Alberto Del Rio Leaving?

Not a fan and won't be sad to see him go. He's been forced into the main event picture on and off again throughout his tenure and he's been a waste of time. For someone who has been in as many WWE/World title matches as he has, he just doesn't connect w/ the crowd. His promos suck. Perro, cojones, whatever. He has go-away heat. The only time he ever generated real heel heat is when he insisted on speaking Spanish.
I agree. I've always liked Alberto Del Rio's in ring ability. I think the reason people always had a problem with him is that his gimmick just isn't very interesting. As people refer to it, its basically "JBL mixed with Eddie Guerrero", but you can tell he gives it his all in the ring. He tries his damnest to put on a show and depending on who he works with, he's proven he can put on five star matches. He has this intensity during his promos that is just fire sometimes. But since he doesn't have an interesting gimmick, its hard for him to get a crowd reaction or support for that matter. All in all, he'll be a missed edition to WWE, but he's done enough in the company to leave on a "high note." Former WWE Champion alone is a big accomplishment (and don't say the title doesn't mean anything because the IWC is still irate over "their guy" not getting a proper run) and since he's still too young to be considered for putting future stars over, its best to leave now before he goes completely flat like most young stars with too many high accomplishments in their early years. *cough* Sheamus *cough*
I actually liked Del Rio when he had the cars, Ricardo and the towel and stuff.
Taking all that stuff made him pretty irrelevant regardless of his in-ring work...

Either WWE makes him somewhat interesting again, or he won't be much of a miss if he does leave.

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