What song are you currently listening to?

Screamin Jay Hawkins ~ I Put A Spell On You.


I first heard the Marilyn Manson version of this song, when I found out it was a remake I looked for the original. I thought Manson did a good job with the song, but nothing can come close to the original. Screamin Jay Hawkins is probably the inventor of shock rock. He would come out of a coffin before his shows, and had a lot of voodoo themed props included into his shows. If you think back to how people where back in the day, I bet they really thought this strange black man was infecting their minds with his black magic. If you consider the number of kids Screamin Jay Hawkins had, he may have been very well putting a spell on the young girls of the world.
Anyway, this gets my pick for number one Halloween song, put it on your playlist son.
Cairo Knife Fight - BigFace.

Awesome two-piece NZ band that opened for Them Crooked Vultures at start of the year. Saw them live at a smaller gig last month, which was really bloody awesome. Especially the drummer that sings & drums with one hand, plays bass synth with the other hand, both of which are looping all kinds of crazy beats.
I've got a delicious Halloween eve treat for everybody today, a track that will deliver many eargasms as well as many regular old fashioned pants changing orgasms as well.

I'm sure some of you are familiar with 8-bit and 16-bit electronic music genre, and for those who don't know it's basically the sampling of classic video game sounds into music. Well one of my favorite electronic artists Eliot Lipp has taken it to the next level with 64-bit sampling, and he didn't beat around the bush when choosing a videogame to sample from.

Eliot Lipp - Goldeneye​

I heard it for the first time last night and I've already got a good ten listens under my belt, the sampling is absolutely perfect and it really does a great job of capturing the essence of Goldeneye. I know there's a whole lot of Goldeneye fanboys on this site (Myself included), so check this track out, you will not be disappointed.

I think this would be a great song to hear live, I like the contrasting quiet verses with the big loud chorus. I am not a big Manson fan, but he has done a few really good songs, this being one of my favourites of his.

Weird video, but then again that is something we have come to expect from The God Of F*ck

I do like Bon Jovi, they are certainly a band I would like to see live soon. Lots of people I know have been to see them, and said they were brilliant live.

"Livin' On A Prayer" is playing on the radio as I type this, Bon Jovi were guests on The X-Factor last night and have a new Greatest Hits album out today, so everywhere is playing their songs. This is the 3rd BJ song that I have heard on the radiop today....but it is a classic

I do like Bon Jovi, they are certainly a band I would like to see live soon. Lots of people I know have been to see them, and said they were brilliant live.

"Livin' On A Prayer" is playing on the radio as I type this, Bon Jovi were guests on The X-Factor last night and have a new Greatest Hits album out today, so everywhere is playing their songs. This is the 3rd BJ song that I have heard on the radiop today....but it is a classic

Was that about 15:00 in England because I was listening to that song on the radio at about that time in the car?

Anyway I'm currently listening to Foo Fighters-The Pretender, I'm hopefully going to one of their concerts next July and this is one of my favourite songs by them. I'm really looking forward to seeing them so this is just getting me into the mood.
Was that about 15:00 in England because I was listening to that song on the radio at about that time in the car?

I think it was haha, it sounds about right to me!


I love The Stone Roses. Ian Brown in my opinion is one of the greatest frontmen of all time.

"This Is The One" is just an unbelievable track, I have seen it performed live by Roses tribute acts and the crowd still go mental for it. The way it kicks in properly after the short drum solo in the middle is one of my favourite parts of any song, it is absolutely brilliant.

The only bad thing about this song is that Manchester United run out to it, and I hate Man Utd!!!
So today I'm bringing everyone a delicious electronic track that was previously undeliverable.

A while back I picked up an album from a local electronic artist off the old itunes, it was a two disc 32 track album with over 2 1/2 hours of music for the price of your average 9 song mainstream CD. I've shared a few Stegosaurus Rex tracks on here before, but this is probably my favorite "unknown" track on the album.

