What song are you currently listening to?

This song is a personal favorite of mine. My brother and I like to call up all the radio stations around and request this song on Halloween. Usually only the top forty hits station and the oldies station will play it, that wont stop me from requesting it every year tho.


I think this is a fun song to listen to around Halloween and should be played at all your Halloween parties, it is a song that is fun for both kids and adults. This song proves that even monsters like to take a day off from their gruesome, horror filled lives and get "Jiggy wit it".
So, finally The Polish Ambassador gets around to posting some of his new jams, and rather then spoiling you'all with an epic ESP post I'm just gonna string you along song by song in this here.

The Polish Ambassador - Skinny Jeans

Skinny Jeans is one of my top 5 favorites off the new double Polish Ambassador album, filled to the brim with 23 tracks and over two hours of electro jams. The track Skinny Jeans really shows where The Polish Ambassador gets some of his influences. If anyone here is a fan of Crystal Castles you can totally hear the similarities in the way he uses the voice sampling in this track. What's great about it is that he was clearly influenced by many of the same electronic artists that I currently enjoy listening to, so being able to pick out the influences on a track by track basis has brought a whole new level of enjoyment to this music.

Great song overall , and one of many different electronic styles featured on the new Polish Ambassador double album. This album grows on you, and it grows FAST!!!

I LOVE this track, it is definitely in my top 5 of all time. New Order are another legendary Manchester band, made up of the members of Joy Division, who continued on with a new name after singer Ian Curtis commited suicide.

Bernard Sumner left the drumkit and became the lead singer, and in my opinion this is the greatest song the band released, before splitting up a couple of years ago.

The video for this song is brilliant, I really like the 3 multi coloured characters sychnronised moving, and although it doesnt make sense it is still iconic.

Overall, just a great indie song, still popular on the dancefloor today- infact I was at a club in Manchester last Friday, owned by the bassist of New Order Peter Hook, and when this came on everyone went mental.

Classic track
Mochipet (Feat. 215 The Freshest Kids) - Rambunktion (The Polish Ambassador Remix)

So this track right here is the first ever officially released remix track by The Polish Ambassador. While he has had some "unofficial" tracks released through facebook and a few other online sites, he had yet to actually release an official remix, until now that is.

This track helps to set The Polish Ambassador apart from other similar electronic acts going at the moments. Easily the most unique remix style I have ever heard, his mixing and sampling techniques are really on display for this track, and his skills in this area are above and beyond most.

This is one of two remix tracks off his new album, both of which are unique and impressive. This CD is far more complex than the first three Polish Ambassador albums as well as the only Ample Mammal album, a listening experience that continues to grow with each and every listen and currently one of my favorite releases from '10 and there have been some pretty good releases this year.​

Motorhead - Line in the Sand

As a lot of people know, I've always been a huge fan of Evolution. Their theme song was just absolute kick-ass (Motorhead sure knows how to make Triple H's music awesome).

This one I must admit hardly speaks to me in terms of lyrics. I guess from one perspective that it helps me find who I am at one point or another. But overall it's just an awesome song, and nothing more than that. Awesome riff, and of course Lemmy sure has an awesome voice for these kind of songs. Kinda reminds me a bit of a Triple H like voice.

I stuck on the STP "Thank You" best of, on the CD player in the car on the way to work....great album.

Vasoline is a really good catchy track, it isnt one of my favourites by the band- that honour goes to "Sex Type Thing", "Dead And Bloated" and "Crackerman", but I still like it a lot.

Scott Weiland has an excellent voice for this type of music, I really hope STP come to the UK for a tour, to promote their latest album. I know they did 1 festival over here in the summer, but after so long away surely an arena tour would be a good idea to get them known to the generation of fans who were not going to gis when they were in their prime during the 90's grunge era, or fans like me who were too young to know about them during their first run???

Come on Scotty lad, make it happen my son!!!
I found myself waking up today with no excited feeling at all and we can't have that on a Friday. So I decided to listen to one of my favorite songs that's really upbeat.

Living Colour - Cult of Personality


The first time I heard this song was from the Hall of Fame video for SCSA. I now listen to the song when I'm either bored or kind of down. It's a great up tempo song. It's the only song I've ever heard from Living Colour too.

My Chemical Romance - Ghost of You

This has to be the only song that I truly like from this band. It has an awesome flow and Gerard Way truly has an awesome voice, which truly shows around 1.20 - 1.28 or so. Such a shame their other songs just doesn't speak to me like this one does.

