What Is Next For Umaga?

well that means i would make it in ROH i think my selling is getting beter and i mostly working submissions
my whole Gimmick is a shootfighting ass kicking machine who does the emerald fusion for a finisher
Man what Umaga did on Raw, was absolutely BRILLIANT! Who ever wrote this, should have been writing this shit, when they originally brought him in!
Instead of beating the crap outta jobbers & mid-carders, he interrupts & slaughters a guy who's finally stepping into the ring after he found out he had cancer, and also bulldozing Dusty Rhodes as he's announced into the Hall of Fame! AWESOME! I didn't see it coming at all, and more importantly, it actually makes Umaga look more like a monster then ever before! If they keep doing stuff like this, maybe I'll give in & actually consider him Main-event material. Good work none the less...
How about he moves to Japan or somewhere, no offence to japanese fans but i just can't stand him. If he had botched a move against piper, he could of caused significant damage. WWE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??
Man what Umaga did on Raw, was absolutely BRILLIANT! Who ever wrote this, should have been writing this shit, when they originally brought him in!
Instead of beating the crap outta jobbers & mid-carders, he interrupts & slaughters a guy who's finally stepping into the ring after he found out he had cancer, and also bulldozing Dusty Rhodes as he's announced into the Hall of Fame! AWESOME! I didn't see it coming at all, and more importantly, it actually makes Umaga look more like a monster then ever before! If they keep doing stuff like this, maybe I'll give in & actually consider him Main-event material. Good work none the less...

Haha i really hope your joking. That whole segment with Umaga was disrespectful to say the least. I dunno why they would allow him to interrupt a moment like that. Piper coming back from cancer and then Dusty being inducted into the HOF only to be interrupted and attacked!?

Umaga is getting old real fast and they need to find something for him. Well actually now that i think of it....they did find him something to do....attack HOF inductees.:icon_rolleyes: I'm not sure about some but that really bothered me.
There is nothing to Umaga. He is probably the most boring Samoan wrestler to ever hit the ring. Either dump his fat ass or make a trade by sending him over to SD! or ECW. With him and The Great Khali, there's now two pointless wastes of time on the #1 brand.
Umaga I believe has successfully been brought back to his former position as a wrecking ball, and I think he should keep this position for most of the time as he is very good at it and is getting great heel heat.

I think he may play a part in the Trump vs McMahon match, because he would be able to have a much better match than Khali could and I pray that Khali stays off the card. Umaga has speed, but it's the moveset that is lacking. In a normal singles match he is repetitive week in and week out but he can pull out the good match once in a while if there is a stipulation. Umaga has recovered well from being seemingly ruined by Cena and his win at all times way.

Not once was Cena pinned by Umaga to my recollection, and that was a terrible thing to do to a guy that had a great streak going for him. He is no Samoa Joe though, so that doesn't look like being too much of a big thing now, but they shouldn't have done that to Cena of all people, without making Umaga look good at all, even though he shouldn't be in the main event at all.

Umaga should go into the mid cards and build a monster heel career which he seems destined to do. I don't think he is built for the main event or WWE title picture, but then again, the champions they have now are not exactly half talented wrestlers at best are they? The legends attack may lead to something but he looks a little directionless right now.

Let's hope they clear that up a little and settle him into a feud for Wrestlemania sooner rather than later. I don't want him thrown into a match 2 weeks beforehand because he could have a great competitive feud and one that they need for Wrestlemania, and hopefully something will come about soon because he needs to be on the card after the push he had all year.

Woo! 400 posts! That took a while and I don't know how some people post as much as they do. Congrats anyone?
^No congrats man..

I think that they should try to completely erase John Cena beating Umaga if they really want to make him look good. What's the point of being there if you beat everybody on the roster but then lose to the champion? It's just not good and we all pretty much know that Umaga was created to be the ultimate jobber for Cena. It's a shame because now we have to go back to seeing Umaga beat up on legends for 2 minutes. I liked Umaga and I still think he's very athletic but there's really nothing for him to do. Vince COULD pick him to wrestle for him at WM but that's the only option I see right now. Umaga can't really build-up for anything else because if he doesn't fight a HUGE name, it'll be a squash and nobody wants to see a squash match at Wrestlemania.
I think they'll make him intercontinental champion on tonight's raw ;)
Yeah, i think theyll have a champion vs champion match at mania, umanga vs Lashley. It has to be lashley,as theres nothing for him at mania,and with the wwe wanting to make him there top star, having him defeat umanga (and possibly khali if hes the mcmahon bodyguard) will turn him into a legit monster.
Ugh I don't know why, but I never really liked Lashley that much. I don't know why either. Sledge you do have a point that it may be Lashley... After all what other big name hasn't Umaga fought...
I think they'll make him intercontinental champion on tonight's raw ;)

good call. I just wonder why they made the opening match an IC title match.Is the Ic title that meaningless anymore that it ends up around umaga's fatass in the opening bout?

