What song are you currently listening to?


Oh yeaaaaah, you cannot beat a cheesy classic to put you in a good mood in the morning. I absolutely love this tune, I remember hearing it on a TV advert years ago and immediately asking my Dad what it was. By chance it was on a CD that came free with the newspaper the next morning! Awesome, great to sing along to, and I don't know anyone who isn't a fan of this 80s track.


Having been interested in the enigma that is Dave Mustaine I decided to check out the band he formed after being kicked out of Metallica, (and its pretty good) The riffs are good the lyrics are good and the overall music is good, my only complaint is Dave's singing is not great (but in my experience most metal bands singers aren't that great) but its not bad.

An oldie but a goodie. I just learned how to play this song on guitar a few days ago, so I've been listening to it a lot recently, memorizing the chord progression as well as I can. I've pretty much got it down now. This actually made me think about how much I love this song, and I still feel it's unappreciated today. One of their best.

Back in the day I did love me some Creed, but now I much prefer Alter Bridge because of Myles Kennedy's singing. That and he seems like a really nice bloke which always helps!

This is one of those songs that I wish I had heard earlier but was pleased to have found eventually as it's one that I hear and get a lift from.

Inside The Fire
By Disturbed

I remember hearing this song for the first time not really understanding the meaning of the lyrics. It was then i understanded how sad and depressing this song really is.

It's about a girl he (David Draiman) was in a relationship with. She's committed suicide, and he just has the voice of the devil over his shoulder trying to provoke him to take his own life to join her again, because the only chance for him to be with her again is if he takes his life. Basically, he wants to see his girlfriend again and the only way to do that is commiting suicide.

A moving song but at the same time makes me want to push the skip everytime i hear it.
My Darkest Days- Move Your Body & Come Undone

This song just screams dirty, rocker sex! Listen to the lyrics, "You want me tappin' on your backdoor? You got me tappin' on your backdoor baby" HOT! I've been a fan of My Darkest Days since I heard the song, "Porn Star Dancing" and I really really love this song, for some reason I like to listen to this song while I'm at the bar with my girlfriends and play pool :) I love "Come Undone" so much because it's an excellent cover of one of my favorite Duran Duran songs :)

Adelita's Way- Dirty Little Thing

Sue me, I like rock songs about sex lol. The hard guitar riffs and the lyrics are what really attract me to this song, just as the fact the song doesn't talk about the man controlling the woman, the woman's controlling the man *which you don't hear too often in songs* "Tie me up and take control, I know you like what's goin on" excellent lyric!

Those are my top 3 songs at the moment, their always playin in my Ipod :)

I bought the 2nd BSC album on itunes last night, so I thought I would listen to their excellent debut album on the way to work this morning. I have to say it really is a good album, almost every song is great and this is probably one of my 3 favourites on the album.

I am a big fan of BSC's style of rock, good hard riffs, some throaty powerful vocals without resorting to shouting and their stuff is usually pretty catchy.
Ever since the Playoffs started, the radio station here has dubbed this song as "The Canucks Theme Song". While I'm not a Canucks fan, this song has become one of my most listened to, and is playing at the moment.

Ladies and Gens, I give you... Manowar!

I just got the new BVB album last night and its awesome so I wanna give them a cheap plug here :p

These guys blend the elements of the 80s and the 00s rock/metal and to me sound like a mixture of Motley Crue/Avenged Sevenfold more or less , its awesome

So check out these songs if you like rock/metal its really good stuff
Metallica-Harvester Of Sorrow


This song is just ungodly. So powerful and dark. One of the heaviest of all of Metallica's songs. The riff, first of all, sends chills down my spine, James' voice is on point and so fitting for the song and Kirk, Lars and Jason are on point as well. Just amazing, if you don't like this song then there is something wrong with you.
Slipknot: Vermilion part 2​


First let me say that both parts are equally amazing, but right now I have the blues. And well the lines "I won't let this build inside of me/A catch in my throat, choke/I don't want to be this but/ I won't let this build up inside of me" are having some real, deep meaning. Amazing song, this shows than Slipknot can be very good and not only some random new metal shit.

"She isn't real I can't make her real".

Recently heard this song on the radio and I thought it was pretty good. Nothing really special but then I heard the guy said the band name was Five Finger Death Punch and I thought Oh my god that is so cool so I went and downloaded this song and I'm really starting to dig it.
I am currently listening to Bon Jovi's Runaway.