Stegosaurus Rex - Ketchup Connoisseur​

There is something that I find very calming and relaxing about this track, I can pretty much put it on whenever I want and just sink into my own world happiness and endless marijuana plants. Also, the synth work on this song is absolutely perfect, goosebump inducing under the right circumstances.

Droppin some Chicane on yo' asses!

I am seeing Chicane this weekend in Manchester and this is my favourite track of his. It is different from the usual trance style he does, but I think it works very well.

I love the chorus, and I think its a top driving track. It is great cruising down an open road with this tune on the stereo :)

Linkin Park - Wretches & Kings

As some of you may know, I was recently at a Linkin Park concert, this was the song used to open the show. It was a great song to open it, and it got the crowd pumped rather quickly. It's a song with a great beat, a great rap from Mike and an amazing chorus from Chester who definitely rocks the rugged voice in this one.

Overall awesome song, from a very awesome album.

Definately my favourite Linkin Park track, with a really cool video. Even my Dad liked this song. When you think about how many great tracks were on Hybrid Theory, you realise how good of a debut album it was. I really should invest in some of Linkin Parks later stuff, I havent really heard any of their stuff apart from the singles since Meteora

I had not heard this track until this morning, when it came on the local rock station (106.1 Rock Radio for anyone interested!). It immediately grabbed me, as it sounds very similar to some of the songs of Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album, which I really like.

Having heard a couple of tracks of their latest album now, and liking both, I am considering picking it up. I do not like A7X's early material but I think they have matured into a really good band. M Shadows can really sing, and has a great vocal range, and I am a fan of their anthemic choruses.
Always - Erasure

Erasure are a band in the UK who were popular in the UK, Mainland Europe & South America, with some success in the USA also. 37 of their 41 solo songs reached the top 20 in the UK and they still remain quite popular to this day and remain together as a band and there latest album Light at the End of the World came out in 2007 while The Innocents, which reached #1 in the UK album charts, was remastered in 2009. The band's lead singer, Andy Bell, has become a gay icon, leading to Erasure having a strong following in the LGBT community.

This song is from the album I Say I Say I Say which was #1 in the UK. The song is essentially about wanting to be with someone forever and doing whatever it takes to do that. The music video employs a Chinese look to it. The song has recently found a newly discovered popularity having appeared on the Adult Swim online game Robot Unicorn Attack. Since then, it's made appearances elsewhere on the internet including in the spoof series Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series.

Andy Bell is currently working on a new album, which he claims will be based around nursery rhymes.

Linkin Park - Across The Line

Thanks to Anonymous Mozzarella this song has been on replay throughout the past 1½ hour or so on my computer. It has a minor scent of the Minutes to Midnight material of which it was supposedly meant to be on. However it also has a bit of the original Linkin Park nature if you ask me. This is what makes this song so great - It's a mixture of all of the things I like about Linkin Park. The new and the old all in one.

A great song that shows Chester's great voice like so many other songs. It makes me wish that it had made it onto one of the main albums.
Seeing as how California has just re-elected
Jerry Brown as governor I thought it would be
especially interesting to listen to a song written
about him—during his first term in office—
released in '79:

And history repeats itself yet again…

let's see if he can get Cali back in the black.
Last night I went out to dinner with my favorite person in the whole world, my mom. I guess you could say I am a mamas boy, but I gives two fucks.
Last night while we where out we got to talking about a funny story, I would like to share.

One day we where at the food court in the mall, I was getting some pizza and my mom was over at the Chinese place. Some dick decide he needed his food more, so he cut in front of my mom. She said something to him and he called her a bitch, It did not take long before my little brother came up to me, telling me what happened. I gave him my tray and walked over to my mom, asking her what happened. As the guy got his tray of food I walk up to him and smacked it out of his hands and on to the floor. He said, " what the fu..." before he could finish I Yelled, "Call my mom a bitch again". He looked at me for a minute and said, "Real fucking nice." By now people had started to stare at us and circle around. I said, "go ahead, call her a bitch again". Some black girl said, "I know he wouldn't call me a bitch" He told her to mind her own fucking business, that started up a whole new fuck storm for the guy.
As his attention got switched over to the crowd of blacks that he now had some issues with, my mom and I went on about our way finishing our meal.

