What song are you currently listening to?

20th Century Boy - T. Rex

This one is a total classic. If you've never heard this song then you are missing out. A quick little back-story as to why I'm listening to this. I'm currently reading a manga series called 20th Century Boys, the title of which is based off of this very song. In fact, that is clearly explained in the first few pages of the series. The series itself features a lot about rock music, with T. Rex's song coming back later in the series.

The opening to this one is incredibly recognisable. It's just one of those openings where you know what the song is. The song itself charted in the UK charts twice. Once in 1974 at #3 and later in 1991 at #13. The song has gone to be recognised as a classic and is regarded as one of T. Rex's trademark songs.
Avenged Sevenfold-"God Hates Us"​

God hates us all!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the heaviest pieces of work done by A7X. This song conveys perfectly all the rage, the frustration, the pain, the impotence and the seek of a guilty when someone we love passes away...

Anyway, get mad, get angry and enjoy this heavy shit!
This is not normally the type of music that I would listen to. I was checking out the Joe Rogan podcast a few weeks ago, and he started the show off with this song.


This song trips me out when I am really high. I start getting all paranoid, think that "Big Brother" is watching, and that a New World Order is really upon us.
Then I just take another hit, and enjoy the great beat this song has.
Like I said, I don't really listen to this style of music, so I am going to go out on a limb here and say it is Techno?, or House/Dance music? I don't know.
What I do know is I got the shit stuck in my head, and I don't mind that.
I find myself saying "We want your soul" all the time now. I really like this song, y'all should check it out.

This song to me, is my ultimate warm up song. I used it all through wrestling last year to warm up to. I had my headphone cranked every time full blast. You would see all the other little kids with linkin park or some rap song on. I would lisiten to this, man it was brutal

To be honest i had one kid tell me the song scared him. I loved the looks from the matt maids as I walked by to go to my match, every time a look of pure horror. Like omg why is that so loud or what the fuck was that?

This song to me just put me in that mood, every time i could invision myself just throwing the kid around. It worked for the most part. Lmfao got me to districs and a 35-15 season with 30 pins:lol:
Porcelain And The Tramps - King of the World

Up until a few minutes ago I had no idea who this band was or any of their songs. After a recommendation from a friend of mine, I gave this song a listen and I must say I was reasonably impressed. The idea is fairly simple; it's all about being the King of the World.

The band itself is what interests me. The vocalist is clearly very good at what she does and provides a good vocal here. Her screaming isn't too over the top and she's a decent enough singer. However what interests me more is the backing music. The rest of the band seems to have an excellent balance not only with themselves but also with the singer's voice.

Definitely something a little different but a good listen.
I'm really feelin "Almost Famous" off of Em's Recovery album.It was the only song off of the album that I didn't really listen to , until The Original Sparky brought it up in the favourite Beat in a Hip-Hop/rap song thread. I gave it a listening and now I'm loving it huge.
I Dont Love You-MCR The Black Parade
Perfect breakup song and best song off the black parade album easily my favorite MCR song. I am also awaiting MCR's new album Danger Days: The true lives of the fabulous killjoys out next week. KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE!
I Dont Love You-MCR The Black Parade
Perfect breakup song and best song off the black parade album easily my favorite MCR song. I am also awaiting MCR's new album Danger Days: The true lives of the fabulous killjoys out next week. KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE!

And on that note I will laugh and post some music up...


Hmmm I seem to remember Mcr a few years ago getting bottled off of the stage when they were playing at the same venue as this band.

This song to me is the pinnacle of Slayer. It starts out slow but brutal, then it gets faster and faster. Really gets the blood pumping for me. I love the song and it makes me just headbang untill my neck hurts lol.


Haha I love this track, it was on the 1st ever Tony Hawks Skateboarding for the PS1, and I got so into it I only play if this song was on lol.

Just so catchy, bouncy and it just puts me in a good mood and brings back memories of hours and hours spent on Hawk with mates, good times
First I would like to say that I like both posts above mine, great songs, both are on my iPod.

Now on to what I came here for, a little pick me up.

