For me, it would be the song "
Phoenix" by Breaking Point.
I've been in this weird zone lately, of rediscovering the bands and records that I used to listen to when I was younger. It's seriously hard for me to believe that stuff like this is 10-years old now.
Obviously people know Breaking Point as the band who did Rob Van Dam's "One of a Kind" theme in WWE, but that first record of theirs in particular is just so good, it's a real shame that nobody knows who they are anymore. I even tried to go and pick up this record from a store the other day and I found out that no store in my country even has it on a back-catalogue.
Bands from this time period, records like 'Coming of Age' and songs like 'Phoenix' remind me about just how chill and simple life used to be. I'd come home from school and watch DragonBall Z and Pokemon at 4pm on the Cartoon channel, then every Friday at 8:30pm I'd stay up well past my bed-time to watch WWF RAW (which, at the time was on a 2-week tape delay).
Back then, nobody was as politically correct as they are now, there was barely anything on the internet so everyone would go out of the house or actually bother to pick up the phone to talk to somebody or meet them in person. Nobody worried about terrorist attacks and everyone was buying CDs instead of listening to shitty quality MP3s. Bands had more of a chance at success and the music industry was
less of a dictatorship, (not that it has ever been completely free). People went to concerts and there were so many cool local scenes for all genres of music.
You had to drive home in a rush to make sure you didn't miss your favourite TV show and you couldn't order groceries without going out of the house. Times like that, to me, truly personify what life is about. That's freedom to me. Sure, some terrible things were going on as has always been the case, but freedom is getting out there into the world instead of staying absorbed in a cyber-reality like most of us do now.
Ahh the good ole' days!