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Unpopular Wrestling Opinions

Yeah this is a great thread and i agree with some of the people who have posted already my unpopular opinions are;

Michael Cole is a better commentator than Jim Ross, im sorry but i just do not buy the hype about JR at all i think he may be the most overrated WWE employee of all time. His constant redneck catchphrases and terms like 'slobberknocker' and constant references to 'barbecue' were pointless and he constantly stumbled when trying to use well known phrases and mixed up wrestlers names.

Michael Cole at least with this new heel character is funny and even before that his play by play commentary was much more relevant and clearly expressed in my opinion

Number 2- Orton's cocky Legend Killer gimmick was better than the Viper. Whilst I like how Orton is being pushed as being badass, i don't like how this new gimmick has removed most of his personality.

When he was depcited as arrogant and cocky he actually used to be good on the mic and i see no reason why vanity, boastfulness and personality can't be implemented with a more ruthless aggressive streak the Orton pose also needs to come back.

My final unpopular opinion is that Daniel Bryan is being overhyped and lacks the charisma to be a main event star. Granted the guy is talented in the ring but his charcter and his mic skills need some serious work atm i just find him boring and struggle to care about his matches/ storylines.

I would much rather see other young guys like Ted Dibiase, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne, Drew Mcintyre and Chris Masters get a good push.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know this is a thread for unpopular opinions, but why would you want Ziggler and Morrison to ruin their careers by going to that sinking ship. You're quite mad.

My unpopular opinion, like another poster said, is that Orton's Viper gimmick is complete shit. Sure, it's fun to see him RKO people out of nowhere, but he can do that as the Legend Killer again or at least debut a new gimmick where he can actually show some personality again.

lol I don't think it would ruin thier careers. I think it would be really interesting to watch,but I just posted that for fun because I know that would never actually happen
My second one is:

Ric Flair is NOT that good on the mic

He's not BAD, per se. But jesus, I can't believe the praise he gets, I've even heard some say he's the greatest on the mic of all time. Wow. Do you guy actually listen to what he says? I mean really REALLY listen? Maybe his yelling and Woo!-ing covers it up, but it's barely coherent. I get the general message he's trying to convey, but he stumbles over his words like crazy and makes grammatical errors in nearly every sentence. Like when he debuted in TNA he's like "...I have 3 reasons for coming to TNA, I will explain them as briefly, but as fast as possible" and it hasn't stopped since. Stuff like that, it annoys the shit out of me. I never see any other wrestler botch words and sentences as much as Flair (except maybe Scott Steiner). It wouldn't be so bad except everyone treats him like a god on the mic. If it were any other wrestler, people would say he sucks on the mic, but because it's Flair, people bow. Lame.
Get your facts right.

Bret wanted to stay with WWE. He was even ready to accept a lesser paycheck than what he was offerred by the WCW. Vince negotiated terms with him and then he only told Bret to take the offer of WCW and go.

And Bret was damn ready to lose his title to Shawn Michaels. He, however, did not want to lose to him in Montreal. He was scheduled to lose just after a week.
The Dudley's are the most overrated team in wrestling history

I had to say this because I am so sick and tired of hearing how great the Dudleys are, they have more titles than anyone, they are one of the greatest tag teams ever, they have longevity, ect. Sorry, the Dudley's are crap (there I said it).

1st off they can't draw by themselves. Sure they have been in matches that drew numbers but without that other act (mainly Edge/Christian and the Hardyz) the Dudley Boyz could never do it on their own. I have heard this team compared to the Road Warriors, but the big difference is the Road Warriors constantly packed houses and sold out territories, the Dudley's haven't sold out ANYTHING EVER.

They Don't have any real wrestling talent. This may sound harsh but its true. I have never seen these guys put on a good match unless there were some weapons or stipulation to help them out. Their matches rarely have any psychology and are mostly remembered for big spots they do, not for any storytelling abilities or great wrestling. The Dudley's live off of spots, but thats not wrestling, that is called cheap heat and cheap tactics, putting someone through a table isn't psychology, its called a cheap pop.

