What Is Next For Umaga?

Theres already enough riding on the match, there is no real need to add a titlestip to it.
And without wanting to brag, i nailed Lashley om the head! I knew itwould be him,and i knew stone cold would be the ref. Whooo!
Theres already enough riding on the match, there is no real need to add a titlestip to it.
And without wanting to brag, i nailed Lashley om the head! I knew itwould be him,and i knew stone cold would be the ref. Whooo!

Exactly my position. I do not understand the point of giving Umaga the Intercontinental Title if it's going to do nothing for this match... just increase his "bulldozing" persona, I guess.
It is, with great unfortunate consequences, confirmed as lashley, source: Wrestlezone image gallery.

Great. If stone cold didn't have so many injuries, wouldn't it of been great if it was him vs Umaga?

It would show how bad Umaga Really is, if Stone Cold didn't carry him.
Ok heres my question for everyone now we all pretty mich thinkits a lock for Umaga to lose aty WM23 so that means VKM will be bald so what is going to happen to Umaga then i mean will he de-pushed quickly or just slide down to the mid-card i mean to lose to lashley at WM will really kill his gimmick even more than what Cena did so what you think ?
Wha tthe hell is wrong with you people? Umaga is a credit to the wwe. He does what he's supposed to do and gets the job done night after night. He isn't fashioned for mic skills or gimmick selling. He's a brawler that beats people up, and quite well if you ask me. He has a very interesting manager who shud be on the mic more often. I like everything about umaga and estrada. And for the record the only way johnny-no-talent-cena could ever beat him in real life is if umaga was drugged or blindfolded maybe.
After WM I see Umaga defending his IC title in feud agaist either Carlito, Flair, or Jeff Hardy, also I could see there being a small possiability of a Stone Cold/Umaga feud
After WM23 i think there is going to be a title swap. Most people have been predicting Benoit to lose the U.S. title to MVP and then move to RAW. I am starting to think that Benoit is going to keep the title and be traded for Umaga(Vince trades him b/c he lost to Lashley). This will give Umaga some fresh opponents and hopefully Benoit will drop the U.S. title to one of the young guns on RAW(Carlito, Kenny, Masters, or even Shelton or Haas if they wasn't stuck in the WWTT(Worlds Worst Tag Team) and then feud with main eventers like HBK, Cena(Benoit might want revenge and turn heel), Edge, or Orton. They did swap the two major titles in 2005(Batista was drafted to SD and Cena to RAW) so i would not be surprised if they did it with the midcard titles.
Sounds good to me, umaga+khali = Total devastation. No idiotic playing to dumb fans, just beat people up! And listen to estrada. Pretty sound formula to me... Put those 2 in a tag team and I highly doubt anyone could beat them... Possibly on Kane + Taker...
I don't know about everyone else but I was so happy last night watching Umaga destroy Bobby Lashley. I'm so tired of watching Lashley walk over everyone in his way so it was something nice to see for a change.
After WM23 when Vince gets his head shaved bald, he will tell Umaga + Estrada to kiss his ass. Estrada will but Umaga will stick his thumb up Vince's ass and samoan spike him!
Umaga won't work as a heel. I really can't think of many ethnics who hav really been put over as a face. The only way Umaga can turn face is if he tag teams with an awsum face or he kicks Vince;s Ass (or spikes it). To be a face, you hv to work the mic, and with his current mic abilities he cant really ne a face.
I think heel turn face this Sunday. Afer he looses I see Vince shouting at him. I think it will be Umaga who knock's him out and put's him in the barber's chair. Then it's only a matter of time befor Rosey return's and we get a New Headshrinker's/Wild Samoan's team. Then come's the comedy sidekick's. Oh shit it's going to be like 1994 all over again.
Umaga is kool with me whether he is face or heel. So all you marks, stop changing sides. You didn't like him before, so don't like him afterwards if he turns on poor mcmahonnican... Honestly my take on that match is this. Stone Cold will fool you all and turn on lashley and trump. He will stun lashley. Umaga wins and then austin helps shave trump bald. Then you will see the new stone cold-mcmahonnican alliance formed again and reigning terror over the wwe. Then all you marks will turn your backs on stone cold. I won't. I've always liked steve whether he was hell or face...
Umaga is kool with me whether he is face or heel. So all you marks, stop changing sides. You didn't like him before, so don't like him afterwards if he turns on poor mcmahonnican... Honestly my take on that match is this. Stone Cold will fool you all and turn on lashley and trump. He will stun lashley. Umaga wins and then austin helps shave trump bald. Then you will see the new stone cold-mcmahonnican alliance formed again and reigning terror over the wwe. Then all you marks will turn your backs on stone cold. I won't. I've always liked steve whether he was hell or face...

What are you on? An Austin heel turn? That make's zero sense. He hardly ever appear's so it's not like he's become stale. He may stun Lashley & Trump. He's essentially a tweener so it's possible. But as for Umaga winning. No chance.
I know how many wwe matches have gone. Been watching for a long time. And I know the wwe is doing everything in their power to make YOU think that austin is against mcmahonnican & coach. When the dust settles, many times the totally opposite outcome usually happens. And that is why I say austin will stun lashley. Count him down 1-2-3. Then shave trump bald. End of story. And maybe austin-lashley feud could be on the horizon who knows. Stop rooting for your little fan favorite chumps so much and start seeing the whole picture here.
An Austin heel turn is an interesting idea, but I have three problems with it..

1. I thought Austin was only going to be making Mick Foley-type limited appearances to promote his movie rather than actually wrestling. Aren't both his knees shot to hell?

2. At some point Lashley has to do something about the ECW belt ( like hopefully lose it). I can't see Stone Cold becoming the ECW champ.

3. I don't think a heel Austin will promote his movie (which is the whole point of him coming back in the first place) nearly as well as a face Austin. I don't think VKM is going to risk losing the movie ticket revenue by turning Austin heel.
Since when do all actors/ playboy cover models/ best selling authors,etc.. have to be babyfaces? And since when was austin really a babyface anyway? He has always blurred the line between face and heel, so him turning all heel is perfect in my mind...
And all you naysayers, I will be sure to stop in here after the ppv and remind you it was ME who told you this would happen...
And I'm sure you will be wrong. So come in after the PPV. And edit you post's so you dont liook like a complete dick.
I know how many wwe matches have gone. Been watching for a long time. And I know the wwe is doing everything in their power to make YOU think that austin is against mcmahonnican & coach. When the dust settles, many times the totally opposite outcome usually happens. And that is why I say austin will stun lashley. Count him down 1-2-3. Then shave trump bald. End of story. And maybe austin-lashley feud could be on the horizon who knows. Stop rooting for your little fan favorite chumps so much and start seeing the whole picture here.

That won't happen. Austin is retired and due to neck injuries can't wrestle anymore. Nobody should get their hopes up about an austin return.
^^ 100% true ever since 1997 when Austin got Sitdown Piledrived straight onto his head (i know this is meant to happen) but Austin's head was too far down so when Owen sat down to complete the move Austin's head hit the ring canvas before Owen butt did, but thats not saying that there could be a little Lashley - Steve Austin angle
I'm sure Austin could wrestle if he really wanted too. If it was somebody he respect's like maybe The Rock or Foley. Or against a superstar who he think's could tow the company line for year's to come. But seriously the guy must be loaded so why take the risk?

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