When wishes come true



I have a question for eveyone on this board....

You people have been bickering for weeks and weeks about the nWo coming back. "There going to kill DX and blah blah blah, Vince and Bischoff will bring them back blah blah blah, Hogan, Hall and Nash blah blah blah"

That is what has been written over time in this forum. Well what is going to happen when they do get here? I don't your thoughts on stupid matches or survivor series or anything like that from you guys (and gals) i want to know what they are going to do.

You need to ask yourselves this:

1) How long will the angle last? -When the nWo first came back in the WWE it only lasted for two months. TWO MONTHS. All that hype and anticipation and all we got out of it was Rock vs Hogan. Hall dropped the ball and got fired, Nash went on his own way and Hogan went face.

Do you people seriously think that nWo vs DX would last?? FOR HOW LONG?? Can they beat it to death for at least 6 months?? They would have to keep adding member after member to each group and it will get just as stupid as it was in the late WCW days. You had nWo black, nWo red, nWo Latino, nWo janitory commission, nWo birds and the bees....everybody ended up being a member!!! Do you see??? Who's going to join the nWo in the WWE? Cade and Murdoch?? Yeah right!! Don't be crying to me that "oh Orton will join and so and so will join" WHY TELL ME WHY, why would Orton join?

"because it would be bad ass" - that's exactly what some of you geniuses would reply back. He is fine in his own little world with Carlito and that's it.

Plus how long do you think DX will stay together...there not together forever. I'm sure Shawn and Triple H don't want to end their careers together.

So if someone on this board can logically explain to me how the nWo lasts past a set amount of time then i will literally :shit: myself
on the ortan thing first of all he wud make a great nWo member he could give new life 2 it and 2 he is just a great heel
umm dude stop hissy-fitting so what the stupid rumor makers you mad just keep your mouth shut like everyone else who throws a fir about it
umm dude stop hissy-fitting so what the stupid rumor makers you mad just keep your mouth shut like everyone else who throws a fir about it

Now where did I at all say that it would make me mad if the angle came.

Everyone here (including you with the very childish answer you posted) is all on the nWo hype. I was trying to show everyone how this angle will last for a few months and maybe even less.

I'm also not like people, probably again like you, that come and flame for no reason and just say that the nWo is gay because blah blah. I logically stated my thoughts and presented them. Now act like a man and come at me with facts and not a little "shut your mouth" rock speech.
RatedRTitan I have to agree with you; the nWo has already been proven to have failed once, and I cannot see it doing any better if it were to come back again. I doubt it would last very long either.
Kionda said:
RatedRTitan I have to agree with you; the nWo has already been proven to have failed once, and I cannot see it doing any better if it were to come back again. I doubt it would last very long either.

Also,with the state of the industry right now,DX are definately not heels and I don't think they could become heels either.If and it's an if that will not happen but IF the NWO were to come to fruition,(based on the attention having been drawn on them on here),they too would be babyfaces.History has shown that face vs face has been proven to be ok maybe for 1 match,just for curiosity sake but nothing else.So the feud would would not last more than 10 minutes.

But this is totally a hypothetical point for a hypothetical situation.
The whole point of the nwo faction returning for the wwe is for it to be a short time deal, if it happens. There is an entire month of October for raw where there is no ppv, so its the ample time for a feud between Dx and the Nwo to begin, have a major confrontation at cyber sunday, and climax at Survivor Series. I for one don't want to see a long, drawn out feud between these two factions, as quite frankly it will get boring and repetitive. As well, wrestlers such as Hall/Nash don't wrestle house shows, so wwe won't be gaining any extra revenue that way with the nwo, so it would only be a short time thing. With survivor series finishing up, then it begins to set the stage for wrestlemania. Hbk will prob take time off and HHH will begin to feud with the top heels of raw(edge/cena). This angle, if done at the right time(now) and with the right amount of time(2 months) will make it an amazing angle. It will also allow some of the younger talent to get some real exposure if they decide to pair dx or the nwo with some up and comers(though on raw it is really hard to pick them out, cuz for the most part we know who they are ie. orton/carlito/nitro ect.) All in all this angle would be great, a shock to the regular wwe fans who don't surf the net looking for rumours. But I will state this right now, as much as I would like to see this angle happen, Im just not all that sure it will. So ppl, it would be great, but don't get your hopes up to high. Or else we will have a repeat of this monday nite...
I really dont know why people think this nWo vs. DX feud is such a lock. All of the news sites have reported that the WWE at this point in time are not interested in signing either Hall or Nash, and Hall has issues with the travel schedule that the WWE has. I mean yes it could happen like anything else, but this feud that is supposedly going to happen for sure, has come out of a fake poster that was released on the Internet, nothing more.
we are hoping it ont be hall and nash tho...just off the top of my head here could be an nWo id like to see:

