'Miss Angle' is Revealed It's Chyna!

Let's just hope Chyna can manage to stay sober while she's with TNA. She's an alcholic and will need constant supervision while she's there to avoid another "Jeff Hardy" PPV moment. Who knows if she's ring-ready so for TNA this is a crapshoot, but it's par for the course with how they operate. I read people (one in particular) saying how good she looks but black is slimming, and certain types of clothing can make a woman look much better than she really does. Clearly she's had injections to make her lips 'puffier' if you will and hopefully she's in physical shape to actually wrestle. We'll see duirng the PPV. If Angle carries most of the match, which I expect to see happen, then we'll have our answer as to her ring-condition.
I see no reason to be excited over this. Chyna is a joke. A walking, talking, human joke.

I'm guessing she came cheap, so it's really not a big deal. Her name hasn't drawn a dime in years, and won't in TNA either. But, I suppose this is better than Rosie Lottalove, or something similar.

I just have no interest in seeing Chyna again, whether it be in TNA, WWE, or anywhere else. As I said earlier, she's a joke, no less than Waltman is. However, this supposedly angered Vince McMahon to no end, so I guess that can be considered some sort of victory...?

If this was yet another shot at WWE then it just proves that TNA just can't help themselves and that all they'll ever be is the annoying little brother.
Chyna being revealed as Miss Angle was a shock. I really didn't expect this, and I was surprised to see The 9th Wonder Of The World.

Although, I can't say I'm too excited about this. Chyna hasn't been relevant in years, and when it comes to her in ring work, I really don't know what she has to offer. I guess I'll have to wait and see what she can do this Sunday, but as of right now, my expectation level isn't too high.

And if Chyna does stick around, then how could she fit into the Knockouts division? I know the Knockouts division isn't that good right now, but I don't think Chyna could add a spark, and I don't think a nostalgia run with the TNA Knockouts Championship would help. Sure, it probably would be cool to see Chyna win the title at first, but after a while, people will come to realize that this isn't the same muscular and intimidating Chyna from the 90's.
I don't really see how its a shot at wwe considering Chyna has not been in wwe for how long now? When I see her I dont even think of her wwe run I think of surreal life, celebrity rehab and her pretending to be Anna Nicole's friend just to do interviews after her death and get on Larry King.
I've always liked Chyna so it is great to see her return to TNA. Supposedly she's on a handshake deal but hopefully she impresses and gets a little longer term of a deal and some feuds to work, that would be great.
Well Chyna is a much more known name, albeit for not always the right reason. But hey! what the hell, there ain't no such thing as bad publicity. I say good move. Shocked people so mission accomplished.

Now is the part where TNA muck the f*ck out of a storyline. The peak is the debut and it's all downhill ten speed from here usually. If she can't go in the ring for God's sake don't give her too much ringtime! She is there to make an Impact (no pun intended, on second thought yes it is!) let her ragdoll Jarrett (bring the fact that she beat him for a title once) and definitely molest Karen. Then send her off. She is no use more than like 3 months there.
Well Chyna is a much more known name, albeit for not always the right reason. But hey! what the hell, there ain't no such thing as bad publicity. I say good move. Shocked people so mission accomplished.

Now is the part where TNA muck the f*ck out of a storyline. The peak is the debut and it's all downhill ten speed from here usually. If she can't go in the ring for God's sake don't give her too much ringtime! She is there to make an Impact (no pun intended, on second thought yes it is!) let her ragdoll Jarrett (bring the fact that she beat him for a title once) and definitely molest Karen. Then send her off. She is no use more than like 3 months there.

Bah the Chyna signing makes sense, who else does Jarrett knows in the buisness that we didn't already see show up in TNA. Also don't forget Karen Jarrett doesn't know how to wrestle even if her life depended on it and in this case her life will depend on it, so expect Angle and Jeff Jarrett to wrestle the majority of this match with Chyna having a litle segment in the ring.

The only thing that worries me in all of this, is that Chyna is on an handshake deal with them (TNA) so if something would happen to piss her off in the next 24hrs or so TNA are f*cked.
I'm the only one guessing that Isis will make her debut at Sacrifice replacing Karen Jarrett? They are hyping Karen's injury so she might not compete at the event, well, if they do replace her, I will be very disappointed. Isis is freaking ugly, it's very very very very green in the ring, and it doesn't draw fans or anything so please TNA don't fuck this storyline (well, they fucked it already by expanding it for so long).

Anyway, Chyna didn't look like her. I didn't see her since her last run in WWE so I didn't knew how she looked now but she is way different from what I remembered. It makes sense story-wise because she has worked with JJ before and even beat him for a title...
Although, I can't say I'm too excited about this. Chyna hasn't been relevant in years, and when it comes to her in ring work, I really don't know what she has to offer. I guess I'll have to wait and see what she can do this Sunday, but as of right now, my expectation level isn't too high.

She has not been relevant in years because she hasnt been seen in wrestling for years. She was relevent when she left, and was still popular with the WWE fans up until her last match. She got a nice pop on her TNA debut, and I for one hope she can keep sober and make a decent contribution to TNA.

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