Who deserves a title shot?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Sorry if this has already been done or if I'm being an idiot. Anywho, which wrestler do you think is being overlooked and deserves a title shot? Or which wrestler that takes part in big matches regularly finally deserves a title shot? Personally, I think that Orton deserves another, longer title reign. I know he's meant to be a bastard backstage but he's a great wrestler and performer. Please be nice :( .
Um.... If your talking about WWE Championship and World... I say Hbk (Due to his short reign as champ when he returned... And he can still put on a show) And for the World Title... Lashley... I dont really have a reason why... But I hate seeing Batista get all the shots...
smh...Umm Ima say Orton or HBK for WWE

and World..Benoit..or Keep Booker
I'd say at the moment William Regal deserves a shot he in my opinion is under-rated and he would be good becuase it could bring in more ratings from the UK having an English champ and more importantly hes a great wrestler
God, I can't think of anybody on Smackdown that I actually think deserves the title. Maybe Lashley, but I'm so sick of Batista. Maybe Mist-er Kennedy! Ken-er-dy!
Oh yea, Benoit or Regal. Can't see them ever having times at the top again, Regal never really was at the top.
I Say Shawn Michaels For The Wwe Won Last Time
And For The Heavyweight I Say Benoit
Nidia vs Undertaker in an epic buried alive match where Nidia nails a triple powerbomb for the win
Little Bastard vs Chloe in an inferno match, Chloe wins of course
Classic match!^^

Or maybe Lilian Garcia vs Linda McMahon vs Kamala in a boiler room brawl
i think Randy Orton deserves another shot at the WWE championship he is so underrated he is amazing in the ring or maybe Shelton Benjamin another wrestler that is very underrated for Smackdown i think The Undertaker is long over due for another title reign
WWE World Title - Kane, For someone who has done so much for wrestling, he really deserves to lead the company once more and run with the ball before sailing off into retirement.

World heavyweight - Regal or Finlay, To awesome competitors who i would love to see carry the gold, They have been midcard for so long, Kinda like European Version of Benoit and Guerrero, They deserve there time in the light aswell.

E.C.W - Im not going to go with Sabu, Im going for this guy,
Because thats not just the coolest
And that not just the best.
Thats justin Credible.
Paul Heyman trusted him enough to hold the original Ecw gold and he didnt dissapoint, Vince for some reason has never ever liked him even though he has great talent and potential STILL, I know he will be wasted as a jobber again but would be nice to see him run with the title again.
MY saddest day in wrestling was watching him Job to the new batista back in 02 or 03.
if titles were to change hands

Possible title reigns for: Kane, Ortan,
possible transitional champ: HBK
possible return to title situation: HHH
possible elevation to main event: Shelton, Carlito, Jeff Hardy

possible temporary/title reign: The Undertaker
possible elevation to the main event: Ken Kennedy, Matt Hardy, Lashley
possible returning champion: Chris Benoit
possible brand switch big impact champ: Kane
I personally think that Kane deserves a shot at the title and to be champion as well, like to see Randy Orton back in the title hunt as well... instead of having to face old washed up hacks like Hogan.

On Smackdown id like to see Booker be champ for a while longer... just cut the King Gimmick.... and leave the title away from Batista!! Finlay I reckon deserves a shot and if he comes back Benoit..... but Smackdowns roster is so thin atm..

in ECW Justin Credible and Sabu stand out for deserving the title... but Sabu has had chances so ill say Justin Credible
shelton benjamin... He is arguably the best natural athlete on raw and can wrestle to save his life...

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