Climbing ~ Blaze feat. ESHAM, Twiztid, and Violent J


"Life is a ladder, keep climbing that mother fucker, even if there is like fifty two thousand above, man don't hesitate to do what ever it takes to get the mother fucking job done!"

That's how Blaze Ya Dead Homie kicks off the last track on Colton Grundy, his second CD. This is a song I like to bump when ever I feel like I need to get my shit straight. I was found out at a young age that money is what makes the world go round, and I'll do just about anything to get my hands on some. I work at least sixty five hours a week, and save most my vacation time so I can cash it in. I also enjoy to collect pop bottles and return them, others from Michigan will know they are worth ten cents each, I collect up to thirty dollars a week sometimes.
I have to keep all my hustling legal now days, or I would have a few other ways to get some change.
This song just reminds me to make my own path to the top and to not let the haters try and distract me from my goals.

My next few post in this thread are going to be songs that inspire me when I need that little extra something.
You're Not Me - Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie Soundtrack

Another manga inspired choice. Not quite but it's from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie so I suppose it qualifies. While the movie itself was a true abomination, some of the music wasn't that bad. Incredibly cheesy, oh yes. Incredibly bad, only most of it. But there are some songs lurking in that film that are pretty decent and this is one of them.

The song is essentially tied back to the character of Seto Kaiba. Kaiba is your classic bad-guy turned good: While his motives/end-game may have changed, he's the same douchebag he was before, and believe me, Kaiba was as douchey as they come. The song is all about how you shouldn't judge a person (Kaiba in this case) on the basis that you know about them. You shouldn't judge them, because you're not them.

It's not terrible but it's a hell of a lot weaker than most of the songs I've chosen for this thread. It's cheesy as hell but a decent time killer.
Art is Dead - Bo Burnham


I've been listening to both of his albums for a couple of weeks now. This is off of his newest one, Words, Words, Words.

Yes Bo Burnham is a comedian, but this isn't a comedy song. In most of his act and his songs he puts on a bit of a persona (understandably as he is only 20 and probably not totally comfortable on stage). However, he doesn't in this song. You see him for who he really is and I like that. It is a song which criticises the entertainment industry of which he is a part of. Therefore the song is quite self-deprecating. At least that is what I can make out.

An absolute classic rock song, as used by former ECW/TNA wrestler Shane Douglas as his entrance music. I love the intro to this song, with the distorted guitar, and the drums hitting when the riff kicks in.

I don't think this is one of Deep Purple's biggest hits, certainly not on the level of Black Night or Smoke On The Water, but I think its better. Great chorus too

Papa Roach - Scars

Absolutely awesome song that I haven't listened to for ages. I've been a pretty big Papa Roach fan for quite a while, and this is hands down one of my favorite songs of all time. So much emotion, such great lyrics. The whole song is just perfect both for chilling or any scenario really, except for partying perhaps.

Jacoby Shaddix has a great voice, and it shows in this song. I like the fact that Papa Roach has gone more into Alternative Metal rather than their older Nu Metal, which was while great, certainly nothing compared to when Jacoby just sings.
RANCID ~ Fall Back Down


This is another one of them song I like to use as a pick me up. I love Rancid and I love this song. Whenever I feel depressed I Like to listen to this song. It reminds me that there are people out there who care about me and how I feel.
This was one of the first songs I put on my iPod and will be one I enjoy for a long time to come.

I am sat at work in Kurt Cobain fancy dress as I enter this. Obviously in a Kurt wig, grunge t-shirt, dirty converse trainers and blow-up guitar I was always going to be listening to Nirvana today.

One of their best, most well known tracks and I loved this from the 1st time I heard it. Some of Nirvanas stuff takes a while to get into but "Lithium" grabbed right away.

RIP Kurt

I have just picked up my 6th BLS album, "1919 Eternal", and this is the opening track from that. It is awesome, BLS at their best.

Zakk Wylde is such a good frontman, I cannot wait to see them live in February, and see Zakk pounding the ground with his fist then ripping it up. What a beast
So Long, GoodBye- Ten Years.


Keepchanging your mind.
Like clouds in the sky.
Love me when your high.
Leave me when you cry.
I know it all takes time.
Like a river running dry when the suns to bright.

