Who is "Miss Angle"?

My best guess would be serena because she has had try-outs with tna. My personal favourite tna knockout to do the angle would be shelly martinez, she aint doin much right now is she?
Not sure what the status of Daphney is, but I could see it being her. Especially when Kurt made a point to mention she was more into pain than pleasure. Seems to fit her character pretty well.
Clearly it's one person who I would want that to be... that would be Daffney all hands down... could you imagine the level of intensity that would give to all the drama with the story line

I would love for it to be Daffney. God knows she looks like she loves a bit of pain and she could totally pull off the mistress look.

However the chances of her comming back are slim at this stage, isnt she currently in a legal battle with TNA about her injuries?
I saw this recently:
"– Isis the Amazon, who competed in a dark match for TNA Wrestling two months ago, is denying online reports that she will be debuting for the promotion.

“WOW & this is why we don’t trust dirtsheets.. I never alluded to that,” she wrote on Twitter in response to a message saying she would be debuting soon for TNA.

The rumor is that Isis will debut soon alongside Kurt Angle to assist him in his feud with Jeff and Karen Jarrett."

IMO it is so going to be her. The week after she destroys karen, TNA will give her the mic and let her rip on WWE (which they love), and she'll win the knock outs title. In TNA's mind this will be their answer to Kong, and also serve as a good reason to take Karen off tv probably for good.
Daffney is in a legal battle with TNA about her injury's so I can't see her coming back. But I hope its not Isis the Amazon.
It is not Rhaka Khan. They had a pretty big falling out if you do not remember. That is the main reason she got fired. Not sure how that would be "real" anyway. Kurt is married again and it certainly isn't to Khan.
Sereena Deeb (aka the straight Edge Girl in WWE) would be a good choice. She can wrestle and has a good look. By the way what is wrong with helping friends get a job? Its how the world works.
That's who I was thinking of and yes I agree I don't want her to be the person. They could bring back that big chick they had on for like 3 shows, was her name Becky?

Rosie Lottalove? God I hope not. She's part of the reason my girl Daffney is gone. Anywho, I have a funny feeling it'll be Isis the Amazon. Don't let it be someone who can't wrestle please!
I do not think that TNA should debut a new knockout, to be "Miss Angle"... However, I am sure that it will happen...

IF TNA brings in Serena Deeb, or Isis The amazon, both could fit the role well. Serena can wrestle, and Isis, has the look...

I do belive that TNA will go with a surprise, rather than a new debut. Does anybody else see Tara in this role? She is obviously going to split with Madison, and would fit this role perfectly, also putting her in the main event... Tara and Mickie, would be great for the Knockout division.

I can also see Winter possibly doing this... She has the "mistress" role to it, and seems to be able to inflict pain... So why not?
With the lawsuit and such, it's definitely not going to be Daffney.

I did read a dirtshirt that Isis the Amazon was the one they wanted, but that's a bit of a waste. Why bring in a 7-foot woman to take out Karen Jarrett? It's not Karen is a superwoman or anything. Any female wrestler in general could be a buffer effective, and while they could use Isis or Shelly Martinez or Rosie Lottalove or Serena, I doubt we'll see Karen actually in the ring except for maybe one match to beat her down.

As for who I think it is, I'll go with Isis the Amazon because of the rumors I've heard, but I think it's better to put Karen with a woman who can actually wrestle and not do her any harm with an in-ring mess-up. Should that fall through I'll go with Serena. I just can't see an already known Knockout being used for the role.
well kurt saying last night that karen is going to be scared shitless kind of leans towards it being the huge amazon, her skills are quite poor otherwise WWE would of snapped her up instantly

guess we see next week
well kurt saying last night that karen is going to be scared shitless kind of leans towards it being the huge amazon, her skills are quite poor otherwise WWE would of snapped her up instantly

guess we see next week

Bah, it could be anybody except Daffney and Awesome Kong (Kharma). Isis the Amazon has the look, but i wouldn't put her in the ring yet because she could legit injure Karen Jarrett. I bet that even if Karen is screwing with Angle, he doesn't want her to be hurt. Anyways my bet is that its Sereena Deeb.
well personally i would prefer deeb both for looks and skills, but it doesnt really fit the tag of karen being scared shitless when she just confronted the best knockouts in the ring

saying that not everything makes sense in tna, but your sure they want to detract as much as possible from kharma' debut coming up. wwe will have a very strong diva division now with some great matches and hopefully good tv time. TNA meanwhile have been losing that a little
God I hope it's not the Isis amazon lady, from what I've heard she is pure shit, I would rather it Be ODB coming back(again) or worst case senario like someone said before Rhaka Khan, cause I to have jungle fever!
Why are you people so close minded? Rhaka Khan? Isis The Amazon? Serena Deeb? Miss Tesscantspellhername? What about Orlando Jordan? She likes pain, right?
Why are you people so close minded? Rhaka Khan? Isis The Amazon? Serena Deeb? Miss Tesscantspellhername? What about Orlando Jordan? She likes pain, right?