The Dudley's always took the easy way out to get over. Anyone can get over as a heel by berating every person in the audience and constantly putting women through tables, its not that difficult to do. You can accomplish the same thing buy having a wrestler whose only move is a kick to the nuts. Usually when the Dudley's do a heel promo its them swearing and calling the fans or the person they are feuding with every name in the book. Look at Bully Ray right now, that's how he is getting over right now, if the best way for him to get over is to call someone a *** or put someones kid through a table then you don't really know what you are doing, you are just taking the easy way out.

Lastly, the only reason the Dudley's were together for so long was because they were failures as singles stars. Within a year the Dudleys are back together GUARANTEED. Eventually Bully Ray will become irrelevent and they will have no choice but to put him back with Devon.

I can understand where a lot of people are coming from with the Dudleys but I can't see their talent. The Dudleys are so overrated its disgusting. I don't know how so many people can see such greatness in a team with zero talent.
I Honestly don't see why all the hype for Brodus Clay. Just about a week ago there was a thread that pretty much was about praising Brodus Clay. People were giving him all kinds of compliments one of them stated that he was smooth in the ring.I thought to myself WTF!? When I see him all I see is a fat underachiever of a wrestler who reminds me of Nasty Norc from the videogame spyro the dragon who is slugish in the ring. The WWE should drop some dead wieght ... if you know what I mean.:banghead:
Jeff Jarrett is the most over rated champion in history

I don't know how he has done it, but he was a mid carder and rightfully so, then when he went to WCW after most of the talent left he ended up with the belt and people bought it! The man isn't that great on the mic, he isn't that great of wrestler and he sure has hell doesn't have that star quality to put him in the main event.

Great thread by the way, lots of awesome ideas!
UNDERTAKER SHOULD LOSE AT WM28 The question then begs, to who? I will say it cant be anyone he has beat already at WM. Cena beating him only makes sense if Vince wants a drastic unparalleled heel turn and Cena maybe even wins via a cheap shot. An Orton "legend killer" push kinda makes sense too. Or maybe even give a huge push to (gasp) Miz with a clean finish. Let the trashing begin:wtf:
I agree with this point. The streak has no use if it stays there. No, actually the streak should stay. No, someone should end it to gain the advantage/rub. But will actually they get a rub out of this. I am on two minds for this.
I Honestly don't see why all the hype for Brodus Clay. Just about a week ago there was a thread that pretty much was about praising Brodus Clay. People were giving him all kinds of compliments one of them stated that he was smooth in the ring.I thought to myself WTF!? When I see him all I see is a fat underachiever of a wrestler who reminds me of Nasty Norc from the videogame spyro the dragon who is slugish in the ring. The WWE should drop some dead wieght ... if you know what I mean.:banghead:

I completely agree he looks to me like a worse version of Rhyno with Viscera's haircut and his inablity to sell moves is absolutely criminal. All in all one of the worst big guys iv seen in a while.
HHH Didn't Need Stephanie To Get Over!!!

HHH was already on the way to the top before he married Stephanie McMahon! He was leading DX and going against the corporation on his way to the title before he was put with Steph. While his relationship certainly didn't hurt his career, he was well on his way to being a top guy before he married her
The Streak needs to end

Now whilst I know alot of people love Taker and think The Streak is wonderful but really it isnt. For every team that goes on a huge winning streak, for everybody who wants it to rn forever and see how long it can continue im sure that the same amount of people cant wait for it to end! Every year at Wrestlemania everybody looks forward to Undertakers match but why? Its only been believable that he may lose for the past 2 years against HBK. Was he really ever going to lose a Handicap match to A-Train and Big Show? Or to Henry in a Casket Match? No. Its not even that I personally dislike Taker as I think hes probally the greatest big man to wrestle, but I just cant stand this fucking stupid streak!

