Mustang Sally
Sells seashells by the seashore
I've liked him since he joined WWE, through ECW & Straight Edge Society and all that. He's talented: a good talker and good ring worker.
On the other hand, I don't think he's great...... and certainly not as great as he seems to think, at least according to interviews he's quoted in since agreeing to stay with the company. All his remarks about being the top heel in WWE leave me kind of cold.
Rumor had it that Punk had Serena fired because she was seen not adhering to the straight-edge lifestyle in her private time. In pro wrestling, it's often hard to tell what's true and not, but screw Punk if he really did this. He's not the WWE Police; it's not his job to to keep her in line, nor was he her boss.
But, he's good. I've enjoyed watching him and how he interacts with the other performers......and I've enjoyed all the different incarnations of his character.
On the other hand, I don't think he's great...... and certainly not as great as he seems to think, at least according to interviews he's quoted in since agreeing to stay with the company. All his remarks about being the top heel in WWE leave me kind of cold.
Rumor had it that Punk had Serena fired because she was seen not adhering to the straight-edge lifestyle in her private time. In pro wrestling, it's often hard to tell what's true and not, but screw Punk if he really did this. He's not the WWE Police; it's not his job to to keep her in line, nor was he her boss.
But, he's good. I've enjoyed watching him and how he interacts with the other performers......and I've enjoyed all the different incarnations of his character.