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When will TNA be ready to go 1 on 1

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Turn Bayley heel
In Dixie Carter's interview she said she'd love it for TNA to go head to head with Raw. As it stands, TNA would get creamed - WCW had ratings almost identical to thw WWF when the Monday Night Wars first started, TNA isn't there yet.

But what do you think it'd take? One more big name? More talent? Better storylines? For me, TNA needs something that will shake up wrestling, in the same way Luger's appearance on Nitro did. If they could sign Jeff Hardy on the DL, they could probably acheive it, but I'm not sure they could.

I think probably the best course of action would be steady growth, then once they got to the kind of 2.0 ratings promised land, then they could try and go against Smackdown or ECW, as for Raw, they'll have to see how the first head to head goes.
I could see them do it, going against ECW and superwhater an Tues-Thurs day thing, but Monday and Fri. nope I mean come one if TNA gets another show on say Tuesday, I'm a Christan fan, but would rather watch ODB or Sarita...Besides that that the hell else Spike gonna show,, another repeat of 1000 ways to die ??
TNA needs to step up their marketing and advertising so that people actually know that the company exists. They need to target WWE's audience because those are the only people who are buying/watching wrestling in large numbers right now.

They need to go to every WWE house show, PPV and TV taping and spread the word to those audiences. They need to heavily bombard the casual crowd that WWE now possess. The internet and hardcore fan know about TNA already. If TNA could somehow get the word out that there is a cheaper and more entertaining option out there then fans would definitely give it a shot.
TNA needs to step up their marketing and advertising so that people actually know that the company exists. They need to target WWE's audience because those are the only people who are buying/watching wrestling in large numbers right now.

They need to go to every WWE house show, PPV and TV taping and spread the word to those audiences. They need to heavily bombard the casual crowd that WWE now possess. The internet and hardcore fan know about TNA already. If TNA could somehow get the word out that there is a cheaper and more entertaining option out there then fans would definitely give it a shot.

I totally agree on the marketing. They only market in the south or on their programs. They need a good PR rep in NY not some TN company.
In Dixie Carter's interview she said she'd love it for TNA to go head to head with Raw. As it stands, TNA would get creamed - WCW had ratings almost identical to thw WWF when the Monday Night Wars first started, TNA isn't there yet.

But what do you think it'd take? One more big name? More talent? Better storylines? For me, TNA needs something that will shake up wrestling, in the same way Luger's appearance on Nitro did. If they could sign Jeff Hardy on the DL, they could probably acheive it, but I'm not sure they could.

I think probably the best course of action would be steady growth, then once they got to the kind of 2.0 ratings promised land, then they could try and go against Smackdown or ECW, as for Raw, they'll have to see how the first head to head goes.

They had Hardy once and he was plain out horrible when he was there. What they need to do is build thereself some stars and get rid of the geriatric crew known as MEM with the exception of Kurt who I still belive is one of the best in the buisness today. Quit letting Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, and the Dudleys beat up on all your young guns. You cant compete with guys the other company rejected because they were to old.
At this point, I think Impact is a lot more entertaining than RAW. It would be interesting to see the two go head-to-head...if the WWE keeps putting out the shit they've been, ie Hornswoggle/celebrities/same feuds, I think a move to Monday nights would hurt RAW more than it would help Impact, if you know what I mean.
TNA Has almost enough talent that most people that watch wwe have heard of TNA.

I agree TNA needs to push people younger like Matt Morgan and The Motorvity Machine Guns Because really how long do you think Kevin Nash will be wrestling...HE IS 50!!! Sting is leaving so you need someone to fill his shoes. Booker T and Steiner are also 45 so I would REALLY Push AJ,Samoa Joe, Morgan, Dinero, Morgan and MCMG
If TNA wants to go one on one with WWE don't let STING retire first!
Get talent to be recognized like Jeff Hardy and Ric Flair since TNA and ROH have a special agreement I don t see why TNA can t do that!
Bring in GOLDBERG once they bring in decent talent and create a few interesting storylines then WCW will resurrect from the ashes as the new TNA formula!!!
They need to build up their young talent better. People complain about the MEM a lot, but for good reason. They haven't exactly been putting people over very well, and have more than dominated iMPACT! since their creation. The show seems to be all about them, not the young, home-grown talent. I get the angle, using well known guys to draw the casual fan, but this won't work forever. When these guys leave or retire, they will need young guys to carry the load.

TNA competing head-to-head with WWE is at least a couple years away, at least as far as RAW goes. They would be foolish to try this anytime soon. Going up against another WWE show (probably not Smackdown!) could actually work very well for them, but as others have said, only when the iMPACT! ratings are high enough should this be attempted. When that time comes, they should go for it.
TNA will be ready when it is able to create its own Live television show to take on Raw. Until they get to that point, they better stay clear away from Monday Nights, as Ring of Honor is finding out.