Push Ted Dibiase more
Okay so he may not be the greatest in the WWE today, but he isnt half as bad as people make out! He has good ability in ring and isnt horrible on the mic. Have him buy a big bodygaurd and push him to the upper mid-card. Then maybe at the rumble pay a bunch of the jobbers/people who have no chance of winning to eliminate themselves and have him in the final four after a good showing. Take his dads gimmick of buying people off/protection and people will boo him more. Put him in the chamber match with a good showing there,trying to buy his way back in and a few more heelish tactics and you have a credible 2nd tier/top tier heel. I know this sounds a bit far away but with the way he is at the moment it will take a sustained push from now!
I agree about Taker's streak. For one, all it does is take away unpredictability around Wrestlemania. You KNOW he's not gonna lose, so what's the point? The last time I thought he might finally lose was against Randy Orton, it would've made perfect sense especially in the middle of the "Legend Killer" gimmick. Ever since then, I know it's a forgone conclusion. It's actually gotten past the point where it could have been a useful tool to put someone over, it's taken on a life of its overrated self.
Bret screwed Bret

Yup. It doesn't matter how long he stayed or how devoted he was. He wanted to go over their top superstar at the time, and then leave for better money. How selfish and self-centered do you have to be to value your own image infront of your fans over the company you claim to be devoted to? It was a pathetic, hypocritical judgment by Bret, and I do believe that the Montreal Screwjob needed to happen.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Bret when I first got into wrestling when I was young, but wow Bret. I know people always said that Vince and Shawn should apologise to Bret over the Screwjob, when really, Bret should have apologised to them for being so egotistical. You've got to learn to take a fall for the greater good, and Bret threw away all the respect he earned by putting his own desires ahead of the entire livelihood of the WWF.

The thing is Bret didnt want to lose the title to a guy who was off his head on drugs, went out partying and didnt seem to care about the bussiness. Shawn had an awful attitude and treated the whole locker room like shit before he was born again. I love shawn btw...probably more than I love Hart and I think Shawn would be first to addmit it himself.

Also Vince negotiated Bret's release and made more of an effort to let him go than Bret did. Bret was happy to stay or go and Vince told him he was going to push Bret down the card as Austin and other's were coming through. Look at Taker...not as many titles during the attitude era as he had been used to.

Also Bret did not care about losing in Canada, that wasnt the thing...he offered to drop the title to Taker or Shamrock or any other guy either that night or the next night on Raw and i believe he would have done.

Do I blame VKM though? The Answer= No, he did it for his company and I'm sure it wasnt an easy choice. Bret and Vince were growing apart due to disagreements over the commitment of Shawn.

So my unpopular opinion is...

Lack of communication and trust screwed Bret
Both Hardy brothers are still good!

Before joining this forum I had no idea how much people hated the Hardys.
I like Jeff coz he's a stoner. He's such an individual, it's hilarious. And he can work great matches (vs. Angle last year).

Matt isn't actually fat. He's just a bit big for a pro athlete. I'm sure most of his haters are considerably fatter. He too can put on a good match, especially since joining TNA.

I know that this is a crazy unpopular opinion. But I like the Hardy Boyz, and no-one can stop me!
Jeff Jarrett is the most over rated champion in history

I don't know how he has done it, but he was a mid carder and rightfully so, then when he went to WCW after most of the talent left he ended up with the belt and people bought it! The man isn't that great on the mic, he isn't that great of wrestler and he sure has hell doesn't have that star quality to put him in the main event.

Great thread by the way, lots of awesome ideas!

Agreed, but I think that is the popular opinion.

Noone looks at Jeff Jarrett and see's a superstar. Never have.

He got his WCW title reigns through his friendship with Vince Russo and the fact that the company was in the absolute toilet with title changes every week. Jarrett had 4 title reigns in the space of 5 weeks or so, it was pathetic.

He got his NWA/TNA title reigns due to the fact he owned the company and was one of the bigger names in the beginning of the company. Notice that once the former WWE guys came in, Jarrett's influence over the title scene declined and he is no longer a main eventer.