bischoff at the helm

big show (please get him out of ecw...)

randy orton (i hate him but if he must be on the roster here is where id put him)

chris masters (jobber, kind of like how they used buff bagwell in wcw)

johnny nitro and melina (nitro and bisch have some history to play with)

eugene (have uncle eric send him to counseling or something and bring him back meaner than ever and let him wrestle as we all know nick dinsmore can)

ok um, actually...now that i think of it, this line up sucks lol. the nWo coming back just doesnt seem like a good idea to me.

o yeah lets hope its not just a raw thing too...nWo could help end this gay ass roster split.
wow some of you guys have weird ideas.....of course the nwo is coming back! this is why dx was reformed so it could culminate with a fued with the nwo. so the question originaly posted is how will it go down. well first off expect the nwo to be around for a while, cause they actually will have three major storylines to work with. first next week eric will come to the ring through the audience and talk more shit about dx....and of course dx will come out and nail him..........raw reunion hogan will be there and will tag with dx to face cade murdoch and orton.....at end of match hogan and orton will attack dx and call out hall and nash.....nwo is nash hogan orton and maybe hall. culiminates at survivor series. afterwords nwo takes oversmackdown by convincing king booker to help reform wcw as smackdwon if you think about it is all old wcw guys and old wcw belts! nwo just may be what shelton needs,,,,bring out the gangsta side
the only problem I see with this scenario is hogan. hogan isn't gonna be around long enough to be part of the nwo, he only pops up 4 big ppv's mainly summerslam and wm so i cant see him being a part of the nwo.
If the nWo were to last in WWE for a while, they'd basically have to recreate the original storyline. Scott Hall would start off invading Raw, Nash would come later on. Build up DX vs The Outsiders on PPV(Survivor Series) then after that, Orton would join the nWo as it's new leader(He'd be picking up Hogan's spot) and I think that'd get him a future title reign. Orton would beat Cena with help of the Outsiders at the next big PPV(Royal Rumble) for the World Title. It would build up a Cena vs Orton Wrestlemania rematch for the title but at No Way Out, Cena would team up with DX(Not join the stable, but team up with them for this one time) to take out the nWo. X-Pac would come into the mix somewhere between the Royal Rumble and No Way Out, and he'd be torn between the two. People would question which side he was on. Something would happen where Cena would be attacked or something prior to the No Way Out match and evidence would point to X-Pac being behind it. They'd wind up having HHH and HBK(since Cena was hurt) vs. Hall, Nash and Orton as the No Way Out Main Event. X-Pac would come out during the match and no one would know what side he was on...but he'd help out DX. DX would gain momentum and win the match. Somewhere between No Way Out and Wrestlemania, Big Show will join the nWo making the war into.....

Hall, Nash, Orton, and Big Show vs. HHH, HBK, X-Pac, and Cena.

With Big Show being the new addition into the nWo, it would look as if momentum shifted back to the nWo side but then Hulk Hogan would return to join the fight in taking out the nWo once and for all. This would lead to Hogan/Big Show, Cena/Orton, and HHH/HBK vs The Outsiders one more time. HHH and HBK would go over The Outsiders, Hogan would go over the Big Show....and when it looks as if Cena is gonna beat Orton to win back the World Title and finally defeat the nWo, X-Pac comes out turning heel, turning on the DX alliance by helping Randy Orton win the title. Then X-Pac will join the nWo. Since Wrestlemania is at the end of march or the beginning of april that would be about 4 months right there. After that, if HBK would want to take time off, if Hogan were to stop, or if Hall and Nash didn't continue to work out....you'd still have Orton feuding with Cena over the World Title and X-Pac would go into a little program with HHH. If all the while, you had Bischoff backing the nWo, the whole thing would last for a while. McMahon would turn back into a face in the process as he'd obviously want to rid the WWE of Bischoff and the nWo. He'd be looking at guys like Cena and HHH as his last resort.

