What's The WWE Going To Do With Kevin Nash?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hello all, I know some of yall problably read the title of this thread and asked yourselves "What does he means what the WWE going to do with Nash? Haven't he been watching WWE?" The answer is Yes I have. But here me out.

As we all know, Nash basically surprisingly returned to the company at this years Royal Rumble. And whenever he got eliminated by Wade Barrett, Big Show was entering the Rumble, and they had a brief intense staredown in rememberance of their rivalry within their WCW days. But all in all, I thought that was the start of a new feud, and possibly a great match to put on the card for Wrestlemania 27, but it never happened.

So then a few months later, When Alberto Del-Rio cashed in his MITB against Punk, Kevin Nash Comes from the Crowd and Jacknife Punk out of his WWE Title. And they wondering who sent Nash. And come to find out Nash Text Triple H's phone himself. And intiated the hit on CM Punk. And Nash thinking CM Punk Disrespecting Him, Triple H, his wife, and the business, finally got his match with Punk. And all of a sudden the match was scrapped because of Nash filming a movie and not being cleared to return to the ring. So Triple H ended up taking his place.

And Now, with really the Nash and Punk Feud unfinished, it looks like if Triple H can recover in time, we're going to see a Nash vs. Triple-H Match at Survivor Series. But the question is, are we really going to see this match? Are they going to change the script and let HHH recover and call in X-Pac or HBK to reason with Nash and have a match from there? Heck, does Nash even wants to wrestle?

I hope yall see where Im going with this thread. So what you think are the reasons of cancelling some potential feuds and Matches that Nash is involved in. Is it the writers? Nash not wanting to work with some of the talent? Or What? But Most Importanly what is the WWE going to do with Kevin Nash?
I think this one is pretty easy to answer honestly. If you watched Raw this past week you know that they did a segment where Triple H was attacked from behind by Nash with a sledgehammer(how ironic), then was attacked again just before being loaded into an ambulance. I think it's pretty safe to say that this was just a move to take Triple H off of TV until Survivor Series. You can probably bank on Nash running in to attack someone else here shortly, most likely C.M. Punk who I am going to bet comes out this Monday to say something about the situation. It will be something to that effect. It's unclear at this point as to whether all this is going to tie into the Survivor Series match itself, but if it is set to, it's likely that Miz and Truth get involved here as well, beating up Punk, then you might even have Cena come out to his aid or something like that.

If the Triple H-Kevin Nash situation isn't tied into the Survivor Series match than I'd say it's a lot easier to guess that it simply leads to a match at Survivor Series, where I am willing to bet we get the awaited "NWO return" with Miz and Truth joining in with Nash. These are all long shot guesses for the most part since no one really knows, but going off of the pulse of what has transpired these things are all I could come up with.
I think Nash has something to do with the conspiracy...obviously. I'm thinking Johnny Ace, Nash, McMahon against HHH or something...or we are possibly being set up for a surprising twist or heel turn. who knows?
Like this thread, have been wondering the same thing myself. Personally, i would have thought they'd do something mentioned previously like bring in hbk or waltman to try to talk to nash and hhh (maybe hhh via satellite or something) and maybe nash beating down one of the 2 to further add to the match vs hhh but as we all know, anything is possible with the wwe...this could all still end up going down the drain due to nash and his history with injuries. Like i said, you never know.
Like this thread, have been wondering the same thing myself. Personally, i would have thought they'd do something mentioned previously like bring in hbk or waltman to try to talk to nash and hhh (maybe hhh via satellite or something) and maybe nash beating down one of the 2 to further add to the match vs hhh but as we all know, anything is possible with the wwe...this could all still end up going down the drain due to nash and his history with injuries. Like i said, you never know.

My point exactly Shockwave. So far, all posts are interesting, inciteful, and possibilities. But the thing I'm kinda concerned with. If it all goes down the drain like the potential feud with Big Show, and the match with Punk everybody wanted to see. Are they going to build another storyline off of this one? Will they do like the previous poster just said, have him attack someone else? Or do you think it may possibly lead to a release of Kevin Nash? Personally I want to see Nash get back in the ring, and the storyline has been great so far. I just don't want WWE wasting our time with a great storyline that's not going to happen. That's all.
Personally I think its all tied in to some sort of NWO or DX return. I think with the New Age Outlaws and X-Pac both working the independt circuts that opens them up for a return at any point. If I had to guess I would say X-Pac would allign with HHH and New Age Outlaws with Nash. There are so many good ways this story good go I just hope we get an X-Pac return out of it.
Kevin Nash is the Anon GM!
I wouldn't be surprised to see Sean Waltman come back in some capacity, he was actually mentioned (you can tell half the crowd wasn't alive when he played x/6-pac)

