If you were able to give one person a world title shot...

You know who I would give a title shot? Benjamin...why? I am sick of hearing about 'how great he is' he does ONE good match a year, his only decent mic run was when he had his momma with him, yeah he may be athletic, big deal...it means nothing, he doesn't entertain me save for the MiTB matches, stale and boring the other 364 days of the year. Give him a title shot, have him lose and let us never speak of him again.

Thank God someone stated it.

Now for my choice, I would pick Umaga. Albeit he'd have to be built up as the unstoppable monster heel he was once and him being the unstoppable ruthless monster he is strapping a belt on him would make him look like a legit champion. The only reason stopping Umaga from being a championship contender is he needs a mouthpiece. Estrada is gone so he would need another manager.
I'm going with someone I haven't seen anyone go with.

Surprisingly, I'm going with Santino Marella. I know most of you would be surprised and will want to red me, but listen out. He would treat the title as a god, he would defend it every week. It would be hilarious to see him feud with Taker because they have such different gimmicks. How about Santino vs. HBK, how odd would that be, you know Santino would mess up HBK's name and nickname so many times.

Another candidate would be Matt Hardy. I would love to see if he could carry a REAL major title in WWE, not the ECW "World Title".
uh i'd give Matt hardy a title shot eventually because honestly i think he deserves it he doesn't have to win it he just should be in the main event picture. he should be in the title hunt
Nah man Shelton has a lot of good matches. Remember him and HBK back in 2005 I believe...it was a match I believe it was called Rush for the Gold tournament. I believe he should had won that match with Shawn Michaels. Then you have his matches with HHH back in RAW. I don't believe Shelton was given the time and the push that he deserve. When I saw him in the Rumble last year and this year I was excited but he was eliminated so fast :icon_sad:

I want you to re read your post...done?

before I even clicked on this thread, I knew half of the people would say Banjamina nd I knew the reasons would be as such;
1) he's athletic
2) he's great in MiTB
3) he had a few good matches with HHH, HBK and RVD four years ago (just like to make a point that it's not hard to have a good match with those three...and Benjamin has had a title opportunity before)

My serious answer would have to be a guy I generally feel deserves it, a guy who has worked hard consistently, a guy who is a good all rounder in the ring and on the microphone. I actually don't see anyone in that mould who is not a main eventer to be honest, maybe by the end of the year we'll see MVP there, but at the moment he's still overshadowed by his streak.
I would give myself a title shot. You said anyone, and I am someone. I feel that as myself getting the title shot I would finally be famous enough to become a mod of Wrestlezone due to my name recognition alone. I would also get mad rep, because I am everyones favourite wrestler.

I am a fresh face on the show, so I could feud with anyone. Who is sick of Randy Orton versus Triple H? The log jam at the top has to be ended, and I feel I am the man for the job.

Although I have very little training in Professional Wrestling, I feel that a few weeks would give me the credibility that David Arquette had. I feel that if I hit the gym regularly, my already hot body would be way hotter. I am also not one of those guys who relies on high spots, because that gets tiresome, and it would also preserve my body.

I would also get over due to having a beard. Although other wrestlers have had a beard, it has not been used to a full potential. I can see a great market for the WWE to take my beard, put it in a form where kids can go buy a fake one, just like Rey Mysterio's mask. That means I sell.

I am Canadian, and I feel that I could turn face easily by using a Canadian flag in my entry. I also feel that I could get over in America if I came out with an American flag (although myself would hate it, my character would be separated from myself).

I don't use steroids, and I have never fully broken a bone. I have never suffered damage, so I figure I could have a long career without too many injuries.

All of these things result in myself being a great wrestler who would be an excellent WWE Champion.

Oh, or Santino, because he is cute.
I agree with Mr. Kennedy... most definately. He has tons of charisma, and if he can stay healthy for a while, he will be ready... he was all set a couple years ago after winning MITB, if he didn't get hurt. If you are not on the "movers and shakers" list w/ Vince, then I doubt that you get to be in a WWE movie either. Expect to see Kennedy come back like a man possessed after Wrestlemania (if we don't see him sooner).