That is what TNA should be focusing on instead of worrying about an all-Knockout TV program.
I'll answer this quick question with a quick ansewer. "When will TNA be ready to go 1 on 1?" Answer: As soon as Dixie Carter leaves.

i agree. How would Hollywood writers help?
Also, lose Russo and Jarrett.
Tna has some impressive guys, and are losing Sting in October, so they're going to lose the Sting fans who don't give a shit about X Division guys or anyone who has yet ot be over.
TNA has enough problems as it is without having to compete against RAW?! They will not be anywhere near ready to go against WWE's biggest show any time soon.

TNA needs to focus on themselves rather than worry about WWE. I mean, no one is ever going to build a company like Vince has and it's a pipe dream to think otherwise. This time in history is much harder to create something like Vince did and Dixie Carter is no McMahon. No way TNA would/should go against WWE, it would be suicide.
For TNA to be able to compete with WWE they need the following things:

1) More resources so that they are going to be able to sign the top talent in the industry. And I know a lot of people here will disagree with me but Kurt Angle, Booker T, Dudleys, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and Sting are not the top talent anymore. All of them are past their prime and excluding Nash and Sting were never great at drawing money to begin with. If they could sign the current big draws like Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, faces familiar to the WWE fans there would be great likeliness that a lot of WWE fans would switch over to watch these guys in TNA.

2) A hook that will make the fans want to watch TNA, and not just the internet fans but the regular Joes as well. The sole reason people tuned into WCW in such great numbers during 1995 and 1996 is because of the NWO storyline. TNA would need to come up with a storyline so big and realistic that the fans would want to watch it more than WWE.

3) Cutting Edge Programing - TNA would need to be cutting edge and really push the envelope. WWE has gone PG. If TNA can push PG-13 and feature more violence, more real life storylines and lets face it, more women wearing as little clothes as possible, people would want to watch it. They have a great network to do it on. All they need is some creative writing.

4) Clear the roster off the has beens and never weres. Nobody wants to watch 50 year old men wrestle, no offense to Sting, Kevin Nash, Booker T or Mick Foley. These guys could do bigger and better things behind the scenes.
For TNA to be able to compete with WWE they need the following things:

1) More resources so that they are going to be able to sign the top talent in the industry. And I know a lot of people here will disagree with me but Kurt Angle, Booker T, Dudleys, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and Sting are not the top talent anymore. All of them are past their prime and excluding Nash and Sting were never great at drawing money to begin with. If they could sign the current big draws like Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, faces familiar to the WWE fans there would be great likeliness that a lot of WWE fans would switch over to watch these guys in TNA.

2) A hook that will make the fans want to watch TNA, and not just the internet fans but the regular Joes as well. The sole reason people tuned into WCW in such great numbers during 1995 and 1996 is because of the NWO storyline. TNA would need to come up with a storyline so big and realistic that the fans would want to watch it more than WWE.

3) Cutting Edge Programing - TNA would need to be cutting edge and really push the envelope. WWE has gone PG. If TNA can push PG-13 and feature more violence, more real life storylines and lets face it, more women wearing as little clothes as possible, people would want to watch it. They have a great network to do it on. All they need is some creative writing.

4) Clear the roster off the has beens and never weres. Nobody wants to watch 50 year old men wrestle, no offense to Sting, Kevin Nash, Booker T or Mick Foley. These guys could do bigger and better things behind the scenes.

Whilst I will agree for the most part with most of that list but the fact you even mentioned Kurt as a past their prime person is crazy. In having Kurt Angle under contract however, TNA has the drawing power of a Kurt Angle, plus they also have his ability to perform in the ring; which as of now there is nobody who even comes close to being able to match. Not in Japan, not in the WWE, nowhere. Kurt Angle is that good. Having Angle gives TNA immediate legitimacy and global recognition. Here are the facts, if TNA does not have Kurt Angle, The Dudleys and Shelley & Sabin do not go to Japan and win IWGP belts and display them on American television. That’s the kind of stroke Angle has in the industry. I’m not saying Angle told the Japanese promoters to put the titles on TNA stars, but what I am saying is if TNA didn’t have Kurt Angle then they never would have TNA wrestlers with the titles while under contract to TNA.

TNA has always had a problem with hot-shotting too many storylines and angles making them irrelevant in the process.

TNA also have too many gimmick matches for people who aren't wrestling for the title.
TNA is a long long long way from being able to compete with raw or smackdown for that matter. Dixie was just shootin her mouth off to get a pop from the tna fans, she's completely dillusional if she actually thinks impact could compete with raw. There are people who watch raw that have never heard of tna. Even if tna advertised during raw commercial breaks, the audience that would flip over would see old wwe guys. TNAs show is based around some 40 to 50 year olds in a stable that kick the shit out of the younger, home grown talent. Angle can go but is a tragedy waiting to happen. And, yes, raws main event is stale and needs to be changed up, but the average fans seem to love HHH, Cena, and Orton. The wwe has more stars no matter what you may think of their in ring work, or the political game they play. The same shit goes on in TNA. The mem dominates everybody and the younger guys look weak when a 50 year old kevin nash is gonna beat the shit outta styles a few weeks ago and is gonna take out their monster abyss now? C'mon. Until tna learns how to book their talent properly and market their product to more of mainstream america, they just won't ever be able to compete. It took wcw getting hogan to make them legit threat to wwf. It would take tna signing hbk to propel them to the same level. Jeff Hardy isn't gonna save any company so forget about that.
To go head to head on Monday Nights TNA better work hard becuase they will have Monday Night Football to compete against also for their demographic.

