The 1-2-3 Killam
Mid-Card Championship Winner
I think Steve Austin has earned the right to speak his mind on whatever topic he wants. He likes Punk, and hell...who doesn't? Punk is different, controversial, and hot. Just like Austin.
Randy Orton is incredibly over, but he does need work. He is very one dimensional. He does have "another step in the ladder to climb". Alberto del Rio is good technically and is working on his heel persona, but he does need work. I like him, but Austin doesn't have to... He didn't blast anyone, just pointed out weaknesses and offered constructive criticism to two main event level talents.
End of the day...he's fu**ing "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.
Randy Orton is incredibly over, but he does need work. He is very one dimensional. He does have "another step in the ladder to climb". Alberto del Rio is good technically and is working on his heel persona, but he does need work. I like him, but Austin doesn't have to... He didn't blast anyone, just pointed out weaknesses and offered constructive criticism to two main event level talents.
End of the day...he's fu**ing "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.