What To Do With Alberto Del Rio?

Turn him straight pimp and have him talk about knockin boots with both bellas.

This. I thought it was pretty funny how the Bellas summoned Ricardo "all the way from Mexico" to RAW last week just to tell him to give Alberto a message. He was all, "Haven't you ladies ever heard of a CELL PHONE?!"

The Bella Twins + Alberto del Rio *(Ricardo Rodriguez / "re-mix") = Awesome :afro:

As for the Alberto vs. JBL dream feud, just thinking about how perfectly suited those two gimmicks would be together on the mic AND in the ring just made me really sad that Bradshaw won't leave his retirement home in Bermuda. :icon_sad:
I would make Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez an official tag team. Give Ricardo his own seperate entrance music and the Mr. Kennedy gimmick, so that he can introduce himself, and then proceed into the usual Del Rio introduction.
I don't think you can blame Del Rio much. I mean he is not bad on the mic, not bad on the mat either. However his promos and gimmick started to become stale, and that is mostly, not his fault. I am sure he is not the one coming up with what he needs to say in his promos. Also it's not like creative is trying to do something interesting with him and he is refusing. So if you are not using a wrestlers talent to its potential you can't blame the wrestler much. Obviously, there are a fair bit of main eventers and Del Rio is easy to be forgotten because of his crowd reaction comparing to other main eventers. Without creative changing much of his gimmick it would be difficult for Del Tio to stay in the main event. He might be drafted to SD and actually it would be nice for him to go for the IC against Rhodes, I think it would be a nice feud. Also it can give him more credibility about what he can do.
Move him to Smackdown asap. His booking on Raw was horrible. His run on Smackdown was a lot better.

I agree with MPWFchairman. Start actually using his gimmick and get a little more creative with it. Instead of just having him come out to a different car every week, and thinking that is enough to get him over.
I would make Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez an official tag team. Give Ricardo his own seperate entrance music and the Mr. Kennedy gimmick, so that he can introduce himself, and then proceed into the usual Del Rio introduction.

This is an awful idea. Ricardo is not and never should be a "competitor." His position is perfect as-is; being Alberto's ring announcer/lackey is the best role for a guy like Ricardo, which allows him to kinda-sorta exist in a void that has grown over the years in WWE (with the exception of Vickie Guerrero): managers. Let me rephrase that... good managers. They simply don't exist in mainstream wrestling anymore, and it's a shame because they can help a mediocre guy look like a legit threat if done properly.

Sorry, I don't mean to be mean. I just think this would literally be the worst possible thing they could do to Alberto, and it would ruin Ricardo.

Move him to Smackdown asap. His booking on Raw was horrible. His run on Smackdown was a lot better.

I agree. I can see how WWE would want to feature one of their most "expensive" gimmicks on the flagship show (coordinating the car rentals each week in each city can't be fun) especially since I've read that Vince ultimately wanted ADR to be the dominant heel on RAW, but now they have Kane for a main event monster. Take Alberto back to Smackdown so he can feud with Sheamus.

I'd love to see Alberto feud with Daniel Bryan at this point, but Bryan would have to be the face and I'm digging his oblivious-that-I'm-a-heel heel turn right now.
ADR is my 2nd favorite heel right now(Cody) and in my top 5 altogether(Sheamus, Punk, Orton). He never got stale to me, creative just made stupid decisions. I think I did this before, but here we go again:

1. I understand him losing to Edge, but he should've gone over Christian THE FIRST TIME. Christian should've chased for the belt before winning it & moving on to Orton. Those two being ring generals working together would've put them both over better for their next fueds.

2. He should've never won MITB. He debuted either August or September talking about destiny. At the time, it was fair. Heck, he won his 1st match in the E against Rey Mysterio. Destiny. He "took out" Christian & Mysterio. Destiny. He won the biggest Rumble ever. DESTINY.With him winning the briefcase & basically guaranteeing a championship, what else can he talk about? DESTINY!

3. He shouldn't have taking the belt off Punk in Summerslam. That was the start of Punk losing some of his luster & no one wanted to see ADR with the belt at that time.

4. They shouldn't have flip flopped the belt between him & Cena. ADR 2 title reigns are equivalent to Dolph's 5 minute reign to me: who cares! Nothing memorable happened and they treated him like a mid card champ while Cena & Rock started teaming. That should've been Punk's time and he should've been champ from MITB until now.

What was the question again? What to do with ADR? Shoot, if you bring him back now, feed him to Sheamus for EC. Sheamus is hot enough to give someone a rub & he has nothing to do for a month. Might as well treat ADR like a glorified Jinder Mahal(whether you like him or not, Sheamus had people paying attention to him) and let the Great White beat up on him a bit. Come WM time, if they decide to do an all world champ MITB, he should be candidate number 1
Kingston's still in the Elimination Chamber match....

what better way for Del Rio to return and gain some much needed heat than to attack and eliminate Kingston prior to the start of the EC Match ah la la much like Edge did to Kingston a couple of years back.

