What song are you currently listening to?


''You know my name'' by Chris Cornell

Yeah, so I watche Casino Royale the other day for the second time and I totally missed something from the first time I watched it, the awesome theme tune. It goes with the character and is just an awesome really easy to listen to song. Cornell has a great voice. The song, was way better than the movie.

In my opinion, easily the greatest song Staind have ever released. This is so emotional, and I like the transition during the song from the quiet guitaring to the heavy crunching riffs at the chorus, like alot of other Staind tracks.

Aaron Lewis's style of singing works really well on this kind of song, and it is my favourite track from the album, which I was listening to in the car today and had forgotten how good it was, so far I am up to track 9 and every single one up to this point has been good. In fact, the opening 7 tracks are maybe one of the best quality run of songs to start any album. Brilliant

This kid is pretty unreal. He's not flawless by any means, but the dude just turned 26 a couple days ago and if his skill level is already here, I can only imagine how fuckin amazing he's going to be in a few years.

I discovered him about 6 or 7 months ago through people posting his videos on Facebook. He's one of the few people I thought highly enough to actually buy his album without hearing it and I was not disappointed. He has a real knack for ruffling feathers too.

Lately he's been getting props from a lot of bigger names. It started with being feature on Tech N9ne's new album and recently this video has been featured on B.o.B and T.I.'s Facebook pages.

I really think this kid is going places. He has a lot of talent.

I am listening to this song, from a free compilation CD that came with the "Classic Rock" magazine, showcasing some of the best new songs of 2011 so far.

This is from BSC's latest album and is slightly different from their usual style, but it is still a heavy rocker, with a cool riff, good hook and the usual vocals style of The Cherry.

I own their first and 2nd albums, and after hearing a couple of tracks off their latest, I will more than likely pick that up too, ready for seeing them touring with Alter Bridge in November!

This kid is pretty unreal. He's not flawless by any means, but the dude just turned 26 a couple days ago and if his skill level is already here, I can only imagine how fuckin amazing he's going to be in a few years.

I discovered him about 6 or 7 months ago through people posting his videos on Facebook. He's one of the few people I thought highly enough to actually buy his album without hearing it and I was not disappointed. He has a real knack for ruffling feathers too.

Lately he's been getting props from a lot of bigger names. It started with being feature on Tech N9ne's new album and recently this video has been featured on B.o.B and T.I.'s Facebook pages.

I really think this kid is going places. He has a lot of talent.

I am angry that you beat me to this. -____- Well to agree with your thoughts I found Hop X-Mas eve by this track called "Sag My Pants" and even though I am not a fan of dissing people who you know are not gonna attack back the track was amazing and started my love for that they now call : Marcus, The Destroyer

The reason he now has been given that moniker is because of the track I am jamming which is the same one I have quoted "#illmindofhopsin 4" The whole Ill mind series is Hop taking 3-5 mins of his life to grace the mic with a lil jam session ,but this 1 right here is special. He dissed the hottest thing underground in Hip-Hop right now and not to mention the only thing in LA that rivals he style and skill. TYLER and Odd Future...Now I am not a fan of this group IMO Frank Ocean and Syd the Kid are the best in the group and that is because their voices provide a beautiful singing experience ,but they are overall overrated and sadly loved by mostly bandwagon fans. This is why I enjoy the fact my favorite new rapper takes shots at the rapper I personally dislike the most at this moment. I felt a personal connection when he dissed Tyler. Everything he called him out on from producing the same monotone beat over and over again to not having heart in his lyrics to Goblin sucking was all the things I have stated before the diss. Hop has grown since his 1st album "Gazing at the moonlight" from Above Average to great with "Raw" to now with "Am I a Psycho" verse where he showed that he can kill anyone's track and now I can say he is ready to take Hip-Hop by storm Hopsin is mark my words THE HOTTEST RAPPER ALIVE...

This is what Slash finished his set with last night, and Myles Kennedy sounded exactly like Axl Rose during all the Guns songs, it was an amazing performance

I have been playing Appetite For Destruction in the car today and it really is still a magnificent album. The first 8 or 9 tracks are all absolute classics, including this one. It isnt probably in my top 10 G'n'R tracks, but its still a bloody amazing song, which shows how good they were back in the day.

