What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

lashley impressed me as a rookie...he was very good but vince ruined it. i hate lashley
sme thing with cena. my favorite us champ in the 2003-2005 smackdownn years but can some1 tell me the last time cena lost his title?
and batista..where do i start with him. evolution years he used 2 beat people up real nice. i used 2 enjoy it...but now. hes just disguisting. im happy edge is kcickin him ass rite now
Right now, it's got to be Cena, but only because he's being marketed as the next Hulk Hogan. Not that I'm saying Hogan's gimmick was bad, by today's standards maybe it is bad, but in the 80's that's what wrestling was about! You had "The model", "He Ultimate Warrior", Hercules, Andre the Giant, Doink the Clown, Man Mountain Rock, Spark plug Bob Holly, TL Hopper etc etc.80's to mid 90's gimmicks were meant to be hokey people! By today's standards, these gimmicks suck, but not when they first came up.

As I was saying, I think Cena has a real bad gimmick because he's a wigger! A white man trying to be all ghetto! Then he becomes Mister beat all odds! Wow! That's creative! He's being wasted in my opinion.

One gimmick I didn't like, and I'll get a lot of flack for saying this, was Stone Cold's gimmick. So he drank a few beers, messed with the boss, and swore a lot. Big Deal! Anybody, even mable, could have pulled that off! Though the gimmick worked, I'm just saying it's a weak gimmick, that in my opinion, is getting old.

The Rock and bret Hart though, those were classic gimmicks which sadly are no longer around.
without a doubt
the 3 biggest people i have hated are batista, cena, and hogan
batista just plain sucks...post-evolution
cena also sucks and has to lose that title to someone like orton,kennnedy,HHH,or HBK
and hogan i didnt mind until he started these comebacks, now he never loses, and doesnt put over people like orton, like he should as a professional
I recently heard that Cena was leaving to shoot another movie. That could not only mean a title drop, but some time without him! Yay!!! Know what would be ironic? If John Cena was in a "Superman" movie, because thats pretty much whats he is now, he's superman. And Superman sucks IMO. I say ooker T for WWE Champ (Not King Booker, that guy is annoying, Booker T can make us hate him as Booker T.)
I have always and will forever hate Mark Henry. I mean come on. He is just disgusting to watch. He is so slow its like trying to watch a match in rewind. Never ever was there a match he was in that I ever did not use an excuse to refill my glass.Just horrible.

I also never liked Golddust. He was just a joke to see especially when he did that run with Luna Vachon.

There have always been wrestlers who Ive hated but you know that they are trying to make you hate them so you cant help but like them.

Ive always loved to hate Edge, Triple H, and Chris Jericho.
I never truly hated a single wrestler, I hated the whole Right To Censor faction. Every time something would happen and those damn sirens would come on, and it was just a complete waste of time. I thought the whole idea was pointless.

3 wrestlers who I loved to hate were Triple H, Edge, and Randy Orton.
khali - talk about boring...

cena - at first i just didnt like him, but his CONSTANT winning is really starting to make me hate him, hope the movie really does bring a title drop

Umaga - god.. another boring stupid wrestler... hes not even big just fat..

Makr Henry - lol ive never seen an actual good match from him

Batista - now heres someone who doesnt have the slightest bit of talent, yayy, he has all the muscles but still cant perform ANY move well.. worst spinebust ever, rarley hits his FINISHER well, you'd think that a guy that size could do a decent powerbomb... and talk about a gay spear... worst than edges.. also, those are the only moves he has, exept from the very weak gay closelines..

JBL - i just hated his character so much, i think he was the wrestler i most hated...

ric flair - RETIRE ALREADY!
Half the time Cena doesn't eve do four moves,
and he can't sell a move for his life.

Now that he's beaten just about ever wrestler in the buiesness including all the greats,
the only person left for him to wrestle would be Jesus(no offence to anyone).
And seeing how Vince is, he'd probably do a gimmick storyline like that,
he already has hinted towards that in the past.

I really hope Cena leaves to work on whatever movie he's doing,
I just want to see someone else for a while,
who's deserving.
I HATE John Cena with a passion. He can't wrestle and he rips off other people's moves. The F5 was pretty sweet, but the FU is more like an elevated fireman's carry. He's held the title for way too long and someone else needs a chance to shine because there are many more deserving wrestlers who should get a title run, like Jeff Hardy or Kane. His gimmicks piss me off even more. First, he's a wigger and now he's a wannabe marine. He SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!
Mark Henry, Khali, Ken Doane (Dykstra), Johnny Nitro, Daniel Rodimer, Snitsky, Domino, Hardcore Holly, The Boogeyman, Mike Know, The Miz, and thats just from current day WWE alone.

