What WWE Wrestler Needs a New Finisher

DEUCE AND DOMINO NEED a finisher! What's the deal with the 'Crack Em In Da Mouth'? Its only a kick!!!!!


What makes their kick

a) so special

b) a finisher

c) a double team???

I miss Brian Kendrick and Paul London as the WWE Tag Team Champions
DEUCE AND DOMINO NEED a finisher! What's the deal with the 'Crack Em In Da Mouth'? Its only a kick!!!!!


What makes their kick

a) so special

b) a finisher

c) a double team???

I miss Brian Kendrick and Paul London as the WWE Tag Team Champions

What are you on about. A kick is one of the best finishers there is. Kick somebody in the face. Go for it. And then give somebody a Crossface. I know which I'd prefer.
I think a form of Elevated Neckbreaker would be a good move for MVP. It would his gimic and looks pretty cool.

Does anyone remember the neckbreaker type move Umaga used on Ric Flair when he first appeared? Umaga should use that because it was an awesome move.

I think the argentine backbreaker that Lashley uses would make a better finsiher than the running powerslam. Its a pretty powerfull looking move.
if kennedy is going to be world champion, he needs a solid finisher. he isn't the biggest guy so he can't use a power finisher. maybe a fame-asser or gangrel's implant ddt...
Hey I got an idea for Bobby Lashley. Now you may think its stupid but i think its a good idea. Everybody keeps on throwing out the F-5 for Lashley to use as his finisher. Well I agree as well but i just thought of what he could call it. Instead of the F05 he could call it WHIPLASH because his last name is Lashley i ont know its an idea. What do you guys think?
Cena needs a new move because FU just makes me sick its a dam fire man carry slam!!!!
who ever seen's pual lundon's finsher..????????? i think a shooting star press would b good for him
I think Cena should go back to using a Spinning Fishermans suplex, I think he called his variation "the Killswitch"

Shelton Benjamin should change his finisher to the angle slam, he could change the name to the "shel-shocker"

Vis needs a new move too, the one he has now is just disgusting he throughs his oppent down and then proceeds to jump on their back and dry hump them, I mean common now that's just not right
mr. kennedy.... he needs sumthin like the scorpion death drop i think, nodbody really uses that now and it looks effective to me

johnny nitro.... maybe tornado ddt or the blockbuster that bagwell used for abit in wcw (flip neck breaker of the 2nd rope)

rey mysterio...619 doesnt seem like a finisher, and he cant hurricaranna more than half of the roster, maybe a top rope finisher of sorts

but alot of them need better finishers
nitro has a new finisher it is still called the snapshot but it is like a stunner to the back first he uses a forearm to the back and honestly if they are making a carbon copy of lesnar with 1/4 of the skill give him the damn f-5 its an amazing move if he debuted it at a paperview the crowd would be screaming their @$$ off
nitro has a new finisher it is still called the snapshot but it is like a stunner to the back first he uses a forearm to the back and honestly if they are making a carbon copy of lesnar with 1/4 of the skill give him the damn f-5 its an amazing move if he debuted it at a paperview the crowd would be screaming their @$$ off

....a stunner to the back...... is called a neckbreaker........his finisher is a hangman's neckbreaker, like Rick Rude.
I think someone like Shelton needs to use the Canadian Destroyer! We saw Murdoch try it and almost kill Matt Hardy but someone with Benjamin's athleticism can pull it off. If they are serious about going more back into wrestling you have to pull some new moves out.
As for Lashley they have to start thinking Brock or Goldberg type. While he has a better attitude than they do their finishers were much better. The one thing they don't highlight with his finisher is his strength. WHile the running power slam is ok it doesn't give you that moment when you know it is over like when Brock hit the F-5 or Goldberg hit the Jackhammer! I also agree no one hits a spear like Goldberg but it is not a bad thing to leave that in Lashley's back of tricks!
Everybody makes a good arguement but I don't believe anyone said anything about Umaga's Samoan Spike. It's the stupidiest s*** I have ever seen. It's a stiff thumb to where ever it goes.To the throat chin ,chest I don't know it lands in different places. IT SUCKS!!!!
Any wrestler who uses a generic move as a finisher. Such as The People's Elbow, The Five Knuckle Shuffle, Million Dollar Fist Drop,Leg Drop, Snap Suplex or a Hurricanrana. "Finishers" are moves that tell the fan the match is coming to an end by a devastating manuever that impairs the opponent from kicking out of the 3 count or getting a second wind. Geez I sound like a wrestling dictionary.
I think cena should turn the F-U into like a combo of an F-U neckbreaker and put a little spin into like brock lesnar
Definitely MVP and his playmaker, if i was to suggest a finisher id give him the testdrive. I dont know testdrive actual wrestling name, but it would work perfect for him
On the topic of finishers, I like how Candice Michelle has started using the spinning heel kick...its speedy and looks like it stings. She should also adapt a personality similar to that because right now when they get close ups on her face she looks half sleepy and half drunk like a bar fly at a smoky tavern.

Anyway, why is everybody jumping on Shelton's move? His T-Bone suplex (now being called the 'Exploder Suplex') is awesome for him. It has a balance of athleticism and power that fits his fighting style. He also used to K.O. people with a high kick to the head similar to (but more real looking than) the Chick Kick. If they needed to make him a new move though, probably something like the spin out fishermans suplex Cena does but instead of hooking the leg and doing a suplex, spin them up some, spin them off to the side then either turn around and kick their head or catch the back of their neck for a neck breaker.

Umaga should use that high toss into a Samoan Drop as his finisher.