Who is gonna be trump's rep ? Will his rep be facing umaga for the ic title as well as saving trump's hair?
good call. I just wonder why they made the opening match an IC title match.Is the Ic title that meaningless anymore that it ends up around umaga's fatass in the opening bout?

Who is gonna be trump's rep ? Will his rep be facing umaga for the ic title as well as saving trump's hair?

Maybe its Jeff Hardy..so he can retain the IC. I would love to se Mankind come back and vs Umaga...
I would want a big legend to represent Trump because it is WrestleMania after all. I can't think of a legend though. Mankind would be good. Who else...............hmmmm?
Its surely gonna be lashley. Unless there gonna scramble together a lashley/rvd programme before mania, it has to be him. Vince will want him in the most high profile match in the card, he wants to make him the top star.
Though the Mick Foley/Mcmahon angle has long been rumoured,all talk of Mick appearing has long since died down.
The only other legend to be rumoured to appear was Y2J....: )
Its surely gonna be lashley. Unless there gonna scramble together a lashley/rvd programme before mania, it has to be him. Vince will want him in the most high profile match in the card, he wants to make him the top star.
The only other legend to be rumoured to appear was Y2J....: )

I don't think it will be lashley.I don't think Lashley is on Umaga's level.Also on raw Rvd didn't qualify for the m.i.t.b. match at Mania.I think they will have a match with Lashley defending the title against a few opponents including rvd.

The only other legend to be rumoured to appear was Y2J
Wow is Chris Jericho really considered a legend now? Damn that makes me feel sooo old.

I would like to see mic foley come back,possibly as Trump's rep.Where did that commercial about his new book come from? I never read anything about that.That was sudden and unexpected to me.
I don't think it will be lashley.I don't think Lashley is on Umaga's level.

So when did levels become important in the WWE? The same WWE that has had The great Khali and kevin federline in main events in the past 3 months?

Lashley is going to be trumps representative mark my words, he is vinces new 'boy', the guy who he wants the company to be built around. This match is far more high profile than an ecw title match could ever be (also, notice the last minuite addition of the ecw title match at nwo? Thats to compensate for the lack of ecw title match at mania).

Think of the publicity bobby lashley will recieve off this match,all the inerviews with trump etc. Vince wont put an old timer like foley in there, a once a year competitor like him. And also, i hate to say it, but losing to foley would seriously damage Umanga's character, however a loss to Lashley (a world champ) would do nothing to harm him.
So when did levels become important in the WWE? The same WWE that has had The great Khali and kevin federline in main events in the past 3 months?
Just for the record i don't like umaga or lashley and i know i m not alone. As for the levels thing you are right..unfortunately it doesn't take much of anything to main event in wwe anymore.
Lashley is going to be trumps representative mark my words, he is vinces new 'boy', the guy who he wants the company to be built around. This match is far more high profile than an ecw title match could ever be (also, notice the last minuite addition of the ecw title match at nwo? Thats to compensate for the lack of ecw title match at mania).
I don't believe so.Trump is one of the richest men in the word.So why would an ecw wrestler rep trump? ECW is the worst of the 3 wwe brands without a doubt and would be below Trump's standards.

Vince wont put an old timer like foley in there, a once a year competitor like him. And also, i hate to say it, but losing to foley would seriously damage Umanga's character, however a loss to Lashley (a world champ) would do nothing to harm him.

How would losing to Mic Foley seriously damage umaga's character? Mic Foley is a hardcore legend...hell even in retirement he's more hardcore than current ecw champ Lashley.I guess that's the definition of 'irony'. Anyways another person i d like to see come back would be SCSA to kick umaga's ass while plugging his movie.
Just for the record i don't like umaga or lashley and i know i m not alone. As for the levels thing you are right..unfortunately it doesn't take much of anything to main event in wwe anymore.