Many people don't like me because of who i don't like, some of the above i don't like because they can't wrestle at all, others i don't like for their personality/attitude, and others, well, i don't know why i dislike them, there was just something about them that made me say i don't like em lol.
There have been several different wrestlers that I have disbised and hated over the years. First and most recent would have to be Mr. Kennedy. WWE is positioning this guy to be a "major" player? Why?? His biggest contribution is screaming his own name. Thats talent? Hell I can do that. Wheres my WWE contract? I am shocked he is catching on. I just chalk it up to being "a lack of options". To quote Edge "screaming your own name. Thats riviting stuff". A guy like Kennedy wouldn't have made it on the roster with a gimmick like that 10 or even 20 years ago, let alone be a main eventer.
Kevin Nash(Diesel) to name another who I simply Hated. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this suppose to be wrestling? This guy couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag. In all the years he has been around I don't think I have ever seen him do a wrestling hold. He appitimizes "paper champion". He spent most of his carrer injured than actually in the ring. Maybe if he learned how to wrestle, he wouldn't have been hurt so much.
One more I want to add to the list is Boogeyman. I think he is in the wrong business. Eating worms and other nasy, slimey insects would get him far on Fear Factor. It is what is. I guess. I just chalk it up to a lack of options. All the great leaders are gone. I just can't convince myself that guys like Kennedy are the "real deal" when guys like Hogan, Austin, The Rock, Kurt Angle, Triple H and Undertaker transcended the industry.
at the moment im not exactly hating any superstar! but im not to fond of jbl but did like him back when he was with a.p.a! not a fan of m.v.p , king booker! edge i like but im kind of hating him for the fact that he keeps sliming his way out of defeat to batista!
Cena - learn your 7th move and drop the title bitch.
Batista - the least talented member of evolution yet he was the one to ovethrow triple h *cough stole ortons spot cough*
lashley - not in the slightest bit intimidating and doesnt have the slightest bit of intensity about him and he has absymal miek skills.
cena - i hate him that much im putting him down twice
King booker gimmik is bad but hes a good wrestler.... person thats currently in there that i hate is VKM!!!! i think hes a disgrace as ecw champ and i hope that it can be erased from the history of the ecw belt!!! also hardcore holly sounds like a bit of an a**hole!!!

Of all time it would probably be HHH/ Jeff Jarrett... both used backstage politics to get them belt runs for way longer than they deserved!!!!
Jeff Jarrett use to make me turn off ... King Booker's wife yellin "ALL HAIL KING BOOKER" a thousand times use to make me sick but above all else i HATE when they into a new guy like Carlito or D and D and have them either win the titles straight up or soon thereafter.

I couldnt stand Carlito, he'd come out, talk crap, spit, have a half assed match and then that JEsus guy would cheat, that annoys me no end
For myself it has to be John Cena at this moment in time. I'm sick of him being treated like superman in the company and he'll overcome any odds. He's had the title way to long & it's time for a change. Cena's match against Michaels @ mania was the match were he should have dropped the strap to HBK but no that didnt happen and it just feels like we'll never see a new champ on raw these days.

Another character i hate is Eugene,this guy has obvious wrestling talent & it gets wasted with a stupid disability gimmick,come on! Give the guy something to work with.
I hate that they keep the title with Cena. He has done things that he should never be able to do, like beat Umaga and Khali. Both HBK and HHH couldn't beat Umaga, yet Cena does. The Undertaker had trouble with Khali, but Cena makes him tap and pins him!?!? I would like Cena if he learned more moves and if he wasn't champ.
i am getting sick and tired of cena as the champ, he has like 2 moves which arnt evn original and this whole thing where he is soooo into the military, i mean dont get me wrong, i love the troops, but jeez he is just ramming it down our troughts how much he supports them. I will b a fan of his again when he loses the friking title and when he maybe goes back to his intensity days, back when he had the rapper heel. I dont want him rapping again but to see him cheat a little and not b this great god like image would b refreshing. pull out the brass knuckles again cena!
I don't "hate" any of the wrestlers but there are a few gimmicks that have gotten old.
John Cena- of course. I don't think he's the worst wrestler in the world but he damn sure isn't the best and I'm tired of him being thrown down my throat every damn Monday. Don't get me wrong when he's on the mic, he can get a chuckle or two out of me but that's it. To me the fans grow old of it, some may like it but to me WWE has soooo much more talent that can get the belt (and no, Bobby Lashley does NOT count) and they just need to give the Undefeatable Cena deal a rest.
Hulk Hogan- I don't know why but I've never been a fan of his, maybe because once again.. it's like a gimmick that grew old to me then when he came back... over and over again I wanted to scream!
Batista- To me Batista is just good eye candy. I don't think his mic skills are up to par and his whole "animal" deal is old. He slams someone then all of a sudden "arrgghh". Yeah, give it a rest.
i hate cena, which is weird cuz he used to be my fave, but like when was the last time he yelled out "WORD LIFE" and put the knucks on, thats when i liked him and now i just want him to leave WWE and never come back!
and one other thing...when will he lose the title, whats the point of watching RAW when we all know that every monday its just gonna be Cena telling everyone he never backs down and then he gets his a$$ kicked but still wins the PPV match.
John Cena...is anyone else sick of seeing him with the belt? I wouldn't mind it if he lost it for 5 or 6 months and won it back again...but to keep it on him for 21 of the last 24 months. That's a bit much for ANY superstar. It was ok back in the 80's when you believed that someone like Hulk Hogan could beat everybody, but this is John Cena...he's not that kind of wrestler.
yepp i agree with all of you who said that cena is getting old! and im tired of seeing lashley too! for got sake, the only person on raw who deserve the WWE title is randy orton! hes the only guy who didnt get a one on one title shot! i like his new gimmick!! cena's gimmick is getting freaking old and hes not even funny!
I agree cena is just trying to be funny now... like with mr kennedy on raw... mr kellogs? wtf...

I rly dont like king booker as the king either its just getting stupid now.
Oh god that was funny when cena tried makin fun of mr kennedy and no one was laughing, even the kids are starting to see through cenas two dimensional act , anyway the wrestlers I hate at the moment are:

1.Cena : boring moveset, boring promos and has the wwe title surgically attached to him
2.Lashley : way overpushed and his mike skills are absymal

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