What song are you currently listening to?

After talking to Ferbian and Dave Jr. today, I have refound my love for Breaking Benjamin. So I started surfing through my immense library of songs on my computer looking for some of theirs. I found a particular one that I used to listen to a lot during school. Here it goes:

Breaking Benjamin - Had Enough


I love that AMV btw. I was introduced to them a couple of months ago and I've been a fan of theirs ever since. I like the energy and vibe that the their songs give. Their whole Phobia album has a great selection of songs which I recommend for any fan of this particular sound.
I'm listening to a future living legend. Not since the great Beyonce Knowles has an artist captured my life in song. This amazing singer is of course Florence Welch(aka Florence and the Machine).

From her amazing cover of "You got the Love"

To her instant classic "Dog Days are Over", Florence + The Machine show that the UK shit out amazing artists year after year.

The voice, the lyrics, the visuals, this is my music! Music that makes you happy and wanna dance. Songs that make me think....


This is off the latest BLS album- Order Of The Black. Overall I havent been totally impressed with the album, there have only been a couple of tracks that have jumped out at me, but its pretty decent.

I love the riff on this song, this is the sort of BLS song I really like, with the instantly recognisable riff and good powerful choruses.

I lent the "Sonic Brew" album off an older mate when I was about 16 and didnt really like it, the distorted sound wasnt what I was into back that, but after hearing "Stillborn" on the Guitar Hero World Tour game on my X-Box, I listened to Sonic Brew again and thought it was good, and since then I havent ended up with almost all BLS's back catalogue, with "Mafia" being my fvourite album.

Zakk Wylde is just a beast, I cant wait for them to tour the UK, they are one of my favourite bands now
Linkin Park - In The End (Live Rock AM Ring 2004)


I am a big fan of Linkin Park. And this song was the very first one that I was introduced to through a friend back in 2000 when Linkin Park were hitting around the world with this track. I've been a fan ever since, and I've grown to know the lyrics pretty well.

This live performance is absolutely ecstatic. Linkin Park have always been great live from what I've seen on Youtube. And this song proves the fact. The fans are so insanely into this band it shows. Or the song to say the least. I applaud the fact that both Linkin Park, as well as the fans manage to gather together for such a performance. Absolutely fucking beautiful.
Kamelot - When The Lights Are Down

This track just came on my Pandora, and I love it. Symphonic Metal is easily my favorite genre of metal. The thrashing guitars, fantasy-inspired lyrics, and orchestral sounds all combine together to make a genre I can truly lose myself in. This is another high quality song by Kamelot, and may be my third favorite song from them after Eden Echo and Ghost Opera. If you're a fan of symphonic metal, or heck just metal in general, I suggest you take a listen to Kamelot, as well as other symphonic metal bands like Rhapsody Of Fire.

Good stuff.

Jordan by Buckethead​

I dunno how many people westside really know about Buckethead, but he is very acclaimed in my parts here. The guy is very accomplished in Classical, Jazz, Metal techniques and is a former Gn'R member.

This song (probably his most famous one) is just an eclectic mix of unique guitar sounds as well as a face-melting solo that kicks in after the 1:30 mark
I'm listening to Over the Hills and Far Away by Nightwish.


This is when Nightwish actually had a good singer. Not their latest singer, she isn't as good as her predecessor. I haven't actually listened to Nightwish for ages since today, so I've been on a sig-debuting, Nightwish reliving rampage.

It's been a good night. Anybody else like Nightwish?
Anybody else like Nightwish?

I like "Nemo" by Nightwish, I've only heard a few of their tracks but that is the one that stood out for me. One of my best friends is a big operatic metal fan, and also only like the original singer.


You pull the trigger on my......LOVE GUNNNNNNN!

Great track, by one of the most entertaining bands of all time. Obviously, I knew the big Kiss hits, but only heard this on the "Role Models" film, and immediately loved it.

The chorus is fist in the air, eyes closed, head tilted back and screaming out the lyrics awesomeness!!!!

