What To Do With Alberto Del Rio?


The Smarkiest Smark
I'll go on record and officially say that I love Alberto del Rio. I think he is a quality in-ring worker, has a fantastic gimmick, and the most awesome ring announcer since The Fink for a sidekick. He rides sweetass cars to the ring and may or may not be (kayfabe) banging the Bellas (can you say Bella sandwich, bro?!). What's not to love?

His mic work needs some attention, for one. His best promo was on the night after he won the WWE title ("When I wake up in the morning... I beat Rey Mysterio!") and other than that he just uses the word "destiny" WAY too much. We get it, he's Mexico's Chosen Child. If given a little better material to work with though, I think Alberto can become the true dominant heel he's destined to be.

So here's my question: Once Alberto comes back from injury, how would you book him? Who would he feud with through WrestleMania? Do you think they've mishandled him in the last year, or do you think he deserved this push at all?

I to really like Del Rio and i'm suprised at how much hate he gets from the IWC. Yes his promos have become generic and the destiny stuff as dull as ditchwater but the fact is he is VERY good in the ring. His matches are fluid and he looks a natural. I'd personally like to see him get a new impact finisher perhaps on top of the cross arm bar but apart from that he's perfect in ring.

I liked the fact that WWE were willing to give such a big push to someone up and coming like Del Rio. Overall, Del Rio handled his push well, putting on some great matches and one or two decent promos. Admitedly though, his reign as WWE champ was disappointing because his promos were lacking something. He should have evolved his character when he became champion. We know it was your destiny to win the belt mate now move on. Del Rio needs a gimmick tweak to freshen him up.

As for a WM28 feud for him it's a tricky one. I'd say he'd be suited to an upper mid card feud maybe against someone established who could help put him over. Maybe a match against Foley might work like it did for Edge and Orton. I would say a feud against a face Jericho would be perfect but i think WWE have other plans for Y2J. The only other guy i could think he could feud with is Sheamus. Both are at similar stages in their careers having won world titles and looking to solidify their main event statuses, could prove a decent feud.
I agree, I think he needs to tweak his character a bit, but not too much. I know I'm going to catch hell for saying this (especially with the "Nature Boy" Dolph Ziggler thread going on) but hear me out.

Alberto del Rio IS the Mexican Ric Flair.

He has essentially the same gimmick, just different catchphrases. He's got the technical in-ring ability to back it up. He's got the cocky attitude. He even cheats his ass off to win, ala the Dirtiest Player in the Game. He's Ric Flair with an accent folks, and I absolutely love it!

They need to really play up his wealth and sex appeal, which I think they're starting to do with the Bella Twins. This is a good start. His gold-plated wheelchair a few weeks ago was priceless! I hope they keep this up, because his gimmick is literally solid gold. :)

I hope he comes back in the Rumble. I don't want him to win it again, but it would be the perfect place to kickstart his 'Mania program, and like Cravendale said I think Sheamus would be a great opponent. I thought about Jericho too; that won't work because I'm almost certain Jericho will get in a program with Punk and that's a better fit for him anyway. But imagine a tag match on RAW where Alberto and Jericho team up... imagine the promo potential!

I'm excited for del Rio's return, and I'm optimistic enough to think that WWE won't drop the ball with him again. Here's hoping.... to DESTINY!
I like del Rio as an in ring worker. I'm not a fan of his gimmick, the foreign aristocrat has been done a bit too much over the years for me, but its a solid one and his mic work is only ok. I think some of the hate he gets is because people feel he was forced down their throats. His Rumble win was pretty surprising and his title reign was a bit uninspired.

I think the best bet for him is to put him in some upper midcard matches for a while, let him build some momentum and heat before rushing him back to main event status.

