If you were able to give one person a world title shot...

Shelton Benjamin for the World Heavyweight Title, John Morrison for the WWE Title, and MVP for the ECW title. All 3 have been very strong within the company. Shelton has been here since 2002 and has proven to be a top contender. Morrison needs to leave the tag team division because he is an excellent singles wrestler, and MVP deserves a World title shot but not really the WWE or World Heavyweight, I think the ECW title would be perfect for him.
I would give MVP a World Title shot after he find himself as a face. I don't really feel like he's found how he's supposed to act as a babyface wrestler yet, he hasn't cut a promo in a while, and basically the only thing different about his in ring performances is that he complains less, and he doesn't cheat. If he turns heel again, I feel like he could definitely challenge someone like Jeff Hardy or Batista for the belt, but I'm not sure he'd be able to hold a feud with Taker or HHH or Cena just quite yet, I don't think he's on their level of super-stardom.
All honestly I would give Kane a shot. Yes I may be biased due to I am crazy about Kane but He deserves to have a run. He curtain jerks & his character isn't going no where. This is so wrong on so many levels. He was once a force to be reconned with. Fix his character Please!!!! Heck even give the man a love interest. I for one would love to be his love interest!!!! So Thats my opinion. If you agree with me great...If not oh well at least I got the chance to state my opinion. Give Kane A Shot!!!!!!
All honestly I would give Kane a shot. Yes I may be biased due to I am crazy about Kane but He deserves to have a run. He curtain jerks & his character isn't going no where. This is so wrong on so many levels. He was once a force to be reconned with. Fix his character Please!!!! Heck even give the man a love interest. I for one would love to be his love interest!!!! So Thats my opinion. If you agree with me great...If not oh well at least I got the chance to state my opinion. Give Kane A Shot!!!!!!

The thing is Kane himself doesnt want the World Title, he wants to do what hes doing..weird I know

One person huh, honestly I'd let Jeff Hardy take another crack at it..you gotta admit that he was recieiving massive pops from the audience..I wouldnt mind if he was given another World Title, and heck possibly feud with Edge down the line

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