"You see Ronnie? His dick is the gun" haha I love Role Models!
The Diplomats - Crunk Music


I'm not much of a fan of the Diplomats besides listening to some songs from Juelz Santana. However, I like this songs from them. I particularly like the beat of this song and Santana's part. I can think my brother for my liking of this song as this was his favorite at the time when it came out.
Led Zeppelin-Dazed and Confused


Amazing song, I mean the voice of Robert Plant shows how awesome he is as a singer. His voice reflects completely that feeling of dazed and confused. This man can sing the blues!

Now musically/instrumentally speaking we cannot take away some credit for the effort of both Jimmy Page and John Boham. Yep, John Paul Jones in this song (only) doesn't make an exepcional work. Yet, the drums and the guitar gives power to a song that wants to reflect a state of pain.

In brief, I'm blown away by the work of this song, it's practically perfect.
Last night I had the honor of attending the Polish Ambassador release party for the 2 disc album entitled First Words. He played both discs for during his show and the crowd was fucking pumped up last night, the new CD bumps for over 2 hours and he played every track last night.

The new CD is a combination of the classic Polish Ambassador style and the new Ample Mammal style. Classic Polish Funk with a Ample Mammal style mixing and sampling, I still haven't had a chance to bump it with my headphones, but I'm looking forward to it.

Since the CD was literally released last night, none of the new tracks have been uploaded to youtube yet, but if I know the Polish Ambassador like I do his new music should be up within the end of the week.

Here are two songs, one from The Polish Ambassador, and one from Ample Mammal, just imagine combining the two tracks together and BAM, you've got the new polish Ambassador sound.

Ample Mammal - Benjamin Beemin'

The Polish Ambassador - Revenge of the Wongs

Overall it;s not what I was expecting from the new Polish Ambassador drop. I was expecting him to keep his two persona's separated, but it appears he's just combining them together. Either way I'm happy with the end result and wish continued success for The Polish Ambassador/Ample Mammal.
I love it when the leaves turn orange, and there's Jack O'Lanterns on everybody's porch...

This is by far my favorite time of year. Football is back, it is almost harvest time, and the countdown to Halloween has begun. Every year I like to get myself into the mood by listening to Halloween related songs and watching horror movies.

This is a fun song from one of my favorite groups ICP. I know more than a lot of people hate on ICP, but this is a great song for this time of year. The song was song was released back in October 2001. The country was still feeling the effects of 9/11. ICP decided "Bin Laden was not going to steal Halloween", so they made this song and sent it to DJs across the country. This song recived the most radio play of any ICP song.
I'm listening to 'Black Rain' by Soundgarden repeatedly atm. Was written way back when 'BadMotorFinger' came out but they decided not to include it for some reason. So i've only just heard this 'vintage' Soundgarden song for the first time this week, and it's been the first song i listen to every time i turn on my iPod since downloading it.

That 90's Kid said:
I'm listening to Over the Hills and Far Away by Nightwish.

Damn, i was going to write a song with that as the title........ except mine's going to be about Sharpe and the good ol' South Essex.
I've been listening to some Anime themes, and I have to say, I've been enjoying them. First of all:

Hellsing Theme - A World Without Logos

This song has a really cool jazzy theme to it. The song fits the series like a glove. Alucard (The Show's Main Character) is such a cool customer that this seems to be the type of stuff he would relax too. The lyrics are pretty cool too, and the music overall is just plain great.

Tell me cool vibration

Live your fantasy

Tell me who, tell me surely, and the name

I'll be stunned, I'll be waiting

Ghosts of horror show, and I don't care

Just say ya love

Oh, down down, wish it's just a revelation

Take me once, take me into the revolution

Down down, won't ya hear the vibration?

Take me home, and I'll look to return

(Shooby dooby doo, Shooby dooby doo, Doo-doo)

(Shooby dooby doo, Shooby dooby doo, Doo-doo)

And Also:

Trigun Closing Theme - Kaze-Wa Mirai-Ni Fuku

Trigun is a really interesting show that is essentially a Sci Fi/Western. Combine those two genres with the simply fantastic visuals and cool Japanese storytelling, you've got yourself one awesome as hell show. The song itself fits really well with the series, the music having elements of each key component of the series, creating a very suitable and very good closing theme.
After talking to my cousin for the first time in months, I found myself listening to one of our favorite songs. Whenever we hunged out together this song was one that we had to listen even if it was one time. I can say this is one of the funniest songs I've heard.

