Whats with the moderators on this site? Are they justified?

You certainly have the right to but I don't see why you have the responsibility to enforce things that aren't explicitly against the rules.

I never said his post was against the rules. He did not receive an infraction or even a warning. Moving a thread to the trash is not a form of discipline. Notice the description in the trash section. “Where terrible threads come to be mocked.” I felt it was a terrible thread and based on my experience as a mod I felt it was going to generate spam and possibly flaming. As moderator of the old school section I made the call that the thread did not belong there.
I never said his post was against the rules. He did not receive an infraction or even a warning. Moving a thread to the trash is not a form of discipline. Notice the description in the trash section. “Where terrible threads come to be mocked.” I felt it was a terrible thread and based on my experience as a mod I felt it was going to generate spam and possibly flaming. As moderator of the old school section I made the call that the thread did not belong there.

I take no issue with any of your actions. All I have been doing here is commenting on the larger implications of the part I put in bold.
Because he wants to pick at words and imply that you making a judgement call that probably happens around here at least five times a week is somehow a miscarriage of justice and that you mods are just keeping the man down with your pompous attitudes. There are no larger implications here. Shit threads get shat on, period. How is that hard to understand? How could there be much disagreement there? If this turd really wanted to make this thread, there was nothing stopping him from redoing it in the spam zones, at least not until Coco beat him to the punch.


DirtyJosé;3667540 said:
As for the second part, I don't know where YOU'VE been. You're going to have to give me something as an example about the "because I can" shit.

Still waiting. And no, this thread and it's cause is NOT an example.
DirtyJose, you've been right every step of the way here. Thanks for posting in here while I was offline today.
If you don't have an issue with any of my actions why are we having this discussion?

Someone created a thread asking if your actions were justified. I don't think his post justified trashing but that doesn't mean I have an issue with you doing it in this case. In other cases I have had an issue with the so called judgment calls. I thought it was a decent opportunity to talk about the confusion the over reliance on judgment calls can create. When used correctly the judgment calls are a good thing but they do open up the chances for some secondary issues along with confusion.
Yeah no. Maybe you should start giving examples, real or otherwise, to back up whatever point you're trying to make because there really doesn't seem to be one anymore. "Over reliance"?
Someone created a thread asking if your actions were justified. I don't think his post justified trashing but that doesn't mean I have an issue with you doing it in this case. In other cases I have had an issue with the so called judgment calls. I thought it was a decent opportunity to talk about the confusion the over reliance on judgment calls can create. When used correctly the judgment calls are a good thing but they do open up the chances for some secondary issues along with confusion.

Who determines if a judgment call is used correctly? I think the best people to make such calls are the people who have been chosen as moderators.
The issue isn't determining when it is "correct" to use them so much as it is that the existence of the option guarantees inconsistency.
The issue isn't determining when it is "correct" to use them so much as it is that the existence of the option guarantees inconsistency.

One thing you need to keep in mind is that no disciplinary action was taken. He didn’t get banned, infracted, or even warned. He may have something to complain about if I infracted him, but I didn’t. All he had to do was either put a better effort into his thread or put it in the spam zone. I’ve actually given him a break by not infracting him for creating this thread. Remember this part of the rule book? Take a look and you'll see he's gotten off easy.

D. Closed, Deleted or Moved Topics: If one of your topics is closed, moved or deleted, do not post it again or post a thread complaining about it. If you are unsure as to why your topic has been closed, deleted or moved, feel free to PM one of the Forum Moderators from which the topic was removed, or one of the other Staff members and they will be happy to give you an answer.

Everyone is so quick to complain about a thread being closed. They feel the need to make it public instead of sending a private message to ask about it. He's obviously just looking for some sympathy for some reason and I'm sure he will be thrilled to see you've given it to him. Don't think he's looking for sympathy? Why do you think this thread was created in the prison? Probably because he figures prisoners may have an ax to grind with the moderators and he'd get some support.
The issue isn't determining when it is "correct" to use them so much as it is that the existence of the option guarantees inconsistency.