He has the in ring ability to be a main event stay for a few years but they can't rush it this time. When he returns from his injury I would give him some matches to get him back in the groove and then I would honestly give him a run as US champion. Do an angle where he renames it the Mexican Championship. That would probably get him some legit heat and help his eventual main event return
Alberto Del Rio is a great wrestler, he has all the tools to be a major player and a major heel, but he is currently boring and stale and that's not his fault.
WWE gave him two shitty reigns, completely forgettable and it's not his fault.

His accent is a little harsh in some words, but I'm OK with that, he is a heel, so if he is annoying the shit out of me, he is doing a fine job. But he doesn't have a good opponent, the main event is crowded with a lot of talented heels.
So Teddy Long should "bring him" to SmackDown like he did with Drew McIntyre, he could work very well in the blue brand, in fact he is a SmackDown guy, everything in his ring persona screams SmackDown.

Aside that, I would really love to see him helping Hunico e Camacho in some sort of way, thus making him relevant and somehow enjoyable.
I am not a Del Rio fan. I think his character is boring and annoying.

Once Alberto comes back from injury, how would you book him?
Start him back at the bottom. Have him put on upper mid-card matches and work his way to the top. During this re-push, i may begin to like him.

Who would he feud with through WrestleMania?
With the lack of faces on Raw, im not really sure. I think a Funky feud would be interesting.

Do you think they've mishandled him in the last year,

Mishandled? A MitB win, Royal Rumble win, and 2 WWE Title wins? If anything he was over used. I felt like he was pushed down our throats.

or do you think he deserved this push at all?
No, he jumped right over people like Ziggler, Rhodes, and even Henry at the time. He got too much spotlight. It was a quick push, and i think Del Stinko needed more time to develop.
I said this in another thread awhile back and I'll say it again here: A Brodus Clay vs. Alberto Del Rio feud would be interesting. Those guys already have a history (if the announcers actually acknowledge it) together. With Brodus Clay's current gimmick and Del Rio's snobby elitist character, I think it could make for some entertaining TV.
I like del Rio as an in ring worker. I'm not a fan of his gimmick, the foreign aristocrat has been done a bit too much over the years for me, but its a solid one and his mic work is only ok. I think some of the hate he gets is because people feel he was forced down their throats. His Rumble win was pretty surprising and his title reign was a bit uninspired.

In del Rio's defense, his title reign was hurt right off the bat when he got stuck in Mexico because his work visa expired. Honestly I have no IDEA how this became an issue in the first place, but it kept him off TV during the most crucial time in his career. He was also shoe-horned into a feud with Punk by proxy, but I'll get to that in a second.

I think the best bet for him is to put him in some upper midcard matches for a while, let him build some momentum and heat before rushing him back to main event status.

Agreed. Honestly I think a feud with Zack Ryder could be mutually beneficial to both guys. It would only work if Zack wins back the US title though, because:

... and then I would honestly give him a run as US champion. Do an angle where he renames it the Mexican Championship. That would probably get him some legit heat and help his eventual main event return

This would be an awesome idea. Have him beat Zack, possibly at Elimination Chamber, for the US title. He then re-names it the Mexico Championship and runs with it through WrestleMania and all the way to Extreme Rules, where Zack (or someone else, like a freshly-face Swagger?) takes it from him.

I firmly believe that WWE went off the rails with Alberto when they had him lose to Edge at WrestleMania. I think that he should have won the WHC, then feud with a babyface Christian who would have avenged his retired best friend. Christian could have received the World title reign he deserved, and del Rio would have come out of the whole mess looking far more dominant than he does now.

