and this will all finally be over.
I’m hoping it’s one of two people. The first being this Amazon woman. After reading about all the comments on here, I decided to Google her: and by God she would be absolutely perfect for this angle. Woman don’t come more intimidating than that! She’s an absolute beast and Karen would literally shit herself staring up at that. People have commented she’s not the best wrestler (I’ve never seen her wrestle myself), but she doesn’t need to be a great wrestler. Last time I checked Karen Jarrett is no Tara when it comes to in ring work. Miss Angle just needs to be intimidating and this woman is certainly that.

The second person and the one I’m really hoping it is, is Chyna! She’s the only woman wrestler I’ve ever enjoyed watching kicking someone’s arse. It will be a serious mark out moment if it is indeed Chyna. I’ve seen some reports stating a major WWF name debuted at the tapings. Who that is, I don’t know. I don’t read spoilers as they are exactly what they say they are, they spoil the show. The wording ‘major WWF name’ would mean it’s one of the classic stars and not the chumps that work in the E now. So I’m definitely excited to see who this is and if it is Chyna, watch out Knockouts!

The next couple of iMPACT! episodes could be really exciting just judging by some of the headlines I’ve seen on websites.

Not gonna say who it is but by God is it a bad idea.

That is all.

Why because it's something TNA are doing? You clearly don't like anything they do so I find it really hard to understand why you even take an interest in it.
I'd forgotten about Chyna and I've read rumors over the course of the past several days indicating that it might be her. She's been away from wrestling for a long time, so I guess that's why she didn't spring to mind.

If it were to be Chyna, it could be a good thing or a bad thing. Chyna has become something of a joke at various times over the last decade. The only thing that'd concern me is her history of drug problems. If I'm not mistaken, she participated in some of those drug rehab reality shows that air on MVT a couple of years back.

Isis the Amazon & Chyna are two viable options I think, even though it's possible it might not be either one of them. Back in the day, Chyna was pretty indimidating but she's much older now, considerably less muscular the last time I saw her and she was never much in the ring to begin with. But, she does bring a certain degree of star power with her. Isis is said to be green as the Incredible Hulk's nuts and she definitely lacks star power. But, she definitely has a unique look and she wouldn't necessarily need to be skilled to participate in this program.

Definite pros & cons for either lady. As I said in an earlier post, if it's not somebody that can make a legit impact, then it's going to be pretty lackluster like most of these things tend to be in TNA.
I haven’t seen anything of Chyna since the late 90’s so I wasn’t aware of any of the drug issues and that you mentioned. I thought she wouldn’t be as muscular and built as she was but assumed she would still be in pretty good shape? As you said, she would still bring some star power either way. I would like for it to be her, just for that mark out moment.

I’m sort of leaning more towards it being Amazon though. It’s the way Angle has described this woman that makes me think it’s her. He also mentioned no one knows this girl, which doesn’t fit in with Chyna. You’re right in saying who ever it is needs to make an impact, and I think with Amazon being so huge and an unknown she could leave an impression.
If it were to be Chyna, it could be a good thing or a bad thing. Chyna has become something of a joke at various times over the last decade. The only thing that'd concern me is her history of drug problems. If I'm not mistaken, she participated in some of those drug rehab reality shows that air on MVT a couple of years back.

Yes she has been on that show with DR. Drew. Celebrity Rehab I actually watched it she was on there with some other porn stars and cried alot. X-punk even showed up and ruined her day.

I thought I had heard she was retired from acting after that god awful movie she was in Cougar Club, and wrestling both. I did state last week that I would prefer Chyna and she would give Karen that OMG look that She would get fucked up real quick.

As much as i don't want it to be Isis, it will probably be her, but I am giving a small 5% chance still to Chyna as TNA likes to make a huge Impact with debuts and they always want a big name. This could also give a small boost in ratings for a few weeks. I just hope it its her the junkie boys stay away so she doesn't get back into the problems she had worked so hard to overcome.
Im going to guess Chyna because wwe brought in Kong and Chyna was the first supernatural superstrong diva

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