Whats with the moderators on this site? Are they justified?

I smell alt.

People from Jesey are so lucky. As children, New Jerseyian's are raised the same way Spartan's were. Then when the become adults, they can do whatever they want. No guilt, no second thoughts. They did a study on "hardness" of hearts in America and those from New Jersey ranked among the highest.
we as members should not try to get involved in justifying the moderation process, but yeah.... its evident that some of the moderators cough d-man cough have serious issues.

You're either trying to be funny, or you must be a world class dunce. I've received two warnings from D-Man in my time here, and each of them were dealt with professionally. He was willing to answer any questions I had about them and made clear what the violation was. I find the only people who get shit from him in this regard are the people who open fire first.
dirtyjose, no i'm not trying to be funny, and no i'm not a world class dunce. just to make it clear, i don't have any infraction against my name, neither do i have any personal grudge against the person. my remark on d-man came as a result of my observation on the threads trashed by the aforementioned, many of which were interesting to read, but removed on one person's opinion on it alone. again, its not for me to decide, neither am i demanding a change in rules or anything of the sort. likewise, it was just my personal feelings in response to the asker's question, and it should be treated as such. and for those smelling alt or ctrl or shift in me, please feel free to check my ip, just to make sure i'm what i claim to be, and not a keyboard key :)
dirtyjose, no i'm not trying to be funny, and no i'm not a world class dunce. just to make it clear, i don't have any infraction against my name, neither do i have any personal grudge against the person. my remark on d-man came as a result of my observation on the threads trashed by the aforementioned, many of which were interesting to read, but removed on one person's opinion on it alone. again, its not for me to decide, neither am i demanding a change in rules or anything of the sort. likewise, it was just my personal feelings in response to the asker's question, and it should be treated as such. and for those smelling alt or ctrl or shift in me, please feel free to check my ip, just to make sure i'm what i claim to be, and not a keyboard key :)

That one person's opinion (D-Man's) comes from a wide range of experience as a moderator. The Admins of this forum trust D-Man's opinion on how best to manage his section to ensure that posters follow the rules. If they had an issue with how D-Man judges which threads should be moved to the trash, which should be merged with other threads as duplicate topics and who to infract, they would be the ones communicating that fact with D-Man. D-Man knows the rules far, far better than you appear to.

It doesn't really matter if you personally felt the threads were interesting to read, if they violated Wrestlezone forum rules, they violated Wrestlezone forum rules.
You know, I remember learning about capitalizing letters properly and it being an obligation to pass both my English and Spanish classes. Guess that wasn't the case elsewhere.
You know, I remember learning about capitalizing letters properly and it being an obligation to pass both my English and Spanish classes. Guess that wasn't the case elsewhere.

Pffft, you and your capitalist views are killing the world.
That one person's opinion (D-Man's) comes from a wide range of experience as a moderator. The Admins of this forum trust D-Man's opinion on how best to manage his section to ensure that posters follow the rules. If they had an issue with how D-Man judges which threads should be moved to the trash, which should be merged with other threads as duplicate topics and who to infract, they would be the ones communicating that fact with D-Man. D-Man knows the rules far, far better than you appear to.

It doesn't really matter if you personally felt the threads were interesting to read, if they violated Wrestlezone forum rules, they violated Wrestlezone forum rules.

"You must spread reputation..."

So, yeah... everything he just said.
Nah. Guns kill the world.

No, this does...

Its not a stupid argument in my opinion. Moderators have too much power for mine. If I wanted to be oppressed and not be heard the way I wanted I'd have moved to dictatorial China years ago and sucked Hu Jintao's balls.

Holy shit, dude... This isn't Nazi Germany or Communist China... its fucking wrestlezone. If you're feeling oppressed, go google "wrestling forums" and find someone to hold your fucking hand. I swear, it never ceases to amaze me, how many whiny bastards come through here because they couldn't read the fucking rules somewhere or didn't have the sense to judge how stupid something they started was going to be. I sit here and watch people bash the mods, (SlyFox especially...) because they were too goddamn stupid to read some simple rules. Get over it and move the fuck on. You're only going to bury yourself...


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