Instead, they toyed with Alberto for months, booking him so hot and cold that it was hard to take him seriously as a credible main event heel. He's got the tools, he just wasn't given the right space in which to use them. Sure, he won the Rumble AND MitB, but that WrestleMania loss was key. Had he already been WHC before MitB, he wouldn't have become just another "cash-in" Champion and someone else could have won MitB. Like R-Truth maybe, that could have been fun with Truth afraid to use his briefcase because of the spiders in it. :lmao:

So Alberto cashed in, derailed Punk's trajectory into a nowhere feud with Kevin Nash and Triple H, and fell flat after the before-mentioned work visa issue. Sigh. :icon_neutral:
I think his push was going pretty good until C.M.Punk dropped that unforgetable pipe bomb this past summer. After that everyone was talking about Punk and Del Rio became an after thought. Before the pipe bomb incodent, it seemed it would be del Rio and Cena for the WWE title at Summer Slam. But Punk's storyline was too good to over look so Del Rio got put on the back burner. Even when he won the title a couple of times, people were still thinking Punk, or Cena or Triple H. Del Rio was pushed down the line and it hurt his career in the process. There wasn't much he could do but go along with it. Del Rio is good and all, but Punk is better in the ring and on the mic, which makes Alberto's character harder to shine. I would rather see del Rio and The Miz on SD because both of them seem to have suffered career wise do to Punks rise out of nowhere. SD could help them get back on track in the main event scene I believe. I still think Miz and truth should be a tag team for a while and dominate though. Come Mania I could see Del Rio and Rey Mysterio having a grudge match, which could carry on a while after mania until the Draft when del Dio hopefully goes back to SD where I think he should have stayed to begin with.They pushed him into Raw too quick. He should have stayed on SD and won the WHC title off of Christian, then had a feud with Orton. That`s the way I would have booked him.
First off if he comes back in time for Mania he NEEDS a well built match with a big star, Triple H vs. Del Rio, Orton vs. Del Rio, maybe even Rey vs. Del Rio. A match where its not about a title but more of a feud that is settled with an epic one on one confrotation.

Two they need to give him room to shine but not be alone and bland, like what happend this summer(aside from the fact that I think his first reign didnt work cause he went on to face the guy he shouldnt have not only that but lost.).
They have to stop making him look weak and turn him in the cold calculated leader he can be. Thats why I would book him as the leader of the stable "The Mexican Aristocrats". Have Hunico ressurect the light heavyweight title, keep primo and epico the tag champs and make rosa mendes a threat to the women, even though she really cant wrestle and is mostly there just cause she is smokin hot. Turn her into Del Rio's valet, makr Ricardo Rodriquez to announce them all. Make thema legitimate threat to the WWE and every title. Especially on Smackdown(even though RAW could work too) since they lack top heels and have a larger hispanic following. This team could dominate SD in 2012 in my opinion.
When Rey Mysterio returns, I would love it if he and Del Rio picked their feud back up where they left off. I believe it is severely important for Del Rio to have one last match against Rey Mysterio. Del Rio desperately needs some heat in order for him to remain relevant on the WWE roster. Rey Mysterio being the hugely over babyface he is, can and will likely help Del Rio garner some much needed heat. These two have had numerous matches in the past yet none of them were truly that memorable. Del Rio needs something to do at 'Mania. They have never competed on WWE's grandest stage and if given fifteen minutes under the bright lights, their match up could definitely be a classic.

The major problem I have with Del Rio is that he has little to no chemistry with anyone in the WWE not named Rey Mysterio. His feuds are always forgettable and bring nothing entertaining to the table. He needs to fix that if he wants to remain one of WWE's top heels and stay relevant in the WWE Championship Title hunt. If given a proper feud with a very solidly over babyface like Myserio, Del Rio can hopefully dust off some of the much needed personality to draw many fans back into him. Del Rio is definitely capable of becoming someone huge. Look at his gimmick; rich, pompous, asshole, good looking heel - why wouldn't people want to hate him? Get rid of the stupid cars because they aren't doing much. The WWE needs to shed more light on Del Rio's gimmick before he moves on to other things.