By the way (maybe off topic)... despite John Morrison's physique, ring skills, etc., he doesn't hold a candle to Ravishing Rick Rude in the promo department (I personally think his Jim Morrison rock star image thing is crap)... Rick Rude had such major HEAT back in the day that it took a good solid minute of boos for him to even start his classic promos to all of the fat, toothless, rednecks in (insert city here)... I would not mind seeing Morrison make the jump to the Main Event down the line (and I expect to), but I wouldn't be surprised if it was under a new gimmick
for me, it's shawn michaels, simple as that. I don't see anyone else except shelton or mvp who deserves it but my first choice would be shawn, one more ride with the showstopper
Hands down Ken Kennedy, he is one of the most underrated superstars in WWE history and they should have had Batista drop the title to him at Royal Rumble 07, I am just saying. A few others would be MVP, Benjamin, Christian(just to piss Vince off),Umaga ,Nitro(oh wait Morrison, what ever he is calling himself this week) and thats about it. I do not think that Kendrick can carry a show yet, becasue he has not proved it. He is a tremendous competitor and all but I dont think a World title run, or even a shot would not be suitable. Give the kid a run with the ECW title and then a mid-card title and we will start talkin'

Hands down Ken Kennedy

Really? It is that obvious? I wonder why WWE hasn't noticed it yet.

he is one of the most underrated superstars in WWE history

Actually, so far he is one of the most OVERRATED wrestlers in WWE history.

and they should have had Batista drop the title to him at Royal Rumble 07, I am just saying.

What good would that have done?

A few others would be MVP,




Christian(just to piss Vince off),

How would that piss Vince off?

I think he had a half dozen or so shots.

The tag team guy, who is probably least over of the two now?

(oh wait Morrison, what ever he is calling himself this week)

He has been Morrison for a few years now. He was nothing as Nitro.

and thats about it.

In all of history?

I do not think that Kendrick can carry a show yet,

He can't even carry a feud.

becasue he has not proved it.

Like Kennedy did?

He is a tremendous competitor and all but I dont think a World title run, or even a shot would not be suitable.

I think he had a shot. Failed.

Give the kid a run with the ECW title and then a mid-card title and we will start talkin'

Because people would care about him why then?

I hate when people put these smilies in and expect people to take them serious.
TM you're absolutely awesome.

Shelton Benjamin is lazy, and of course I don't know this and it's all internet buzz, but perhaps that is why he hasn't had his title shot.

Kennedy has only proven to anyone that he is really very good at getting injured, nothing more. He has mic skills, but his injury skills are better.

I don't like when WWE went with the whole losing streak concept with MVP. He's my pick for someone who deserves it. He has the mic skills (like Kennedy), and has one of the more "original" movesets.

I also want Kozlov to have a title run. He has a terrible gimmick considering the world doesn't hate Russians anymore, but WWE obviously pussy'd out of the whole Arab angle with Muhammad Hassan. ANYWAY, I hate when WWE has people go undefeated for a year and then start losing all the time (Umaga). Kozlov lost this week (or will lose) to HHH, his second loss ever. Honestly, I would've thought if anyone should beat Undertaker in 'Mania, it should be Kozlov. I know it's the 25th and they want to make it memorable, but Michaels vs Taker isn't the best idea long term. WWE needs new blood so to speak.

I know Kozlov is hated, but that's a good thing for a heel. He's not a "likeable" heel like Orton, he's like JBL, a legitimate heel that everyone wants to see lose. That's what a heel really is. Everyone bashes the Great Khali, but to me he's just another Andre the Giant, who hypocritically no one bashes. Every negative thing said about Khali can be transferred to Andre. However, both Khali and Kozlov both don't have matches at 'Mania. The WWE does a terrible job preparing for the future, and Kozlov vs Undertaker (or Khali vs Undertaker, if built up proprerly) would have been fantastic for the company. They should've continued Kozlov's undefeated streak and had both undefeated streaks (16-0) defended at Wrestlemania. Having the Undertaker lose to Shawn Michaels would be pointless to both, as they're both legends already.