Found myself listening to this song after a song Dave linked in the cage from Fall Out Boy which reminded me a whole lot of this one. So I just had to listen to it for a while. Great song for those who enjoys a good bit of rock with a nice flow of instruments and vocals.
Woke up this morning, smoked a few bowls, and started listening to some funk. Here's the ever so funky Sly Stone, with "Just Like A Baby".


Sly is the shit, if any of you guys are interested in delving into funk, check Sly out first, dude is a fucking pioneer.
Phil Collins - Son of a Man


Tarzan's one of my favorite movies and the songs that Phil Collins made for it is a big reason why. I'm a fan of his music and I think he has a great voice. I find him to be best when he hits the high notes.
AC/DC - Touch Too Much​


Can't get over this song and more over Bon Scott's vocals. Man had a beastly set of pipes and it's a such a dang shame he went so early.

One of their best songs!
I had a buddy over yesterday and while smoking on some good buds, we had the radio on for some background noise. The song Assassins by ICP came on and he about nut himself. He said it was his favorite song and all that. I told him it was pretty much a word for word remake of an old Geto Boys song.
He would not believe me, so by the power of YouTube I had to prove him wrong.


I thought I would post both songs just so you could see how much they are alike. I myself prefer the Geto Boys track more, but the ICP one has more of a Heavy Metal sound to it, if that's your cup of tea.
Foo Fighters-Razor​

A beatiful acoustic song, This was one of the first song with finger picking that blown my mind. I saw the versatile of FF. Actually with the whole In Your Honor album. It's an amazing song, complex, atypical and yet REALLY effective. Plus it has the contribution in 2nd guitar by Josh Hemme.

FOO FOREVER!:worship:

It just rocks. Without being all comedy like most metal music seems. It's dark, intense and brutal yet at the same time kind of groovy. Steve Albini rules.

for something more palatable which maybe you guys would be into; probably the best break up song ever

Cee Lo Green - Forget You

The censored version is better. Its a kinda peaceful, relax song. Forget all your troubles and just kick back. It helps calm me.
The Pnuma Trio - Everynight​

The Pnuma Trio brings a great combination of live instrumentals and electronic production. A unique listening experience that might sound even better live, but I may just be a little bias since that's how I first came across this amazing electronic trio.

The track "Everynight" is probably my favorite of theirs, and frequents many of my playlists. I find their music is great for just about anything, though I find it particularly easy to zone out to this song.

2Pac, to me, is easily the best rapper of all time.

I first this track about 6 or 7 years ago, when I first got into Pac, and was downloading loads of his stuff, and this came up as "unreleased". First time I heard it, I thought it was awesome.

Then, after hearing the song "Pac's Life", I picked up the album of the same title, and was so pleased to see "Soon As I Get Home" on there. It was great to finally have a high-quality recording of the track, rather than the poor-quality version I had to put up with before hand.

Great tune, great lyrics and overall just a fkin good song
The Bleach Official Soundtrack - Number One


This is a song from, you've guessed it, the Official Soundtrack to the Anime of Bleach. This is frequently used as the theme of Ichigo Kurosaki, the series' protagonist, throughout the show and essentially is supposed to signal when he's about to enter ass-kicking mode.

The song itself is all about reaching up and grabbing that brass ring and becoming Number One. It's a really good motivational song and actually gets you very pumped up, it has that big match feel to it as a song and really gets you in the mood for a cool fight scene.

Here is the Chorus Just to Show What I Mean:

Baby now you feel like number one
Shining bright for everyone
Living out your fantasy
The brightest star for all to see
Now you feel like number one
Shining bright for everyone
The brightest star that's ever been
It's been a few days since I posted in this thread. I've been slacking oh well.

Metallica - Low Man's Lyric


Metallica is either my first or second favorite band of all time well it's either them or Linkin Park. There's hardly a song of theirs I don't at least like and this one may be my favorite of them all. It's a little different from their realm of music but I love the Hurdy Gurdy instrument addition (the one that sounds like bagpipes) in this song. James doesn't disappoint with his vocals in this song too. A perfect song to listen to on those cold lonely nights.
I'm digging Three Days' Grace new stuff "World So Cold" I know its a little on the sad side, but I've always liked these guys even their One-X cd is always on rotation in my car.

And I want to also include that I've been listening to Jack Johnson's song "At or With Me." Relaxing little song. Good guitar melodies. If you can, check out the music video for this. It has Andy Samberg from SNL in it, and it is freaking HILARIOUS!!