While Del Rio has been in the WWE all of a year or so, Rey Mysterio's been one of WWE's cornerstones in helping establish some of their up and coming stars. With last year's 'Mania match proving how well he works when putting over talent, Del Rio could be the perfect candidate for the job. Look, Del Rio is talented but the excuses are getting tiresome. Del Rio is more than capable of showing us more than an evil wink and smile. It's up to him to capitalize on whatever the WWE throws at him.
The first thing they need to do is move him back to Smackdown. He cannot compete with the likes of CM Punk or John Cena on RAW. He is just way over shadowed by their larger than life personalities which was so evident when all three were in the ring together. Del Rio would work much better with guys like Sheamus and Orton.
Alberto has never been one of my favorites he is stale and his promos are really boring. I do however, agree that he is a great in ring performer and a great heel character. Someone said in a earlier post that he should become the leader of a faction and become a threat to all belts. As good of a storyline as that is it probably won't happen because of VKM's new hate for factions. When he returns build him up slower than you rose him. Have him win the us championship and then go for the ultimate gold.
Yep for Del Rio to move forward he definitely needs to be the leader of a stable. A stable looking something like this might be cool;

Del Rio - Leader
Epico and Primo with Rosa
Ricardo Rodriguez

Infact Epico/Primo and Del Rio seem like such a perfect fit now that i think about it. Rosa will also add to the group. Would be a cool idea but given Vince's current stance on stables it seems unlikely to happen.
Thats why I would book him as the leader of the stable "The Mexican Aristocrats". Have Hunico ressurect the light heavyweight title, keep primo and epico the tag champs and make rosa mendes a threat to the women, even though she really cant wrestle and is mostly there just cause she is smokin hot. Turn her into Del Rio's valet, makr Ricardo Rodriquez to announce them all. Make thema legitimate threat to the WWE and every title.

What is with everyone's fascination with factions? Seriously, it’s like everyone on these boards get a stiffy at the thought of a damn faction forming. They've been done to death in the wrestling world and always come out a disappointment. Why do so many people want to see them rehashed? No offense dude but this is just a god awful idea. First off, Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo and Hunico are the only three actual Mexicans in your faction; Hunico and Ricardo were even born in the United States. Both Epico and Primo are of Puerto Rican decent. And Rosa Mendes is of Czech, Puerto Rico and Costa Rican descent. Also, why call them the Mexican Aristocrats when none of them besides Del Rio are actually aristocrats? Hell, Hunico is a damn thug. Alberto Del Rio shouldn't associate with those kinds of low lifes (kayfabe); his character is obviously above that. Del Rio doesn't need a faction to get over. He needs to define his character a little more.
I hate Del Rio. I think apart from a base character, a catchphrase and a 'destiny' he has nothing.

He's a good wrestler, but I enjoy Ziggler/Punk/Miz/Rhodes/Sheamus/Barrett/Bryan much more. I think he gets boring after a while. He just wasn't believable as the WWE Champion and that is very much WWE's fault for having quick title reigns. A heel Champion, one you want to build up and yet he loses the title so damn quickly. I understand that Punk was a rolling thunder of momentum and popularity but that hurt Del Rio. Rio also needs more fire, another finisher (maybe a Top Rope Elbow Drop) and to cut out the Destiny crap.

I personally have nothing for Del Rio at Mania, and that's because I've got a great card, other than a spot in MITB. Add some credibility and then post Mania, have him feud and help turn Miz face (if Jericho doesn't do it).
I like Alberto Del Rio. He pisses off the IWC which is always great and 2. He does his job with pissing off the crowd. I've seen enough of "Dos Caras" work outside of WWE as Del Rio to know the guy has amazing in ring talent and persona to not jump on the IWC bangwagon and rip this guy to shreds. He may have not been pushed in a way that you guys like it, but thats WWE creative for you folks.

As for what to do with him? Keep him how he is, maybe up the ante a little in the ring but keep most things in place like the entrance of car & Ricardo Rodriguez. Keep him heel obviously aswell, the more cowardly the better but wouldn't complain if they did make him more viscious.
Del Rio absolutely needs some kind of impact finisher, I agree. I kind of like how he's somewhat got the Cross Arm-Bar over as a finish (another point to my Ric Flair comparison, it's the new Figure Four) but he needs something else that has the "WAM Factor," like a modified Brainbuster or Piledriver. I know the move is dangerous, but man I miss the Piledriver. Del Rio would be a great choice as the guy to "bring it back." It could even be storyline material where he keeps using it to destroy his opponents, and gets disqualified for using it since it's a banned move. He could end his matches by hitting the Del Rio Driver (heh), gets DQ'd, then gets pissed and slaps on the Cross Arm-Bar just to be a dick.