For those who don't like reading, my picks were: Kozlov and The Great Khali
I'd give a shot to Shelton or Kane. They both deserve it although it sounds like they're both pretty happy in the mid card. Shelton would be good even if just for a year in the Main Event on and off then could settle back into mid card if he wants, id just like to see him in a major storyline and major matches you know? Same with Kane really, he's an awesome character and really is one of my all time favs, he should be given another run or at least a good fued for the title and one on one for a few months, even if he doesnt get the title, just have him Main Event One on ONE!!!

When i talk about Kane i get annoyed, sorry. He should have more than only a 24hr World Title run.
Kane hasn't been champion because of his knees, and although I can't footnote where I get the information from, that's the reason he hasn't been given a title run. However, it's not WWE's call, from what I had read, it was his idea. He doesn't feel that he's capable of giving a main event type match, and for that reason has remained in the mid card. I agree he should've had more than just a 24-hour reign, but that time has past, and it's unfortunate WWE hadn't done more with him but there's not much his body would allow, especially doing a flying clothelines every week.

Shelton Benjamin doesn't fit the mold quite frankly. He'd be a nice change of pace, but WWE simply doesn't care about their light-weights or Cruiserweights (whichever you choose to put Shelton in). Edge is making it only because he cheats, and it seems that's the only way the WWE (or Vince) think little guys can win. Rey was an exception due to Eddie's death, but other than him the WWE focuses on huge guys (which leads to smaller guys taking steroids...). CM Punk had the potential of changing that but WWE ruined it because they stopped trying to make him work. Kozlov and Khali have a much better chance than Shelton Benjamin could ever have strictly because of their size.
2 be real i think they should give a shot to r-truth he is sooooo over wit the crowd...and everybody feel his swag...just think about it whenever his music start the build go crazy just like when john cena started getting popular . Put him over a major heel 2 win a title and i bet he will add number....and all the merchandise that will be sold wow i really dont know why his not in the mitb
Shelton Benjamin doesn't fit the mold quite frankly. He'd be a nice change of pace, but WWE simply doesn't care about their light-weights or Cruiserweights (whichever you choose to put Shelton in). Edge is making it only because he cheats, and it seems that's the only way the WWE (or Vince) think little guys can win. Rey was an exception due to Eddie's death, but other than him the WWE focuses on huge guys (which leads to smaller guys taking steroids...). CM Punk had the potential of changing that but WWE ruined it because they stopped trying to make him work. Kozlov and Khali have a much better chance than Shelton Benjamin could ever have strictly because of their size.

Shelton's not a small guy. As a matter of fact. He's nowhere near a cruiserweight. He's 6'2, 250. He's the same size as Randy Orton. His size has nothing to do with his lack of a push.
His style does. Although he has components of a technical wrestler, his "athletisicm" hurts him. He may be the same size as Orton, but there is a huge difference in his style. His style couldn't beat the likes of HHH or Undertaker or Mark Henry (big guys). Orton (and Edge) have the ability because of their style and persona to win these matches, while Benjamin doesn't.
I have to say a surprise person who I think should get a World Title match and I think everyone would agree with me. I think it's time for William Regal should get one. He has done so much in the WWE and has been in WCW. Plus, I think he needs one because he has done alot for the WWE. He has been that horrible gimmick of "A Real Man's Man" and kissed Vince's ass. He has the ring psychology and skills to outsmart and outmatch his rivials. You saw when Edge was fued with Regal for the IC title. It was a good fued and picture that, add the world title and add the "Rated R Superstar" gimmick and the "King Of The Ring" gimmick of Regal's. It's a match made for wrestling fans
I 100% agree with Regal, and it's a shame he got busted for the substance abuse deal. I don't see this happening anytime soon because of his suspension, but had he not been suspended, I definitely think WWE was on the path of giving him a title opportunity, even for a short while, something like CM Punk's reign. I personally love the guy but unfortunately the mass majority don't feel the same way
I am going to say Matt Hardy here. The twist is it wont be on a PPV, just a regular Smackdown/Raw main event. I am talking about the WWE/WHC and not the ECW championship by the way. I would give it to Matt just to see if he could work well in the main event. This will be a test to him to see if he can prevale under the pressure. If he succeded he could get moved to the main event scene and might even get a reign as the champ. If he fails in this match then you know what to do with him and just never waste a PPV main event on him. Simply as that.
I'd like to see Kane in the title hunt and win it. The WWE would have to spend months building his character up again after the way they've used and abused him. Seriously, Mysterio should not be able to beat him once yet, they had him beat him a couple of times. Weak!
A close second would be Christain in a program against Edge.
I'd like to see Kane in the title hunt and win it. The WWE would have to spend months building his character up again after the way they've used and abused him. Seriously, Mysterio should not be able to beat him once yet, they had him beat him a couple of times. Weak!
A close second would be Christain in a program against Edge.