Del Rio wont regain the title in the Chamber, but it will set up a side story/feud for him with Kingston to keep him busy for the next few months leading into the MITB Match they both could compete in at WM28.
Alberto Del-Rio is great. Its just that unlike yours truly. MR Ferguson. None of you have realized yet. He has natural charisma. You can see it drip from his body like a melting ice cream in the hot summer. There are no nerves in his voice. His posture is perfect and he has a swag. He's a natural. He was born to perform. The winking, the smirk. Everything he does has a purpose. The guy oozes confidence. He loves performing. Guys like Ziggler/Rhodes and all your up and comers are not naturals. They were taught everything they no and that's why they are struggling in after being given great material. With Del Rio he has it. He just needs new material. and a face turn...

He wrestles like a face. He wrestles brilliantly actually. His promos yes are boring. But that's not his fault. Book him properly, with the 'cool badass face' gimmick. He doesn't need to say much. If i were to book him like a current performer it would be like Randy Orton in terms of how he is handled.

The story-line writes itself. Let Lauranitis walk all over him. Give him a losing streak and let his team mates mock him. Let Ace mock him or talk down at him. At first watch Del Rio take it but after a while he gets fed up (see the Chris Finch - David Brent Relationship). Then let him crack. At Wrestlemania 28 Team Long has just lost and Miz/Ziggler and Del Rio are embarrassing teddy holding him and up and stripping him. Ace is having a ball and Del Rio is visibly uncomfortable. just as Teddy is going to be the first member of the kiss aces ass club. let Del Rio turn and go crazy on his team mates. Saving Teddy = major face work. Now let him fued with Miz or Ziggler. There is real life heat with Miz and the Ziggler matches would be **** at least. Also give him a jobber buddy. Every great face has a jobber buddy see Benoit-Eugene and Cena- Ryder. Lets make it Primo. Now Alberto protects Primo. Gives him hints to rise up the ladder. Helps him when he is down. Forms a bond with Primo.

Now at the same time Kane is going on a jobber rampage. Beating everyone up after his mania loss to Orton. He choses Primo as his next victim and taunts/stalks him for weeks. Primo goes to Del Rio for help and Del Rio says get GM help or something (see Harry brown telling his mate to call the cops). Kane finally gets his hands on Primo chokeslaming him on the stage. Ending his Career. Del Rio runs out but it is too late.

Primo - who thanks to Del rio was on the up (just earned US title shot), now had nothing. Primo had helped Del Rio turn face (new development). Del rio seeks revenge on Primo's half and goes on to a bloody fued with Kane. The story writes itself but in more detail. You see, It's really quite simple on how to book Del Rio. He's great. He just needs to be developed. He needs to something where the crowd can care about him.

Kinds Regards, MR Ferguson.
I think that they need to just create the Mexican Connection stable and have Del Rio take the lead with Hunico and Camacho as the other guy. Hunico and Del Rio are both excellent in the ring and Del Rio is very comfortable on the mic. Also, Hunico is awesome at athletic spots and Del Rio is a true wrestler with accolades.

They could easily gain heat by overwhelming Sin Cara and/or feuding with Rey Mysterio and possibly retire him in an epic rivalry. Whenever talented singles wrestlers are in limbo and have obvious similarities (nationality in this case), it makes sense to take advantage of it. But like I said, ONLY if they're talented. And both Del Rio and Hunico are talented.
give him his walking papers. Its not that he is a bad wrestler, but the persona and his gimmick are trash. He doesnt come off the mic very well. I know its not all his fault, creative has thier hand in it too, but you gotta make it work. JBL did, its the same gimmick. Im sorry I dont see the other quailities.
I think that they need to just create the Mexican Connection stable and have Del Rio take the lead with Hunico and Camacho as the other guy. Hunico and Del Rio are both excellent in the ring and Del Rio is very comfortable on the mic. Also, Hunico is awesome at athletic spots and Del Rio is a true wrestler with accolades.

They could easily gain heat by overwhelming Sin Cara and/or feuding with Rey Mysterio and possibly retire him in an epic rivalry. Whenever talented singles wrestlers are in limbo and have obvious similarities (nationality in this case), it makes sense to take advantage of it. But like I said, ONLY if they're talented. And both Del Rio and Hunico are talented.

Great idea! The chauvinistic rich type characters usually seem to work best at the head of a stable. If he is so wealthy then why wouldn't Del-Rio hire some muscle to help him regain his place at the top of the company, just by virtue of having a stable his character would garner some more heat and would become more interesting through the development of relationships with his colleagues.

I'd move him back to Smackdown, have him enlist Hunico as his number two and challenger for the mid-card title, camacho as group enforcer and primo and epico with Rosa as tag champs. Assuming Del-Rio won the WHC they could have a dominant stable speaking of their pride in representing Central/Southern America and their disdain for Rey and Cara and the luchador stereotype they have ingrained in the eyes of the ignorant throughout the world.

Its a little rough around the edges but you get the idea.

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