What to do with Umaga?

Gotta get Umaga to ECW in my opinion.

ECW needs any star power it can get right now. Christian will be a huge boost to ECW in my opinion. But they need to strengthen the roster because it's made up of jobbers, green wrestlers, and Swagger, Christian anf Finlay. But thats it, they need some established names to bring some respectability,and depth to the brand.

An Umaga/Christian feud could have the potential to be interesting. Or Swagger could bring Umaga to be his bodyguard, ala the Edge idea before only Edge doesn't need one because he has Vicki to control everything that goes on. There is too much upper card talent on Raw and Smackdown,and on smackdown the mid-card isn't too bad. So the only options as I see it is either a main eventer on ECW or mid-card Raw. I think ECW is the most benefical idea all round.
Well id just fire him lol, if you want to keep him around ECW would be the best option. Kane and Umaga, would do better in ECW because they can be the top bruisers and give the new talent a few pointers.
God Umaga is such an overrated piece of shit. He's nothing more than a monster and yet most people tend to like him? I'd say fire this guy or change his gimmick. Face it the man can't speak english, is a boring monsters, yels bleaaaarrgghhhh all the time, and has the personality of a shoelace. The feuds that he's been into and all the matches on TV and PPV's he got still hasn't gotten my intrest. Because this wrestler is boring. He has feuded with Cena and some other Main Eventers and yet he never won. This guy is just a main event jobber so I don't see why so many people like him so much. Creative could do much more by letting him speak some english but since that wont happen I hope he gets fired. Because I dont want him to feud and job to yet another main event superstar. The only way people will regain intrest in him (especialy me) is when he feuds with a Midcarder but for now we'll just have to see what happens.
If Umaga's matches have obviously gotten your interest if you keep paying attention to them.

Umaga is...well, when I first watched wrestling again, Umaga just lost the title to Santino with Lashley's help, so I was like, "Oh. That's sad." Umaga would tehn dominate Santino for a while. I always thought of Umaga as some sort of monster heel that could prove to be an unstopbabble force and the only way to beat that unstoppable force was to put another force in front of it. Enter Vladmir Koslov. I can't watch SD! since the move, but from what I hear Koslov is still heel while Umaga turned face. Why not have the Undefeated Moscow Brawler go against the unstoppable Samoan Bulldozer? That could be a pretty crazy feud right there. Give both the guys mouthpieces, and we're all set up.

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