Where are you blue cardinal bill lesnar is in eed of some help to break the fark outta this ghetto mansion


One thing you need to keep in mind is that no disciplinary action was taken. He didn’t get banned, infracted, or even warned. He may have something to complain about if I infracted him, but I didn’t. All he had to do was either put a better effort into his thread or put it in the spam zone. I’ve actually given him a break by not infracting him for creating this thread. Remember this part of the rule book? Take a look and you'll see he's gotten off easy.

D. Closed, Deleted or Moved Topics: If one of your topics is closed, moved or deleted, do not post it again or post a thread complaining about it. If you are unsure as to why your topic has been closed, deleted or moved, feel free to PM one of the Forum Moderators from which the topic was removed, or one of the other Staff members and they will be happy to give you an answer.

Everyone is so quick to complain about a thread being closed. They feel the need to make it public instead of sending a private message to ask about it. He's obviously just looking for some sympathy for some reason and I'm sure he will be thrilled to see you've given it to him. Don't think he's looking for sympathy? Why do you think this thread was created in the prison? Probably because he figures prisoners may have an ax to grind with the moderators and he'd get some support.

Boom another shotgun cell misses Bill lesnar as he darts down the corridor AK-47 in hand. You missed nick he yells. Nick tries again this time hitting Lesnar on the leg. Lesnar doesn't flinch. This guy is a fucking machine.

He slings the AK over his shoulder and points the gun at Nick. bratatatat. Bill Lesnar looks down and mutters Believe THE HYPE. He walks off.
Boom another shotgun cell misses Bill lesnar as he darts down the corridor AK-47 in hand. You missed nick he yells. Nick tries again this time hitting Lesnar on the leg. Lesnar doesn't flinch. This guy is a fucking machine.

He slings the AK over his shoulder and points the gun at Nick. bratatatat. Bill Lesnar looks down and mutters Believe THE HYPE. He walks off.

Does this mean you want me dead? Does it?
course not Nick, ur one of Wz's best. Bill lesnar just posted one those stories that makes him a delusion dumbass according to guys like Stinger.A.Zoidberg and Sully aka Black DYnamtie.

Pay no attention. I' in the prison. I have to be an idiot.

But seriously Nick, ur great. keep it up
Why do people bitch about mods? I've never had a run-in with one. If you don't like it you can go to the other wrestling forums aka spam heaven and be with just yuck posters like "kanechampion" at wrestlingforum.com
People need to realize that they can't expect moderators on a pro wrestling forum to be normal people.
Why do people bitch about mods? I've never had a run-in with one. If you don't like it you can go to the other wrestling forums aka spam heaven and be with just yuck posters like "kanechampion" at wrestlingforum.com

ahh Bill Lesnar used to have a muti million dollar contract with that forum. That was when he was a huge star. The biggest of them all. HOTTEST property. DEFINER OF HIGH IMPACT. GOD DAMMIT BELIEVE THE HYPE


back then when my stock was at an all time high i had a massive fued with headliner. won all sorts of awards. i was the biggest thing in the iwc. everyone wanted to be Bill Lesnar. I got too big for wrestlingforum.com after awhile. Headliner being the triple h of that forum got jealous and fired me.


afterthat everyone wanted me. i mean everyone. everysite you can think of. lop was desperate to have me back. offered me a mod spot...big fued with mr tito etc same for wrestlingcliche. Eventually i decided to come here for the big bucks and potential i saw. I negotiable with kb and sly and walla...Bill lesnar had landed.

i wasnt used well at all though after my mega start. proberly the biggest fuck up in the history of this site.
shattered dreams always trying to prove somekind of point. haha guy cracks Bill lesnar up.

He will probably find something with this post.

Like will go, what do you mean prove some kind of point. you are proving some kind of point.


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