What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

The one person who I absolutely hate and scream every time I see that he is still employed by the WWE is Snitsky! I cannot understand why he is worth a roster spot at all. He looks like he was a reject from The Hills Have Eyes movies. I cannot take him as a monster when he lost so many matches on Heat before moving to ECW. I hope he never gets the rumored main event feud with Cena, because I will never watch a show headlined by Snitsky, especially if it is against a no talent annoyance like John Cena.
King Booker is so annoying, I can not watch him anymore. I like him as Booker T, and I think he would be a good I.C. Champ, and maybe challenge for the title once in a while, but they have to drop the "king" crap.
Triple H back in his evolution days easily.. even though i thought he was a good wrestler he made you hate him so much it was unbelievable because on almost every ppv just when you thought he was gonna lose the belt either flair would help or he would get that damn sledgehammer! lol i hated him then probaly more than Cena now
I hate Lashley and Cena both, Lashley the thing i hate about him is that he gets there spurts of energy to win each match, he'll be getting his ass kicked the whole them, then out of no where hit and spear then the dominator which is just a body slam and win

Cena isnt funny, hes boring, he thinks hes cool, "YOU WANT SOME COME GET SOME" "NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN MY WORD" oh shut up Cena u sound like an asshole
john cena is jus a wannabe who will not lose the title or/and when he loses title just wins it back like come on its gettin old now and i also hate people like edge who win the title on raw then like 2 seconds later win it again on smackdown liek cmon give someone else a chance at bein a top chance
Candice Michelle!!!!!!!

What an insult to my gender to see this washed up porn star holding the same title i've dreamt of having since i was 7 years old? It pisses me off beyond belief to hear her say 'i worked so hard for this.' Bullshit! She can bearly do her spinning heel kick right and what kind of finisher is that? Bitch complained that Melina stole her finisher? What an insult to Melina who has been wrestling for 8 years. I don't care if this woman becomes greater then Lita. She will never have the passion and heart like all the other divas. And deciding to learn to wrestle after being in the company for 2 years and when Vince offered to pay you more does not make you championship material. You stupid ****e i hate you sooo much and if i ever met you in real life i'd strangle the life out of you and feed you to farm animals.

Sorry for my language, but you can clearly see i HATE this thing.
the miz...wat a pathetic waste of tv time..all this crap about how they r trying to push his 'new aggression' its totally unbelievable and stupid. It doesnt help the WWE if they have washed up realiy starts starting to 'dominate'
the miz...wat a pathetic waste of tv time..all this crap about how they r trying to push his 'new aggression' its totally unbelievable and stupid. It doesnt help the WWE if they have washed up realiy starts starting to 'dominate'
Well, I don't know about him as a wrestler, but as a character, I think that The Miz is tremendously underrated. The fact that he is so annoying means that he is doing his job properly. The "HOO-RAH!" just makes you want to punch him in the face. But isn't that what you're supposed to want to do? Isn't The Miz supposed to be annoying? Under that criteria, The Miz is actually doing his job very well.