He should have been a career mid-carder. He has good mic skills, but a terrible finisher, a really outdated look and gimmick (the fake guitar was old 10 years ago, as was the strut and the 2 fingered pose).
Push Ted Dibiase more
Okay so he may not be the greatest in the WWE today, but he isnt half as bad as people make out! He has good ability in ring and isnt horrible on the mic. Have him buy a big bodygaurd and push him to the upper mid-card. Then maybe at the rumble pay a bunch of the jobbers/people who have no chance of winning to eliminate themselves and have him in the final four after a good showing. Take his dads gimmick of buying people off/protection and people will boo him more. Put him in the chamber match with a good showing there,trying to buy his way back in and a few more heelish tactics and you have a credible 2nd tier/top tier heel. I know this sounds a bit far away but with the way he is at the moment it will take a sustained push from now!

After last night, looks like Ted won't be getting that big push you want. Triple H pretty much buried him even further than he has been buried already. He looked like a joke last night. It was awful.

If Ted is going to get over, he needs to be treated more like his father was. His character has lots of money. Make him flaunt it more. Everybody has a price... remember that? Like father like son. Come on WWE. Let Ted buy a belt or make have his opponents forfeit matches. It's not hard to make a crowd hate a person who flaunts their wealth.
WWE in 2004 and 2006 were AWESOME

Somehow, someway, people think Smackdown sucked in 2004. What sucked about it? 2004 and 2006 were two of my favorite years in Smackdown history. In 2004- Eddie was a champion who could make you laugh and entertain but also be great on the stick and in the ring. Remember the feud with Angle when he drew a sombrero over Angle's picture (Edge did that not too long ago with Del Rio and drew a mustache.) Remember when Eddie had the alarm system in his car and Kurt tried to start it up and Eddie said not to do it and Kurt thought he was lying when really Kurt got pwned once he started it? Epic.
How about when feuding with JBL, he had the crowd put food in his cowboy hat? JBL was a terrific character. Say what you will about him being a chickenshit heel but his character and promos were gold.

I still didn't mind Undertaker. The deadman gimmick was back and his returns weren't stale as fuck. I really enjoyed the Kane/Taker match at Wrestlemania 20.

Not to mention, the best thing of Smackdown in 2004: John Cena. I will take John Cena as U.S. champ an infinite of times over John Cena as WWE champ. Cena's rapper gimmick got me to like him. I could relate to him because I'm a sports nut and I have always worn jerseys and all. Not to mention insulting opponents through rap was entertaining and unique.

Now for 2006, I'm not talking about the Spirit Squad or Cena vs. Edge in 10,000 rounds. I'm talking about the revival of ECW. ECW was a good, credible third brand until Vince became ECW Champion. I liked ECW in 2006 and the way it was booked. It was my favorite brand of the three and I really, really looked forward to it.

The revival of DX- Wrestling Observer Newsletter named DX vs. The McMahons the worst feud of 2006. WTF. THAT FEUD WAS AWESOME!!! When HHH came out as Vince and HBK as Shane, I fell out of my chair and I laughed so fucking hard I was actually rolling all over the floor. Not to mention some other entertaining segments too.

Smackdown- King Booker was alright. I liked the commentary of Cole and JBL. It was good to see Finley and Lashley be showcased. My favorite though on Smackdown was MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNNEDY.....KENNEDY!!!!! He was so fucking awesome and gave me a year to remember. I wanted to see him with the WHC in the worst way. At least he became champ in TNA.

So most people tend to shit on 2004 and 2006- but I couldn't be a bigger fan.
Well iknow ill get tons of shit for this , bring it on , i can take it .
Shawn Michaels and The Rock are two of the most overrated wrestlers in history.
Im not saying they were not talented , they were , but i dont understand all the praise they get. Michaels was a good technical wrestler but not deserving of the pedistal he has been put on , i preferd him as a tag team wrestler.Dx never appealed to me as a matter of fact i hated them , his whole look and attitude was very unapealing to me.
As far as the Rock goes everyone seems to think his mic skills were great but i find him to be silly, juvinile and just plain not funny , i just dont get the appeal, i view his promos much like many view Cenas.As far as his wrestling skills imo he was very avrage, nothing special, he always reminded me of a second rate Dusty Rhodes , another wrestler i never liked. So there it is people pile on the hate!
Another one just kind of popped into my head.