With that being said, I would like to play a song for my mama.
Kanye West ~ Hey Mama



I put the Grammy version as well, cause my mom deserves two songs.


This was the last song I listened to while getting ready for work this morning, I had the ipod speakers on shuffle. I haven't got too many Skynyrd songs on there, but I have yet to hear a bad song from them.

I think the singer (I dont think its the same singer now as it was then, is it?) has a great voice, a real country rock voice which fits the band perfectly. Really good tune

Great start to a really good album. Silverchair are very underrated in my opinion. "Freak" and "Anthem For The Year 2000" were two of the songs that first got me into this type of music.

Its hard to believe Daniel Johns wrote something so good when he was just a teenager isnt it? Plus he was married to/going out with Natalie Imbruglia...lucky bastard
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters '99


AKA the Acoustic version of one of my top 5 Metallica songs. I may like this version better than the original. A blend of orchestra and rock at it's finest. The lyrics especially gets me into the song. I've never been one to recite a song word for word but this one may be the exception.
Winds of Change - Scorpions

This one's a favourite of mine. Now we all know that Wade Barrett proclaims 'The Winds of Change Are Blowing' quite a lot but it's probably best known for this song (either this or Harold Macmillan's speech to the South African Parliament in 1960). The song is about the gradual collapse of the Communist Bloc, especially in places like Austria & Germany (where is actually where the Scorpions are from).

The song is in fact inspired by a visit to Moscow by the Scorpions in 1989, hence why the opening lines speak quite clearly about the landmarks of Moscow:

I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

The song was very popular at the time of release and in fact went to #2 in the US & UK whilst achieving huge success on main-land Europe going to #1 in a total of 7 countries in Europe. It's particularly popular in Germany, where it was chosen as the song of the century by ZDF, a popular channel in Germany and is the highest selling single in Germany's history.

An absolute classic. One of the best songs Pearl Jam have ever written and part of one of the best debut albums of all time in "Ten".

Eddie Vedders voice has never sounded better, and this was one of the first grunge tracks I fell in love with.
I'm not really that big on rap but this was a bloody good song. I great beat with fucked up lyrics is what makes this a modern day classic. It also has references to A Clockwork Orange which I enjoyed. The track is full of mood swings ranging from clam to balls-out angry.

Just ordered the "Cowboys From Hell" album on Amazon for £2.99 which is a bargain. Its probably so low because of the new special edition version that has just been released.

I have a couple of other Pantera albums but never got around to ordering this one, looking forward to it arriving. I am listening to the samples now and they all sound good. The title track is a genuine metal anthem, brilliant guitaring from Dime and Anselmo's vocals are top notch. Awesome riff too

Just ordered the "Cowboys From Hell" album on Amazon for £2.99 which is a bargain. Its probably so low because of the new special edition version that has just been released.

I have a couple of other Pantera albums but never got around to ordering this one, looking forward to it arriving. I am listening to the samples now and they all sound good. The title track is a genuine metal anthem, brilliant guitaring from Dime and Anselmo's vocals are top notch. Awesome riff too


Lmfao I just had this on my list and it was next, this to me is the ultimate going to a fight getting pumped up song. The new remasterd version of it is tits, i haven't even herd it yet. I seen phil on that metal show, and he was raving about it. When I go to Fye for my monthly metal Pilgrimage
i'm deffinatly no matter the cost picking up the new version of it. Hopefully they do a vdp version like Cowboys from hell. That would make my day lmfao. On a sidenote i picked up an original copy of the great southern trendkill for four bucks at fye lmfao I was like dude.... sweet. It was ment for me.

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