Snitsky could use the reverse death valley driver cause that move looks like you are killing the guy and he's a monster heel, so...yeah.

Does Paul London actually use the Dropsault as his finisher now? I saw him kick Deuce (or Domino) off the apron then flip back and land on the other for the pin on Smackdown. If so his secondary finisher could be that Mule kick he does.

Boogeyman just looks right doing a black hole slam...ya know, that stalling side belly to belly slam thing Vicsera does.
im thinkin cena definately because he keeps beating d likes of hbk and hhh with his stfu and for GODS SAKES WWE!! cena beats khali with a submission manuevere that is just insanely crazy!!

cena should either go back to strictly d FU or use that top rope leg drop we've seen him use lately on raw??

what do u think?
In my opinion, Edge is the one who needs a new finisher the most. He's a relatively skinny guy and is using a weak spear. Honestly the only two wrestlers I think of that can/could really pull that off is like everybody said, Rhino and Goldberg. He's very well experienced I don't understand why he doesn't use a more complex maneuver. An angel's wings type maneuver would be pretty sweet.

John Cena I think also could use a new finisher for three reasons.
1. The FU just doesn't look like it is supposed to do that much damage.
2. Cena's character is supposed to be a "fighter" and "brawler", so making people tap out to the STFU just seems hypocritical to me.
3. He is the sixth longest reigning heavyweight champion in wwe, the FU, I mean come on.

In my opinion, most members of TNA have much more effective and better looking finishers than WWE. Canadian Destroyer, Cradle Shock, Angel's wings, Cop Killa, Muscle Buster, Styles Clash. Even Christian's unprettier seems pretty complex to the finishers in WWE these days. WWE needs to train and prepare their wrestlers more so they can ease up on the banned moves list.
Ok, well, I am sorry to see that Pone posted an issue with my abdominal stretch idea. Let me explain my thought process - over a decade ago, Razor Ramon brought back the abdominal stretch and modified it by lifting up an opponents leg. That simple variation did nothing, but the announcers sold it as excruciting pain. Furthermore, they sold Razor's Stretch as devistating because of his height and the length of his arms. At Royal Rumble, when Bret Hart skidded ribs-first into the ring post and then spent 5-10 minutes in Razor's stretch- that was a good exchange. Khali, at his size, could try a new variation of the move, maybe working a slam or sorts into it, but the Abdominal Strecth, when sold right by the opponents and the announcers, is a devistating move. Work with me here - do you want to keep re-inventing the exhausted power bomb / choke slam / fireman's carry that every big man in the company uses or can we go old school and get creative?
I totally agree with irishcanadian , Khali i think has the potential to be a very sucessful wrestler in wwe and if he is given a very "devastating" maneuvere, then he will become either really hated or really cheered by fans for being so dominating, depending which way wwe show him on tv

What surprises me most is that no one has mentoined the IC champ - Santino Marella? Lets face it he is a nobody on raw at the moment and to get really over with the fans he needs an impressive finisher. Right?

Any suggestions people???
It sucks that Helms does not use it.. but I think that MVP should use the Vertabreaker.. That is my favorite move of all time. Is it on the Banned list?
It sucks that Helms does not use it.. but I think that MVP should use the Vertabreaker.. That is my favorite move of all time. Is it on the Banned list?

Yes the Vertabreaker is on the banned list. The reason it was put on the banned list there was way too much of a risk of a slip up and a wrestler could break there neck are worse.
I totally agree with irishcanadian , Khali i think has the potential to be a very sucessful wrestler in wwe and if he is given a very "devastating" maneuvere, then he will become either really hated or really cheered by fans for being so dominating, depending which way wwe show him on tv

What surprises me most is that no one has mentoined the IC champ - Santino Marella? Lets face it he is a nobody on raw at the moment and to get really over with the fans he needs an impressive finisher. Right?

Any suggestions people???

Santino used the Fujiwara armbar in OVW, he also used the Triangle Choke. If he were to keep those and use those in WWE that would be fine by me, as he seems to be loaded enough, unless WWE decides to completely change his moveset, then I don't know what I want his finisher to be.
I take hommage with anyone who uses a "choke" maneuver. It's sickeningly hypocritical, and allowing wrestlers such as Tazz to use the Rear Naked choke tells me two things: 1) WWE is totally unconcerned about consistency, as referees continue to administer 5-counts for chokes done face to face (a la classic Undertaker), and 2) the WWE is genuinely scared of how UFC and MMA have erroded their fan base and tried to combat that by taking a very minor maneuver from MMA and allowing a select few to use it as a finisher.

Here's one more idea for Khali - I am not sure ifthis move has been used in indies before, but I saw it written somewhere once and this is how I envisioned it - wrestler hooks the head of the opponent under their arm like a Slop Drop or Reverse DDT (opponents face turned upwards into armpit with back bridged) and the wrestler executing the move lifts the opponent up into a reverse suplex, holds them, falls backwards effectively slamming the opponent's midsection and face into the mat. Since the mid-section of a person's body is known as the "Solarplexus" the move was coined "The Solar Plex." At Khali's height, I think the move has even more creedence.

For me, the jury is still out on Marella until I see more of what his style is - high flyer, high impact, or submission. I again give a vote to the Texas Cloverleaf or the Crossface Chicken Wing, but if Marella is more high impact or high flyer, there are a litany of choices.

I leave you with one final note - one of the greatest wrestlers in history to never hold a world title is one Rowdy Roddy Piper, and with the exception of a brief time using the Sleeper Hold, he listed his finisher as "anything that comes to mind." Then again, maybe that is why he never won a World Title.

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