[Chorus]So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.

These lyrics remind me of three previous relationships I was in, before I met my wife. None of them were working out, yet, because I felt i loved them, I didn't want to let go. And it was met with disastrous results, as the fighting increased, and even the times together that were "good" were painful, because I knew it was a matter of time before things would be over. it wasn't if, it was when.

This song reminds me, vivdly, of those past relationships, and makes me quite thankful for the one Im in now. One of the hardest parts of life is "letting go" of something important to you, and its not an easy lesson to learn, but a necessary one. This song speaks deeply to that. Plus it's a great song from a great band.
Hail the Villain - Runaway

This is the theme song for this year's Survivor Series and it's by the band Hail the Villain (which is an awesome name BTW). The song's title Runaway pretty much sums this one up; it's all about trying to escape/get away from the end and subsequently runaway.

It's actually quite a catchy song and there is some very good playing in this one. The vocals are decent but it's the guitar and the solo that really make this song. The lyrics are also pretty damn good. Here's an example:

Welcome to the end
Of everything that haunts me
Somehow I pretend
All was meant to be
I am not the saint here
Never the good son
Hell has taken over and I know
You know, I'm actually rehashing some of my old songs on some CD's I haven't listened to in a while. For example, I dug out my old Shinedown cd, the Sound of Madness (I think that's the name of the album.) I'm really digging the song "Sound of Madness" I love the opening riff of the drumbeats and the opening lines, it just really starts out hard and never quits during the whole song. Then, another song on that cd I like is "Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide." I think its a terrific song, and plus, I always joke that I'd use that for my theme if I was a heel as a wrestler and would screw someone over. But its just a bad-ass cd all around and Shinedown are so awesome to see live.

Another one I like is Kerli. She's from Estonia, and its a cd that is called "Love is Dead" and the song I'm playing from it is called "Walking on Air." I really remember the video vividly, it was kind of a tripped out nightmare of sorts, but it got major play all over muchmusic for a while. Its kind of a dark, and whimsy song. She reminds me of a blond, more lighter sounding Bjork, but I still just like getting that cd out from time to time. Something a little off the beaten path I dig listening to.

Tim McGraw's compilation...Okay..I know I have a rather eclectic range of music. But Tim McGraw is the FRICKIN man. He's got Red Ragtop, Don't Take The Girl, and My Little Girl (from the move Flicka), and Live Like You Were Dying...which was played at my Uncle's funeral. He never can do a bad song.
Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure

Angels and Airwaves is the side project of Tom DeLong, the lead singer for Blionk-182. However, I think We Don't Need To Whisper, their first album, surpassed anything Blink-182 ever did. It's much more mellow then Blink, which is maybe why i prefer them, but I feel the lyrics are far deeper then most of what Blink-182 ever put out.

This song was my personal favorite. The lyrics "I cannot live, I cant breathe, unless you do this with me." "Here we go, life's waiting to begin.", make me think of my wife, and my life. I couldn't imagine going through, or living life, without her with me and by my side. I really feel that when I met her, my life really did "begin."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 1 Opening - VOICE

Some more anime themes, because it's been a little too long. This is the first opening theme to the series Yu-Gi-Oh! in Japan. Again it's not in English. The song is actually very good and the series producers did a really good job of picking themes for the show. This will no doubt crop up when I do my review of the first season for the anime thread (which can be visited by clicking on my sig)

The song itself is all about frustration and dealing with it. The lyrics basically describe someone having to deal with their life after some sort of change and just really getting frustrated by it. It fitas with the first season of the show, which was all about Yugi learning to use his powers and get his Grandfather's soul back following them being kidnapped by the season's antagonist; Pegasus.

Anyway, if you're a fan of Japanese rock or are intrigued, give this a listen.
There is an artist by the name of "Florence and the machine" that I've recently discovered. She has a song called "Heavy in your arms" which I am seriously loving right now. The lyrics are O.K., but the god damn instrumentals are just awesome. It has a heavy (no pun intended) and dark kind of feel to it. Good stuff.

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