What's an unpopular opinion you hold?

I hate Randy Orton.
I think he's boring on the mic and in the ring. It bugs the hell out of me when I complain that he has a limited move set and his routine is tired and predictable yet his fans argue with me and say he has to do that and most faces have a limited moves set and routine. Then they turn around and bash a guy like Cena for doing the same thing and I'm not even a Cena fan. I feel like Orton was given a chance to be huge and he blew it. I think he's lazy in the ring and just goes through the motions. He used to be a lot better when he was younger. Now he just bores me.
Here is what I can't stand that unpopular to say.

People who take Vince's side on Montreal, here's why. Who signed Bret to a contract he couldn't afford to pay? Vince. Who told Bret to negotiate with wcw because he couldn't afford contract he signed Bret to? Vince. Who kept the wwf championship on Bret all the way up to the 11th hour knowing he was going to wcw? Vince. But somehow there are people who don't blame Vince.

Miz. Being comfortable talking on the mic (because he was on "reality tv") and actually being good at it are 2 different things. He is NEVER good in the ring unless he has opponent that carries him through the match. Name a great classic Miz match, there are none.

Dolph. I really don't need to say anything on this that other posters on here didn't already say before. Horrible name and oversells way too much. Also wrestlezone writers can't write a negative thing about him and always complain when he loses any match.

Ryback. Typical power muscle guy with zero charisma. Long winning streaks for new guys are more stale than Cena. If Vince loves muscle guys so much then have Ryback come out there and have weightlifting matches with guys he would obviously beat.

Cena. Already made my case on this in these forums over and over.

Wwe saying HBK is the best ever....

Oh and people who blame creative and/or wrestlers for (a) not being able to get over and (b) bad storylines. Vince McMahon has the final say on EVERYTHING, anything bad you see had to go through Vince at some point to get on tv. He is the Jerry Jones of wrestling, he was once great but time has clearly passed him by but his stranglehold on everything is the real problem with wrestling today.
My turn.....

PG Rating hurts the WWE
A lot of people say that the WWE going PG allows them to explore other avenues that could not be explored if they were TV14. I don;t claim to be an expert but when the WWF was TV-14 in the late 90's/early 00's arenas were always sold out, ratings were as high as ever and PPV buyrates seemed to be higher than today. Plus something like 3/4 of the WWE fan base are adults, and most adults with kids will let them watch edgy stuff (I watch films that were certificate 18 when I was 12 years old and I have never done anything bad I my life nor was I traumatised by them). PG stops storylines having an extra edge to them sometimes IMO, and whilst it may not be popular to say it, the PG rating hurts the WWE and is the biggest reason the WWE isn't as popular as it once was.

The world titles need unifying ASAP
Royal Rumble winners OPENING WrestleMania?? The WWE title closing a PPV once in the last year? The World title regularly opening PPV's or being low on the card? The WWE title belt, whilst not spinning anymore still looks like a crappy toy? I thought the whole point of becoming a WWE wrestler was to be WWE champion? Well if you can't be WWE champion, you can be a World Champion instead. A reason put forward for the two titles staying is for world tours/house shows there can be a World Champion at each show, that is where they are missing a trick with the IC title. A de-facto split for house shows, splitting the big stars and the WWE/IC champions would work IMO, probably unpopular but read the thread title......
CM Punk is a piece of shit, the guy HAS GOOD CONTENT and with half-shoots every weekend even Cody Rhodes could be huge right now. He didn't earn anything for me, he is overrated and by god overhyped in the IWC - I for once can't take him seriously. He has had to many opportunities before, he is a Two Time MITB Winner for god sake.

Randy Orton is the best wrestler in the WWE right now. I hate when people go on to bash his face turn and blah blah. He is in my mind truly underrated, and I don't even remember a bad match with him involved - I mean even Slater looks like a million bucks wrestling Orton.

The Miz is the best talker, hands down, in the WWE right now. He can go head to head with Cena, but I can't find anyone that gets into my nerves in a good way. He portrays his character perfectly, mostly because it really him.

I enjoy David Otunga and I feel he could be a good US Champion.

Antonio Cesaro is the total ... shit... Seriously, the guy had 4 matches before he became US Champion.
Kill the 3 hour Raw format. Make 3 brands again as soon as you can. Raw, SD and NXT... but get rid of the name NXT and make all three brands a 2 hour format. Make NXT a 1 hour live and 1 hour recorded format. Re-instate the European title, add a tag team title to all three, and a women's championship to all three. If you want to find talent, check the indies bring up your trainees and give them a shot.
Bret Hart is the most overrated wrestler in history. Cena gets trashed for the 5 moves of doom, but Bret invented it. Bret got lucky with his era and was carried, yes carried, by guys like Austin and Shawn, who could make anyone look like a Hall of Famer.

I hated Hogan long before hating Hogan was cool. I used to root for people like Akeem, Tugboat, and Bossman, even though they sucked, too. Just anybody but Hogan. When he turned heel and fans threw trash at him was one of the greatest moments in history. Heenan crowing that he told everyone, Hogan was a piece of shit for years. that little boy crying. So choice!

Rey Misterio also sucks out loud. Just completely unbelievable.
I was going to say my hatred for Bret Hart because he is so over-rated, but apparently someone beat me to that. So maybe I'm not in the minority there?

I have a huge, blatant, venomous hatred for Jeff Hardy -- worse than the Brian Blair, I put him in Camel Clutch, break his back and make him humble. But I guess the Jeff Hardy thing isn't so far-fetched either.

I loved Mark Henry's world title reign and hope he gets a second, and I like Ryback's current push. #FeedMeMore

The Shockmaster wasn't terrible, and the Pope-mobile was hilariously entertaining.

Vince Russo, despite his flaws, is an overall good booker.

WWECW World Heavyweight Championship counts as a world title. Because of this, the All-American-American Jack Swagger is a three-time, three-time World Champion. Futhermore, WWECW wasn't the complete disgrace that most would tell you it is.

I think that's about the most of them...
I like the Big Show, he's a great big man. He's willing to put over younger talent, where would Daniel Bryan be without the Big Show and Mark Henry. I'll tell you there'd be no YES! YES! YES! or NO! NO! NO!, because Daniel Bryan wouldn't have had a WHC match at WM. Like it or not that 18 second squash, kick started Daniel Bryan's career. Also Big Show vs Angle vs Brock was a great match, and his overall effect on a match is great, everyone loves a monster. Also his KO punch isn't as bad as every one says it is, it's like Tajiri's Buzzsaw except a punch, Big Show "charges it up" or "focuses his energy", and hits a weakened opponent. Also he's KO'd the Undertaker and that's something, the only that compares is Angle making Undertaker and Hogan tap out.
Lets start with hogan .... To me he's the most overrated....never impressed me on the mic.....obviously had the agility of a broken vacuum cleaner...never got why he drew.....

Randy Orton is the most stale gimmick currently on the roster...the guy has huge potential to be a top draw but I think he's simply hit his peak and has nothing better to offer

And after reading these posts it would seem that my opinion on CM punk being the top guy...the big draw.... The only real reminent of the attitude era .....would also be unpopular :)
Jeff Hardy.

3 moves, frequenty botched, performed with the skill of a stunned koala. In the same order every week. No mic skills to speak of, bland, uninteresting. Doesn't even deserve to be in a ring, let alone champion of anything at all.

I like Eric Young.

Bischoff and Russo are geniuses. Flawed, and maybe a little mental, but geniuses nonetheless.

Vince McMahon is probably one of the best things to happen to wrestling since Ed Lewis.

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