I have another long shot, but I would take Chyna right now over some of these other ladies and she has a little bit of star power to her, but I think she has officially retired from acting and wrestling. She is big and manly looking that would scare the shit out of Karen
Why are you people so close minded? Rhaka Khan? Isis The Amazon? Serena Deeb? Miss Tesscantspellhername? What about Orlando Jordan? She likes pain, right?

Pretty sure Rhaka Khan and Angle did have a thing and she now has a restraining order against Angle, so that probably wouldn't work. It's gonna be Isis because she's freakin huge. Why would anyone be afraid of Serena Deeb? She wont' even have the biggest tits on the roster! It's Isis, and that's that.
Pretty sure Rhaka Khan and Angle did have a thing and she now has a restraining order against Angle, so that probably wouldn't work. It's gonna be Isis because she's freakin huge. Why would anyone be afraid of Serena Deeb? She wont' even have the biggest tits on the roster! It's Isis, and that's that.
It can't be Isis! She said it's not her on Twitter. Like ... 20 times! She just said that she likes pain and that people will find out soon. That totally doesn't give anything out. The girl is simply trying to connect with her other pain loving fans, and is telling them to believe in a brighter future.

I swear, if it's Isis I'll make a mix tape of all of Tazz's commentaries so far and listen to the awkward pauses, unfinished sentences and count all the times he said "fuhstrated".
It can't be Isis! She said it's not her on Twitter. Like ... 20 times! She just said that she likes pain and that people will find out soon. That totally doesn't give anything out. The girl is simply trying to connect with her other pain loving fans, and is telling them to believe in a brighter future.

I swear, if it's Isis I'll make a mix tape of all of Tazz's commentaries so far and listen to the awkward pauses, unfinished sentences and count all the times he said "fuhstrated".

I have no idea what you just said! But yea, it's gonna be Isis. Again, why would any "regular" woman be remotely intimidating in this story? Why would Karen run in fear from anyone woman of normal stature? It's obviously Isis and it will be scary upon first look. Then again, so was Giant Gonzales and The Great Khali.

The problem is, wrestling fans today have seen the biggest people in the world (though not a woman this size), so after the initial novelty, we'll be waiting for her to do a shooting star press to entertain us and it ain't gonna happen. I hope for TNA's sake this is only a short term thing and she doesn't stay around.
I've been thinking about this, running it through my head time and time again and I don't see any way that it couldn't be Isis if TNA wants this to have a shot at working. There are no relevant female wrestling stars left that aren't either signed to WWE or currently working in TNA. Just bringing out some random hot girl with some sort of dominatrix/mistress of pain gimmick would be ridiculous and would be completely forgettable. Unless TNA wants this thing to fall flat on its face, they're going to have to bring someone in that's able to get a legit reaction from the crowd. Since there are no big female names to bring in, it's gonna have to be someone that leaves an impression.

Isis the Amazon is about 6'9" and weighs around 240-250 lbs. She's the kind of gal that's going to make anybody sort of do a double take. She's going to make an impression by her sheer size alone. People might be asking if it's a man in drag or a man that's had a sex change but, regardless, Isis would be able to keep people's attention, at least for some period of time. She might ultimately be a female version of The Great Khali inside the ring, but all she'd need to contribute to this particular storyline will be her look because Karen Angle sure as shit can't wrestle either.
It can't be Isis! She said it's not her on Twitter. Like ... 20 times! She just said that she likes pain and that people will find out soon. That totally doesn't give anything out. The girl is simply trying to connect with her other pain loving fans, and is telling them to believe in a brighter future.

I swear, if it's Isis I'll make a mix tape of all of Tazz's commentaries so far and listen to the awkward pauses, unfinished sentences and count all the times he said "fuhstrated".

Lol. It isn't Isis...But she did sign with TNA. From what I have heard, "Miss Angle" is a Indy/Ex-WWE Diva.
Awesome Kong debuted last night (ironly getting less of a pop compared to the Impact Zone), so you know TNA is gonna find a way to make their own "shocking monster" wrestler debut.

Isis is a lock. As Angle's gal? Not too sure.
Lol. It isn't Isis...But she did sign with TNA. From what I have heard, "Miss Angle" is a Indy/Ex-WWE Diva.
Awesome Kong debuted last night (ironly getting less of a pop compared to the Impact Zone), so you know TNA is gonna find a way to make their own "shocking monster" wrestler debut.

Isis is a lock. As Angle's gal? Not too sure.
I fucking hope so. I do not like Isis at all. Bitch has got an attitude, she's horrible in the ring, looks like she's made out of Silly Putty. I hate her, I don't like her at all. I'll skip through that stuff if she's his mistress.

Another rumored name is ... Chyna. Isn't she like 50 now? And fat too? Does anybody know if she got back into shape?

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