I was in the mood for some oldschool 80's rock, and this is one of my favorite songs ever because of the great beat, guitar work, and catchy chorus. It's one of those songs that when you hear it you put it on repeat to hear it a few more times before turning random shuffle back on. It never gets old and is the best Bon Jovi song in my opnion.
The (Homo) Rainbow - Ween

Chef Aid was an awesome album and one of the many fantastic songs from there is The Rainbow by Ween. The song's all about how people shouldn't be afraid to be themselves even if there's a lot of people out there. The 'other' title is even Homo Rainbow, that right there tells you all that's really needed. It's a nice song with an uplifting message to it and it's pretty damn catchy. Plus it's associated with South Park so it can't be all bad.
Edge of Glory


I absolutely love this song. I am in no way a Gaga fan however there is something about this song that is so catchy. I think that it has great sounding as well as a catchiness. I call it a great second place song because you are so close to getting to greatness. This has gradually become my before sport pump of song because I can envision myself holding up the cup/trophy/ whatever the prize is. Overall a very fun song.

An absolute epic of track from Sebastian Bach and the boys, showing just how good the mans vocals are. Skid Row have always been underrated in my eyes, they have certainly made their fair share of hair-metal classics, and are one of the masters of producing ballads in that genre, probably rivalling Bon Jovi in that style.

They are still going today minus Sebastian, but are nowhere near as good.
Laroo ft. Andre Nickatina & E-40 - Put Me On (Remix)

This right here is the first ever collaboration between Nickatina & E-40, two bay area legends finally spitting on the same track. I would love to hear these two make a whole album together, I would pretty much lose control of my bowls if such an instance was to occur.

This track is pretty good, more on the downtempo side of things, and I probably like the E-40 rap a little more than the Nickatina one, though it is a close call.
Fifty in Five - Hilltop Hoods


Hilltop Hoods are just awesome. They're not as well known in the states as they should be, since they're an Australian rap group, but it's a different sound, something appealing. Unique beat, good flow, awesome story they're telling. It's just a cool song, something I can listen to over and over again just because I enjoy it so much.

Run Around by Jasan Radford

I recently watched the Digimon movie the other day(yes I said Digimon,its fucking awesome,don't you judge me).It was like taking a pure shot of nostalgia right into my veins. I use to love that show as a kid and after watching the movie again I was able to rekindle my love.I heard this song playing in the back round of one of the scenes and had the urge to download it. But in order to do that I had to download then entire soundtrack and wasn't to keen on that notion.For some strange reason I actually downloaded it and it turns out it was a half decent soundtrack with this song being my favorite. Its short and sweet but there is just something about this song I find so cool and It demands you to consistently rape the replay button. Or so it has that effect of me at least.

Riptide by Sick Puppies
This song is just so rebellious. The first line makes the song. "You all hate your children, they're too fat to feed." The reason I like this song is that it's a song made for an anti-hero. Let's face it, being an anti-hero appeals to all of us, myself included.

I'm a bit hungover today so just been listening to soft songs today, and this one has been on repeat for a wee while now. Not sure how well she's known across the pond but I've been a fan of hers since the incredibly catchy 'Black Horse and the Cherry Tree' made its way onto the airwaves, and she performs it solo live by using various pedals, gadgets and gizmos to generate the rhythm etc.

This song however, I'm not sure if it's about someone she knew personally or perhaps a singer she idolised who has changed their style over time. The line about tattooing skin so you're not see-through anymore also reminds me of a friend who is going through that phase just now.

Just a nice song about in some ways being pissed at a person, but then they are still able to do something that elicits an emotional response.
Currently listening to Poison Clan "Livin' in the City".

Unfortunately it's not up on YouTube so I can't post it. Anyways, I like the whole Poisonous Mentality album it comes from and I'm currently at this song. I like this song cause I like the beat which uses a pretty nice sample and the lyrics discuss the inner city in Miami. Most of the music I like is centered around violence and this one's no different.
Fifty in Five - Hilltop Hoods


Hilltop Hoods are just awesome. They're not as well known in the states as they should be, since they're an Australian rap group, but it's a different sound, something appealing. Unique beat, good flow, awesome story they're telling. It's just a cool song, something I can listen to over and over again just because I enjoy it so much.

Crock, I need to thank you for posting this song. It's quickly become one of my favorites and I love Hilltop Hoods. I've never even heard of them prior to this post and know I have. Thanks.

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