TNA's Tag Team Division Kinda Sucks. - For a long time, TNA's tag team scene has been one of the few great things about the company. However, if you actually take a look at things and how they've been for a while, it's not that good and it hasn't been for a while. If you take Beer Money & the Motor City Machine Guns out of the loop, then TNA's tag team picture is weaker than WWE's. The Guns are on the shelf right now, at least until Shelley's broken collarbone heals, and there's not a team in TNA right now that come across as legit, serious challengers to Beer Money. You can't keep Beer Money & The Guns feuding as they've already had two very high profile feuds against each other in less than a year, and the second feud already felt a little stale. Generation Me looks like they might be breaking up and they're not in the same league as the Big Two are. Eric Young & Orlando Jordan are the two biggest jokes in wrestling right now. Gunner & Murphy should be carrying Beer Money's bags to and from their car. We've already seen a brief feud between Ink Inc. & Beer Money and they're not a serious threat, and might be on the verge of breaking up as well at this point. So yeah, tag team wrestling is weaker than maybe it's ever been in TNA.
The IWC deserves respect

Seems a strange thing to post as being controversial on an IWC site but I've seen it to many times recently, posters coming onto this site insulting that which they are members off. I'm cheesed with people insulting other peoples opinions as being 'typical' of the IWC. Having been on here some time now, the majority of guys and gals are good honest wrestling fans with their own favourites, loves and peeves. We're not all spoiler chasing product hating smarks who never see the good out there.

All we need is more love, respect and tolerance and if you can't display this... maybe the IWC isn't where you should be.
Booker T was the GREATEST Champion in WCW/WWE/TNA history

I've said it and I'll say it again, Booker T was the greatest Champion of all time! Athletically, Promos, Charisma, Gimmick (Even his King Booker gimmick).
After last night, looks like Ted won't be getting that big push you want. Triple H pretty much buried him even further than he has been buried already. He looked like a joke last night. It was awful.

If Ted is going to get over, he needs to be treated more like his father was. His character has lots of money. Make him flaunt it more. Everybody has a price... remember that? Like father like son. Come on WWE. Let Ted buy a belt or make have his opponents forfeit matches. It's not hard to make a crowd hate a person who flaunts their wealth.

Yep.Unbelievable. Litterally an hour or so after I posted, he gets made to look even worse. I agree with you completley about flaunting his wealth but its going to be hard to come back from this looking better than ever.
The IWC deserves respect

Seems a strange thing to post as being controversial on an IWC site but I've seen it to many times recently, posters coming onto this site insulting that which they are members off. I'm cheesed with people insulting other peoples opinions as being 'typical' of the IWC. Having been on here some time now, the majority of guys and gals are good honest wrestling fans with their own favourites, loves and peeves. We're not all spoiler chasing product hating smarks who never see the good out there.

All we need is more love, respect and tolerance and if you can't display this... maybe the IWC isn't where you should be.

I couldn't agree more FitFinaly. I like bieng part of something that shows the passion you have for a form of entertainment. Yeah, it's true sometimes there are the "smart asses" that thinks that they "know" what is "best" for the respective wrestling company you like/watch.

Again I mean for fuck's sake I basically in the other extreme of America (not the United States the actual continent) and I'm debating/agreeing with a guy from Ireland, New Zealand about wrestling. For me that shows the quality and the quantity that are the wrestling fans.

Kane is overrated

I like Kane, but man he doesn't have any classic match that kept/keep me at the edge of my seat. He bores me most of the time when he is on the ring. He is nothing without the Undertaker.

Somebody else said it already but, Christian shouldn't be part of the match Alberto Del Rio/Edge for the WHC at Wrestlemania.

I have sait alreayd on the official thread, but if the E wants so bad Christina on the maint event, let it be after Mania. I'm a big fan of Christian, but 2 weeks before Mania add him to the card? I don't think so... Specially since Alberto won the Royal Rumble and immediately said he was going after Edge.

Great idea for a thread OP!
I have never liked TNA. Never have, if they ever actually become entertaining, I will. I also think AJ Styles sucks. I have no problems with promo heavy shows. I have almost always liked Raw better than Smackdown. I don't like Jack Swagger.

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