Take me down

Ever since I saw Naitch's post this morning I've been on a bit of a GNR kick today. They're my favorite band ever, have been since I was a kid. But when you haven't had any new (good) music come out since the early 90's it's a little hard for it to stay fresh so I end up not listening to them for months at a time.

Anywho, this song fucking rules. It's one of the few 8-9 minute songs I can listen to all the way through and be disappointed when it ends. I always find myself doing the Axl Dance whenever he does the "Sometimes you need some time, on your own" part. Then Slash comes in and effortlessly fucks the world with his amazing Guitar work.

Love this song.

This is a great song from a pretty cool new band I`ve discovered. They`re from LA and they basically play classic heavy metal, like Maiden and Priest type metal, despite being a newer band. This is a fun little song with a catchy chorus and some good guitar work. The video is a little goofy but they embody that sort of cheesy 80s metal scene. I really like this song and it`s growing on me more and more each day.

The singers look reminds me of Duffy (remember her?) but absolutely love this song at the moment. So chirpy and summery with a chorus that just asks to be murdered after a few too many pints, good times.

Ever since I saw Naitch's post this morning I've been on a bit of a GNR kick today. They're my favorite band ever, have been since I was a kid. But when you haven't had any new (good) music come out since the early 90's it's a little hard for it to stay fresh so I end up not listening to them for months at a time.

Anywho, this song fucking rules. It's one of the few 8-9 minute songs I can listen to all the way through and be disappointed when it ends. I always find myself doing the Axl Dance whenever he does the "Sometimes you need some time, on your own" part. Then Slash comes in and effortlessly fucks the world with his amazing Guitar work.

Love this song.


Nate, that is an absolute gem of a choice. I am the same as you, there are not many 9 minute songs I can listen to and not get bored by, but November Rain is one of them, I shall rep you as soon as I can again!

Slash's solos (both) in NR are absolutely brilliant, especially the last one. I could listen to them forever!

Well, onto my next pick. I am still on a high from the Slash gig last week, and am currently hammering the G 'n' R stuff too, this is what I have on right now...


One of the greatest Guns songs of all, and now I have seen it live I love it even more. One of the best album closers I have ever heard, and just one of the reasons why Appetite For Destruction is still one of the all-time greatest rock and roll albums.

Plus, its always fun to hear the screams of Axl's girl as he fucks her in the studio haha

I can guess most of you can figure out why I'm currently listening to this song eh? Now I've always knew of this song before CM Punk but I never really gave it a proper listen until Punk came out to this song on Raw. Really good song that I think I won't stop listening to anytime soon.

The 1st track from the 1st Stone Temple Pilots album- "Core", which is easily the best album they have ever done. This sets out exactly what the bands was about in their early days, straight up grunge :) the way I like it.

Scott Weiland immediately impressed me with his vocals the first time I heard this tune, and why was this not released as a single? It is exactly what the masses wanted at the time and would surely have been regarded as a grunge classic single had STP decided to release it on its own.

I immediately fell in love with it simply for the "OHHHHHH YEAAAAEAAAAH" in the chorus, which is exactly to my tastes. After listening to the whole fantastic album, I immediately went and ordered several other STP albums, and while they are good, they do not come close to the awesomeness of "Core".

The first track from the 1st Ordinary Boys album. Now, most of you UK people will know the band due to Preston appearing on the shitty TV show Celebrity Big Brother, where he met and married Chantelle Houghton, and ended up becoming a regular in all the glossy magazines (something his band was supposed to be against), but I knew The Ordindary Boys long before that.

Hyped up as the next big thing by Paul Weller (who withdrew his support after Preston's CBB appearance), The Ordinary Boys were like the reincarnation of The Jam, singing about everyday life and the working class lifestyle. Their second album became more Ska, but this debut release is still fantastic.

I love Preston's unconventional vocals, the punky guitaring and the catchy melodies make this a great album. It is a shame that Preston became obsessed with the celbrity lifestyle, turned his back on his loyal "Ordinary Army" fanbase who had helped the band become well-known and ended up completely flopping after the old fans became pissed off with his antics, leading to the break-up of the Ordinary Boys and the failure of Preston's solo release.

However, that doesnt change the fact that this album and its delf-titled lead single are still fantastic. There is not a bad song on the CD, and I will certainly be playing it for many years to come (although I need a new copy as mine is fucked from overplaying!)
For me, it would be the song "Phoenix" by Breaking Point.