Ludacris - Cry Babies

(The part after the song is pretty funny too)

Yeah the song is funny as hell to me. Ludacris old stuff is some of my favorite rap to listen to. It makes me remember why I like him so much compared to his newer songs. He's one of the best lyricists when he wants to be.
After surfing youtube yesterday, I found a nice song that was theme for the Survivor Series 2002 PPV.

Saliva - Always


I've only listened to a couple of Saliva songs which were mostly the themes they've done for the WWE like Jericho's King of My World and Batista's I Walk Alone. However, I'm actually becoming a fan of them based on those songs. I especially enjoy the vocalist who's name escapes me at the moment. I might try and go find some of their albums now.
Another couple of songs I've been listening too:

Dani California - The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

I really do love the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and this song sums it up very nicely. They songs that mean something to them and this one has a deep meaning to the lead singer, Anthony Kiedis.

Supposedly, the song is based on a woman that Kiedis knew and robbed banks with. The song is about her life starting with her birth in Mississippi & her death in the Badlands. A really cool song, this belongs on any Chilli Peppers album with great vocals and a fantastic guitar solo to finish this one off.

Awake & Alive - Skillet

This is a song from another cool band, Skillet (The Band Behind the Now Famous Royal Rumble Theme - Hero). Here is what the band's lead singer, John Cooper, said about this one:

Tying in with 'Hero', here’s one about feeling like you’re falling under from all the stresses of life. Even though you feel like everyone around you is trying to take your hope away from you, no one has the right to do that and you shouldn’t allow those negative influences to weigh you down. Live what you believe and don’t be afraid to stand up for your faith.
Wyclef Jean-Gone Til November


I love this this and just recently remembered how great it was,Wyclef is a great artist,I just wish he was more known.This song is also brought with a great entertaining video. Which was actually shot in LA Airport.

5 pages and no beatles?! yeah, i don't think so. I just like the over all vibe of this song, and george is the most underrated guitarist i know of. It's high quality rock n roll that basically shaped music as it is, or at least my music.

I heard "Number Of The Beast" on the radio the other day and thought I'd dig out some old Maiden albums to listen to in the car this week.

I love it when the lyrics start it this song, so good. Epic guitaring too, Maiden have written so many good songs. Definately one of the best metal bands of all time
J. Stalin---Lyrical Exercise


This dude is one of my favorite rappers from the bay. He's got a smooth style and this comes from his album "Prenuptial Agreement". Solid album and I've been bumpin' this song again lately.
After yesterday, there's only been one song that's been stuck in my head right now.

Limp Bizkit - Build a Bridge


My gf got me hooked to this song after listening it for 2 hours on the road. I was already a fan of Limp Bizkit but I was never hooked on one of their songs as I am now. It's a different kind of tone from them and it works pretty good. I particularly like the story of the song about never giving up even though it's in vain.
It's time to make my now daily contribution to this thread.

Saliva - King of My World


Another Saliva song that's a favorite of mine and my favorite Jericho theme. I think this song really personifies him the best. It gives off the arrogant rock star feeling quite nicely. Once again, the vocals are the favorite part of the song for me.

Now, I loved the first album by The Twang, but had heard realllllly mixed reviews over their second, and had been put off buying it until recently, when had I loads of spare cash so thought ahhhh why not, and picked it up.

It definitely is nowhere near the standard of their debut, the "lad" style lyrics have mostly gone, replaced by soppyish boy meets girl stories, but there are a few good songs on the album ,this being my favourite.

While most other tracks on "Jewellry Quarter" are slow, "Put It On The Dancefloor" is really upbeat, catchy and bouncy. It reminds me of the Happy Mondays, and I love the "jangly" guitar in the background, it gives the song a really "Madchester" (early 90s indie from Manchester), which I am really into. I think buying the album was worth it just for this one song, I am well into it at the moment :)
Wow, almost missed posting one for today.

Civil Twilight - Letters From the Sky


The song that was used for the Cena/Orton Ironman match promo at Bragging Rights last year. That was the first time I heard and I was instantly hooked to the song. I kind of like Civil Twilght but I haven't heard many of their songs. I especially love the piano play of their songs.

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