1) They need a square ring. Its ok to be different, but that square ring has got to go. It doesn't have the same bounce and the movement looks hindered in the 6 sided ring. The Square ring will attract the casual fan because the casual fan wants something familiar.

2) They need controversy. Controversy sells.

3) They need a mega star. I don't know who or how or what, but they need one. Lashley isn't enough.

4) They need to go Live. If they don't they will never step up.

5) They need to be on a different network. Spike is not going to cut it. Women don't watch Spike. Try to land a deal with Turner, Viacom, Universal, or Fox.

6) Take the title off of Kurt Angle as soon as possible and develop a new FACE of the company. Angle cannot carry a company like he thinks he can. The title needs to be on Bobby Lashley right now until they can find a bigger star. If they don't have a dominate champ who can draw going into a Monday Night War, it will be over before it starts.

7) Try to get a legend to back them on TV, without really being in a program. Hogan would be best.

I'm sure I can think of some more...I'll add later if I remember to.
They need to promote and advertise better is the main thing. But another good idea would be to have Impact be live at "actual arena's"... they would have to be smaller arenas, but not in a studio in Orlando.
A lot of things that've been brought up make sense. However, when I hearabout how TNA should market their product, I can't help but think that it sounds something like a cop out. I find it difficult personally to think that the general American wrestling audience doesn't know about TNA's existence. They surf the net, they talk with other fans like themselves that are into wrestling, TNA put out its own video game not too long ago, etc. I just can't help but wonder if it's just that most of the American wrestling audience doesn't care for TNA's product.

I don't really think yet another well known name in TNA will make any difference or even has a real chance to unless he's someone that's both young, well known, and relevant to a lot of wrestling fans. In short, TNA's best shot is someone like Jeff Hardy. Yes, I know Hardy was in TNA before, but Hardy just left the WWE as a main eventer and multi-time World Champion. While I personally think he made the greatest professional blunder of his life by leaving in the middle of the biggest push of his career, TNA could potentially bank on that. If Hardy joined TNA, it'd be a real boon. TNA has gone the route of bringing in various legends of the industry, maybe it's time to go the other way. While I doubt seriously that Hardy would go to TNA, it's something to try. I think needs to be able to attract young, hot talent from the WWE the way WCW stole older, major drawing wrestlers from it back in the mid 90s before it can really compete. At least, that's one factor.

Another factor is that TNA needs to develop a second show that can ultimately give more airtime to wrestlers and storylines that they don't have time for on Impact. Possibly even consider making that show a live show. Devoting an entire show to the Knockouts sounds interesting, but the fact is that women's wrestling in America has never been a big draw.

Also, TNA shouldn't even consider to go head to head with the WWE unless it's able to start pulling 2's solidly in the Nielsen ratings each week.

We've all said it before, TNA is a company that has a lot of promise but, despite the build ups and bluster you might hear from fans and TNA management itself, TNA has a LOT of work to do before it even should think of going head to head with the WWE.
tbh, there is no single thing that will be enough to let them win a monday night battle let alone war. what they need to do is sign jeff hardy. this is the best possible person for the idea, and have a impact supershow shared into eight quarter-hour segments like this-
1. jeff hardy promo
2.x division title ultimate x- joe vs daniels vs homicide vs suicide vs dinero.
3.knockouts tag match- TBF vs taylor wilde and sarita
4.abyss vs mick foley in some brutal hardcore/death match
5.hamada vs daffney- hardcore match even more brutal than their last one
6.the dudleys vs beer money-tables match
7+8. main event- world title, angle vs morgan vs styles vs hardy.

of course have the odd interview/promo video inbetween, buut keep it generally like that.
then, run an ad campaign throughout raw, like this.
just before raw starts- switch over to spike tv now, to see jeff hardy make his first appearance on tna impact, the wrest;ing alternative with more bang for your buck!
after the first quarter hour- youve just missed jeff hardys first impact appearance, but you can catch him in the main event over on spike tv! but switch over now to see a daredevil match for a division designed to be daredevil! (cue clips of some ultimate x highspots)

keep repeating this idea every ad break on raw, saying whats comin up on impact and what theycan expect (clips of the beautful peoples entrance, sarita and wildes highspots, daffney goin in the tacks and through table, the dudleys' and beer moneys' previos matches, abyss and foley takin bumps, aj styles bein awesome, morgan destroyin ppl, angle bein angle etc.)
the hardcore should get the adults in, the high flying and hardy should get the kids in, and velvets ass should get men, women and kids alike in.
so with this huge viewership for the show, they could have a preview for the next impact which woud be more stoyline based, but would also showcase the talent not featured on this show.
3 weeks to build to ppv with lots of fans.
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