Remember, the last time we Saw Kev before the PPV, he was getting into a limo with Lauranitis, so it's going to obviously be Lauranitis hiring him (Lauranitis as a character just is too obvious to be believable) to take out Triple H, but he's going to backstab Kev by using it as a power move to impress the board of directors with his "control" of the show.
Personally I think the best thing they can do with Nash is use him as a tax deductable write off!!!

My money is on he'll have the match with Triple H then do the legends deal where he wrestles every now and then.

Personally I wouldn't mind having Nash as GM of Raw. He's a clearly defined character who (sadly) has a main event aura about him (thanks to years of being a vagina) so why not use him in a role that won't result in him injuring himself
My point exactly Shockwave. So far, all posts are interesting, inciteful, and possibilities. But the thing I'm kinda concerned with. If it all goes down the drain like the potential feud with Big Show, and the match with Punk everybody wanted to see. Are they going to build another storyline off of this one? Will they do like the previous poster just said, have him attack someone else? Or do you think it may possibly lead to a release of Kevin Nash? Personally I want to see Nash get back in the ring, and the storyline has been great so far. I just don't want WWE wasting our time with a great storyline that's not going to happen. That's all.

I don't think he'll be released, he's too in with hhh behind the scenes...but i don't think he'll feud with anyone else either...it's a long shot but what about johnny ace being revealed as the one who is sabotaging hhh's reign as COO and Nash ends up being brought in by Vince as the new gm of raw?? I know it's a long shot or unlikely but with his in-ring career pretty much coming to it's final curtain call (without goldusts interference lol), is there anything else left for him??? Unless he joins waltman in FCW as a trainer
at TLC henry vs Big Show i see Nash interfering in that match by attacking Big Show have them fued into Rumble where there both in it Nash eliminates Show from the rumble. Show comes back out and eliminates him sort of like michaels and angle in rumble building up to wrestlemania 21. Nash vs big show wrestlemania 28. These two have along history could be built into a great WM match if played out right
Do you remember the HHH, Sean Michaels feud? HHH tormented Sean and was a great heel for that time. Now it's time for Nash to kick HHH around for a while. This is Nash's swan song. He can't wrestle a lick so he'll do the beat downs out of the ring for a bit. Once they do get to Wrestlemania or where ever this snooze fest will end, that will be the end of Nash, hopefully, once and for all.
Will Nash wrestle full time - no , does he want a final goodbye -well probably where wrestlemania who against in my opinion Triple h or Undertaker - either way its defeat and goodye
I can see awesome truth teaming with Nash forming some kind of nwo, beating on trips. They'll play the whole numbers game, trips can't win, there's just too many. Trips comes out & says you guys are right, alone I can't beat you guys so I got a little help. Out rolls hbk. New dx tee on & all of course which always hilarious. Nash says you're still down a man so the advantage still lays with us. Trips replies with something like "oh I'd thought you'd say that so I went out & got a 1 night member". Out comes punk in the dx shirt. The crowd would go ape shit. We'd get to see punk/Nash fight it out for a bit. Idk how a 1 on 1 match would go with those 2 so I think this would be a good solution. Either way, its been interesting on a whole.
Well apparently he's not facing Triple H until TLC. They said on Raw last night that Triple H will be out the next 5 weeks.
Get as much out of him as they can. Have him wrestle sporadically throughout the year. Mainly they're going to have him put over talent either by association or by having a match with them. At his age Nash can still go out there and deliver a decent match. I say why not get the most out of him before he retires. His name value alone is worth it.
I think that he might get added to the Survivor Series match and it could be Kevin Nash, Miz, Truth and someone else vs Cena, Rock, Triple H, and someone else. if not, I see him going one on one with Triple H at SS.
Well apparently he's not facing Triple H until TLC. They said on Raw last night that Triple H will be out the next 5 weeks.

