lashley deserves a title

  • Thread starter Undertakerfan99
  • Start date
its a bad idea and it will make Smackdown suffer as I am enjoying Tanatanka (sp) get ring time/mik time and am enjoying the fued personally. Going to ECW would mean cancellation of the fued and the loss of more time to ECW wh oare going t ohave to put in Lashley somewhere. I hope Lashley stays on Smackdown where he can really form his charater properly.
Actually.. I think Lashley would be great on ECW.. He's probably one of the only wrestlers from the WWE, that would get respect from the actual ECW fans... I mean, he seems perfect for it.. And I would love to see him fued with people like RVD, Sabu, Test, Show... Imagine Lashley being in the EEC... He can be the one to knock of Show, then turn RVD heel, and start a fued from there.
Well LASHLEY is a GR8 wrestler. I think that he does deserve a title shot. He should go against John Cena for his WWE title. That would be an exciting match.
Bobby Lashley definately has it all well, ALMOST. He is a good in-ring wrestler. I hate it when the self proclaimed "smarks" that has never seen his matches before say he sucks only because he's a big guy. Since did being big become a crime in wrestling??

Lashley was in the army or something, so I guess people could call him a patriot to look up to. He has the in-ring abilities. He has the looks. Like a TRUE champion, he does look impressive as if he could dominate the whole entire locker room. But he needs more oppertunities to speak, because he's never being given the oppertunity to speak in front of the camera.

And I also like the whole "Soft Spoken, Hard Hitting" saying, but he can't be silence.

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