Another one I like, forgive me, I like some country, a group called Sugarland, a song called "Stuck On You" its got some country-fied version of beat boxing in it. Its really good, I didn't think I'd like it at first. I dig it, and the music video is the lead singer, the girl, and her guitarist are stalking the man she loved and kidnapping him and holding him hostage and she goes to jail for it and keeps getting out and going back to stalk him and it gets crazier and crazier...just...girl getting back at him.

Another one I dig is a country-rock group called KANE. Its fronted by an actor named Christian Kane from the tv show LEVERAGE, anywho, the song is called "The House Rules." Its a kick ass song. If you can, check out the video on cmt sometime. I highly recommend it.

Another one I like right now is Ok Go's "White Knuckles". Its a great little song. Those are the same guys who did that music video on the treadmills. But this music video is the one where they have the dogs doing tricks with buckets and chairs and tables. I highly recommend it. :)

My taste in listening is kinda all over the place to be quite honest. :p

Anyone who knows me in my real life will tell you one thing about my music. Its brutal, i've been slowly progressing from what i considered brutal from years ago. To now some of the most brutal music on the face of the planet today. I love it when people tell me oh shit dude this song is so fucking brutal, and i hear it and holey shit its god damn brutal. And then sometimes i get a laugh when they hand me some pussy mainstreem shit that cant even say shit in the song.

Now this song, Jfc by the acacia strain. This to me is a beatdown. A mash of power and great lyrics. But some people might not take Tas as a goood lyric band because most of their songs are just that WAY to fucking brutal. But to me if the song has'nt made me pull my hair out by the end of it or tried to headbang my way into a hospital with wiplash it wasn't worth the lisiten. I'm working my way through some older albums by them. And honestly if you like brutal music that makes you want to chop block old ladies and take their crutches or walkers away and beat them with it... this band is for you!

I picked up their new album this week, ahead of seeing them in concert for the 3rd time next Tuesday in Manchester :)

On first listen, the album doesnt seem to live up to my expectations, after how good their first 2 albums were. But, after repeated listens it has grown on me. While I still prefer their first 2 releases, I do enjoy their lastest offering.

Fallout is my favourite track on AB III, closely followed by Isolation, the lead single. I really like the chorus, as I think there is a lack of epic sounding songs on AB III. This is one of my favourite songs at the moment
The song I am currently listening to is one that I have on my Halloween play list. It is not truly a Halloween song, but one that I think fits the mood. It's none other than Feed My Frankenstein by Alice cooper.
I first heard this song in the movie Wayne's World, I thought it was a catchy tune, but never paid it much attention. Many years had past and I was looking to put together a CD for a Halloween party I was having, this song just seemed like a good choice. I think this is a fun song to play around this time of year, nothing says Halloween like Frankenstein, and the song is not to hard or creepy so that most everyone can enjoy it.

The Polish Ambassador - Failed Attempts to Enter Her Under Water Fortress

While I was off enjoying myself this weekend, The Polish Ambassador was still working hard, bringing electronic beats to the masses; and yet he still had time to upload my absolute favorite new track of his new album First Words.

This album continues to deliver two weeks after I bought it, and new favorite tracks just seem to keep popping up; but with now listening to this CD at least ten times I can confirm that this track is clearly the masterpiece of this CD.

Failed Attempts to Enter Her Underwater Fortress is one of a few stand out tracks on his new CD, but imo takes the cake for best track, and jumps into my top three favorite Polish Ambassador tracks of ALL TIME. The sounds featured in this track really do a great job of evolving the classic Polish Ambassador sound and taking it to the next level. The whole CD was a bit experimental, and with so many stand out tracks that stay true to the old sound and mix in all new elements I can't help but be excited for the future of The Polish Ambassador.
Evans Blue:Possession


Im a huge fan of the band, and was surprised to see of all people, they had covered a Sarah McLaughlin song. The song basically walks you through living a fucked up life in a fucked up world, and finding solace solely in the person you love, despite the problems you may or may not have had.

And this song resonates to me, because, well, this is how I feel towards my wife. When all else fails, I find that solace in my wife. I feel like the music portrayed the emotion of the lyrics far better then the Sarah McLaughlin song, as it's loud and snarling at times, rather then subdued like the original. I feel that feeling that you can really only feel towards someone you truly love, however subjective they are.

Heres the McLaughlin version for comparison:


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