I am actually looking forward to his upcoming storyline with the Extreme Expose. It will give the Expose something to do besides their normal dancing routine, and I think that it will be fun to watch Kelly, Brooke, and maybe Layla as well, fight over him. The thing that I really like about this angle is how you would think, "How would anybody want to go out with this loser?" I think that it will make for some entertaining segments on ECW.
wait...i thought we were posting who we hate the most...not who is doing the best job...according to ur logic that if we hate a heel its becasue hes doing a good job then all we can really do is hate a face?
I never really hated any of the superstars to a point of insanity, but I have to say that Tazz and Joey Styles seem to me like 2 corporate sell outs. I mean in the original ECW they seemed to have had an edge to them, but now we see Tazz and Styles getting excited whenever someone like kevin thorne or boogeyman competes..give me a break. Non cartoonish gimmicks is one of the things that made ecw so unique, but no the new ecw does nothing but tarnish the name...but I never liked the wwe's version of tazz he seems to soft and nothing like his former self.
I had a strange lapse, where in a point, i thought John Cena was a decent wrestler, maybe too much time in the Cena Thread reading Slyfox arguments stating why Cena is almost as big as his checks. And i wont lie, now I think Cena is a great ENTERTAINER, no doubt about it, so is The Rock(like 4 or 5 movies, 2 of them with Big $$ earned), Chris Jericho (VH1 Top 40 metal songs, anyone?)Hogan(Hogan knows best and past movies,still suck though..), but I'm back to reality land, and I dont like what I see....I'm not going to lie about this, but really, last time at RAW, when Cena's theme went on the arena, i truly felt kind of sick, my stomach suddenly turned upside down, i almost puked the floor. Definitely, I would love cena Character if he were a heel, but for now, I hate John CEna to the point of insanity.
umaga using that thumb as a finisher and he' matchs are boring unless a good wrestler like jeff hardy faces him at GAB made him look good overall he is crap
You know, ALOT of people hate John Cena. Some of you are saying you hate him so much, you turn off the tv when he comes on, or as mentioned above, you almost throw up. Come on people! I don't like Cena either, but don't you think your over doing it? I know when I first became a fan of the IWC, I liked Cena. Then again, that was near the beggining of his first WWE title reign. But as time went on, and his title reigns became longer and more predictable, I don't like him anymore either. I don't "Hate" him, but his current title reign and predectability is becoming, well, "Insane". So I'm not asking people to stop saying you hate Cena, just don't overdo it so much! In all seriousness, No one is gloing to throw up if Cena is around, no matter how bad you hate him. And for the record, I hate the current title reign of Cena, not really the guy himself, although his reign as champ is making his charecter stale. Real stale.
You know, ALOT of people hate John Cena. Some of you are saying you hate him so much, you turn off the tv when he comes on, or as mentioned above, you almost throw up. Come on people! I don't like Cena either, but don't you think your over doing it? I know when I first became a fan of the IWC, I liked Cena. Then again, that was near the beggining of his first WWE title reign. But as time went on, and his title reigns became longer and more predictable, I don't like him anymore either. I don't "Hate" him, but his current title reign and predectability is becoming, well, "Insane". So I'm not asking people to stop saying you hate Cena, just don't overdo it so much! In all seriousness, No one is gloing to throw up if Cena is around, no matter how bad you hate him. And for the record, I hate the current title reign of Cena, not really the guy himself, although his reign as champ is making his charecter stale. Real stale.

Maybe you refered to myself about throwing up...

Have you ever hate something to the point of being truly sick? maybe war, poverty, crime, etc...
well, I know I cant change all of that (i can help though, but that's not the point..) but really superderf, when i hear the LAME John Cena music theme, i truly feel like throwing up, like when you smell something really awfull... Again, i still think Cena is a great entertainer, but his Championship presence just make me sick. Maybe knowing the real Cena would be different obviously; everybody says he is actually a great guy and good person. But the WWE John Cena Character, simply Suck balls I.M.O.
and im not over doing anything.
um, after i listened to brock lesner whine a couple times from some tapes my friend mark showed me, its always been brock lesnar. and kurt angle. yes, i hate 2. both of them, with their damn whining, belong in an effing nursery. especially kurt angle. ooohh that damned crybaby.
john cena to a point...they gotta get rid of the marine shit...started that because of his movie. but that was a long time ago...or so it seams...give him the old rap like and let him rap "free style" against his opponants like he used to. used to laugh my ass off at some of them.

beyond him...any "Giant or unbeatable'

I'd go with Rey Mysterio, i just cant stand him, i have never liked him so i guess it makes me one sided but yer, i personally believe there are so many others (superstars) that could be pushed and go up the ranks... but nooo we have Rey Mysterio he is a 3 move wonder

you must be completely stupid...have you ever watched any mysterio's matches from WCW OR AAA...or WWE for that mater? he is one of the most talented Cuiserweight wrestlers alive. and is responsible for bringing the Lucha Lebre wrestling style to the U.S.
I can't stand Kurt Angle. Wah Wah Wah.... Blah Blah Blah. That's all he is about. All he does is rant and rant on his past as if he can not move forward in his life. I mean, nobody likes a ranter. Save your bitching to yourself unless you want to look like a jackass. He goes to the point where he is annoying and it makes you not want to support someone that crazy in reality....
The wrestler that has reely fallen in my book and that i hate now is King Booker formally known as Booker T. When this whole King thing started way back when on SD i thought i was gonna puke. Its a terrible gimmick and it would be really akward to drop it and go back to the good old Booker T that i actually liked. His entrance takes up half a show and queen sharmell just gets a damn job out of her husband's gimmick. DROP THE GIMMICK and the CRAPPY KING TALK and go back to Booker T.. i would love to see him as IC Champ, not as King Booker in some 5 man WWE Title Match a while back. King Booker makes me puke and sharmell just makes makes me anorexic.
superstar i hate the most has to be bobby lashley and John Cena simple facts that John cena has been with the wwe title too long and when he did actually lose it he was the one who kept challenging for it which became really really boring. Bobby lashley is because he has no character cant cut a promo for shit and he sounds like a girl and when they advertise cena vs lashley as the main event for the great american bash really annoyed me because the wwe put all this hype into it making it seem like it was the biggest match of the year but no one really cared im now hoping that orton kicks his head into a concussion and take his title and summerslam
MadMetal I agree with you on Angle being an annoying sumbitch, he keeps on bragging about his gold medal and it got old a long time ago. But you can't deny that when he gets in the ring he's one hell of an entertainer.