I think that such an angle no matter how long or short it may be could rejuvenate WWE for the fans if it's done correctly. If you were to add an extra mid-card heel or two to add to the nWo to push them, I could see the nWo stable lasting for AT LEAST a 7-8 month period. That's for the guy that said that if anybody could "logically explain how the nWo could last longer then a set amount of time then he'd shit himself".
I have to admit when Bishoff came out I got excited. When he said nWo I thought something big was going to happen. But he was just there to promote his new book. If the WWE were smart they would bring back the nWo and have him as a heel manager.
theiceman said:
If the nWo were to last in WWE for a while, they'd basically have to recreate the original storyline. Scott Hall would start off invading Raw, Nash would come later on. Build up DX vs The Outsiders on PPV(Survivor Series) then after that, Orton would join the nWo as it's new leader(He'd be picking up Hogan's spot) and I think that'd get him a future title reign. Orton would beat Cena with help of the Outsiders at the next big PPV(Royal Rumble) for the World Title. It would build up a Cena vs Orton Wrestlemania rematch for the title but at No Way Out, Cena would team up with DX(Not join the stable, but team up with them for this one time) to take out the nWo. X-Pac would come into the mix somewhere between the Royal Rumble and No Way Out, and he'd be torn between the two. People would question which side he was on. Something would happen where Cena would be attacked or something prior to the No Way Out match and evidence would point to X-Pac being behind it. They'd wind up having HHH and HBK(since Cena was hurt) vs. Hall, Nash and Orton as the No Way Out Main Event. X-Pac would come out during the match and no one would know what side he was on...but he'd help out DX. DX would gain momentum and win the match. Somewhere between No Way Out and Wrestlemania, Big Show will join the nWo making the war into.....

Hall, Nash, Orton, and Big Show vs. HHH, HBK, X-Pac, and Cena.

With Big Show being the new addition into the nWo, it would look as if momentum shifted back to the nWo side but then Hulk Hogan would return to join the fight in taking out the nWo once and for all. This would lead to Hogan/Big Show, Cena/Orton, and HHH/HBK vs The Outsiders one more time. HHH and HBK would go over The Outsiders, Hogan would go over the Big Show....and when it looks as if Cena is gonna beat Orton to win back the World Title and finally defeat the nWo, X-Pac comes out turning heel, turning on the DX alliance by helping Randy Orton win the title. Then X-Pac will join the nWo. Since Wrestlemania is at the end of march or the beginning of april that would be about 4 months right there. After that, if HBK would want to take time off, if Hogan were to stop, or if Hall and Nash didn't continue to work out....you'd still have Orton feuding with Cena over the World Title and X-Pac would go into a little program with HHH. If all the while, you had Bischoff backing the nWo, the whole thing would last for a while. McMahon would turn back into a face in the process as he'd obviously want to rid the WWE of Bischoff and the nWo. He'd be looking at guys like Cena and HHH as his last resort.

I think that such an angle no matter how long or short it may be could rejuvenate WWE for the fans if it's done correctly. If you were to add an extra mid-card heel or two to add to the nWo to push them, I could see the nWo stable lasting for AT LEAST a 7-8 month period. That's for the guy that said that if anybody could "logically explain how the nWo could last longer then a set amount of time then he'd shit himself".

I like this angle, except I don't agree with Cena beingin D-X. He is not D-X material. Cena would actually fit better in the nWo. I think Edge would be a GREAT member of D-X. He's the Rated R superstar, which would bring back skits that the "old" D-X used to do. (excluding Shawn Michaels of course)
And as far as the RaterRTitan goes....no one thought the McMahon/DX rivalry would last as long as it has. People are just now beginning to get bored with it, that's why I think Bischoff was on Raw, to make us think he was promoting his book. Vince asked him to be there and probably told him what to say, building up the hype of a possible, and yes I said POSSIBLE, nWo return. I think that if the angle was played right, the nWo/DX rivalry would last a near 6 months, without getting boring. They would have to keep it entertaining though, which they could do if they paid attention to certain talents and crowd responses.
Well, i'm not saying that Cena would be a member of DX, i'm saying he would align himself with them for a couple of matches to try and get rid of the nWo.
RatedRTitan said:
I have a question for eveyone on this board....