I don't believe so.Trump is one of the richest men in the word.So why would an ecw wrestler rep trump? ECW is the worst of the 3 wwe brands without a doubt and would be below Trump's standards.

How would losing to Mic Foley seriously damage umaga's character? Mic Foley is a hardcore legend...hell even in retirement he's more hardcore than current ecw champ Lashley.I guess that's the definition of 'irony'. Anyways another person i d like to see come back would be SCSA to kick umaga's ass while plugging his movie.

1) Im not a massive fan of either, though i do like eddie fatu as a wrestler, i just think its a poor,lazy character he's been given. The guy can really wrestle for his size, its just the wwe hold back there talent in what they can do (watch one of his matches in japan, or even TNA, i think youll at least be pleasently suprised).

2) Trumps wealth has nothing to do with who he'll bring in, hell if it did, he would surely use Cena/Batista/Taker. The whole thing is desighned to publicise both the wwe and the apprentice, as well as to boost Lashley (and umanga's) profile. By using Bobby Lashley, they are also showing that ECW isnt the weeker brand by having one of its stars in arguably Mania's biggest (if not, its most high profile) matchup. Also, he would have been told he is managing Lashley when the deal was done, it would have been one of the wwe's terms when they discussed the idea with trump.

3) Of course Foley is more hardcore than Lashley is, but remember this isnt a hardcore matchup, lashley is just the ecw champ, which is now just a brand of the wwe. I do beleive that foley defeating Umaga would hurt his character, unless it was say a hardcore match. Umanga is supposed to be almost unbeatable (only one superstar has beaten him), so bringing in a one time only star, like foley or stone cold, would be un-bennefitial as it would make the other superstars look weak, especially to fans who are unaware of what they have acheived (remeber,the attitude era was long before many current wwe fans started watching the product, or hell, were even born!).
Also, stone cold couldnt wrestle a match anymore, not to my knowledge, hes in pretty bad shape. All he can really do is deliver the odd stunner, so working a match against a pretty stiff worker like umanga (who would undoubtedly be mostly on the offense) is completely out the question.
However,i can see Stone colds most likely role at mani being in this match, either as an enforcer, trumps bodyguard (against possibly khali or even vinny jones,leading on from the NWO angle) or, more than likely, as special referee. This would allow him to screw vince over, help put lashley over and with a screwjob ending, allow umaga's character to keep face.
However, if he does appear (especially with vinny jones), i will completely refuse to buy the ppv, or watch the match, as the match would pretty much be a ten minuite long advert for everything bad about the wwe.
hopefully we se Umaga vs Khali in some type of match at mania
It doesn't make sense for it to be Khali...when he was switched to raw i thought he was supposed to be a heel. How can you have a face (trump) be in the corner for a heel? Umaga is a heel as is vince.It's supposed to be a face 'team' vs a heel 'team' for the hair.
All I know is that if John Cena can supposedly beat Umaga, Mick Foley sure as hell could easily kill him without Umaga's cred being destroyed, afterall wasn't it destroyed when he lost to Mr. I Have 10 Different Moves' Knuckle Shuffle? About as devastating as the People's Elbow if you catch my drift.
I'd love to see Cactus Jack v Umaga in a hardcore match at mania. I wouldn't even care if Foley lost, it would be a great match
In this angle, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is why Umaga has been given the Intercontinental Title. I mean, it seems obvious they took the strap off Jeff Hardy so he can qualify for the MITB Ladder Match and the Intercontinental Championship can be used in another match and not go to waste like it was last year when Benjamin had it and competed in the MITB.

Now, if Umaga, as Vince's representative, were to face Bobby Lashley (who supposedly Trump may select), the Intercontinental Title will once again be going to waste... Unless the WWE is planning on comparing the Intercontinental with the ECW World Title, something I would certainly never do. However, I am sure the WWE has done worse things. It just seems rather strange that the WWE is putting the IC on Umaga, someone who does not certainly need such championship hype in a match where that title will have almost no relevance at all. With that said, maybe it's just that there is nobody else to put the Intercontinental Title on right now?

Personally, I'd love to see Umaga vs. Foley (any of his characters) more than anyone else at WM 23. But, with that said, I just do not believe there needs to be any championship presence involved in the match (as noted constantly through this post).

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