I hate Eugene, a lot, worst gimmick I've seen in a very long time and when they gave him the win over Angle in the Angle Invatational that pissed me off more then anything I've seen in the WWE.
All i will say is John Cena, no superstar has ever made me angrier than john cena, once i tried to place a deadly anathema on him and it didnt work, so i then resorted to crying, then finally i now no longer give a....so with that said, yes, he still annoys the hell out of me
I hate cena from the top ten of 1 to 10 of my most hated wrestler. same old moveset. and act like he so tough in the mic but does nothing new in the ring. sometimes when he tries to be sarcastic in the backstage interview, he tend to overdo it that makes it fake. i really wont mind who is the champ as long as it's not cena.
I'm gonna get flamed for this hardcore, but here we go.

John Cena and Bret Hart. Cena seems to be doing HHH's replacement ass-kissing to hold onto that belt. I feel he was the reason Edge went to SD! to get the WHC besides the fact that injuries killed SD! but also that no one else was going to become a new main eventer on RAW until HHH got back, so to say Cena's just keeping the title warm for Trips. Rather than have a SD! superstar use the MITB, why not have a top (probably was the top) RAW guy take it since he's being shoved under Cena's feet. Cena's just ruining other wrestler's (GREAT wrestlers, in fact) opportunities simply cause his merchandise sells.

Bret Hart...I hated him for two reasons. One was that he NEVER wanted to be shown as a heel or to be booed...what kinda shit is that? Everytime Bret was booed while he was a face, he broke character and actually showed frustration and anger. A wrestler that's afraid to take heel heat is really stupid, and sorry Bret, not everyone's gonna want to cheer your name all the time. They talk about HBK not wanting to job for anyone, while that is a little shaky (I notice that he rarely lost his titles, they were usually vacated or given to a buddy,) then why the hell can Bret refuse to be a heel? That shows selfishness on his part, because he wanted to be a perma-face. I think that him being a face got old, and I personally liked him when the heel role eventually got forced onto him with the Hart Foundation/Nation of Domination feud.

Then what really made me hate him was his prima-donna stance in the Montreal Screwjob. Vince said it right, Vince didn't screw Bret, Bret screwed Bret. Not wanting to drop the belt to Michaels in Canada is understandable given what Michaels did to the Canadian flag and he and HBK's history, but a business is a business...you leave the company, you hand over their assets, and the WWE title is the biggest asset that we can see with our eyes (who knows what's behind closed doors.) I understand that it was a double-cross, and I'm not denying that HBK and Vince had a wrongful hand in it, but Bret had a hand in there too, by simply saying that he wouldn't drop the belt to HBK on Canadian soil because of "personal issues," even though he was leaving the company. You're all professionals Hitman...should have grown up, flushed those personal problems in the morning, laced up your boots, and do what you needed to do to ensure you had a smooth WWE exit, don't bitch. You see what happens when people who aren't HHH bitch to Vinny Mac...
im not sure why but i just hate bobby lashley, (probably because i saw him getting a push so early in his wwe career) and i just hate rey mysterio for winning the whc, that was just totally ripping off the death of eddie guerrero, vince must have made millions from those ''im your papi'' shirts and 'EG' armbands, i mean come on if they were gonna do something like that then they should have made chavo champ, he was the guys relative

oh yeah and i especially hate wrestlers like tazz, mick foley, sabu etc.... who just keep bitching and bitching about wwf and wcw raiding ecw's talent and putting them out of business, but god damn there the ones that sold out, they left themselves, so maybe they should just blame themselves for a change and stop acting like little bitches

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