Imagine the boos.
I am happy with his finisher, a wrestler in order to be a household name in the WWE does not need to have a impact finisher. I like seeing something different other than a million variations of a neckbreaker or faceplant manouever or worse yet the 1001 ways to slam a guy.
I would think tha a Del Rio face push is within his future. Turn him straight pimp and have him talk about knockin boots with both bellas. Next send his but back to SD! and keep him there. There are too many top level guys to really even try to push Del Rio right away.There are way too many heels on both shows. The next big 3 to make it from mid card to main event are heels. If ADR stays heel, maybe a feud with Triple H at WM or even a crossbrand promotion with Sheamus. Something new for him is in order. The main thing is that there will most likely be nothing left for him to do on Raw. Don't turn him into a Mr. Anderson and don't put him on TV for 3 months because there is nothing for him to do. ADR is too good in ring to let fall by the wayside. Have him work with guys like Bryan and Kidd, real wrestlers and grapplers. Even I think he and William Regal could put on a clinic of a match. It may not be the answer that some fans are looking for but atleast its something.
Del Rio's problem is how uncreative the WWE is. They never use his gimmick properly. Right now with the Royal Rumble coming up there is no way i would have had him miss any television. He should be buying out superstars and making them try and win the Rumble Match for him so he can go to the ME of WrestleMania. He should be buying his way into title matches. Basically he should actually be using his gimmick! just going around saying his a Mexican Aristocrat with tons money. Again that's not his fault. It is the WWE and creatives fault.
He should be buying out superstars and making them try and win the Rumble Match for him so he can go to the ME of WrestleMania. He should be buying his way into title matches. Basically he should actually be using his gimmick!

This would be hilarious. It would make perfect sense for his character and keep him involved in the Rumble in case he couldn't return in time. I hope the fact that they haven't done this yet is a sign that he'll actually be in the Rumble and not just because Creative is clueless, but knowing Vince's love for last-minute rewrites... :suspic:
I see a lot of potential in Del Rio. His in-ring work is great, and he can cut good promos - but creative only gives him terrible promos. He really needs some tweaks and a story that make actually care for.

The best hope I have for his gimmick and character is for him to win the King of the Ring - "King Alberto" would probably work fantastically well and feels like a natural transition from his current gimmick. But we have no idea when (and if) KOTR will happen again, anyway.

So, in a more immediate way, he probably can keep his current gimmick, but tweaking his characters and lines a bit. I would like to see him act more megalomaniac, more entitled.

The stable idea is interesting. He can have his "servants" to deal with lesser problems like annoying low card wrestlers and such, while he concentrates on the big game.

Going into Wrestlemania, I believe he could feud with Sheamus if neither of them has something better to do (i.e. titles to fight for).
It wont happen but I would love to see him feud with JBL. I mean there so alike in some was ther both rich they thing there the best thing to happen to wrestling but the biggest reason is when JBL went to the "US side of the Texas boarder" and chased them out.
It wont happen but I would love to see him feud with JBL. I mean there so alike in some was ther both rich they thing there the best thing to happen to wrestling but the biggest reason is when JBL went to the "US side of the Texas boarder" and chased them out.

I fail to see how they are both alike. JBL was a brawler roughneck in the ring whereas Del Rio is not. Sure the aristocrat personas maybe similar but nothing else. As for JBL himself let the man enjoy his retirement.

Alot of people still rip on Del Rio, again I think it solely lies down to the way the guy is booked. The fued with CM Punk could have been alot better aswell as the fued he had with Cena.

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