What Is Next For Umaga?

Umaga is kool with me whether he is face or heel. So all you marks, stop changing sides. You didn't like him before, so don't like him afterwards if he turns on poor mcmahonnican... Honestly my take on that match is this. Stone Cold will fool you all and turn on lashley and trump. He will stun lashley. Umaga wins and then austin helps shave trump bald. Then you will see the new stone cold-mcmahonnican alliance formed again and reigning terror over the wwe. Then all you marks will turn your backs on stone cold. I won't. I've always liked steve whether he was hell or face...

I know how many wwe matches have gone. Been watching for a long time. And I know the wwe is doing everything in their power to make YOU think that austin is against mcmahonnican & coach. When the dust settles, many times the totally opposite outcome usually happens. And that is why I say austin will stun lashley. Count him down 1-2-3. Then shave trump bald. End of story. And maybe austin-lashley feud could be on the horizon who knows. Stop rooting for your little fan favorite chumps so much and start seeing the whole picture here.

Since when do all actors/ playboy cover models/ best selling authors,etc.. have to be babyfaces? And since when was austin really a babyface anyway? He has always blurred the line between face and heel, so him turning all heel is perfect in my mind...

And all you naysayers, I will be sure to stop in here after the ppv and remind you it was ME who told you this would happen...

Shit sean that Austin heel turn was a surprise. You're completley right nobody saw it coming. It was the best heel turn of the year so far. Without a doubt.
Well, too bad. It SHOULD have happened. Not my fault wwe creative/Vince mcmmahonnican lost all sense of what good wrestling/drama is all about...
Back on the main question here, Khali vs. Umaga would be quite interesting to see since both are viewed at as these big savage guys who just walk in, annihilate and exit. I just hope their similar styles won't lead to a nullification of what could be a decent match with enormous hype and little delivery (i.e.: Goldberg vs. Lesnar).
Back on the main question here, Khali vs. Umaga would be quite interesting to see since both are viewed at as these big savage guys who just walk in, annihilate and exit. I just hope their similar styles won't lead to a nullification of what could be a decent match with enormous hype and little delivery (i.e.: Goldberg vs. Lesnar).

Yeah, it would be an interesting match. But... Umaga vs. Mark Henry could probably make a better match. It's been a while since we've seen a good Heel vs. Heel rivalry.
Yeah, it would be an interesting match. But... Umaga vs. Mark Henry could probably make a better match. It's been a while since we've seen a good Heel vs. Heel rivalry.

I agree with HBKshowstopa. mark henry and umaga would be an awesome match to see. but better yet I think that umaga should go one on one with the big show..........too bad he retired. that would have been a awesome match to see.
I agree with HBKshowstopa. mark henry and umaga would be an awesome match to see. but better yet I think that umaga should go one on one with the big show..........too bad he retired. that would have been a awesome match to see.

I've always thought the same thing regarding big show/umaga. Hopefully WWE will be smart and put on an Umaga/Henry matchup at Judgement day.:)
mark henry is coming back but any one thought bout him going back after his old enmy undertaker for the belt, but a match with great kahli and umaga would be good, umaga would wipe the floor he is getting held back buy hir "trainers" armando and vince if they leave he could reach his full potential! hes beast he takes chair shots and was not even felled buy stone cold stunner the man is beast.
Mark Henry was only fairly interesting as sexual chocolate. Any other so called gimmicks of his fell flat on that big a$$ of his... Don't get me wrong, he is a wrecking mahine, but there are plenty of others that fit the bill and don't get injured every 2 weeks...

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