You people have been bickering for weeks and weeks about the nWo coming back. "There going to kill DX and blah blah blah, Vince and Bischoff will bring them back blah blah blah, Hogan, Hall and Nash blah blah blah"

That is what has been written over time in this forum. Well what is going to happen when they do get here? I don't your thoughts on stupid matches or survivor series or anything like that from you guys (and gals) i want to know what they are going to do.

You need to ask yourselves this:

1) How long will the angle last? -When the nWo first came back in the WWE it only lasted for two months. TWO MONTHS. All that hype and anticipation and all we got out of it was Rock vs Hogan. Hall dropped the ball and got fired, Nash went on his own way and Hogan went face.

Do you people seriously think that nWo vs DX would last?? FOR HOW LONG?? Can they beat it to death for at least 6 months?? They would have to keep adding member after member to each group and it will get just as stupid as it was in the late WCW days. You had nWo black, nWo red, nWo Latino, nWo janitory commission, nWo birds and the bees....everybody ended up being a member!!! Do you see??? Who's going to join the nWo in the WWE? Cade and Murdoch?? Yeah right!! Don't be crying to me that "oh Orton will join and so and so will join" WHY TELL ME WHY, why would Orton join?

"because it would be bad ass" - that's exactly what some of you geniuses would reply back. He is fine in his own little world with Carlito and that's it.

Plus how long do you think DX will stay together...there not together forever. I'm sure Shawn and Triple H don't want to end their careers together.

So if someone on this board can logically explain to me how the nWo lasts past a set amount of time then i will literally :shit: myself

It all depends on how the WWE uses nWo. If they basically just use them for the DX vs nWo fued... Its pointless.. But if they decide to lengthen the angle and put some younger stars in the group and basically use the it as another big faction. Theres a lot of sence to it. If they were smart. They would just cut out signing Hall.. Due to his lack work ethic etc. And add some new talent.. With Nash as the leader.. And adding talents like Orton, MVP, A Tag Team. Just basically start it from scrtach... Factions can make a superstar. For example.. Randy Orton was a nobody until Evolution. I think brigning the nWo back for 1 angle is dumb.. Thats why I feel they wont do it. But if they make it a new faction... Then I'd have nothing against it.
St Jonny said:
I really dont know why people think this nWo vs. DX feud is such a lock. All of the news sites have reported that the WWE at this point in time are not interested in signing either Hall or Nash, and Hall has issues with the travel schedule that the WWE has. I mean yes it could happen like anything else, but this feud that is supposedly going to happen for sure, has come out of a fake poster that was released on the Internet, nothing more.

Glad you posted this. There is NO evidence it will happen just a bunch of folks who can't let the 90s go. It's a shame it was ever reported.
tmad82 said:
I like this angle, except I don't agree with Cena beingin D-X. He is not D-X material. Cena would actually fit better in the nWo. I think Edge would be a GREAT member of D-X. He's the Rated R superstar, which would bring back skits that the "old" D-X used to do. (excluding Shawn Michaels of course)
And as far as the RaterRTitan goes....no one thought the McMahon/DX rivalry would last as long as it has. People are just now beginning to get bored with it, that's why I think Bischoff was on Raw, to make us think he was promoting his book. Vince asked him to be there and probably told him what to say, building up the hype of a possible, and yes I said POSSIBLE, nWo return. I think that if the angle was played right, the nWo/DX rivalry would last a near 6 months, without getting boring. They would have to keep it entertaining though, which they could do if they paid attention to certain talents and crowd responses.

No way Hall will do the WWE travel schedule for six months, and Nash would probably get injured. Hogan is falling apart more and more every second. Wake up people, look at it LOGICALLY it ain't gonna happen.

Why add Edge and Cena to a DX/NWO? I am so tried of these two as it is.

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