And you buy that load? This is designed to create an OMG moment when the almighty HHH miraculously shows up "weeks ahead of what doctors predicted!" on the go home RAW for SS. HHH will come back charging back, the announcers will make a huge deal about how tough HHH is, Nash will look stunned and boom there is your SS Co-Main Event.
I’m going to reach far out there with this one and say they are waiting for Hall to get better and are stalling for WrestleMania. Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels in his corner) vs. Kevin Nash (w/Scott Hall in his corner) and 1-2-3-X-Pac is the special guest referee is money. If it’s not, at least it’s on the same card as Rock vs. Cena. Win-Win.

To stretch it further, I’d also go with the New Age Outlaws and X-Factor being involved somehow. Maybe even include Big Show and Hulk Hogan. May as well throw in Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman too. HAHA!!
I’m going to reach far out there with this one and say they are waiting for Hall to get better and are stalling for WrestleMania. Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels in his corner) vs. Kevin Nash (w/Scott Hall in his corner) and 1-2-3-X-Pac is the special guest referee is money. If it’s not, at least it’s on the same card as Rock vs. Cena. Win-Win.

To stretch it further, I’d also go with the New Age Outlaws and X-Factor being involved somehow. Maybe even include Big Show and Hulk Hogan. May as well throw in Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman too. HAHA!!

Oh yeah X factor... Right, (Prince) Albert and Hardly, err I mean Justin Credible are going to make their much anticipated returns to the Ent.. Oh but this is after Scott Hall finds sobriety.. By my calculations it should all come to fruition on the 26th of never..

Most likely Trips fueding with Nash is a ready made excuse to bring in DX, Kliq, and any prominent member of the NWO. I believe X Pac will return but Hall is too far away
from his Razor Ramón work rate to be of use to WWE, or coworkers.. I dont get the point of trying to capitalize on insider information and past alliances on screen and off if like soneone else said these fans "can't even renember x/6 pac."They will continue to use Nash, maybe get him some gold, he will become obsessed with settling old scores from the '90s and we will see WWE use that as a catalyst to have him fued with Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Big Show, etc etc. All the twists he goes thru to reach this point will be a way for WWE to recycle matches, reuse history, and avoid being labeled stale even thought all of Nash's matches wil be rematches.. kinda brillant i guess..

m his Razor Ran99999ó
What if Nash attacked The Rock/Cena at Survivor Series, formed nWo 3.0 with Miz & R-Truth, setting up Nash-Cena for TLC and Nash-The Rock for the Rumble?
I would love to see nash, truth, and miz work together for amonth and then there be a backstage segment where he takes them to a chest and is like "i wanna show you two something" and he pulls out a old school NWO shirt or a wolf pac shirt and tell 'em "I think y'all are ready!"
That would be awesome but the wwe continues to bury miz and truth. I really think miz and truth could be a modern day outsider type if given the chance.

Nash could mentor both. We would have backstagez skits with the two studying Diesel in his prime. They would be in school boy outfits sittin at wooden desks. There could bee like a third student for one class like hornswaggle or santino and "awesome" and "whats up" would get scribbled in the desks and he would ask them both who did it and they would blame the third guy and he would have the chock bored busted over his head n chalk stix n his mouth and at the end nash is on top, eraser claps his head and says "your expelled"or vinces voice comes out of no where and says it. Everyone looks confused.

Nash focuses on why Truth hasn't one the big title then focuses on why Miz did not hold it as long as him. They are able to get title shots on both shows by winning the tag belts, Nash is able to tag along via the free bird rule. There is a graduation ceramony n everything with truth in cap n gown as validvicctorian. When hiss tassle falls off prematurely he blames it on a conspiracy. Its after all that that they get their NWO shirts from the chest.q
What if Nash attacked The Rock/Cena at Survivor Series, formed nWo 3.0 with Miz & R-Truth, setting up Nash-Cena for TLC and Nash-The Rock for the Rumble?

I highly doubt that the Rock is going to wrestle at the Rumble, and besides, it wouldn't make sense to bring Rock into this angle and Vince wants to keep the attention on Cena and The Rock for their WM match.
I wouldn't mind if wwe put the belt on nash. He deserves it as much as anybody else on the roster. WWE needs a great big man again and nash feels that role.
I'm not seeing a Big Show/Kevin Nash feud. As for the rumble staredown between the two - allow me to over analyze for a moment. Nash came out as Diesel - he never had a feud with Big Show(who was The Giant during their WCW feud) as Diesel. Anyway lol...Hopefully there will just be a match between HHH/Nash because personally despite the attacks there is no reason for Nash and Punk to fight.

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