I've been in this weird zone lately, of rediscovering the bands and records that I used to listen to when I was younger. It's seriously hard for me to believe that stuff like this is 10-years old now.

Obviously people know Breaking Point as the band who did Rob Van Dam's "One of a Kind" theme in WWE, but that first record of theirs in particular is just so good, it's a real shame that nobody knows who they are anymore. I even tried to go and pick up this record from a store the other day and I found out that no store in my country even has it on a back-catalogue.

Bands from this time period, records like 'Coming of Age' and songs like 'Phoenix' remind me about just how chill and simple life used to be. I'd come home from school and watch DragonBall Z and Pokemon at 4pm on the Cartoon channel, then every Friday at 8:30pm I'd stay up well past my bed-time to watch WWF RAW (which, at the time was on a 2-week tape delay).

Back then, nobody was as politically correct as they are now, there was barely anything on the internet so everyone would go out of the house or actually bother to pick up the phone to talk to somebody or meet them in person. Nobody worried about terrorist attacks and everyone was buying CDs instead of listening to shitty quality MP3s. Bands had more of a chance at success and the music industry was less of a dictatorship, (not that it has ever been completely free). People went to concerts and there were so many cool local scenes for all genres of music.

You had to drive home in a rush to make sure you didn't miss your favourite TV show and you couldn't order groceries without going out of the house. Times like that, to me, truly personify what life is about. That's freedom to me. Sure, some terrible things were going on as has always been the case, but freedom is getting out there into the world instead of staying absorbed in a cyber-reality like most of us do now.

Ahh the good ole' days!
Got Wrong
Biffy Clyro

Haven't been listening to as much Biffy as I should lately, so I was going through my iPod and seeing what caught my ear. I had totally forgotten how catchy this song is. It feels like just the right amount of heaviness to it, with a nice and calm section about halfway through. It's definitely one of my favorites from Infinity Land.

Another great Megadeth song here from a great album in The System Has Failed. I love the lyrics and it has a great, catchy chorus. Megadeth has so many great songs it`s really hard to try and count them all. I`m still a bigger `Tallica fan but Megadeth is quickly becoming one of my favorite metal bands of all time.

It happened to come on the radio and mostly because of it's inclusion in Rock Band DLC it wasn't half of a "oh, I forgot about this song!" moment as it could have been. Great catchy music and lyrics that seem to stick with you. Good solid pop/rock song.

An all time favourite of mine from Oasis' "Be Here Now" album that has received alot of critcism as not being as good as their 1st two albums....but what is really?!

Be Here Now is still a great album, full of balls out, wall of sound rock n roll mayhem and this is one of the few slow tracks on the album. A beautiful piece of music, with Liam Gallagher providing one of his most tuneful, soulful vocal performances ever.

As far as I am aware, the song is about their mother who was ill at the time, but I can't remember for sure. Definitely one of my favourite Oasis songs, and it sounds just as good with Noel singing it as it does with Liam on vocals.

Yup, this guy again. I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm obsessed. I've been listening to his shit almost non stop for a few months now and I feel no shame. The dude is just raw as a motherfucker.

The song hits a nerve just because I know how much shit hurts when you realize you let the wrong girl go. Whenever a relationship ends with someone you care about and the day comes where it dawns on you that you're the one who fucked it up despite you stubbornly thinking it couldn't be you, it's heavy.

Pulls at the old heart strings.

Gotta love this 2Pac classic! One of the finest ever tracks from the master of rap featuring none other than the Five Sar Surgeon General himself in Andre Young aka Dr Dre.

I was playing the 2Pac Greatest Hits album in the car with friends last night when we were cruising, and when this came on everyone was absolutely loving it. Perfect driving music, great verses from both Pac and Dre and one of the most catchy songs I have ever heard. A 90s rap classic for sure.

Watched Tron Legacy for the first time last night, OK film with amazing visuals and a beasting soundtrack by Daft Punk. Just got sent this remix version of 'Derezzed' which was the standout tune in the film. Can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this song right now!

My favourite track from Browny's latest album "My Way" and it was great hearing it live last year.

The electronic, synthesised music is a total contrast from the guitar based style of Ian's previous band The Stone Roses, but throughout his solo career, Brown has always been an innovator, and this album is no exception. I like to think the lyric "Got miles and miles already run, miles and miles still left to come" refer to himself, saying he has come a long way and done alot, but still has alot left in the tank and will be around for a long while yet. I hope he is

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