:lmao: Are you serious? Kane has multiple challenges for the title every year. Last year he had the ECW title belt more a few months and he was even in the scamble match. SO if you count it all up they is basically 4 shots/defenses at a championship. If you don't include the ECW belt he sitll ahd one. Which is better than what Big Show got last year. Kane will get atleast 1 title shot every here so why should Kane get that 1 title shot that you given to him for?
:lmao: Are you serious? Kane has multiple challenges for the title every year. Last year he had the ECW title belt more a few months and he was even in the scamble match. SO if you count it all up they is basically 4 shots/defenses at a championship. If you don't include the ECW belt he sitll ahd one. Which is better than what Big Show got last year. Kane will get atleast 1 title shot every here so why should Kane get that 1 title shot that you given to him for?

I'm talking about the big one. The WWE championship. Plus being in the scramble doesn't count as a title shot to me. I'm talking about a serious fued/program to go with it. Not just a scramble shot or elimination chamber shot or a short fued to make whoever the current champion is look good. I'm talking about an authentic shot at the WWE title with a win and run as the champion. He's never had that.
Also, I think you might be very drunk, if so...have another on me. Cheers!
I'm talking about the big one. The WWE championship. Plus being in the scramble doesn't count as a title shot to me. I'm talking about a serious fued/program to go with it. Not just a scramble shot or elimination chamber shot or a short fued to make whoever the current champion is look good. I'm talking about an authentic shot at the WWE title with a win and run as the champion. He's never had that.

He's never had a run wiht the belt since the RAw and Smackdown draft because he doesn't want one. If he did want one he would have beaten HHH and we wouldn't have gotten a shit feud with him and RVD and him and Shane. He has said numerous times he only wants to put the younger kids over because he feels he is too old and he just doesn't need the title. Much like HBK, HBK will never get another run at it because he deosn't want it and doesn't need it.
That dude from Morgan State who just flipped Blake Griffin that was AWESOME...........But seriously i would go back in time 11 or 12 years ago and give one to Owen Hart..................................Now i would give one to Kane the guy has been there for over what almost 12 years now and only got to hold the belt for a day and the ECW belt dosen't count in my opinion he should have either the World or WWE championship.
I definately would have to agree with TM, he deserves a shot at the title, i would buy his shirt so fast.

But for estlablished superstars i'd have to say MVP, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy or CM Punk. "But wait Stickstar16, whats that you say, the last two have already had title shots and they sucked".

Thats exactly the point i wanted to make, the reigns sucked, I want them to put the title back on Punk or Jeff and give them a proper reign with it. Punk majorly lucked out with his WHC run, cause there was no cena, no orton, no hbk and no jericho (cause they were in a feud, in case anyone forgot). So who did he get to defend against? Jiggly Boobs, the Monster Jobber and Snoretista. Put him in a program with Cena or Orton, or Edge, or someone who can carry him and help to genuinely put him over and then we may see more success than his last reign.

Same goes for Jeff, have him actually defend the title on a regular basis, with an Orton or an Edge, or even Cena. Hell any of those 3 plus Jeff could equal gold. its feuds and matches of this quality and caliber that make a champion, and although the whole injury thing served a purpose, i would have prefered seeing jeff perform week after week.

Matt and MVP are two guys who have put in some good work over the last few years, and have been on the rise in recent time, with their respective turns.

Why put the belt on a Shelton, when he's been around long enough and not done anything recently, and by that i mean 2 years or so, to merit a shot.

And i still think the best choice is TM
The question of this thread is who you'd want to give a title shot to, not who wants and doesn't want a title shot.

Yeah bu I am sayign why would you give it to him when he doesn't even want it? Why not give it to some one who deserves it like one of the younger guys. Heck even Helms and TBK should be chosen before Kane.

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